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[Ic] The Call Of The Faithful [Open Rp]


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Sam walked in as Desolas was about to receive his punishment, saying to Argus "Say, Old man, Can I ask a quick Favour from you?"


Argus smiled at the young woman, "Ah! My son's lover and hopefully future wife! What can I do for you?"

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Argus smiled at the young woman, "Ah! My son's lover and hopefully future wife! What can I do for you?"

Sam blushed and Facepalmed "Mind if I get one or two shots on  Douchelas here?" Thumbing over to Desolas as she removed her gloves to reveal her scarred knuckles

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Sam blushed and Facepalm "Mind if I get one or two shots on Douchelas here?" Thumbing over to Desolas as she removed her gloves to reveal her scarred knuckles


Attakai pinched the bridge of his nose at his father's antics, even during incidents he could be a handfull, 'What did mama ever see in him?' Argus laughs, "Go ahead my future daughter in-law!"

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Attakai pinched the bridge of his nose at his father's antics, even during incidents he could be a handfull, 'What did mama ever see in him?' Argus laughs, "Go ahead my future daughter in-law!"

Sam smirked and looked to Doucheelas and proceeded to give Desolas a right hook across the jaw, despite her size, she packed a punch in those fists of hers "That's for calling me a brat you son of a w***e!" before walking back to Attakai, shaking the pain in her fist.


She's still blushing and rubbing the back of her neck.

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"Let's just be glad that Lanka shot didn't take off a quarter of your head." Pyre was amazed at how relaxed he was when considering that the only thing keeping him from having been killed was his helmet which had ended up quite damaged. She started eating her own bowl of ramen.


"Pfft, as if." Shinkiro finishes up his ramen before downing another shot of sake. "So how did your day go? Had to walk about, picking up every arrow I shot around the derelict." Paris Prime arrows aren't cheap nor easy to find! Every mission, Shinkiro would try to pick up as many arrows as he can find after shooting them into some poor sap.

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Cardina raised an eyebrow at the Healer's tone and demeanor, as it seemed unsettlingly similar to her own. "It was no trouble, Ancient. The Flesh's tongue is as intuitive as the Tenno's to me. Now, if you wouldn't mind me inquiring," Cardina gestured to the point of contact between the human and the Ancient. "What exactly is the nature of your bond? If it's nothing harmful to any of you, I won't try to disrupt it, but I couldn't well ignore such a rare phenomenon. I have Flesh of my own to protect, you understand."

Before the Ancient could formulate a thought, the human Cyrios spoke up. 

"You want the long version or the short?"

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Before the Ancient could formulate a thought, the human Cyrios spoke up. 

"You want the long version or the short?"


Cardina's eyelids narrowed, and her pupils slitted behind them. "I want to know everything necessary to protect my Church. Which I suspect won't be the short version."

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"Pfft, as if." Shinkiro finishes up his ramen before downing another shot of sake. "So how did your day go? Had to walk about, picking up every arrow I shot around the derelict." Paris Prime arrows aren't cheap nor easy to find! Every mission, Shinkiro would try to pick up as many arrows as he can find after shooting them into some poor sap.


"Well aside from the interruptions to my sleep earlier, it was quite nice. And I have great news too." She smiled as she turned to Shinkiro. "Mother Gaia told me I'm pregnant."

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"Well aside from the interruptions to my sleep earlier, it was quite nice. And I have great news too." She smiled as she turned to Shinkiro. "Mother Gaia told me I'm pregnant."


"................." Shinkiro straightens his throat before taking a deep breath. After a minute, he had a normal, friendly smile. "Pregnant you say? From our little fiasco, yes?" On the outside, it seemed that Shinkiro was perfectly fine, a little surprised, but fine. "Seems I will become a father much sooner than I thought. Hmm yes, quite so." Inside, the tenno was being rather.... Out of character. Is she being serious?! The one time I slept with a woman... And now I'm being a father already?! I wasn't expecting now..! Was hoping for a rather nice and normal pace, buuuut guess I'll make due.

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Attakai smirks, "My father is already here Lord Tyranis." gesturing to his right.



Desolas scoffed, stripped of his weapons thanks to Tyranis, he was powerless, but remained arrogant, "As if I'll take orders from an old hag like you! I am Desolas of the Silbereis family! AN ELITE! I DO NOT TAKE ORDERS FROM LOW-CLASS LIKE YOU!" he then hears a loud stomp, looking to his right was large Rhino Prime without his helmet wielding a Reaper Prime, "You should have chosen your words wisely Desolas." he looks at Attakai, nodding in understanding from the look his father gave him, he grabs his Orthos from his back, removing the Frost's helmet, and pointing the blade to his throat, "Desolas, by order of the Rising Sun Grand Master, you have been found guilty of attempted murder of a Tenno from a separate clan. The sentence is death, how do you plead?"




Attakai turns to the Nyx, "Lady Jinx, you can see into his mind if you wish, he won't do anything, I assure you."

