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Who Misses Charge Attacks


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I'm not saying channeling is a bad thing that came to the game but I just misses the feel of charge attacks, and for those wondering I don't use galatine so that not why i miss it

oh and this is not a flame post or anything I just want to see if anyone misses them like me

Edited by Sasoka
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I liked charge attacks because you could build a melee weapon differently with crit build, attack build, charge build, elemental build and etc. However now every melee build is almost the same: killing blow, reflex coil, energy channel. Everyone builds the channeling build, and then add the other variants in like crit damage/chance with elemental mods. 


The variety is lost. 


I don't see why we couldn't channel our charge attacks. 

Edited by zat-bust
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Does channeling use the same button method as charging? Because if not the i'm not sure why charge damage was taken out, they could easily go hand in hand

they removed charge based mods and replaced them with channeling based mods but the charge animations and damage is gone

Edited by Sasoka
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I can see how Charged Attacks could definitely co-exist in the game. Considering you do hold down the melee button during a combo maneuver in some instances, there is definitely a hold state that is there, so maybe they can apply a charge attack to a single button hold press.


In short, yes, it would be nice to have a charged attack option again as I can't see how it would ruin anything :D

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I do.


I try not to flame a developer, but I'm sure they said in a livestream they were NOT taking away quick melee, but now I see we can't charge attack and holding the melee button without equipping it doesn't do anything...


The quick melee button being held should still do charge attacks IMO. Make them just do a small damage increase like 10% of channel bonus, it doesn't have to be amazing, just let us have the control scheme back for those of us who liked the timing of it.

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they removed charge based mods and replaced them with channeling based mods but the charge animations and damage is gone

They could be dual purposed based on whether you are using channeling or not! I think that would work out fine :D

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I liked charge attacks because you could build a melee weapon differently with crit build, attack build, charge build, elemental build and etc. However now every melee build is almost the same: killing blow, reflex coil, energy channel. Everyone builds the channeling build, and then add the other variants in like crit damage/chance with elemental mods. 


The variety is lost.


Sorry but that's silly. We always had crit and status weapons and we still do. Melee 1.0 was the one without variety. The only difference between a damage build and a charge build was that you swapped the damage and speed mods for their charge versions, and charge damage builds made all your secondary moves do crap damage and you could hardly even copter, yielding a playstyle of one button used one way.


Not only do we now have new ways to build for gameplay like life leech and parry -> counter or stances that set up finishers, but we also have a link to the Warframe loadout because that affects how you use and build power, how you use, recover and build stamina, how you get counter attacks etc.


Melee 2.0 was a massive leap forward for variety and very glad that they took the time to do it.

Edited by VKhaun
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Originally, I thought they removed charge attacks because you had to hold melee to swap too it. That isn't the case. So I can certainly see them adding charge attacks back in. Some weapons just...looked cool when you charge attacked (Furax/Ankyros)

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Sorry but that's silly. We always had crit and status weapons. Melee 1.0 was the one without variety. The only difference between a damage build and a charge build was that you swapped the damage and speed mods for their charge versions. Not only do we now have new ways to build for gameplay like life leech and parry -> counter or stances that set up finishers, but we also have a link to the Warframe loadout because that affects how you use and build power, how you use, recover and build stamina, how you get counter attacks etc.


Melee 2.0 was a massive leap forward for variety.

Maybe, but I don't see why they cannot have a channeling build for normal attacks and a channeling build for charge attacks. 

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I miss the mechanic where charging was different across the board rather than a 50% increase. I like channeling because it adds utility but they should reinstate that system where damage varies with channeling- for example Galatine would have a massive multiplier vs the hate or dakra. Channeling would still be useful on all these weapons, unlike charging, but it would be better for some weapons than others.

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I'm glad they gone! the whole point around melee 2.0 was making melee viable fun and interesting! getting rid of charge attack spam was paramount. Look at it from a devs point of view. They spend all this time making this melee system for us and if they left charge attacks in game the result would be more charge attack spam+channeling.... it would ruin the whole point of having combos etc... once people see the numbers you can get with both on

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I don't, and I don't even comprehend how channeling is supposed to work, merely that I - " have to hold down a mouse button and I do more damage. Also, I need to manage swapping between melee to do that."


