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Possibly Another Dark Sector Reference (Reflection In Hydroid's Undertow)?


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Okay, so my GF was playing with me the other day with her Hydroid and she told me that when she's doing the Undertow she sees a dim reflection of a city with a lighthouse (or maybe it's just a chimney? I am uncertain). Since she never played Dark Sector, she could only guess that this reflection came from the game and she made a screenshot for me to post here: http://i.imgur.com/pZpcnkP.jpg


Look closely. Do you see what I see? Obviously, there's nothing like that in Warframe. Stone (or brick?) built structures, a tall structure that resemble a lighthouse (or a tower? Or a chimney?). At first I thought that this is a direct image of Dark Sector's main menu panorama that shows the player a view on island of Lasria, but now I am in doubt. However, I still have a strong feeling that this image in Hydroid's puddle somehow connected to Dark Sector, which makes a sweet little easter egg.

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First note, is that a tiny Hydroid stood in the puddle? Second note, it kinda reminds me of the prologue area of Dark Sector.

EDIT:: Actually, after downloading and flipping the image in Paint I'm pretty sure it's the prologue area from Dark Sector. Course, I'm doing my scrutiny while half-asleep so I could be wrong :P

Edited by Tyrala
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First note, is that a tiny Hydroid stood in the puddle?

Yeah, somehow my GF got that effect of diminished Hydroid model.



He is so small, i can't take everything else seriously... because i'm actually laughing

To think of it, yeah, it's very funny. xD

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A small tow near the sea, connected to pirate, maybe the past of hydroid, a co o l easter egg for sure. I also see light tower. But well not related to dark sectors but void skills of hydroid itself i assume.

I am not talking about Warframe's Dark Sectors, I am talking about original Dark Sector game by Digital Extremes. Edited by -CM-CaptainGrey
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Made a edit of the photo so people can see easier when entering the post.


Seems to be a place long lost before the Tenno could rise again...

Who knows, maybe we are seeing holographic view of the land and thats really what it is. Maye everything is not what it seems. Who knows. Conspiracy.

Edited by Cpt_Atroxium
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though it could be a reference. When i worked around in Cadd before there were ways to make mirror and reflective materials, in the program i used they had a stand in picture for reflections. It was a picture of some outlet mall with two cars parked out front. So I think it might just be there goto pic for reflections, other then a reference...

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