Jinx looked up at Attakai and Argus. This had escalated far beyond what she had anticipated. Did it really have to come down to this? Did they really have to spill another Tenno's blood?


She searched his mind for any redeeming factor and wrinkled her nose in disturbance as she found none. This Frost was selfish to the core. Narcissistic, cruel and bent on destroying anything or anyone who he thought stole the spot light away from him. There was no love for any other than himself, no loyalty, no honour. He saw himself as the centre of the universe and Jinx couldn't' help but frown. With his huge ego the only fear he had was not being the centre of attention, to be a nobody...And it seemed like he had manifested those fears in Tatsuya. The fear that the Excalibur would outshine him.


This was a sad and tragic figure, not worthy of calling himself a Tenno. Maybe she should blame the parents.

As Samantha walked over and pouched Desolas Jinx only sent her a look. "Really? Beating someone who's about to be exicuted? 

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Jinx looked up at Attakai and Argus. This had escalated far beyond what she had anticipated. Did it really have to come down to this? Did they really have to spill another Tenno's blood?


She searched his mind for any redeeming factor and wrinkled her nose in disturbance as she found none. This Frost was selfish to the core. Narcissistic, cruel and bent on destroying anything or anyone who he thought stole the spot light away from him. There was no love for any other than himself, no loyalty, no honour. He saw himself as the centre of the universe and Jinx couldn't' help but frown. With his huge ego the only fear he had was not being the centre of attention, to be a nobody...And it seemed like he had manifested those fears in Tatsuya. The fear that the Excalibur would outshine him.


This was a sad and tragic figure, not worthy of calling himself a Tenno. Maybe she should blame the parents.

As Samantha walked over and pouched Desolas Jinx only sent her a look. "Really? Beating someone who's about to be exicuted? 

Sam looked to Jinx and shaked her head "I know, but he kinda deserves it" she replied as she put her glove back on

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Cardina's eyelids narrowed, and her pupils slitted behind them. "I want to know everything necessary to protect my Church. Which I suspect won't be the short version."

"Hey, no need to give me that look!" Cyrios exclaimed, noticing the obviously displeased appearance Cardina wore in her eyes. "Alright, I'll give you the long version. Think and act as you will, though keep in mind that I'd appreciate living. By the way, I hope you don't mind a bit of, ah, backstory."


Cyrios cleared his throat, as if preparing a speech that he may or may not have practiced and labored over for quite a long time. "The creature that I am 'attached' to is moreso a representation than an actual, singular being. They," He began, gesturing around him. "Are the actual Infested that reside in me." A line of code burst forth directly beneath him, and as it ran through him he was enveloped in a pixellated static haze. When it finished, his representation had changed from the suited man to his real-world look, this time without any for of clothing. His torso was completely covered in Infested mass, besides the golden key-like construct in the center of his chest. The Infestation was, strangely, of a large variety of colors and textures. In some places it held a metallic silver sheen, in others it was a matte brown. Some places were white, and others almost pitch black. between each different visual type of Infestation there was a jagged, golden-glowing, paper-thin line. The Infested Ancient vanished along with his former attire, though the smaller Infested seemed to remain the same.


"I was, obviously, infected by the Infestation just before I was sent to the Void to be made into a Tenno. A tiny trace. Infinitesimal, undetectable. The Void apparently mutated it, split it when it reproduced into two different types. I was..." He paused for thought, searching for an appropriate word. "Recovered, so to speak, and when they didn't find any powers in me, they sent me back. Again. And again. And again.  Each time having no apparent result. Eventually, they simply gave up. Shipped me to some God-forsaken corner of the solar system, to be forgotten. Where the rejects, the unwanteds lived. Each of these Infested that you see here were, as far as I can remember, molded personality-wise by what I saw, and did, there. Over the years... decades... hell, I think even a century or two, they grew, each getting molded into its own personality." He began point with a golden, skeletal cybernetic of a finger towards specific Infested. "Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Famine, Envy, Pride, Happiness, Misery, Fear, Anguish... Deception over there seems to have taken a liking to you. But that's besides the point. The point is, they formed a miniature Hive Mind. And It wants my body."


"I would have killed it by now, but there's the problem... there's nothing left for me to kill. Almost all of it is in my brain, and I rather like being alive and relatively sane, so an extermination won't work."

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"Hey, no need to give me that look!" Cyrios exclaimed, noticing the obviously displeased appearance Cardina wore in her eyes. "Alright, I'll give you the long version. Think and act as you will, though keep in mind that I'd appreciate living. By the way, I hope you don't mind a bit of, ah, backstory."


