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We Have To Immediately Defend? Again?!


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They could separate Dark Sectors and the infested defense/survival nodes.


Make the Dark Sectors all about the towers. Make them essentially public Void nodes that are taxed (unable to tax at 0%, maybe 5% minimum). Add a leaderboard to it, where it tracks Alliances' successes and failures.


Make infested nodes a true permanent part of the star chart, adding two, free, untaxed Infested nodes (one defense, one survival) to every planet. That's your solution to this crap.

This is a viable solution.

Or, they could just return Infested to the Galaxy map.

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There wouldn't have to be 'segregation' between casual and 'hard core' if the casuals would get up to the hard core standard.  Then everyone would be the same instead of watering down YET ANOTHER game.


I'm sorry, bad design decisions do not make for a hardcore gameplay element. Or hardcore gameplay in general.


Thing is though, making the tower missions fun is only one half of the solution. You have to do something about spammability of rails, lest you end up with the situation we're in now: Every rail contested more than it's open.

Oh, yeah, the fact that solar rails have a stupidly low barrier to entry needs to be fixed too.


The one thing that would actually deserve the traditional exorbitant prices DE usually does for first implementations and instead they go the opposite route.

Edited by RealityMachina
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Rail constrution is far too cheap if a single player can afford one all by his own. I though the devs said you would need a big clan or an alliance to get started with dark sectors because of the fact that its endgame content to establish and maintain a rail.


Also at the moment the tower sabotage missions are a terrible unrewarding grind. Even if there would be a large battle pay I would propably do only one or two missions because there is nothing I need and want in thoses missions. Tenno spectres are really nice but will get old.


Oh and someone said people want to farm and use the dark sector boni? Yeah, but obviously other people don't think so and rather want their banner on the solar map then any peace for neo xini's sake. It's no the system thats flawed(atleast not that part of the system). It's the people and their greedy milk.

Edited by Zeranov
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I think what upsets people here is from having the BEST mission to farm mods/xp/credits to the worst mission for these things. A mission that grants less credits than the first mission, has enemies with little to no drop table, and it obviously it not being effective to farm xp.

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That's a bunch of really bad assumptions to make. That all 4k players are focusing on one rail rather than, say, sleeping, that even if they are playing, they're playing the defense mission instead of other missions...


I would. A single day grace period is nothing in the scheme of things.



Correcting the statement that was said here.

4k players putting up a 12hour++ straight fight for 1 rail, goes to sleep, wake ups and there's another 12 hour long of fight incoming.


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They could separate Dark Sectors and the infested defense/survival nodes.


Make the Dark Sectors all about the towers. Make them essentially public Void nodes that are taxed (unable to tax at 0%, maybe 5% minimum). Add a leaderboard to it, where it tracks Alliances' successes and failures. Add in some great Prime rewards, maybe stances as well. Diversify the enemy types. Create some special Tenno guardian enemies that have their own unique color set, and have enemies for each warframe. Change the missions to various different ones each time you join a conflict lobby (exterminate, 15 wave defense, sabotage, assassination). Have Prime Tenno bosses for your Dark Sector assassination missions. Have endless defense and survival missions for the uncontested Dark Sectors. Instead of having a 24 hour period to deploy the rail where you're just waiting for a countdown, make the deployment an invasion mission against the Infested in the tower. Only the members of the alliance can play these. Once you've completed the invasion missions (the same as any other invasion mission), then your rail is complete and you're ready to contest the defending rail.


Make infested nodes a true permanent part of the star chart, adding two, free, untaxed Infested nodes (one defense, one survival) to every planet. That's your solution to this crap.


Revised my post. How would you guys like this?

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I'm sorry, bad design decisions do not make for a hardcore gameplay element. Or hardcore gameplay in general.

Oh, yeah, the fact that solar rails have a stupidly low barrier to entry needs to be fixed too.


