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What Do You Think Makes Warframe Unique?


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Deep customization for your weapons, the fact that any weapon can make it into end game if modded properly. The art design of Warframe is also really intriguing.


Hah!  Good one!  If by deep you mean serration, vital sense, point strike, split chamber, and the order of placement for your of elemental mods, sure!


The game is about space ninjas created during an ancient era reawakening millenia into the future and fighting an advanced corporate human faction of technophiles against a militiristic human faction manned entirely by clones of clones of clones while staving off the infestation which is Warframe's version of The Flood.  It's a standard fare third-person shooter with the worst parkour mechanics of any shooter with parkour I've had the pleasure of playing, an aggravating RNG wall that is only aggravating because there are these things called mods that one can use to customize their weapon and armor, except some of these mods are absolutely necessary to have, and the "Customization" options are limited by the sheer limitations imposed by modding limits, such that despite all of the available mods, there's only enough room for all of the "must have" mods on your weapon or armor, rendering the whole modding system largely pointless.


This is exactly the sales pitch I'd throw someone if I were to be 100% honest.  That's the game in a nutshell.  As a sales pitch, even the notion of "ninjas in space" sounds ludicrous without the actual game to experience available to back it up.  Now all we need are pirates and vampires.


What is unique about Warframe is its lore, art direction, and the fact that it could have been a MOBA with the current mod selections.  No seriously, everything is there to make it a MOBA.  Two warring factions, a "jungle" faction, a selection of "heroes" each with four powers, equipment, and mods for that equipment.  Not that I care for PvP.  I only enjoy LoL for a few heroes, but I'm just not fond of MOBAs in general.  Too much meta to go with the customization and game play.  Likewise however, Warframe seems to lack any actual meta despite the systems in place, but also because of the systems in place.  Modding should have been what allowed us to pick a weapon we really liked and stick with it.  However, other systems completely sabotage this in that some weapons are just plain better, modding is severely limited to the point the only mods we can use are strictly reserved for damage output or survival, and enemies simply grow stronger for no apparent reason other than to provide a sense of false progression.


Long review short:

Imagine if in DOOM the zombies started taking 20 rounds by level 10, and went from removing ~5-10hp per bullet to 35-50, and the only remedy for this was to get lucky enough to find an item that increased damage output or reduce incoming damage/increase maximum life from 100 to 500.  Yeah, that's how pointless vertical scaling is.  We're back to square 1, and it totally defeats the purpose of customization.  Warframe is good on it's basic level as a shooter, which is what I owe a lot of it's popularity to, but all of it's other aspects are doing more harm than good in their current form right now.  These aspects might make it unique as a shooter, but not in a good way.

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Ive heard this alot


I see alot of unique thoughts and twists in it that make it unique and alot of over crediting in some areas


So what are your thoughts on it?

it's like one of those hack and slash games like diablo or path of exile but in third person shooter form with a cool artstyle and theme

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FYI the RNG walls of this game is thin as a paper, compare to that one game I played that's as think as an onion's layers.


FYI, the conditions, be they better or worse, of any other game has no bearing on the severity of Warframe's RNG. We harp on about Warframe's RNG because it is a mostly pointless grind for little benefit in the grand scheme of things, and few weapons and mods are legitimately worth the effort put in to acquire them. None of the drops are even varied in their statistics, so it's not like we'll find that one Brakk piece that has the no fall off bonus by grinding for four weeks all of a sudden... Saddest part, there was once a time that this stuff was bearable, and even manageable...


As for the OP, I once thought Warframe had a unique enough concept to make into a great action based game in the same vein as DMC, Onimusha and Ninja Gaiden. The Devs took it in a more Diablo and Borderlands direction without the nuances between drops, making it probably the worst of the loot games I've ever seen...

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