Cyrios cleared his throat, as if preparing a speech that he may or may not have practiced and labored over for quite a long time. "The creature that I am 'attached' to is moreso a representation than an actual, singular being. They," He began, gesturing around him. "Are the actual Infested that reside in me." A line of code burst forth directly beneath him, and as it ran through him he was enveloped in a pixellated static haze. When it finished, his representation had changed from the suited man to his real-world look, this time without any for of clothing. His torso was completely covered in Infested mass, besides the golden key-like construct in the center of his chest. The Infestation was, strangely, of a large variety of colors and textures. In some places it held a metallic silver sheen, in others it was a matte brown. Some places were white, and others almost pitch black. between each different visual type of Infestation there was a jagged, golden-glowing, paper-thin line. The Infested Ancient vanished along with his former attire, though the smaller Infested seemed to remain the same.


"I was, obviously, infected by the Infestation just before I was sent to the Void to be made into a Tenno. A tiny trace. Infinitesimal, undetectable. The Void apparently mutated it, split it when it reproduced into two different types. I was..." He paused for thought, searching for an appropriate word. "Recovered, so to speak, and when they didn't find any powers in me, they sent me back. Again. And again. And again.  Each time having no apparent result. Eventually, they simply gave up. Shipped me to some God-forsaken corner of the solar system, to be forgotten. Where the rejects, the unwanteds lived. Each of these Infested that you see here were, as far as I can remember, molded personality-wise by what I saw, and did, there. Over the years... decades... hell, I think even a century or two, they grew, each getting molded into its own personality." He began point with a golden, skeletal cybernetic of a finger towards specific Infested. "Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Famine, Envy, Pride, Happiness, Misery, Fear, Anguish... Deception over there seems to have taken a liking to you. But that's besides the point. The point is, they formed a miniature Hive Mind. And It wants my body."


"I would have killed it by now, but there's the problem... there's nothing left for me to kill. Almost all of it is in my brain, and I rather like being alive and relatively sane, so an extermination won't work."


Cardina watched the Infested carefully, finding their forms revolting. To her worry however, it wasn't how their bodies were twisted, mutated and mangled, but weak. The Ancient's departure was surprisingly disappointing, like a teacher watching a particularly intelligent child leave. "Cyrios, I might be able to extricate them. The trouble is, they are you now. They have been for a long time, and though I can cut out that tumor, without the Flesh I'm not sure how much flesh you have left. You'll be a completely different person, the current Cyrios will be gone." She lifted her eyes to Cyrios, seeming more concerned than angry or defensive. "It's up to you. If that's too extreme, I could just scare these simpering little cells into silence. Or not, if you like the company."

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Attakai smirks, "My father is already here Lord Tyranis." gesturing to his right.



Desolas scoffed, stripped of his weapons thanks to Tyranis, he was powerless, but remained arrogant, "As if I'll take orders from an old hag like you! I am Desolas of the Silbereis family! AN ELITE! I DO NOT TAKE ORDERS FROM LOW-CLASS LIKE YOU!" he then hears a loud stomp, looking to his right was large Rhino Prime without his helmet wielding a Reaper Prime, "You should have chosen your words wisely Desolas." he looks at Attakai, nodding in understanding from the look his father gave him, he grabs his Orthos from his back, removing the Frost's helmet, and pointing the blade to his throat, "Desolas, by order of the Rising Sun Grand Master, you have been found guilty of attempted murder of a Tenno from a separate clan. The sentence is death, how do you plead?"




Attakai turns to the Nyx, "Lady Jinx, you can see into his mind if you wish, he won't do anything, I assure you."

He turned to see Argus, he had that grim look on his face "Argus with all do respect you should not kill this man." He paused for a moment "He does deserve to die for his actions, he'll just try again if we let him go... But there is someone far more deserving, the only person who deserves to take this man's life." He turned and pointed to he who should only have the right


"Tatsuya!" Tyranis began to pace a circle around Desolas "This man has done everything in his power to make your life a living hell, hes threatend you, mocked you, and even after your expulsion from the Sun Clan he did not relent. And now here he is, making an attempt on your life, and threatening the same fate to Miho and your unborn child... All because he is jealous of you, afraid of you, he couldn't stand the thought of anyone being better than him, to steal the spotlight from him. You have more right to this man's life then any of us. Now i ask you... Will you take it?" He faced Tatsuya and awaited his answer

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Cardina watched the Infested carefully, finding their forms revolting. To her worry however, it wasn't how their bodies were twisted, mutated and mangled, but weak. The Ancient's departure was surprisingly disappointing, like a teacher watching a particularly intelligent child leave. "Cyrios, I might be able to extricate them. The trouble is, they are you now. They have been for a long time, and though I can cut out that tumor, without the Flesh I'm not sure how much flesh you have left. You'll be a completely different person, the current Cyrios will be gone." She lifted her eyes to Cyrios, seeming more concerned than angry or defensive. "It's up to you. If that's too extreme, I could just scare these simpering little cells into silence. Or not, if you like the company."

Throughout the entirety of Cyrios' conversation, Deception stared unblinkingly, directly at Cardina. Its form was slowly changing whilst he and her talked, in an almost unnoticeable fashion, until it looked almost exactly like Cardina herself. It flashed a wicked, jagged-toothed grin at her, whilst simultaneously whispering into Cyrios' subconscious mind.


