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I Wouldnt Care If It Were Only Cosmetic.....


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I can understand that there is a process to the way things are handled in DE concerning updates to the ps4. I also would not ask  the pc players who have supported the DE team since their game became playable to wait for us to catch up.  I am also aware that there prolly more important things that need to be fixed framerate and login issues etc. etc. That being said... 


The problem I bring to you today is the fact that such a game changing update was not released for both platforms as soon as it was made. Like i said i know there is a process for sony and whatever, but my frustration doesnt stem from how long it may take to get an update, but the fact that we don't have an update that can kinda change the way the game is played. i think of it this way. I love skill based games. Games that if you learn the attack patterns or the tech that you enemy ai is using and then "almost" no matter the weaponry at your disposal you can take that enemy down. This game to me is such a game. I enjoyed it way more than i thought I would. From the lore to the art concept to the game's mechanics and play style. I loved the original dark sector and am glad that the same company got to develop a game like this as well, but back to what i was saying....


I prefer melee weapons 90% of the time over guns. Don't know why i just do. Before i could even play warframe on the PS4 i saw they had melee weapons and guess what i wanted to do. Cut dudes in motha trucking half! Melee 2.0 gives that option to those of us who would set our projectile firing weapons aside and wield a " elegant weapon from a more civilized age". ( might be misquoted but i dont care, im sure one of you will correct me. i think its from star wars.)  Either way, the reason i say that it changes the way the game is played is because now you can almost say that it breaks the game up into two classes. Gunners and Blademasters. Much like another skill based game I love called Monster hunter.  Builds are apparently different. The grind is apparently horrendous, and there are a lot of bugs. Not what I am complaining about cause I havent gone through it. Would have loved to experience the change to melee, but again back to what i was saying....


I  would understand leaving hydroid, who i would also love to play as leaving that out and  all the other stuff because most of it wouldn't change the gameplay in the slightest. Most updates offer a possible new mode for nodes on planets and new sentinels or skins, or reskinned models of enemies and tilesets. In other words, purely cosmetic S#&$. To me this is kinda pointless because i already think it looks cool. the fact they can keep making it look even more awesome is just mind blowing to me. Either way, yea purely cosmectic. I mean the ps4 doesnt even have the high end particle effects like the pc version does, yet people still play why because of the awesome S#&$ that can happen inside the game. 


Im sure im not the only one to have experienced the intensity inside of the survival and defense missions. surrounded on all sides by anal raping bombarbs, napalms, and their ilk. Or reached the top of a staircase on a corpus outpost to be confronted by an army of crewmen, moa and god damned, what seems like 60 shield sentinels. not to mention the void, the derelicts, etc etc. That S#&$ was awesome with guns. Now you can take it to the next level an do the same S#&$ with swords. I see videos of that S#&$ being put up on the youtube and im just f-ing shocked that im not able to do that.  I have a S#&$ty comp so unfortunately i wasn't able to sedate myself with the pc version. trust me i tried....


so i am really just venting,*@##$ing,etc,etc. I dont have any negative feelings towards DE. I know they are working hard and i thank them for it. I just hope the next time they decide to change a game  that there whole loyal community will to try it out. It just kinda sucks. Its almost like having the same popular toy at christmas time. you know the one that shoots lasers and S#&$. only difference is that yours didnt make all the way through production. so it shoots....but it only shoots silly string. 

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But melee 2.0 is not ready yet, there is only 10 guys working on the PS4 port it takes them time. You cannot ask for something that is not even made yet.

10 guys trying to figure out the most comfortable way for you to use melee 2.0 lol...

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The problem I bring to you today is the fact that such a game changing update was not released for both platforms as soon as it was made. Like i said i know there is a process for sony and whatever, but my frustration doesnt stem from how long it may take to get an update, but the fact that we don't have an update that can kinda change the way the game is played.

I know they are working hard and i thank them for it. I just hope the next time they decide to change a game that there whole loyal community will to try it out.

A lot of people say "I understand that there's a process with Sony, but I want the update now," to put it in layman's terms.

When DE announced that Warframe would be going on PS4, lots of people on the forums had an outburst worrying that all our updates would be delayed on PC because they'd have to update simultaneously with PS4. DE promised that it wouldn't come to that. Unfortunately, that means the issue you have now.

Even if PC was delayed, you'd be waiting the same amount of time for it to be released.

So, vent away, friend. It sucks it won't change for you guys. I can imagine the frustration of the wait; I hate waiting 4~10 months for a game update I see released on the overseas versions of the other MMOs I play. I just have to find other things to do until then.

Edited by Aramet
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It's DE issue, Sony hasn't even received any updates yet. 10 people working on PS4 version sounds like a bad joke. Although it explains a lot.


Are you kidding? 10 people on a port is a _ton_ trust me, I'm a developer myself. 90% of modern games is assets and DE has many more asset people who are ostensibly on the "PC" team.


