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Will Trinity Ever Receive That Speed Boost? <.<


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Trinity is such a backseat player... especially in a game where most matches are sped through faster than a Kerbal on Crack...

So when I started playing I had 550 Plat to play with as I had a left over promotion card from buying a GTX 650, I decided to buy a Trinity when I started playing Warframe, she was painfully slow and I had no idea what her abilities really did and everyone was blitzing through missions with a Mag using Flux Rifle and Acrid. I was left behind to walk through hallways that were rather empty due to the mass murdering of Grineer, Corpus and Infested... Trinity was just too slow and I celebrated every time I managed to get more than 10% damage a match... Still I stuck with it.


Now here we are, many months later, Trinity still being my Main frame I guess I decided to pull her out of the closet of Warframes, I throw on a Perma Bless build and equip only the Dragon Nikana since I am loving Update 13 and its melee system.

Trinity is still too slow... I end up using Energy Vampire on stragglers out of boredom and Blessing while still lagging behind nearly an entire map... as much as I enjoy Trinity I have just found enjoyment from every other frame and found ways around their negatives but Trinity is only useful as a what I will describe as... A God Mode Sloth... sit back and stroll through missions pressing 4 every 20 seconds for 100% mission success guarantee... 
Trinity needs something to keep her in the action and enjoyable to play on missions... I love her design including the Lobster Skirt but even with her God Mode power I just cant stand to play her due to her slow speeds.


Flame and Troll as you wish, il ignore you... I welcome all discussion at an enjoyable level! Thanks for reading!



There is no Too Long Didnt Read here... read or begone motal.

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It's called balance.  The only exclusion to this rule is Rhino's Vanguard helmet, which most consider to be OP.


With enough formas you can add rush to the Perma Blessing build.  But it also depends on which mission types you are running.  In survival and defense, speed really isn't an issue.

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Trinity is such a backseat player... especially in a game where most matches are sped through faster than a Kerbal on Crack...

So when I started playing I had 550 Plat to play with as I had a left over promotion card from buying a GTX 650, I decided to buy a Trinity when I started playing Warframe, she was painfully slow and I had no idea what her abilities really did and everyone was blitzing through missions with a Mag using Flux Rifle and Acrid. I was left behind to walk through hallways that were rather empty due to the mass murdering of Grineer, Corpus and Infested... Trinity was just too slow and I celebrated every time I managed to get more than 10% damage a match... Still I stuck with it.


Now here we are, many months later, Trinity still being my Main frame I guess I decided to pull her out of the closet of Warframes, I throw on a Perma Bless build and equip only the Dragon Nikana since I am loving Update 13 and its melee system.

Trinity is still too slow... I end up using Energy Vampire on stragglers out of boredom and Blessing while still lagging behind nearly an entire map... as much as I enjoy Trinity I have just found enjoyment from every other frame and found ways around their negatives but Trinity is only useful as a what I will describe as... A God Mode Sloth... sit back and stroll through missions pressing 4 every 20 seconds for 100% mission success guarantee... 

Trinity needs something to keep her in the action and enjoyable to play on missions... I love her design including the Lobster Skirt but even with her God Mode power I just cant stand to play her due to her slow speeds.


Flame and Troll as you wish, il ignore you... I welcome all discussion at an enjoyable level! Thanks for reading!



There is no Too Long Didn't Read here... read or begone mortal.

So you bought a frame and not knowing what it's powers can do?

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Why dont you copter?


This. Quick Rest and Fury, and knowing how to wall launch make any frame into a rush machine.


Looking over the speeds of the various Warframes I don't see a problem. Lots of very close speeds. More fast than slow, but we've been getting light frames lately. Another 0.9 tank or two will even us out real quick.

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i personally don't give an ish about speed on my frames. I play frost and keep up with everyone else using my reaper prime and Dragon Nikana without a rush mod. I play trinity and use natural talent over rush, i prefer just being an uber support role, my trinity is more of a paladin than my oberon (which i just sold out of boredom) 


While extra speed would be nice, i just don't see it as being necessary. 


And yes i play with people who zoren, dakra, Ichor, etc copter builds and i keep up with my frost while not coptering or using rush. 

It's not rocket science. 


Now, if you want to know my rushing build, i can easily show you my max duration rhino charge and my ichor copter build with the vanguard rush rhino prime. Although i only use that for captures cuz that's the only type you really need to rush tbh. 

Other then that the other missions don't need to be rushed, And yes i also mean exterminates/sab/dec/etc...

I play to have fun, and those around me are to busy trying to rush things. 

I look at flowers, they look at the goal. 

Life is short, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the little things even if you've seen it a million times. 