The one thing that would actually deserve the traditional exorbitant prices DE usually does for first implementations and instead they go the opposite route.

I know, right? And given how ginormous rails are, they should take *massive* amounts of resources to construct. DE even says "you should band together with an alliance if your clan is too small because these are meant to be built by huge 4k man alliances", then we actually get ahold of them and discover that a single vet can own his own private solar rail.

Like, the only upside to the tower contest missions as it stands is the huge number of fusion moas who have normal corrupted fusion moa drop tables. Making the missions themselves more rewarding would be a great thing too. :p

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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I know, right? And given how ginormous rails are, they should take *massive* amounts of resources to construct. DE even says "you should band together with an alliance if your clan is too small because these are meant to be built by huge 4k man alliances", then we actually get ahold of them and discover that a single vet can own his own private solar rail.


i'm wondering why aren't we making our own personal navy with how much the towers cost.

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I get the feeling that most people complaining about access are missing two crucial pieces of the puzzle:


1. Currently the rails are in sync with one another because they were all launched at the same time. They are already desyncing as we speak, because destruction times differ for each rail. In a few days there will always be a few dark sectors open for business, and a few conflicts at any given time.

2. Based on current rail destruction speed, if a large alliance focuses its efforts on a single rail, fight will be done in just a few hours.

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This logic is terrible, that literally means no one is ever going to be able to enjoy the Sector if its constantly being attack. 

And thus this mechanic is pointless.  especially since none of the clans are putting up any battle pay.  making these a waste of everyone's time.

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I get the feeling that most people complaining about access are missing two crucial pieces of the puzzle:


1. Currently the rails are in sync with one another because they were all launched at the same time. They are already desyncing as we speak, because destruction times differ for each rail. In a few days there will always be a few dark sectors open for business, and a few conflicts at any given time.

I don't know about you, but I don't really want to fight infested on Neptune for increased nanospore and control module drops. I want to fight the ones on Ceres who have increased circuit and cell drops.

2. Based on current rail destruction speed, if a large alliance focuses its efforts on a single rail, fight will be done in just a few hours.

From what I understand, Eclipse is hitting up against the alliance member cap and it took them several hours to defeat this node, with reasonably high BP and lots of members mobilized.

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I don't know about you, but I don't really want to fight infested on Neptune for increased nanospore and control module drops. I want to fight the ones on Ceres who have increased circuit and cell drops.

From what I understand, Eclipse is hitting up against the alliance member cap and it took them several hours to defeat this node, with reasonably high BP and lots of members mobilized.

1. So there will be high value rails occupied by large active alliances and low value rails occupied by smaller and less active ones. This detail has no impact on the argument itself.

2. So now we know how fast the high value rails which will have the concentrated power of largest and most active alliances will go down.


It appears you do not like my point, but end up agreeing with it?

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Honestly, what is the issue at hand?  Eclipse chose to claim these Rails, not because they are a better Alliance.  They put in the diligence and effort to acquire them first.  They didn't have to fight for them.  Is it such a horrible thing that others want a small piece of the pie and Eclipse may have bitten off more than they can chew?


It was never DE's intention to make these rails exclusive to one alliance or clan.  They were meant to be areas of conflict.  And by seeing the reaction on the forums, DE has succeeded.  DE promised areas of conflict and DE has delivered. 


Show a little gratitude.  Instead of immediately making a thread complaining about something, Eclipse should have, first and foremost, thanked everyone who participated in the battle.  As of yet, I have not seen a post or thread of thanks or gratitude from Eclipse.  Its the small things that gain people's loyalty.


It is still not to late to thank everyone who participated.  Just saying.

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Because one'd think there'd be a reward for succeeding in defending the rail, like, you know, keeping it for a while.


Also Eclipse is a loose collection of clans, there isn't even a recruitment thread. Who do you expect to post such a thing. Also thanks for what, it's not like they were doing it outta the goodness of their hearts. People like 0% tax rails.