Charge wasn't a good system, but It wasn't broken either. Channeling isn't a good system, but it's about as tedious and broken as charge was.

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Sorry but that's silly. We always had crit and status weapons and we still do. Melee 1.0 was the one without variety. The only difference between a damage build and a charge build was that you swapped the damage and speed mods for their charge versions, and charge damage builds made all your secondary moves do crap damage and you could hardly even copter, yielding a playstyle of one button used one way.


Not only do we now have new ways to build for gameplay like life leech and parry -> counter or stances that set up finishers, but we also have a link to the Warframe loadout because that affects how you use and build power, how you use, recover and build stamina, how you get counter attacks etc.


Melee 2.0 was a massive leap forward for variety and very glad that they took the time to do it.

Variety, a little bit, but still nowhere near as effective as some of our primary weapon counter parts. We don't have a Melee version of the Synapse do we? Nothing we can slap a maxed out crit chance and get 100%+ crits. Sure, the dual Ichor have 25% chance to crit, That brings it up to what...40%? Plus the channeling crit mod will bring it to 55% when channeling? That isn't even close to the soma in being able to crit.


So sure, we have variety, still not as much as primary weapons. With melee weapon's its still pretty much stack elemental damage and channeling, maybe toss on life strike and a channeling effeciency mod, but it's the same thing. There is no real variety if we can't replace elemental damage with something else effectively. 

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I miss the mechanic where charging was different across the board rather than a 50% increase. I like channeling because it adds utility but they should reinstate that system where damage varies with channeling- for example Galatine would have a massive multiplier vs the hate or dakra. Channeling would still be useful on all these weapons, unlike charging, but it would be better for some weapons than others.

Good idea on the Galatine there. Just give it a huge channeling bonus but a even slower attack speed than it has now. That's IF DE don't want to include charge damage anymore, since the galatine is now a wooden stick in comparison to other swords because of it

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Maybe, but I don't see why they cannot have a channeling build for normal attacks and a channeling build for charge attacks. 

That would ruin the whole system making it pointless to do combos... 

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Variety, a little bit, but still nowhere near as effective as some of our primary weapon counter parts. We don't have a Melee version of the Synapse do we? Nothing we can slap a maxed out crit chance and get 100%+ crits. Sure, the dual Ichor have 25% chance to crit, That brings it up to what...40%? Plus the channeling crit mod will bring it to 55% when channeling? That isn't even close to the soma in being able to crit.


So sure, we have variety, still not as much as primary weapons. With melee weapon's its still pretty much stack elemental damage and channeling, maybe toss on life strike and a channeling effeciency mod, but it's the same thing. There is no real variety if we can't replace elemental damage with something else effectively. 


Well we're getting our wires crossed now. There's variety for builds and stats and there's variety for actual gameplay and how it's used. A synapse is very different on paper from say a Flux Rifle, but in-game they're used essentially the same way. Point and shoot, deal with range. Same with Braton Prime and Karak and Dera and many other weapons. How far is Boar Prime from Dex Furis really?


You can actually go play with melee weapons far more ways than guns, and in far more ways than you used to be able to...  as far as variety in build options I really can't comment because I don't yet know what all the stances do. Not trying to make it me against the world here, but frankly I think it's way too early to judge any of that stuff.


Most are stacking efficiency right now instead of timing when they charge to use the charge effects on the right moves. What happens when we find out that the scythe spin kick move hits more times than the whole combo or has some kind of crit chance modifier?


Most are doing parry -> counter and not mixing in things like electric or knockdowns in stances to set up finishers and I don't think I've ever seen Finishing Touch recommended in a build since U13 came out, but those moves seem to hit pretty darn hard to me.







But you can't charge attack anymore. :(


Yes they gave back some animations, like the Jat, through combos but you can't go straight into them anymore. Dat feels of charging up a big I'M GOING TO SPLIT YOU IN HALF swing and taking something apart is gone and I wants it backs.

Edited by VKhaun
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