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Agreed with OP. I suggested a general speed increase for the frames before - to make them fast. 1.0 is slow - I have that with Volt, that's why I find myself switching to Zephyr from time to time and enjoy playing Loki. People are always blazing in random games, so to have that speed boost is a big "blessing." And yes, I just did that. :P

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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average speed, nothing wrong with that. she's naturally faster than rhino, frost, and saryn, with the same base speed as mag, ember, volt, vauban, oberon, and excalibur. so it sounds like you're just doing something wrong


there are a couple fixes to slow speed. one used to be the sprint roll. but now that is slow, for whatever reason. it's a real shame. they (used to) see me rollin'. no rush mod required, I never understood why people equipped it. waste of a slot, in my opinion


but now with melee 2.0, you must adapt, and learn some new tricks. one is an old trick, known as coptering, which is basically jump in the air, and do your slide melee attack, and zip across the map. now the go-to copters are amphis and bo. dual zorens popularized it, hence zorencoptering. a lot of weapons (the whips are pretty quick as well) can grant you this fast slide attack


if you prefer heavy weapons with a slower attack, then you must find other means. one is the art of the slide-flip-slide, which I've been using a lot lately. just have to sprint a little, go into a slide, hit the jump button, then land back into the slide. if you land standing up, it kills your momentum


the other solution is quick wall running. running down a hallway? briefly jump onto the wall, wall run for a second, and jump off, hurtling yourself down the hall. oh, does that box up ahead have a vertical side? you're in luck! hop on for a second, release, and watch the scenery fly by!


and if you lose energy vampire, in your build, there's plenty of room for extra mods, if you really want to equip rush. my builds just have link and blessing on them, and I do just fine

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I cant parkour so thats out.

I keep Energy Vamp for fast Energy gain.

Rhino ends up being the 4th fastest Frame in game and only needs Fleeting Expertise and Flow for Iron Skin and a high Channeling Build... Leaves a lot more customization.

Saryn has Hemlock Helmet and can basicly survive with just Molt maxed without further investment and can still tank anywhere pretty well.

I want to avoid coptering really... Im not using basicly an aproved mechanic bug to make up for a frames low speed.

I dont need to see any builds unless you have one viable to TRINITY.

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I cant parkour so thats out.

I keep Energy Vamp for fast Energy gain.

Rhino ends up being the 4th fastest Frame in game and only needs Fleeting Expertise and Flow for Iron Skin and a high Channeling Build... Leaves a lot more customization.

Saryn has Hemlock Helmet and can basicly survive with just Molt maxed without further investment and can still tank anywhere pretty well.

I want to avoid coptering really... Im not using basicly an aproved mechanic bug to make up for a frames low speed.

I dont need to see any builds unless you have one viable to TRINITY.

Fleeting Expertise?

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I cant parkour so thats out.

I keep Energy Vamp for fast Energy gain.

Rhino ends up being the 4th fastest Frame in game and only needs Fleeting Expertise and Flow for Iron Skin and a high Channeling Build... Leaves a lot more customization.

Saryn has Hemlock Helmet and can basicly survive with just Molt maxed without further investment and can still tank anywhere pretty well.

I want to avoid coptering really... Im not using basicly an aproved mechanic bug to make up for a frames low speed.

I dont need to see any builds unless you have one viable to TRINITY.


Sounds like you don't want to practice to make up for the shortcomings.

Yes, if you start off, some frames are slower than the others, but with parcour, which requires practice, and the slide dash, which also requires practice, all the frames become equally fast. You'll even keep up as a Rhino with Thrak helmet (reduces speed for extra HP) and a hobbled key on if you practice.


Trinity is the best at survivability. She has the old almighty Iron Skin, which was nerfed, because DE didn't want the Rhino to be invincible 24/7. Well, I agree, they had to remove the invincibility after buffing his Stomp and adding a good buff skill. But back in the days, all that Rhino really had going for him, was his Iron Skin. Basically, the current Trinity, is the old Rhino.


I really liked the Invincible Rhino and I'd be running Trinity today as well, if we could choose a gender for our frames.

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Generally, how fast you are with a melee weapon depends solely on how well you utilize the slide attack since this is dependent on the weapon's speed, not the warframe's. (This is noticeable with the Hobbled Dragon Key as the key does not seem to slow down your slide attacks)

Anyways if you want to use your Trinity offensively as opposed to a babysitter, use explosive weapons (Ogris, Penta, Castanas, etc) in combination with Link and Blessing. Equip Stretch and Overextended mods and you have your own long ranged World on Fire.

Edited by Liacu
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Could you give more detail to your post? Are you asking what it is or advising its use?

Here is a three Forma build for Trinity which will allow around 20 seconds of Blessing, has Rush+Quick Rest, and with a Rank 4 Fleeting Expertise+Streamline Blessing will only cost 25 Energy, and finally has Natural Talent to get Blessing off fast: http://goo.gl/xZSHcB


One Forma is to switch the Aura to a Dash instead of Defense, this will allow Energy Siphon to be equipped and gain more points while also allowing your Energy to be regained by the time Blessing runs out, or at least close to it. The second Forma is too replace an ability polarity to a dash for constitution and a third Forma to add in another dash for Fleeting Expertise or Rush, etc.


With a couple more Forma(maybe even one more), you could fit in Link as well. Also, Well of Life and Energy Vampire are pretty worthless mods.

Edited by EChondo
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