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4/16/14 Connectivity Issues


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This issue has been up since yesterday.


I don't understand why people still try to play and are shocked when they don't receive their rewards.

Not shocked, was just bored and had time to kill anyway so I figured I would just give it a shot.

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DDoS attacks are decentralized and come from many, many sources, meaning people have to get together and plan them. I'm a bit surprised that no one heard of this attack being planned or saw anyone talking about it on whatever sites people congregate to plan these kinds of things. One would think at least a few people here would have seen where this was being planned.

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I lost a forma while resetting my Penta for the first time :( First, i did it, and chose one slot as attack polarity. After confirming, it still was showing as lvl 30. So i did it again, and didnt change the polarity i had chosen. now i have a two star penta with just 1 attack polarity, and lost a forma in process, due to lag. Please fix this somehow :/

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Lied to us? I really hope you aren't that stupid.


DDOS attacks aren't just fixed with a wave of the hand, and they can be hard to completely take care of, even for companies larger than DE.

Quite. World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, StarCraft II and Hearthstone (the entirety of the Blizzard Battle.net gaming servers, really) were brought down by a DDoS attack a few weeks back, a week or so after the Reaper of Souls release.

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I did notice an unusual lag spike earlier today... doesn't surprise me though, isn't the 1st time that some stupid fan-boy is pissed with a game, while in his mom's basement, all we can do is wait and hope for the best resolution in this matter. As for getting stuff over the market that people may have lost, i agree, and disagree with this, because people who didn't get the said stance mods, or other items, would be given a chance to obtain them, so there has to be another solution to retrieve items other than using the market.

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I can't log in on the last two days, and i lost two days of affinnity, credits, resources and possibility to find resources, so i wan't platinum back o 2 more days of this boosters packs, thanks.

Boosters will be refunded for the interruption over the past few days, they've said this multiple times. Other stuff, you're SOL for, you probably should've stopped when you realised it wasn't working the first time, like many other people. Not deserving of platinum just because you kept deciding to waste time in-game. Do something constructive.

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DDoS attacks are decentralized and come from many, many sources, meaning people have to get together and plan them. I'm a bit surprised that no one heard of this attack being planned or saw anyone talking about it on whatever sites people congregate to plan these kinds of things. One would think at least a few people here would have seen where this was being planned.

Not quite. Most are simply bots/computers infected with a virus, not neccisarily a group of people. It can very easily be just one person who initiated the attack.

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cause for some people, it works, for some not.



Not possible.

But maybe they are lucky to finish a mission during the short time the server responds.


I stayed in a mission while I couldn't connect to the server. When the server responded, I finished the mission. rewards received, progress saved.

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DDoS attacks are decentralized and come from many, many sources, meaning people have to get together and plan them. I'm a bit surprised that no one heard of this attack being planned or saw anyone talking about it on whatever sites people congregate to plan these kinds of things. One would think at least a few people here would have seen where this was being planned.

DDoS attacks aren't always performed by groups.

Indeed, mostly Botnets are used to perform DDoS attacks, because they have a great bandwidth and it's not possible to locate the source of the attack.

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DDoS is not hacking.


Just confirming what you are saying...


DDOS is considered as a cyber terrorism attack, if it severe enough it can be reported to the FBI, even if it disrupts businesses, and in this case, its disrupting Digital extremes ability to perform correctly.


In a way it is a form of hacking, sense you need multiple computers for a DDOS unlike a DOS attack.


*shrug* like i said earier, nothing we can do about it, unless we had access to DE's routers, and do a tracert on the source, and block it from there, but that is harder than it looks, and they can always use a proxy, or even a mac address spoofer.

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I blame DE for crappy servers and security, let me go buy some plat so i can help you poor fellows...

Oh yeah "crappy servers and security".

Even companies with incredibly big and good servers like google have problems with DDoS attacks, doesn't matter how good the servers are.

And DDoS attacks have absolutely nothing to do with security.

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For those of you who want to know how complex this is and how hard it is to push away or fix...


There are two different types of DDoS attacks an network-centric attack which overloads a service by using up bandwidth (Which is typically wanting to recieve more data than a normal user by a few fold.) and an application-layer attack which overloads a service or database with application calls. The attacker finds a weakness in a computer and manages to take it over via malware or other sources of infection. The easiest way they can attack a computer is finding the one most neglected to be updated or the least secure. The taken over computer is called a "Zombie" or a "Bot" computer which then attacks different computers which makes a group called a "Zombie Army" or a "BotNet" to you guessed it crash the servers and deny service to the normal traffic that would normally use the service. Very rarely is one computer strong enough to request alot of data to crash a giant server (If i remember correctly DE has two server locations when they moved some to New York... I could be wrong on that so don't quote me on that.) so their probably not dealing with one computer but many.


Give them time... thats really all they need at this point. Those of you saying oh my booster my drops oh no!~ DE is usually very good about fixing up wrong doings even if it isn't their fault. After all is said and done they will get right on that but for now just let them work. Hopefully none of them are so stressed out over it it's harming them physically/mentally it might just be a game to you but to them it's their career and in some cases their baby or passion.


Bottom line is it's alot harder for them than you, so let them work.
Edited by KaiTheKat
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DDOS or... Distributed Denial of Service is something you cant predict or stop right away, usually involves time to stop all the data flooding the ports. Another way they can stop it is by changing their ISP IP, by requesting a new one as their old one is compromised, thus allows them to start without the interference of the DDOS, unless that basement dweller is really out to get Digital Extremes.

Edited by GhostUnitVII
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Not possible.

But maybe they are lucky to finish a mission during the short time the server responds.


I stayed in a mission while I couldn't connect to the server. When the server responded, I finished the mission. rewards received, progress saved.

That's true, but the server is working pretty reliable again.

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For those of you who want to know how complex this is and how hard it is to push away or fix...


There are two different types of DDoS attacks an network-centric attack which overloads a service by using up bandwidth (Which is typically wanting to recieve more data than a normal user by a few fold.) and an application-layer attack which overloads a service or database with application calls. The attacker finds a weakness in a computer and manages to take it over via malware or other sources of infection. The easiest way they can attack a computer is finding the one most neglected to be updated or the least secure. The taken over computer is called a "Zombie" or a "Bot" computer which then attacks different computers which makes a group called a "Zombie Army" or a "BotNet" to you guessed it crash the servers and deny service to the normal traffic that would normally use the service. Very rarely is one computer strong enough to request alot of data to crash a giant server (If i remember correctly DE has two server locations when they moved some to New York... I could be wrong on that so don't quote me on that.) so their probably not dealing with one computer but many.


Give them time... thats really all they need at this point. Those of you saying oh my booster my drops oh no!~ DE is usually very good about fixing up wrong doings even if it isn't their fault. After all is said and done they will get right on that but for now just let them work. Hopefully none of them are so stressed out over it it's harming them physically/mentally it might just be a game to you but to them it's their career and in some cases their baby or passion.


Bottom line is it's alot harder for them than you, so let them work.


Tried to edit this to make the text white... but apparently it dose not want to conform -_- so sorry.

I hope this helps...

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