If that 10 people is 3 developers, 6 QA and 1 Sony liaison, that is IMHO better than most gaming companies.

Edited by SilentMobius
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It's DE issue, Sony hasn't even received any updates yet. 10 people working on PS4 version sounds like a bad joke. Although it explains a lot.

Man you really hate DE in every topic I've ever seen you in it's just complaints and rage, maybe it's time to find a new game. That and you're spreading misinformation as the devs have said that u13 is off to cert.

Edit: in the interest of not spreading misinformation myself I can't find any evidence for what I said, I don't know how I got that idea.

Edited by NevanChambers
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A lot of people say "I understand that there's a process with Sony, but I want the update now," to put it in layman's terms.

When DE announced that Warframe would be going on PS4, lots of people on the forums had an outburst worrying that all our updates would be delayed on PC because they'd have to update simultaneously with PS4. DE promised that it wouldn't come to that. Unfortunately, that means the issue you have now.

Even if PC was delayed, you'd be waiting the same amount of time for it to be released.

So, vent away, friend. It sucks it won't change for you guys. I can imagine the frustration of the wait; I hate waiting 4~10 months for a game update I see released on the overseas versions of the other MMOs I play. I just have to find other things to do until then.

Thanks for the understanding Aramet, as well as the laymen's terms. i tend to blab and not in the most articulate way. maybe i just wish we would have gotten more for this update than just anniversary pistols and protoarmor. but hey at least they'll look cool whenever we get it. Oberon 4 life! Tenno out.

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Can't we just abandon the PS4 version and be done with all those complaints?

No, because there's people like me that have spent a boat load of money on this game. Dropping PS4 would mean dropping millions of dollars. Not to mention the baclash would be stronger than anything DE had ever seen.

It's people like you that give PC players a bad name.

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No, because there's people like me that have spent a boat load of money on this game. Dropping PS4 would mean dropping millions of dollars. Not to mention the baclash would be stronger than anything DE had ever seen.

It's people like you that give PC players a bad name.


There are PC players who have also 'spent a boat load of money on this game'. Maybe you should have saved that boat load of money and the 400+ USD (no idea what its price is in other currencies) and used that to build you a PC. That way you wouldn't have to wait longer for updates.

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There are PC players who have also 'spent a boat load of money on this game'. Maybe you should have saved that boat load of money and the 400+ USD (no idea what its price is in other currencies) and used that to build you a PC. That way you wouldn't have to wait longer for updates.

He IS a PC player.

I am also a PC player.

I never want to drop PS4, as it's kind of a huge deal to be a major console launch title.

The day Warframe got slated for PS4 launch was the day I knew that DE was here to stay.

We cannot abandon our fellow Tenno, no matter what interface they use.

And DE cannot abandon such a powerful business partner.


Stop trying to polarize the community into PC Vs. PS4.

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There are PC players who have also 'spent a boat load of money on this game'. Maybe you should have saved that boat load of money and the 400+ USD (no idea what its price is in other currencies) and used that to build you a PC. That way you wouldn't have to wait longer for updates.


Bro, now you just sound like a $&*^. Maybe he likes playing console exclusive games like infamous or killzone as well. Maybe he doesn't want to go through the hassle of building/maintaining a pc. There are plenty of reasons why people would rather play on console rather than PC. 

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He IS a PC player.

I am also a PC player.

I never want to drop PS4, as it's kind of a huge deal to be a major console launch title.

The day Warframe got slated for PS4 launch was the day I knew that DE was here to stay.

We cannot abandon our fellow Tenno, no matter what interface they use.

And DE cannot abandon such a powerful business partner.


Stop trying to polarize the community into PC Vs. PS4.

There are PC players who have also 'spent a boat load of money on this game'. Maybe you should have saved that boat load of money and the 400+ USD (no idea what its price is in other currencies) and used that to build you a PC. That way you wouldn't have to wait longer for updates.

Ok, so you're saying I have to choose between getting updates faster or getting extra game content and supporting the devs? That totally makes sense. I'm just pissed because while DE had said that they consider us as one community, yet they have kept a massive wedge between us, with update frequency, content and overall caring about the people's opinions.

There's also people like you who use that wedge between communities as a way to feel superior to PS4 users.

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DE literally can't update the PS4 version unless Sony lets them.


Yeah that's not up to DE. Your problem is with Sony holding them back.


Take your complaints to SONY. It's their issue.


You people really shouldn't comment on what you didn't read.


He very well understands all this. He's just venting about the feelings from the whole situation.

He finds a problem in the concept of this separation. Not blaming raging at anyone about it. Just elaborating.

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Aside from the latest prime access debacle, I've been impressed with DE's efforts.  But, as I've said in other posts, it's very easy to fall into the idea that PS4 users are side-line, second-calss customers.  It sucks having to wait so long for an update the PC guys have already been playing for a long time.  And no, I don't buy for a second that it's all an issue with Sony.  If it was just a week-long delay, I would buy that.  But it NEVER is.  Sony wants this game to succeed just as much as anyone else involved.  It's really the only reason I even turn my PS4 on at the moment.


