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Who Misses Charge Attacks


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So you would say doing multiple charge attacks is less spammy then doing different melee combinations and inputs?



Not sure how this is lost when doing combos. Knowing when to block, when to channel at the end of a combo. The same principals are there.


Yes. You do less charge attacks than you do regular attacks, but that's not really how they differ.


Even though combo attacks do incorporate principles of channeling and blocking, it is mostly wasted, as most enemies don't operate with those mechanics in mind. There is no variation of exchange in response to all your new spins and twirls, and so all those systems are mainly for the benefit of your own perception. From the perspective of the AI, it is meaningless.



So though you 'can' do combos or channel, it doesn't really matter if you do. You could just as easily stand in front of an enemy and jam the melee key until the thing dies, with no little to no difference in how an exchange plays out.


Charge attacks felt more interactive because I had to worrying about being interrupted. Unless paired with a CC or defensive power, standing in front of an enemy while charging an attack meant you were subject to having the charge nullified by an interrupt, or exposing yourself unnecessarily to enemy attacks while charging. And while the employment of the melee key remained the same, the employment of movement and camera controls varied with each encounter, depending on what kind of enemy I was facing (grunt or heavy), how they attacked, where they were positioned, and where the cover pieces were placed. 


These were all important elements that had to be taken into consideration. A grunt I could approach more loosely than a heavy, who I had to time the approach to avoid the ground pound. Ranged attackers had to be approached by dodging between cover. Melee attackers I kited until the last moment of a charge, when I turned to unleash the attack on them. Cover placement determined who I would engage first to minimize the chance of being interrupted. Move in too soon and I was knocked on my &#! and the charge was lost. Move in too late and the swing wouldn't connect.


What dictates how you switch up your combos?

Edited by Ryme
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Judging from many comments around forums and my own Galatine heavy melee weapons are lacking right now compared to smaller and faster blades. I propose to give charge attacks back to only heavy weapons. And throwing ones too. No more this swing around like a tard to kill unavare enemy across the room deal. Charge attacks could be multiplied from basic attack damage, should spend more energy than basic attacks when channeled and would need some mods (re)introduced specific for it (but not as many as in melee 1.0).


Remember that for all it's bling and swag every new weapon is just a pile of stats. Stats make differences between weapons, give them their niche and place in power tiers. Stats ARE weapons. And melee 2.0 removed whole section of stats from melee weapons. Charge's replacement channeling gives same bonus across the board. Meh! Aside from damage I can judge about ranged weapon from clip size, reload speed, accuracy, recoil, fire rate, availability of ammo, burst amount, spread for shotguns and ocational charge properties. Melee weapons have attack speed, reach, sometimes knockdown on jump attack and odball exeptional slide/jump/wall attack.


Let's face it; Dragon Nikana is on it's way to become Galatine 2.0. We need something that could compete with this insane blade IN IT'S OWN UNIQUE WAY. If DE could make charge attacks do less overall DPS but more single hit damage it would be swell.

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I am on the fence with this one. I am personally a fan of the new stances and how you can have different effects and combo abilities but on the other hand the charge attacks were for my choice of melee always knocked down the target i was hitting so i am a little upset that it is not as easy for me to do that anymore. But i do like the change from, "mash melee, mash melee, mash melee".

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I'm not saying channeling is a bad thing that came to the game but I just misses the feel of charge attacks, and for those wondering I don't use galatine so that not why i miss it

oh and this is not a flame post or anything I just want to see if anyone misses them like me

I do, Melee 2.0 is awesome but i thought DE will use the charge attacks too.

Only for the animations.

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I don't know why they would throw month  and months of work away !  Plus u have a katana ,  but no perfect single strike   that so damn iconic .


Plus most melee systems have in the very least ; light and heavy hit  

Edited by Ravel7
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I'm not crazy about charge attacks, because it was kinda broken. The only exception is the melee weapons that can be thrown/hurled (ie: glaive/prime and kestrel).

The channeling looks better but It wasn't all it was hyped to be. Like maybe give channeled attacks it's own combo animation. But eh... it's up to DE.

You can still do regular charge attacks with the thrown weapons.

Just hold melee button while your gun is out.

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I miss the charge attack with heavy weapons alot .


Have to say most of the changes have been good , being able to channel your frames energy into your sword for more dmg , OH YES !


But i think DE has gone too far removing our much beloved heavy strike , plz bring it back .

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You can still do regular charge attacks with the thrown weapons.

Just hold melee button while your gun is out.


