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This will probably will get locked but any chance that any of the paid DE employees that comment on the PC forum can come over here and reassure us that everything is okay?

I know I know they are busy and all but a little bit of speech from anyone who is a paid employee and no offence to the CommMods they do a good job it just aint the same. Please dont shout at me for that lol.


Sometimes its  feels like that he PS4 is the unloved stepchild that doesnt get attention except when they release something and thats it.

I maybe classed as a whiner/dumba**/stupid troll/whatever else you like to brand people.

Im not I love this game I would just love a bit more info passed on to us instead of getting little bits and hardly any interaction from them. I just would love to see them on here a bit more and make us feel good lol

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Goodluck. Being the console peasants we are, we shouldn't have expected much. 


PC people already have this "we were here first" attitude, and the devs / mods seem to have the same mentality. Get used to being treated as the step child. Asking for some official DE word is apparently "entitled". So to sum it up, we're entitled, console kiddy peasants. 



Edited by (PS4)iAvernus
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Yea it would be really nice to hear from them a little more often. We're kind of just left alone to wait and wonder and I would really rather not sound spoiled or ungrateful but it would be nice to see a little more responsibility taken towards the fan base they had tried to cultivate on a different console. Don't get me wrong I love the game, I have probably spent a lot more money on it than I should have. I also understand how much pressure DE is under especially right now trying to sort everything out and as an aspiring game designer I've seen some serious stuff go wrong with a project and I know it can derail everything. Even though the PC players have been along for the ride longer, I like to think I would have been there too had I a PC that could have played warframe at the time; because I did in fact tried to play it when it first went into open beta. Just because we started later doesn't necessarily mean we are any less fans than the PC players are and it would be nice to hear, in detail because PC players seem to get that courtesy, where things are at with the PS4 version. Again, I love DE and I have tons of respect for them for making a game like this and really doing an amazing job with it, but it does sometimes seem like we're left to fall off on the way side here and there....

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Im not just going to take the attitude of #DEALWITHIT as thats just really stupid. So what asking for a bit of feedback means I get branded entitled. How would PC players feel if the tables were turned they would be complaining about it we have basically been told to like it or lump it due to the fact a paid DE employee cant be arsed to give us a lil titbit of info. Im standing my ground because as Devs they should be treating their fanbase and players equally rather than treating us like outcasts. 

I will reiterate that I LOVE WARFRAME and by no means will I stop playing I just wish some more feedback would be appreciated by the community that have to listen to silences

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I enjoy playing warframe so much that even though my progress 95% of the time does not save im still playing lol, but some acknowledgement of the problem would be nice, to let us know they are aware that there is indeed a problem but I also understand its a long weekend so I dont expect a fix until Monday or Tuesday 

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they are working.. I just saw a new darvo deal pop up.. duh

Woah really but they cant come on to acknowledge us??

If you really have nothing to contribute you may well not have bothered posting so what they posted a deal, they could not take the time out to reassure us that stuff is being taken care of.

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I enjoy playing warframe so much that even though my progress 95% of the time does not save im still playing lol, but some acknowledgement of the problem would be nice, to let us know they are aware that there is indeed a problem but I also understand its a long weekend so I dont expect a fix until Monday or Tuesday 

Sorry for double post. Just dont expect a fix for a week or 2 they all get bundled through with the updates at Sony's QA

Edited by (PS4)mgz2009
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Woah really but they cant come on to acknowledge us??

If you really have nothing to contribute you may well not have bothered posting so what they posted a deal, they could not take the time out to reassure us that stuff is being taken care of.


They're busy fixing the mess on PC. When that mess is sorted, they'll port it to PS4, then maybe we'll see fixes... or just another content update while they continue to ignore the issues on PS4.


Obviously content >>>>> fixing the game, when it comes to PS4. 


This past couple weeks, honestly since the last update, people been getting ALLOT of issues with connection. Rebecca or Megan came into a thread to say they're aware of it, and that was that. Think they also mentioned a fix was sent with the anniversary stuff. Well it's clearly not fixed, and since then not a peep from anyone over at DE.


Only a mod telling people to take pictures of what you lose to submit a ticket, which someone did, and they flat out rejected his claims lol.


So until then, enjoy the abysmal frame rate, constant disconnections, "account cannot be updated" errors, and don't forget to take screencaps and record your games in case you got something worthwhile and hope your ticket gets a view from someone. 



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They're busy fixing the mess on PC. When that mess is sorted, they'll port it to PS4, then maybe we'll see fixes... or just another content update while they continue to ignore the issues on PS4.


Obviously content >>>>> fixing the game, when it comes to PS4. 


This past couple weeks, honestly since the last update, people been getting ALLOT of issues with connection. Rebecca or Megan came into a thread to say they're aware of it, and that was that. Think they also mentioned a fix was sent with the anniversary stuff. Well it's clearly not fixed, and since then not a peep from anyone over at DE.