She can't help you, therefore she isn't needed. She can leave.


Cyrios tried to ignore the Infested, though it wiggled its way into his thoughts, worming its way through to his doubts.


She isn't even a Tenno. Not even trained. She'd just as soon "accidentally" kill you as she would try to help... You saw what happened to that sorry sod, in the garden. In this Garden...


Finally, Cyrios spoke. "If you could shut them up, I'd be more than happy. Or at least make me unable to hear them. Otherwise I would appreciate if you respectfully left."

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He turned to see Argus, he had that grim look on his face "Argus with all do respect you should not kill this man." He paused for a moment "He does deserve to die for his actions, he'll just try again if we let him go... But there is someone far more deserving, the only person who deserves to take this man's life." He turned and pointed to he who should only have the right


"Tatsuya!" Tyranis began to pace a circle around Desolas "This man has done everything in his power to make your life a living hell, hes threatend you, mocked you, and even after your expulsion from the Sun Clan he did not relent. And now here he is, making an attempt on your life, and threatening the same fate to Miho and your unborn child... All because he is jealous of you, afraid of you, he couldn't stand the thought of anyone being better than him, to steal the spotlight from him. You have more right to this man's life then any of us. Now i ask you... Will you take it?" He faced Tatsuya and awaited his answer


Tatsuya walks up to Desolas, Miho widens her eyes, 'Is he really going to do it!?' she watches her fiance grip the hilt, Tatsuya narrows his eyes, "All my life, I worked hard to be the best Tenno I could be, the best warrior I could be! I never wanted the glory, or the praise! And you attempt to kill me and my future family because you thought I was trying to destroy you!? Tyranis is right, you do not deserve to live."


Desolas widens his eyes with rage, "NO! NO NO NO NO! This was not suppose to happen! I am an ELITE! I refuse to die!" He unsheathes a dagger from his gauntlet, turning to Miho, "If I can't kill you now, I can at least take away what is most precious to you!" Desolas raises his dagger as he charges at Miho.


Tatsuya was enraged, he runs in front of Miho, unsheathing his Nikana with speed, the red blade gleaming with power,  positioning his blade into a thrusting stance, Tatsuya lets a cry, "HRAAAAAAAGH!" thrusting the blade into the Frost's heart before he could even reach Miho.


Desolas coughs out some blood, "Nooooooo, no no no! Damn you! DAMN YOU TO HELL!" the Frost struggles as he tries to strangle the Excalibur with his hands, but he was loosing strength, he could feel his life flashing before his eyes. "NO! NO! I am an Elite, am of the Silbereisss...... I can't, I....." the Excalibur pulls out his sword from Desolas' chest. Watching the Frost fall to his knees, struggling to stay up. "I wasn't even planning on killing you Desolas, but you left me no choice when you tried to kill Miho. Now your hate will end with you."


Desolas gives Tatsuya one more look, gritting his teeth as he coughs out some more blood, "I am an Eli-" he drops dead on his back, Desolas is no more.

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"................." Shinkiro straightens his throat before taking a deep breath. After a minute, he had a normal, friendly smile. "Pregnant you say? From our little fiasco, yes?" On the outside, it seemed that Shinkiro was perfectly fine, a little surprised, but fine. "Seems I will become a father much sooner than I thought. Hmm yes, quite so." Inside, the tenno was being rather.... Out of character. Is she being serious?! The one time I slept with a woman... And now I'm being a father already?! I wasn't expecting now..! Was hoping for a rather nice and normal pace, buuuut guess I'll make due.


Pyre nodded, finding that Shinkiro was taking the news much better than she had expected. "Mhm. I'm pregnant and you're the father." She hugged him tightly, happy for her chance at motherhood.


Tatsuya walks up to Desolas, Miho widens her eyes, 'Is he really going to do it!?' she watches her fiance grip the hilt, Tatsuya narrows his eyes, "All my life, I worked hard to be the best Tenno I could be, the best warrior I could be! I never wanted the glory, or the praise! And you attempt to kill me and my future family because you thought I was trying to destroy you!? Tyranis is right, you do not deserve to live."


Desolas widens his eyes with rage, "NO! NO NO NO NO! This was not suppose to happen! I am an ELITE! I refuse to die!" He unsheathes a dagger from his gauntlet, turning to Miho, "If I can't kill you now, I can at least take away what is most precious to you!" Desolas raises his dagger as he charges at Miho.


Tatsuya was enraged, he runs in front of Miho, unsheathing his Nikana with speed, the red blade gleaming with power,  positioning his blade into a thrusting stance, Tatsuya lets a cry, "HRAAAAAAAGH!" thrusting the blade into the Frost's heart before he could even reach Miho.


Desolas coughs out some blood, "Nooooooo, no no no! Damn you! DAMN YOU TO HELL!" the Frost struggles as he tries to strangle the Excalibur with his hands, but he was loosing strength, he could feel his life flashing before his eyes. "NO! NO! I am an Elite, am of the Silbereisss...... I can't, I....." the Excalibur pulls out his sword from Desolas' chest. Watching the Frost fall to his knees, struggling to stay up. "I wasn't even planning on killing you Desolas, but you left me no choice when you tried to kill Miho. Now your hate will end with you."