In all honesty, Sony and DE really need to get this figured out.  They stand to lose a lot of business.  I've already noticed a drop in players on the PS4.  Warframe has an oppurtunity to hook early PS4 owners, before some majorly-good titles start coming out for the system.  I wonder if I would have even tried Warframe, were there other, more mainstream games available.  I even stopped playing for a while after the prime robbery.  Yeah, I came back.  I'm a sucker for the Excalibur skin.  My point, however, is that others won't be back if they feel they're being cheated.  And people will be WAY more apt to abandon Warframe based mearly on hurt feelings, when other good titles start to hit the PS4.


I can grudgingly handle the massively late updates.  But if more instances where PC users get so much better a deal than the PS4 floks come along,  I think a large number of loyals are going to disappear.  Not casual users, but people who have spent boatloads of cash on the game.  They're the ones who feel like they should get some return loyalty from DE.  Doing the PC and the PS4 thing is still relatively new to DE (I think).  There are going to be growing pains.  I'm sure it's a difficult balancing act.  But before you go bashing the PS4 players for feeling like red-headed step-children.  Take a look at what they deal with and imagine your reaction if roles were reversed.  I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be jumping for joy.

Edited by (PS4)Soju_Fett
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He IS a PC player.

I am also a PC player.

I never want to drop PS4, as it's kind of a huge deal to be a major console launch title.

The day Warframe got slated for PS4 launch was the day I knew that DE was here to stay.

We cannot abandon our fellow Tenno, no matter what interface they use.

And DE cannot abandon such a powerful business partner.


Stop trying to polarize the community into PC Vs. PS4.


Actually, he/she seems to be a PS4 player. The fact that he/she is using a PC forum account means little. The general context of his/her posts supports this assumption.


Please do not act as though I'm trying to fuel a console v. PC war, because I'm not. I'm just pointing out the obvious. If you can't take the wait, maybe you shouldn't have chosen the console version. No, the you in that sentence was not directed at you.


Bro, now you just sound like a $&*^. Maybe he likes playing console exclusive games like infamous or killzone as well. Maybe he doesn't want to go through the hassle of building/maintaining a pc. There are plenty of reasons why people would rather play on console rather than PC. 


Their is no hassle in building a PC, as there are people and sites that will do the building for you. He/she could also just buy a pre-built. PC maintenance is minimal. It is practically the same as maintaining a console. Yes, there are plenty of reasons people will give. But most of those reasons don't make sense and/or are made from a position of ignorance. 


All I'm saying is: "If you can't take the [insert issue with console version here], maybe you shouldn't have chosen the console version."


Ok, so you're saying I have to choose between getting updates faster or getting extra game content and supporting the devs? That totally makes sense. I'm just &!$$ed because while DE had said that they consider us as one community, yet they have kept a massive wedge between us, with update frequency, content and overall caring about the people's opinions.

There's also people like you who use that wedge between communities as a way to feel superior to PS4 users.


No, I'm saying that you should have considered the cons that would come with going the console version route when the console version is not the main version. A consumer should always weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. I would assume that you would have done that to begin with. But if you're complaining about update speeds on the console port of a PC game I can do nothing but believe you didn't spend enough time weighing the pros and cons.


I don't remember saying or implying that I felt superior to PS4 warframe players. That's an assumption on your part. I didn't even (in this thread) make a 'master race' joke.


In direct reply to "they have kept a massive wedge between us, with update frequency, content and overall caring about the people's opinions."


-Please do not start that stuff. DE can't update the PS4 version as rapidly as the PC version. That isn't their fault. No, they shouldn't hold off on updating the PC version until after they are sure that the updates can launch simultaneously (I've seen this suggested by PS4 players).

-You guys end up getting all the same content we got from the update that you guys started at forward. It just takes time.

-What is this bit about opinions referring to?


You need to calm your persecution complex.


You people really shouldn't comment on what you didn't read.


He very well understands all this. He's just venting about the feelings from the whole situation.

He finds a problem in the concept of this separation. Not blaming raging at anyone about it. Just elaborating.


You really shouldn't assume I didn't read the OP.

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Contradictions...He says he understands and knows its not DE's fault...yet he complains and rages that they don't do it faster *jackiewut* Stop contradicting yourself and this thread wouldn't have gotten to the point it's in...


He stated at the end that while he understands the issue between DE and Sony for updates, he is still frustrated with the extensive wait time and needed to vent, which is the reason for this thread. He wanted others to hear his issues and possibly see what they thought as well. You know, see if you're not alone and maybe find out others know more than you do about the delay between PC and PS4. Of course, he is also hopeful there is a way that they can speed up the process in the future.


He wasn't really contradicting himself, it was more of a release of thoughts.

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