Only a mod telling people to take pictures of what you lose to submit a ticket, which someone did, and they flat out rejected his claims lol.


So until then, enjoy the abysmal frame rate, constant disconnections, "account cannot be updated" errors, and don't forget to take screencaps and record your games in case you got something worthwhile and hope your ticket gets a view from someone. 



I genuinely feel bad about putting money into this game when we get no reply and if a mod implies that you are talking sh1t again hell is gonna freeze over soon D:

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You posted this on April 18th (Friday), which the office was closed for the long Easter weekend. Getting DDOS'ed last week was akin to having the presses stopped for a good number of us as well, which sucks.. 


Normal office hours resumed today (which is why no on replied yet), in which 'ketchup' is the condiment of the day, with a side of 'status on U13' is the special. Last status report was we want to submit it before End of Month, tomorrow we'll get a report from the front lines on that. 

Edited by DERebecca
Added clarity
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You posted this on April 18th (Friday), which the office was closed for the long Easter weekend. Getting DDOS'ed last week was akin to having the presses stopped for a good number of us as well, which sucks.. 


Normal office hours resumed today (which is why no on replied yet), in which 'ketchup' is the condiment of the day, with a side of 'status on U13' is the special. Last status report was we want to submit it before End of Month, tomorrow we'll get a report from the front lines on that. 

I cant tell you how happy it is to finally hear from you guy thank you! this was all we wanted! Seriously thank you

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PC forums has the information on what we are getting next patch notes/builds.. Dev streams and Prime time do actively let us know what progress is being made on the port for PS4.


Neglecting that DE was on holiday all weekend, and titling this as 'De?' makes me wonder why even bother becoming a member of the forum if most people lack the time to read information that is always available.

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So for those of us still experiencing a very high frequency of being logged out or losing progress we have to wait till update 13? 


Nothing has changed for me, still cant play any regular missions or voids without losing progress.

Edited by (PS4)savoy123
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Still to those who are butt hurt over not getting 'acknowledged' need to do some research. Those 'issues' you want acknowledged, have been already. Get your head out of your &#!.


DE is horrible at preparing a launch for either PC or PS4, they manage to hiccup on a number of things. But they do at least keep both communities up to date (almost) weekly on progression.


Not sure in what part of my last post that I defended DE, rather just point out the flaws in your understanding of where the 'acknowledgement' threads are.


Making a hundred threads of an issue that has been responded too or acknowledge already.. does no help to your cause... your spamming the bored..


shocked this post isn't locked yet. 

Edited by (PS4)Nilphelan
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Still to those who are butt hurt over not getting 'acknowledged' need to do some research. Those 'issues' you want acknowledged, have been already. Get your head out of your &#!.


DE is horrible at preparing a launch for either PC or PS4, they manage to hiccup on a number of things. But they do at least keep both communities up to date (almost) weekly on progression.


Not sure in what part of my last post that I defended DE, rather just point out the flaws in your understanding of where the 'acknowledgement' threads are.


Making a hundred threads of an issue that has been responded too or acknowledge already.. does no help to your cause... your spamming the bored..


shocked this post isn't locked yet. 



Your flaw is that you are a condescending boor. Get off your high horse and think. You want us to watch a 15+ minute show to get our "updated information". For your information...after having the game crash multiple times every day I don't want to watch a video  99.9% about the PC. I want to play the game. Some people could have the courtesy to understand everyone isn't like them and yes no desire to waste more time on watching videos. Pertinent information about upcoming events for PS4 should be posted in the PS4 section. I shouldn't and don't read the PC section to see what i'm going to get at some future date. Some people like to watch that stuff and read all the stuff about what PC is getting /has gotten. I really don't care , it doesn't bother me that other people like to keep up on it all. I just want to play the game when I can and look on the forum for answers to questions or problems.

Edited by (PS4)maggotsmasher
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Still to those who are butt hurt over not getting 'acknowledged' need to do some research. Those 'issues' you want acknowledged, have been already. Get your head out of your &#!.


DE is horrible at preparing a launch for either PC or PS4, they manage to hiccup on a number of things. But they do at least keep both communities up to date (almost) weekly on progression.


Not sure in what part of my last post that I defended DE, rather just point out the flaws in your understanding of where the 'acknowledgement' threads are.


Making a hundred threads of an issue that has been responded too or acknowledge already.. does no help to your cause... your spamming the bored..


shocked this post isn't locked yet. 


They acknowledged there's a frame rate issue? really? I haven't seen them mention that since early release yet the problem of a steady low frame rate is still there. 


Have they acknowledged the blue screen crashes? Although it's gotten less frequent it still happens but no word. Or about the connection issues? Since the anniversary "update" no word on if the "failed to update account" error is being worked on, or if they know the problem is STILL there.


Go take a look on the PC forums. You see allot of people complaining about the same errors they're getting PC side with U13, but DE do their best to reply in those threads. Don't think anyone here is asking an arm and a leg from DE, but do they know some of these problems are STILL in the game? lol

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