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Ps4 Exclusives(Token Items)


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Which is why I keep saying that some of that stuff should be made available to purchase, just like it was for us. Nobody deserves the paid-for perks for free, and it was partially the PC funders that made it possible for PS4 development anyway. But I'd be fine with the PS4 players to get the chance to buy a founders' pack, after all, it needs to be supported on both platforms now, and it'd be a nice long-term reward for the PS4 players that want to keep playing in the long-run.

Also, Dante? Have you been around recently? PC-players have lost a lot more than that in the last few days. Formas, cells, rare stances, credits, resources. And we've had to put up with that sort of thing for much longer.

I have been trying to avoid GD as much as possible so i am not spoiled lol, i want to find out things by myself whenever u13 hits us.Sucks to hear that though, like i said, its been like that for almost a month now, the game randomly deciding which of our matches saves into our account.


But i commend you on the empathic opinion, hopefuly DE takes all of these discussions into account cause the solution is honestly way simple and wouldnt hurt pc founders in any way, much on the contrary if we consider the game as a whole.

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I will give you one, for the past month i have been playing this broken game with half of my matches not saving, i should also add that i have boosters being wasted while we wait a whole month to get a simple hotfix.


The BS you go through is nowhere near the BS WE go through, be happy you already have an exclusive team to work on your version rather than a small team that ports it. And if something bad happens you are rewarded with legendary cores.


If such a thing was happening on the PC people would rage, yet ps4 players, most of them, are as passive as it gets while they lose time and money, are you willing to go through all of this which is the only way to support the ps4 version?Then yea, by all means, get our hypothetical exclusives.


But no, you greedy crying babies cant hear the sound of the word exclusive cosmetic you start crying, while we lose money and time and dont cry half as much.

Holy hell you have got to be kidding me you call ps4 players passive about this then call pc players "greedy crying babies" not even 3 sentences latter. I usually try to ignore these because it's all been said but in all the posts I've seen about this too many ps4 players do the exact thing your doing, complaining about the very people who funded this game when it was less than what you have.That's right people who found this game in the dark when it was nothing dropped up to 200 dollars into it when it was NOTHING like the supposed awful torture that you make it out to be on ps4.If it's so bad to the point where you demand exclusives items as compensation please then just don't play it, it's free it's still free cause of people who funded it, when it was FAR FAR FAR less than what it is on ps4 back when mods were upgrade trees and the only way to kill things where to charge attack.


You founded literally nothing, the way I see it this is exactly the same thing as people finding this game a year latter saying they should bring back founder items because the game is still in beta.It's just on ps4 that's the difference and you choose to play on it, you choose to wait and deal with bugs that can't be fixed as fast or patched as fast cause sony got their butts hacked all that while a go and are now super paranoid (which I don't blame them but get off DE's butts about it).


 Some people don't want you to have founder like exclusives because you have no reason to.Some cool looking stuff sure pretty sure you guys got something like that already but something that effects mastery ? No, why ? Because you deal with more bugs than we do ? Which I find hard to believe since by the time you get an update we've gone through 8 hotfixes fixing all the bugs we had anything after that must be on Sony's end.


I'm glad warframe is popular enough to make it on ps4 and be a good game, I'm glad we have more players, I'm glad DE is getting the attention, but people acting like they deserve items for having a game upgraded twice as much as the original founders had to play and thinking they're just like them ? That's not cool.That's like the oposite of cool like kicking a dog uncool man.


Seriously some ps4 exclusives skins are fine that's sweet pretty sure we have them it's a customizable thing it's hip and cool ya dig ? Wanting founder items released again because you beleive you founded a game that's been out for a year ? No.


Just...no.Get some skins have some neat colors. Leave the founder items to actual founders.


Woo end rant man I'm going to get so much crap for this.


Just clarification nothing against ps4 players a lot of them are chill hell I might get a ps4 but stop acting entitled and &!$$y when you have what founders waited half a year for.


Gonna need a fire resistance mod for this one bob.

Edited by Batwing
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To be honest, I'd be more annoyed if a platform got more unique skins, as I tend to buy any cosmetic item on release, and my OCD kinda drives that sorta thing. Don't wanna have to get the PS4 version just to feel as if my cosmetic collection is complete. :P

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Founders pack was a PC-exclusive limited time offer. There needs to be a similar offer on PS4.

Warframe would never of been on the PS4 if the founders like myself did not financially support Warframe. PS4 community has no right for access too anything from the Founder package. 


Edit: Here is an example of why DE can not release any founder program items.  I will sue DE for false advertisement if they release content that was promised exclusive after the founder program ended. They can't release anything from the founder program people will do as I stated above. I know I will. 

Edited by Mythblaze
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Ironically you guys do the exact same thing i did, the exact same thing, not personally you, some guys i had to deal with in these discussions, wont go into further details but you know it is true.


Anyways this is not a founders discussion so i will not go into that, platform exclusivity, no matter how you try to twist it exists and is what culminates and always will culminate these discussions.


As for the reason why we deserve it?Well first off because we did support the infancy of the game in a new platform with way less players, way more bugs, the risk was there, period,hell, it still is, i lost more than 20 days of boosters since we got 12.4, how is that fair?Did i get any legendary cores to compensate me?No. Before you say anything, do i want legendary cores?No, i abominate them and thank God they didnt make it to the ps4, i am just talking recognition and compensations here. For liabilities that go further than upgrading steel charge to 6.


Did i get shamrock colors for st pats? No.


List goes on, for many many reasons we believe we are getting scre*ed over. For this, do i think i am entitled to anything?Except for the money and time i lost in the last month, for half the matches don't save into my account, no, i don't think so, I am only entitled to the things i earn with my efforts, not the ones i am given, but i think it would be nice of them, for a change, to show us some recognition.