The thing is, they took out charge attacks, in place of channeling. Now there's nothing to increase speed for charging, since it was all put into channeling. Now the throw takes too long to actually throw it.

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I be honest, I missed charge attacks quiet a bit. I used fast attacks and charged attacks quiet often before the release of


melee 2.0. Also feel that it can be put back in a way that other people can enjoy it. For example: LMB + RMB (held together)


to start up a charge attack in one form or another. Now this is just an idea or a suggestion of sorts. But I believe channeling


is quiet useful and can somehow used to bring out charge attacks without the need of basic need of performing a combo.

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Charge attacks were boring as hell. Running around holding the melee button against every enemy you came by did nothing to make this game intriguing. You people constantly run around screaming how this game isn't "ninja" enough, and yet you're now sitting here crying foul that DE made the melee system more geared towards being "ninja"-like while removing the slow, lumbersome, boring charged attacks. Now melee is balanced, each weapon can actually hold its own (even the lowly Skana), and we can finally say, melee-wise, we're ninjas.


DE, don't bring charged attacks back. Not that you will anyway. This game would just go right back to people running around holding E while totally ignoring the melee 2.0 combo systems.




....is quiet useful and can somehow used to bring out charge attacks without the need of basic need of performing a combo.


Case in point.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Charge attacks were boring as hell. 


I love using the Axe  in melee 1.0  - charging up the hit big hit ,  taking those 3 big steps towards that mob , swing and a slice . That feeling of bearing down on  a mob , and just annihilating  them .  


boring methinks not . what is boring is e,e,e,e,e,e,e,,e,e,e,e,e,,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e  

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As stated before just stating an idea or suggestion may have not been a good one.


Yet, by no means am I asking for the old charge attack system. Rather a more developed one that can be implemented


within melee 2.0 perhaps within its combos. A normal combo consist of something equipped with a stance mod it be


something like this: E, E, E (pause) E, E. Now normally you have a nice looking combo with cool animations. My case in


point to try to make more clear to add a HOLD and Release option within the combo in the near future. To bring more


options to the table otherwise branching out the combo a bit more. Now comes the true question. Should old charge attacks


come back? Personally I say no. A more developed one within the Melee 2.0 system within its combo perhaps. However


compared to Melee 1.0 and Melee 2.0; Melee 2.0 has more development potential then the previous. It is a good start to


something of course there are kinks here and there. Overall a rather better system then previous. But if not that fine I am


happy with current system as of now. Just wanted to add some flavor to the icing.

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this is one of the things i dont like about melee 2.0 it rendered my galitine useless.....also my orthos just got my orthos prime....RIP Charge weapons might as well move on to the other weapons that might actually do something 

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DE, don't bring charged attacks back. Not that you will anyway. This game would just go right back to people running around holding E while totally ignoring the melee 2.0 combo systems.




I won't lie, I might miss charging in with a held-in charged attack on my Dual Ichor. 


The new melee system is nice. fun and more viable, but I still feel like many of our combos are hitting more air than Melee 1.0 did. Not many enemies can withstand the new power that is Melee 2.0, and your only best bet is probably heavy units. That is, if you can withstand a ton of knockdowns with someone other than Rhino w/Iron skin. IIRC, Our blocks can withstand 1 knockdown (or is it up until our stamina runs out?) before we must block again, and it can get pretty hectic if you're dealing with ALOT of heavy units at once. 

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I don't find combos any better than charge attacks. One is holding down one key over and over again while other is spamming same key in specific sequence also over and over again. And honestly I fing timed botton spam frustrating. Enemies get staggered out of my (abysmally short) reach, I get myself staggered or knocked down if not playing Ash/Trinity/Rhino, frame rate farts and combo gets messed up and doing these fancy, long winded animations while everyone and everything is shooting at me like a boos is almost immersion breaking.


I was leveling Ankyros and dropped combos very fast. Instead I used jump attack and finisher. Looking how far enemies are and deciding between regular or slide jump, aiming jumps so I could knock down as many enemies as possible, picking who to kill first, making timed jump to knock everyone down again before they get back up. It was just like charge attacks: timing charde while moving in range, keeping in mind charge speed and weapon's range, doing jump attacks and killing groups just in right time when they stand up but can't fight back yet. When failing combo I feel like I loose progress. I feel railroaded in this carefully planned out system. Chargind and jumping around like ten years old feels loose and wild. It feels like fighting is my sandbox and I can do whatever I want.

Edited by Prany
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