Desolas gives Tatsuya one more look, gritting his teeth as he coughs out some more blood, "I am an Eli-" he drops dead on his back, Desolas is no more.


Gaia sighed softly before walking over to Desolas' corpse. "He was a sad case. So blinded by pride, envy and sense of self-importance that he wished to take the life of kin over matters as trivial as bloodline. May his soul find peace." She looked to those gathered around her. "While he has wronged many and acted in a disreputable manner, he still deserves a proper burial at least." She then looked specifically to Argus. "Should the church handle the burial or would you prefer for your clan to do it?"

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Tatsuya walks up to Desolas, Miho widens her eyes, 'Is he really going to do it!?' she watches her fiance grip the hilt, Tatsuya narrows his eyes, "All my life, I worked hard to be the best Tenno I could be, the best warrior I could be! I never wanted the glory, or the praise! And you attempt to kill me and my future family because you thought I was trying to destroy you!? Tyranis is right, you do not deserve to live."


Desolas widens his eyes with rage, "NO! NO NO NO NO! This was not suppose to happen! I am an ELITE! I refuse to die!" He unsheathes a dagger from his gauntlet, turning to Miho, "If I can't kill you now, I can at least take away what is most precious to you!" Desolas raises his dagger as he charges at Miho.


Tatsuya was enraged, he runs in front of Miho, unsheathing his Nikana with speed, the red blade glimming with power,  positioning his blade into a thrusting stance, Tatsuya lets a cry, "HRAAAAAAAGH!" thrusting the blade into the Frost's heart before he could even reach Miho.


Desolas coughs out some blood, "Nooooooo, no no no! Damn you! DAMN YOU TO HELL!" the Frost struggles as he tries to strangle the Excalibur with his hands, but he was loosing strength, he could feel his life flashing before his eyes. "NO! NO! I am an Elite, am of the Silbereisss...... I can't, I....." the Excalibur pulls out his sword from Desolas' chest. Watching the Frost fall to his knees, struggling to stay up. "I wasn't even planning to kill you Desolas, but you left me no choice when you tried to kill Miho. Now your hate will end with you."


Desolas gives Tatsuya one more look, gritting his teeth as he coughs out some more blood, "I am an Eli-" he drops dead on his back, Desolas is no more.

Tyranis watched the life fade from Desolas' eyes, the expression on his face was cold, but sad. "A sad end for a sad life... For a Tenno to fall so far for so little... Has our once proud race really been reduced to this..." Tyranis knelt down and folded Desolas's eyes shut "No matter what man you were you are still kin" he turned to Argus "He deserves a proper burial, he was in your clan, its your responsibility as Grand Master."


He got up and planned to leave, he wanted time to think. "Argus, Attakai, Jinx, Arthur come meet me at my ship when you have all your affairs in order. We've much to discuss." With that he left them, he still looked troubled over the whole ordeal. It took him mere moments to reach his ship, he lowered the ramp, went inside and found his way to his bed. But he did not sleep. He lay there, the world around him was non existent, utter silence as he fell into his own little world, where he would be alone with his thoughts until Argus and the others came for him for soon the hunt would begin.

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Throughout the entirety of Cyrios' conversation, Deception stared unblinkingly, directly at Cardina. Its form was slowly changing whilst he and her talked, in an almost unnoticeable fashion, until it looked almost exactly like Cardina herself. It flashed a wicked, jagged-toothed grin at her, whilst simultaneously whispering into Cyrios' subconscious mind.


She can't help you, therefore she isn't needed. She can leave.


Cyrios tried to ignore the Infested, though it wiggled its way into his thoughts, worming its way through to his doubts.


She isn't even a Tenno. Not even trained. She'd just as soon "accidentally" kill you as she would try to help... You saw what happened to that sorry sod, in the garden. In this Garden...


Finally, Cyrios spoke. "If you could shut them up, I'd be more than happy. Or at least make me unable to hear them. Otherwise I would appreciate if you respectfully left."


Cardina nodded, without removing her glare from Deception. "Of course, Cyrios." Cardina stepped among the chattering, grotesque Infested. "You all run quite the gamut of motives, each one of you embodying another part of Cyrios' mind, however small. Though there are a few omissions, things the Hive holds dear that your little parade sorely lacks." Cardina stooped to observe Sloth's slimy mass. "Curiosity, for example. The Hive needs it to search for new stores of sustenance, to root out all the little hiding spots of the Prey, and find weaknesses in their defense when they stand before it." She moved past the revolting creature, looking sideways at Fear's hideous visage. "Likewise, you lack Valor. Some of us dismissed it as a byproduct of when we weren't one Flesh, when individuals struggled to serve the whole, but I disagree. Mere survival is not adequate, the Hive needs greatness, and to reach for that greatness requires a level of selfless drive that mere hunger cannot provoke." 