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What if ps4 players got a raiden skin from metal gear revengance since sony owns that character (i think) encluding option sunbrero

Talking about guests i have my money on something killzone related, and as much as i love the killzone franchise, i seriously do, i would hate to see our shot at something exclusive being killzone related lol.

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To be honest, I'd be more annoyed if a platform got more unique skins, as I tend to buy any cosmetic item on release, and my OCD kinda drives that sorta thing. Don't wanna have to get the PS4 version just to feel as if my cosmetic collection is complete. :P

PS4 does have 1 exclusive cosmetic:


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Why are people even bringing up the MK-1 braton?This weapon is completely useless in higher level missions. Let us point out the fact that PS4 never even had the chance to buy the founders pack. PC people don't even get a say about what PS4 gets because they were all given the chance to purchase exclusive items. I don't wan to hear people saying not all PC players purchased the founders pack since that was really up to whoever didn't purchase the pack. I'm pretty sure the PS4 token items would have to be of equal value to the founders pack. Also I get the impression Sony demanded exclusive items for its players since they are conscientious this is the only thing that will ever stop PS4 players from bringing up the PC founders pack. Let us recognize the fact that even though PC players funded the game in its infancy, PS4 players have contributed more than our fair share to the success of Warframe as a business enterprise.

Edited by (PS4)edwinp426
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Why are people even bringing up the MK-1 braton?This weapon is completely useless in higher level missions. 


I use mine in T3 missions all the time. (not being sarcastic)


If you pre-ordered Warframe from your PS3, you got a exclusive PS4 Skin for your Mk-1 Braton


I know, I was being sarcastic.


The joke is about me asking for a 2nd Mk-1 Braton skin as if people actually want to use the Mk-1 Braton.

Edited by (PS4)RocketPunch1221
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I use mine in T3 missions all the time. (not being sarcastic)



I know, I was being sarcastic.


The joke is about me asking for a 2nd Mk-1 Braton skin as if people actually want to use the Mk-1 Braton.

It has a troll potential. Well-modded MK-1 Braton easily obliterates lvl 20-30 infested, I sometime take it to such missions to pretend being a noob, then come out with most kills.

And now that you mention it, that PS4 preorder was exclusive to US. I knew about it, had (still have) a PS3 and got my PS4 on launch day but couldn't get it because it was not available in SCEE region.

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Saw this yesterday. Surprises "tailored specifically to the PS4" are mentioned for U13. Might be something or nothing. We'll just have to wait and see.

Lets hope they give us something nice, i said always keep calm guys its not so bad and the founders deserve their bling bling.

Founders item is still untouchable in my eyes since DE promised it back then, but the problems we have had with ps4 and that we missed stuff like legendary cores, shamrock colors etc is not that fun. And even if DE is not guilty for our long waiting times on new content its still tedious to wait for wait and see how pc players can profit every now and then from early versions which we dont even get in our hands. Like running T3 cap and the team gets T3 cap keys. I personally would love that kind of thing.

So i still enjoy warframe but my love to it has been scratched, and if people spend money like a founder they hopefully get some toys to play with aswell(not excalibur prime, DE shouldnt break promises and exc prime should and is going to remain founder exclusive).

Maybe dex-excalibur? :) we will see...

Edited by (PS4)fingernageldreck
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Lol.  I'm starting to love this stuff.  It's clear as day that the two platforms will NEVER become one.  I'm also loving the ever holier-than-thou attitude of "the founders."  "We paid for the game when it was crap." "You chose to play on a different platform." "MINE, MINE, MINE!"  And to go as far as to sue.  LOL!!! Have fun with that.  Talk about entitled.  Good lord.  I've never seen a more elitist, entitled group of infants.


I don't care about exclusives.  I don't care about getting something someone else can't.  We don't have access to the things that were released prior to the game coming to PS4?  Fine!  I don't care!  What I would like to see is some equality.  The recent Prime Access was a complete slap in the face to PS4 users, and it really showed us where we stand ... Robbed of 1600 platinum and issued a half-hearted apology.  Meanwhile, PC users get apologies with items attached for the tiniest inconvenience.  They're already touting the next PC updates before PS4 has even obtained the last one.  More and more, I'm getting the distinct feeling that PS4 users are an after thought ... Second-class citizens.  The bottom line is that some equality would be nice.  But it's blindingly obvious where DE's priorities are.  My guess at our "exclusive content?"  I'm gonna go with peasant-rag skins for our warframes.

Edited by (PS4)Soju_Fett
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I'll go ahead and ease your mind. We are an afterthought. Just go look and see how much the staff and mods communicate with the PC players, and then look at the PS4 side. Unless it's major like the issues with 12.4.4, there isn't any acknowledgment of our problems. They'll probably do the same exact thing for our next Prime Access instead of, you know, talking to us and trying to find a better way. Our exclusive content will probably just be a skin or two at this rate since anything else would anger the Master Race.

Edited by (PS4)The_Moustache
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Again, not really our fault that you chose to start the game on a platform that was only established a year after the game was first released. Give you guys the opportunity to get the same stuff we have, fine, but don't divide the playerbase further by continuing to throw exclusive-stuff in, it just makes people angry on whichever side doesn't receive.


That sounds fine and stuff, but it keeps happening.


Shamrock colors were not released on ps4 (we've had two updates since they were released on PC).


Easter colors have not released on ps4 (will we get them?)


While you blabber on the fórums about this stuff, DE keeps giving PC players preferential treatment with free cosmetics.


There's a huge SERVERS ARE FIXED sticky on the GENERAL fórum, while the truth is that servers are still #*($%%@ when it comes to the PS4 versión. Noo sir, no preferential treatment all.

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