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Hallway Heroes : Bots Or Idiots?


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They don't listen. I yet have to see one that does.

By taking the fun away from others. Yeah thats not selfish at all.


Hmm... its boring to sit still ESPECIALLY when people are spamming AOE moves that constantly wipe the area... Nova anyone?  Not complaining about nova's existence because that frame isnt the ONLY one with a AOE move that can wipe MOST mid/low level maps with a press of a button but it is generally just annoying.  I literally had to do NOTHING for three maps, because I had a nova, stomping rhino or some other 'paragon of gaming' tell me to sit in the room and be a good boy while I spam my ult and NO ENEMY even made it close to the cryo-pod.


Sure thing buddy, I'll just catch up on youtube then if you want to 'take charge and 'organize' fun' and 'boss me around' so you can spam your ults and kill everything in sight before anyone else can unless they have a dedicated ULT SPAMMER.  I'd understand on Defense missions wanting to get things going faster, sure...  Though If I am doing a mobile defense that is timed, as long as the cryo-pod is alive/living and defended enough... Back off, we aren't friends, we are just working in the same mission and I'd rather not add yet another tosser to my ignore list.


I've tried it their way and I maybe gained 10% more exp, whoopity do, maybe I can just take a nap while they continue to spam their Ults because they are sooo Leet.


The ONLY complaint I have of hallway heros is if they are TWO rooms away, I believe the max range is 50meters or w/e and you can afford to be just outside the room so you can actually... you know, play the game and kill things instead of sitting in a corner and letting the 'big boy ult spammers' think that they are good.

Edited by Sibarian
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I hate them

the worst part is that you cant tell them from a normal players at the start of the mission

they reveal themselves once you get to objective


this have been a problem since forever - but nothing done about it from de

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Pretty much title. I know a lot of people don't communicate in-game, but there seriously be this many people who don't communicate or even bother taking other peoples' advice into account.


Does anyone ever just... join them, sadly? Get so fed up with not being able to kill anything yourself or get XP or drops that you just go and steal their own kills, then led the objectives die?


If they don't play the way I want them to, I steal their kills *shrug*

Some even get the hint and go back to ...whatever is to be defended.


Sometimes It's a real chainreaction. Someone moves too far away, one follows them to1) either get some kills too or 2) just get the exp, this one is then followed by the other two.. or one of them = spawn camp party.


Lol... I once was in a group on kappa where we all, trying to get all the kills, went way back to.... whereever the mobs came from.

It was something between funny and incredible stupid.




If they don't respond to your request at all, they either don't speak english or want to provoke you... or they just don't care.


And I really hope there are no bots for this game yet...

Edited by WEREsandrock
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Hmm... its boring to sit still ESPECIALLY when people are spamming AOE moves that constantly wipe the area... Nova anyone?  Not complaining about nova's existence because that frame isnt the ONLY one with a AOE move that can wipe MOST mid/low level maps with a press of a button but it is generally just annoying.  I literally had to do NOTHING for three maps, because I had a nova, stomping rhino or some other 'paragon of gaming' tell me to sit in the room and be a good boy while I spam my ult and NO ENEMY even made it close to the cryo-pod.


Sure thing buddy, I'll just catch up on youtube then if you want to 'take charge and 'organize' fun' and 'boss me around' so you can spam your ults and kill everything in sight before anyone else can unless they have a dedicated ULT SPAMMER.  I'd understand on Defense missions wanting to get things going faster, sure...  Though If I am doing a mobile defense that is timed, as long as the cryo-pod is alive/living and defended enough... Back off, we aren't friends, we are just working in the same mission and I'd rather not add yet another tosser to my ignore list.


I've tried it their way and I maybe gained 10% more exp, whoopity do, maybe I can just take a nap while they continue to spam their Ults because they are sooo Leet.


The ONLY complaint I have of hallway heros is if they are TWO rooms away, I believe the max range is 50meters or w/e and you can afford to be just outside the room so you can actually... you know, play the game and kill things instead of sitting in a corner and letting the 'big boy ult spammers' think that they are good.

I get that, it can be really annoying when that happens, but usually I'm up in levels where no one's ults are able to clear the room anymore. Once mobs hit lvl 60 or so, you all need to be blasting with all you have, and need to watch each other's backs.

What bugs me is when people run around chasing the kills, which just litters loot all over the place. I hate have to run around the whole map to see if that stance dropped somewhere. I also personally don't spam ults unless the enemies start hitting so hard I have to in order to survive. If people are just in the next room over killing, I don't care. I'll sit at the pod. If the dude dies over there on his own, that's his or her issue. If you want to be revived, don't run off on your own.

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"idiots or bots"... hmm, is there a difference between the two in this game?!

I too like to give the advice of keeping exp and drops near pod. Most listen, except if its a MD, its hard for them to fight the urges.

After one warning, I dont bother revivibg, because they always go down eventually, always.

I have a knack for saying stuff like: "door hero down on aisle four."

"guess those mobs had kryptonite."

"tell em you're a hero, maybe they'll surrender"

So on so on.