Edited by Kyte
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I can currently access (approx) half the nodes on the star map. Of the Dark Sector maps available via those nodes in the Oceania region, there is a single Dark Sector map that can be played. Everything else is being contested.


I'm not bothering.

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I think that's the point. Make it so they are constantly up for grabs. It would be pointless if one or two alliances held all of them all of the time. I think the whole process and tributes tax or whatever needs tweaked still obviously, but the defending alliance should be at some disadvantage in order to prevent a monopoly of the rails.

That doesn't make any sense, it's sort of like Elder Scrolls Online logic. You can be king until you log out and someone moves in to take your place. Having a 3 day wait makes more sense, not just for Clans/Alliances, but for people trying to take over a certain Railroad. Alliances can spend those 3 days planning their attack so big alliances can be taken down. Right now it's so open ended that alliances are immediately de-throned and the size and power of an alliance is useless if you don't have people online 24/7.

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 This is a territory war part of the game. You don't get many breaks. So long as there is someone who wants a piece of you you'll have to fight.


 I don't know what you were expecting.

Personally, I was expecting these Territory Wars to play similarly to a few MMORPG's out there.


As in: Once a conflict has been settled, the victorious alliance/clan gains a grace period (example: 3 days) of uncontested ownership.

This leads to:

- Neutral factions can farm the area before it is cut off due to conflict.

- Winning team gain the guaranteed potential of raking in a profit during that grace period of uncontested ownership.

- Enemy factions can prepare for another onslaught. (repairs, contracts, pile rewards, what have you)


But if DS's can be under an infinite amount of successive invasions, what was the bloody point of implementing them?

Might as well toss it in the bin if there's a good chance a DS will be locked in eternal war.

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Personally, I was expecting these Territory Wars to play similarly to a few MMORPG's out there.


As in: Once a conflict has been settled, the victorious alliance/clan gains a grace period (example: 3 days) of uncontested ownership.

This leads to:

- Neutral factions can farm the area before it is cut off due to conflict.

- Winning team gain the guaranteed potential of raking in a profit during that grace period of uncontested ownership.

- Enemy factions can prepare for another onslaught. (repairs, contracts, pile rewards, what have you)


But if DS's can be under an infinite amount of successive invasions, what was the bloody point of implementing them?

Might as well toss it in the bin if there's a good chance a DS will be locked in eternal war.


True. Still, I like my suggestion, to separate infested nodes and dark sectors, and then to flesh out Dark Sectors some more. Posted it in it's own thread in the Map & Levels Feedback forum if you want to see it.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Personally, I was expecting these Territory Wars to play similarly to a few MMORPG's out there.


As in: Once a conflict has been settled, the victorious alliance/clan gains a grace period (example: 3 days) of uncontested ownership.

This leads to:

- Neutral factions can farm the area before it is cut off due to conflict.

- Winning team gain the guaranteed potential of raking in a profit during that grace period of uncontested ownership.

- Enemy factions can prepare for another onslaught. (repairs, contracts, pile rewards, what have you)


But if DS's can be under an infinite amount of successive invasions, what was the bloody point of implementing them?

Might as well toss it in the bin if there's a good chance a DS will be locked in eternal war.


 It is SUPPOSED to be glorious, constant battle.


 The real issue here is that participating in those battles are devoid of any worthwhile reward.

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 It is SUPPOSED to be glorious, constant battle.


 The real issue here is that participating in those battles are devoid of any worthwhile reward.

To be honest, I was never expecting a worthwhile reward from Clans and Alliances right out of the gate. I knew they probably wouldn't have a huge amount of resources to provide decent Battle Pay, so from what I can tell Dark Sectors are more of a long-term build up rather than a straight farming and instant gratification mechanic.


Battle Pay aside, what does need work are the rewards and drops while participating in the Solar Rail missions, which are completely devoid of anything worthwhile.

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