Finally, she stops in front of the mockery of her own image glaring coldly into her own white eyes. "Above all, however, there is one thing that makes the Hive feared. What drives the Hive's prey against a wall, and what forces it to slaughter them to the last squealing child." Suddenly, Cardina seizes Deception by the throat with a great black claw and lifting it into the air. "WRATH!" Cardina roared, flecks of glowing spittle flying past her razor teeth to spatter the struggling Infested. Her eyes blazed with white life as she slammed the creature into the ground, scattering the squealing minions with the thunderous impact. "I am a GOLEM, you sniveling sacks of sinew! You will shut the hell up for your Flesh, and If Cyrios tells me you haven't, I will come back in here and show you the meaning of wrath! AM I CLEAR, YOU WEAK WADS OF GRISTLE?"


Cardina glared, panting at the collected Infested, before nodding to Cyrios and vanishing from his mindscape.


She came to in her Garden, with nothing changed. Thank gods, she breathed a sigh of relief as she snapped her gauntlets back on, and decided to let Cyrios rest in his mindscape a bit longer as she walked over to Temperance. "Temperance," Cardina gave his helmet a light tap on the forehead, casting a weak psychic command to wake him. Time to get up.

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Tyranis watched the life fade from Desolas' eyes, the expression on his face was cold, but sad. "A sad end for a sad life... For a Tenno to fall so far for so little... Has our once proud race really been reduced to this..." Tyranis knelt down and folded Desolas's eyes shut "No matter what man you were you are still kin" he turned to Argus "He deserves a proper burial, he was in your clan, its your responsibility as Grand Master."


He got up and planned to leave, he wanted time to think. "Argus, Attakai, Jinx, Arthur come meet me at my ship when you have all your affairs in order. We've much to discuss." With that he left them, he still looked troubled over the whole ordeal.


Argus and Attakai nod, both father and son looking down sadly at Desolas, 'Has our people fallen so far?' they both thought, Argus calls his fellow Rising Sun that followed him, "Give him a proper burial, I know many of you have bore disdain towards him, but he is still kin, that much he deserves, as all Tenno do." the Rising Sun Tenno nod, many of them weren't fond of the Frost, but followed Argus' orders to the letter. With that they carried Desolas' body back to the hangar and into their ships.


Miho and Tatsuya watched as the Rising Sun carry Desolas away. They then turn to Gaia, Miho smiling at her, "Mom, I have wonderful news, Tatsuya proposed to me. We're now engaged." Tatsuya places an arm around Miho's waist, her head leaning on he chest.

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She came to in her Garden, with nothing changed. Thank gods, she breathed a sigh of relief as she snapped her gauntlets back on, and decided to let Cyrios rest in his mindscape a bit longer as she walked over to Temperance. "Temperance," Cardina gave his helmet a light tap on the forehead, casting a weak psychic command to wake him. Time to get up.


The voice echoed in the darkness where Temperance struggled against the vines that restrained him.  Time froze.


"I know you," Temperance snarled.  "Cardin'assur'thyr'xyren.  Golem of the White Eyes and Control.  If your Flesh is truth, I would gladly live a lie.  Get out of my mind, monster.  You do not own me.  You never will."


Light exploded, and Temperance blinked as his vision cleared.  He was staring up at Cardina through his Warframe HUD, gripping her wrist fit to break it.  Her finger was frozen, shaking, an inch from his forehead.


"Cardina?" he asked blearily.  "What....?"  He realized he was hurting her, and immediately let go.


"I'm sorry.  I was just having the strangest dream.  Did I hurt you?"


What Temperance did not realize was that the words he had spoken in the dream, had also been spoken aloud.

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The voice echoed in the darkness where Temperance struggled against the vines that restrained him.  Time froze.


"I know you," Temperance snarled.  "Cardin'assur'thyr'xyren.  Golem of the White Eyes and Control.  If your Flesh is truth, I would gladly live a lie.  Get out of my mind, monster.  You do not own me.  You never will."


Light exploded, and Temperance blinked as his vision cleared.  He was staring up at Cardina through his Warframe HUD, gripping her wrist fit to break it.  Her finger was frozen, shaking, an inch from his forehead.


"Cardina?" he asked blearily.  "What....?"  He realized he was hurting her, and immediately let go.


"I'm sorry.  I was just having the strangest dream.  Did I hurt you?"


What Temperance did not realize was that the words he had spoken in the dream, had also been spoken aloud.


The link went dead. No fear, no amusement, no denial or acceptance. Just a black nothing, immeasurably worse than any awful emotion Cardina wished she'd felt. She took a single, slow step back, and the light tap of her heel upon the floor shattered the unspeakable calm, an explosion of confusion, panic and dread ripping through her mind like a supernova. Every thought that tried to form from the chaos was instantly obliterated, and Cardina only watched through blurred, angry eyes as her body started running. The Garden rose into angry life, thrashing blindly about in indiscriminate rage as Cardina sprinted out of it. She tore through the Derelict's hallways at a breakneck, stumbling stride, roaring and screeching at nothing and everything in her way as she ripped at the armored cage that still held her.