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I get that, it can be really annoying when that happens, but usually I'm up in levels where no one's ults are able to clear the room anymore. Once mobs hit lvl 60 or so, you all need to be blasting with all you have, and need to watch each other's backs.

What bugs me is when people run around chasing the kills, which just litters loot all over the place. I hate have to run around the whole map to see if that stance dropped somewhere. I also personally don't spam ults unless the enemies start hitting so hard I have to in order to survive. If people are just in the next room over killing, I don't care. I'll sit at the pod. If the dude dies over there on his own, that's his or her issue. If you want to be revived, don't run off on your own.

I've tried and had some moderate success with positive reinforcement.  I run perma-Roar on my Rhino and let people know if they stick close, they'll be getting 75%+ bonus damage pretty much perpetually, and I can pick their butts up off the floor if they are near, I will not be chasing them down to rez them if they run off.  Usually helps the cell stay grouped up.

Edited by Gelkor
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And my all time favorite excuse i see from these types of players:

"Yeah, well yesterday there was someone doing this to me, so now I am doing it to you."

In that case, I would go to the opposite side of the map, and let the pod die, or let him die. Whatever is first. Go hit every air thingy as soon as they spawn, lol. It's too easy to mess with people that are idiots. Just consider that map a loss, and mess around.

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Bottle-necking enemies as they come through doors into a room(while still in the room) is one thing, just effective tactics. however murdering your way 3 rooms down away from the objective is annoying, I hate having to run the opposite direction of extraction to go collect loot and get back before timer runs out(especially if players are rushing).

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I get that, it can be really annoying when that happens, but usually I'm up in levels where no one's ults are able to clear the room anymore. Once mobs hit lvl 60 or so, you all need to be blasting with all you have, and need to watch each other's backs.

What bugs me is when people run around chasing the kills, which just litters loot all over the place. I hate have to run around the whole map to see if that stance dropped somewhere. I also personally don't spam ults unless the enemies start hitting so hard I have to in order to survive. If people are just in the next room over killing, I don't care. I'll sit at the pod. If the dude dies over there on his own, that's his or her issue. If you want to be revived, don't run off on your own.


True, I usually do hang out in Pluto when i'm not leveling up a warframe/weapon I absolutely hate or just leveling up in general and I understand the whole thing after getting to level 80+ enemy's on wave 40+ on the Dark sector Pluto Defense mission.  Though in place like kappa it just puts me to sleep, there is literally no danger there even without spamming ults unless everyone brings unranked frames AND weapons, then its a bit of a pain.

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While they might not be heroes per se, they might be better off being known as doorstops.. just about as useful. Heroes makes it sound like they saved the run by doing what they do. Doorstops are just that.

Nooo, we call em doorheroes due to their mentality. Theyre out being Rambo, doing it all, thinking to themselves that theyre saving the day.

We dnt actually mean heroes, its more of a sarcastic thing.

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In that case, I would go to the opposite side of the map, and let the pod die, or let him die. Whatever is first. Go hit every air thingy as soon as they spawn, lol. It's too easy to mess with people that are idiots. Just consider that map a loss, and mess around.

Oh yes, these are the moments my inner troll comes a knockin'.

On infested maps I go away on my own and run in circles, making a big conga line of preferably ancients. And when the moment is right I lead them back to the Rambo impersonator. Usually they are so focused on killing that they wont notice until its to late, and they are getting pummeled by my friends :P

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I've have to Hallway Hero during survival missions... not because I want to but because I have to. Many idiots who play this mission type turtle up and try to farm an area, oblivious to the depleting Life Support. So to stay alive, I have to run around like a headless chicken just to keep everyone alive. Then they complain when they get downed and I'm not around to save their asses.


Is there a derogatory term for these guys? Can't see one on the wikia....

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I go off on my own in Survival sometimes so I can just maximize the effectiveness of my Dual Zorens with Berserker on them, and since killcount actually does matter in Survival because enemies drop life support. I do have problems with just assuming one of my other teammates will be at the life support to activate it, because once in a while I get a squad that all has the same idea...

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I've have to Hallway Hero during survival missions... not because I want to but because I have to. Many idiots who play this mission type turtle up and try to farm an area, oblivious to the depleting Life Support. So to stay alive, I have to run around like a headless chicken just to keep everyone alive. Then they complain when they get downed and I'm not around to save their asses.


Is there a derogatory term for these guys? Can't see one on the wikia....


Theres no such thing as Hallway Heros during survival missions, cause enemies always spawn elsewhere and anywhere.


Dont know if other ppl think like me, but survival is different, you cant camp spawns, nobody really blames you if you are far away, even though playing near is better, its very hard to keep together.

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I have to agree. I hate when they show up and run to spawn points and kill everything meanwhile I'm near the pod waiting for enemies to appear. What's worst than one? Try three who spam ult and leave you with no kills. I like nova but she's a frame that those glory hogs love to use. I can understand if we stick altogether and kill together around the same area because it makes it easy to pick up loot and share exp. I can understand if we're trying to clear waves quicker so we can get to higher ones faster, but don't do this if you plan on dropping out during the 5th - 10th wave; heck even 15th - 20 can be done without using ult. I don't know whatever.

Edited by (PS4)truelight4u
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