By the time she'd arrived at her room, with the door slammed shut behind her, her warframe and screams of confusion of anguish were still scattered through the Derelict. A few moments later, as the last echoes died out, the silence of her room was broken only by a quiet, barely controlled sobbing.

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The link went dead. No fear, no amusement, no denial or acceptance. Just a black nothing, immeasurably worse than any awful emotion Cardina wished she'd felt. She took a single, slow step back, and the light tap of her heel upon the floor shattered the unspeakable calm, an explosion of confusion, panic and dread ripping through her mind like a supernova. Every thought that tried to form from the chaos was instantly obliterated, and Cardina only watched through blurred, angry eyes as her body started running. The Garden rose into angry life, thrashing blindly about in indiscriminate rage as Cardina sprinted out of it. She tore through the Derelict's hallways at a breakneck, stumbling stride, roaring and screeching at nothing and everything in her way as she ripped at the armored cage that still held her.


By the time she'd arrived at her room, with the door slammed shut behind her, her warframe and screams of confusion of anguish were still scattered through the Derelict. A few moments later, as the last echoes died out, the silence of her room was broken only by a quiet, barely controlled sobbing.


"Cardina, wait!"  Temperance tried to call, but the Garden rose up around him, and suddenly he was fighting for his life.  The tendrils rose and thrashed around him; he barely escaped the alcove before it snapped shut with a force that would have crushed him, Warframe or no.


Cyrios seemed relatively safe on the altar, but even if he had not been, Temperance would not have been able to help him.  In fact, the Ash had reverted to panic mode.  His link to Cardina was dark, dead, silent as a centuries old grave.  He could barely feel her presence, let alone her thoughts, and it scared him.  


The Garden's vines were lashing about in indiscriminate rage, but an inordinate number seemed to be focusing on him.  Thin tendrils with the tensile strength of tempered steel shot by with high, whistling shrieks, carving into any part of him they could reach, was was to say, all of him.  Larger trunks stabbed at him with spikes the size of Sargas Ruk's arm cannon, snatched at his limbs in an effort to rip them from his body, or simply forewent subtlety and battered him with their whole length.


Temperance staggered through the barrage of blows, desperately trying to fend the murderous plants off, and receiving multiple lacerations and a few cracked bones in the process.  By the time he stumbled out the Garden's door, Cardina was long gone, and he looked like he had been set upon by a pack of Hyenas.  Several packs of Hyenas.  And maybe the Grustrag Three and a Harvester or two.


He collapsed, breathing hard and pressing a hand to the particularly nasty gash across his chest, which his warframe was doing its best to seal.


A flash of red and black in the corner of his vision drew his eye to a familiar bracer discarded on the floor.  A piece of Cardina's warframe.  Groaning at the pain, Temperance dragged himself to his feet  and picked up the bracer.  With Cardina actively blocking his access to the link, he had no way of tracking her, or knowing what he had done to set her off.  All he knew was that had better set it right, before things got any worse.


Although he could not sense her presence, Cardina was not hard to follow.  All Temperance had to do was follow the trail of warframe parts.  He got quite a few odd looks from passing Acolytes, but he ignored them dutifully, wholly focused on Cardina and what he could have done to trigger her outburst in the Garden.


In no time at all, it seemed, he was standing before the door to Cardina's room, his arms full of discarded warframe parts.  The door hissed open for him; she had forgotten to lock it.


Cardina was huddled against the wall beneath the book shelf, sobbing quietly.  Temperance set the warframe components down in careful order next to the weapon rack before kneeling in front of her.  His helmet's retraction function seemed to be malfunctioning as a result of the damage the Garden had inflicted; he removed it by hand and laid it next to him, revealing several new cuts, scarlet with blood, on his cheeks.


"Cardina..." he began tentatively, reaching out with his hand and his mind.  "Cardina, what did I do?"

Edited by Temperance000
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"Cardina, wait!"  Temperance tried to call, but the Garden rose up around him, and suddenly he was fighting for his life.  The tendrils rose and thrashed around him; he barely escaped the alcove before it snapped shut with a force that would have crushed him, Warframe or no.


Cyrios seemed relatively safe on the altar, but even if he had not been, Temperance would not have been able to help him.  In fact, the Ash had reverted to panic mode.  His link to Cardina was dark, dead, silent as a centuries old grave.  He could barely feel her presence, let alone her thoughts, and it scared him.  


The Garden's vines were lashing about in indiscriminate rage, but an inordinate number seemed to be focusing on him.  Thin tendrils with the tensile strength of tempered steel shot by with high, whistling shrieks, carving into any part of him they could reach, was was to say, all of him.  Larger trunks stabbed at him with spikes the size of Sargas Ruk's arm cannon, snatched at his limbs in an effort to rip them from his body, or simply forewent subtlety and battered him with their whole length.


Temperance staggered through the barrage of blows, desperately trying to fend the murderous plants off, and receiving multiple lacerations and a few cracked bones in the process.  By the time he stumbled out the Garden's door, Cardina was long gone, and he looked like he had been set upon by a pack of Hyenas.  Several packs of Hyenas.  And maybe the Grustrag Three and a Harvester or two.


He collapsed, breathing hard and pressing a hand to the particularly nasty gash across his chest, which his warframe was doing its best to seal.


A flash of red and black in the corner of his vision drew his eye to a familiar bracer discarded on the floor.  A piece of Cardina's warframe.  Groaning at the pain, Temperance dragged himself to his feet  and picked up the bracer.  With Cardina actively blocking his access to the link, he had no way of tracking her, or knowing what he had done to set her off.  All he knew was that had better set it right, before things got any worse.


Although he could not sense her presence, Cardina was not hard to follow.  All Temperance had to do was follow the trail of warframe parts.  He got quite a few odd looks from passing Acolytes, but he ignored them dutifully, wholly focused on Cardina and what he could have done to trigger her outburst in the Garden.


In no time at all, it seemed, he was standing before the door to Cardina's room, his arms full of discarded warframe parts.  The door hissed open for him; she had forgotten to lock it.


Cardina was huddled against the wall beneath the book shelf, sobbing quietly.  Temperance set the warframe components down in careful order next to the weapon rack before kneeling in front of her.  His helmet's retraction function seemed to be malfunctioning as a result of the damage the Garden had inflicted; he removed it by hand and laid it next to him, revealing the several new cuts, scarlet with blood, on his cheeks.


"Cardina..." he began tentatively, reaching out with his hand and his mind.  "Cardina, what did I do?"


Cardina curled up as tight as she could, sinking her head between her arms and pulling her knees to her collarbone. Similarly, she tried to force the link shut, but the sheer weight of her confusion and dread was impossible to fully contain. "You- you f-found out," she moaned through a choked throat. "You c-called my name- the real one, you said I wouldn't control you, you called me a monster!" Cardina's head snapped up, her tear-ravaged white eyes boiling with shock and stunned bewilderment. "I'm not- why- how did you?- I don't understand!" Cardina brought her shaking hands up to her temples, frantically gasping for breath "Gods, gods I lied Temperance I'm not a Tenno I don't know I'm sorry gods I hurt you and now you hate me like like everyone else I tried, I tried to make you- I'm-I-I'm-" Cardina's already nonsensical, rambling speech gave out to hyperventilation, rocking back and forth as she desperately tried to make sense of and furiously deny what was happening.

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Cardina curled up as tight as she could, sinking her head between her arms and pulling her knees to her collarbone. Similarly, she tried to force the link shut, but the sheer weight of her confusion and dread was impossible to fully contain. "You- you f-found out," she moaned through a choked throat. "You c-called my name- the real one, you said I wouldn't control you, you called me a monster!" Cardina's head snapped up, her tear-ravaged white eyes boiling with shock and stunned bewilderment. "I'm not- why- how did you?- I don't understand!" Cardina brought her shaking hands up to her temples, frantically gasping for breath "Gods, gods I lied Temperance I'm not a Tenno I don't know I'm sorry gods I hurt you and now you hate me like like everyone else I tried, I tried to make you- I'm-I-I'm-" Cardina's already nonsensical, rambling speech gave out to hyperventilation, rocking back and forth as she desperately tried to make sense of and furiously deny what was happening.


"I...I what?"  Temperance could hardly believe what he was hearing.  Then it clicked.  And everything came crashing down.


"Cardin'assur'thyr'xyren," he whispered.  "Cardin'assur'thyr'xyren.  Cardina.  I'm an idiot.  Who else could have spoken to me in my dreams."  He shook his head sorrowfully.  "I'm so sorry, Cardina.  I did not understand.  I thought...I thought I was still dreaming.  That the infested were invading my mind, trying to corrupt me.  If anything, I hurt you, not the other way around.  I'm sorry.  Gods, Cardina, I'm sorry."


Temperance shuffled forward and tentatively wrapped his arms around her shoulders.  With the link flooded with emotion as it was, it was impossible for him to know how she would react.  "I don't hate you, Cardina," he whispered.  "Understand, I meant what I said, but it was not directed at you.  It was meant for a Golem that attacked me in my dreams, and even if it shared your name, that creature was not you."


He drew back a little to meet her teary eyes.  "The Infested are a plague, I will not dispute that.  But now it seems that one of them holds my heart.  And the strange thing is, I don't care.  Infested or not, you are Tenno to me, Cardina, and so much more to your Church."


He pressed his forehead to hers, urging the link to open again, begging her to let him in.


"Cardina...no.  Cardin'assur'thry'xyren.  It is a good name.  Your name.  I do not want what is between us to end.  I..."  It was amazing how difficult it was to get those three simple words out.


"I love you."

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