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Passing Of A Giant.


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DE needs an Apple approach- everyone working as one, single cohesive whole with a shared agenda. Rather than multiple DIVISIONS (and look at how ominous that sounds), treat a company like a body- one organ can cause w problem, but when one organ cannot communicate, the body falls apart.

I'm not suggesting a policy change, I'm saying communication both within and without the company needs to be the top priority if this game is going to go where the devs- and DE- wants it to. A better game brings in better profits, after all.

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DE always had time to fix the problems, but yet they never did. DE probably read Nugget's post since they replied to it and locked it. It feels like DE is hiding something since they aren't fixing the problems.


If they were trying to hide something, wouldn't it have been smarter to delete the thread rather than lock it?

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I have come here to pay my respects to a lost friend and ally. Nugget was a true soldier for change in the system. Even if bitter it was quite necessary someone speak out about the issues he did. He cared a lot about the game, and not even for his own benefit but for the health of the game itself.

I'd write more but I'm a little short on time at the moment.

Thank you for creating this thread Calayne. 




I feel ya, Luke. I see you around quite frequently on the forums, too. 


I really respected him. He didn't even play as much as he spent time giving feedback on the forums. That's how much he cared; When people would get bored of the game and just quit, he hung on and fought a long, hard battle. A true soldier indeed. He fought for a vision. The Great Zamboni did, too, and he suffered just the same. 


But Nugget... He was different. He was a forum regular. 


He saw the problems both as part of a mechanic inside a game, and outside of it. He made a link there, and he was very, very vocal about it. It certainly helps when you're smart, too.



DE needs an Apple approach- everyone working as one, single cohesive whole with a shared agenda. Rather than multiple DIVISIONS (and look at how ominous that sounds), treat a company like a body- one organ can cause w problem, but when one organ cannot communicate, the body falls apart.

I'm not suggesting a policy change, I'm saying communication both within and without the company needs to be the top priority if this game is going to go where the devs- and DE- wants it to. A better game brings in better profits, after all.



It's true that DE needs better communication. But I think they're really trying their best in this regard. Rebecca, Megan, Drew, Skree, (Steve and Scott sometimes), they try to hop in and talk to us. Unfortunately, that interaction is still limited. There was a concept for a real council, where selected representatives from the community would sit down with the developers, have a real-time, heart-to-heart chat, and find out what problems they're facing, and how we can help. 


Now, I really, really wish it were true.


There was another concept where selected players were given training on how to write official bug reports, and then given permission to try out new builds before the rest of the community, so they can quickly get feedback before the whole community is exposed to the bugs.


So many good ideas... So many limits.

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If they were trying to hide something, wouldn't it have been smarter to delete the thread rather than lock it?


Sherlock Holmes: It's so covert, it's overt.


Locking things... There may not be anything to hide, but honestly, deleting threads is a sure-fire way to declare that there is something to hide. It's like if a witness refused to testify, as opposed to "disposed of".

Edited by Calayne
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I liked Nugget too


I didnt find everything but I read a good amount of his posts to the fullest if i ever found them. I could never come up with some of the stuff he did, hell, I still struggle trying to think of actual doable feedback.

I guess I just give people the benefit of the doubt more than anything but what he was talking about, was actually good content. Even if for some reason DE couldnt do it, it was good, great even.


Even if he doesnt play much, it will sadden me to see him go.

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I feel ya, Luke. I see you around quite frequently on the forums, too. 


I really respected him. He didn't even play as much as he spent time giving feedback on the forums. That's how much he cared; When people would get bored of the game and just quit, he hung on and fought a long, hard battle. A true soldier indeed. He fought for a vision. The Great Zamboni did, too, and he suffered just the same. 


But Nugget... He was different. He was a forum regular. 


He saw the problems both as part of a mechanic inside a game, and outside of it. He made a link there, and he was very, very vocal about it. It certainly helps when you're smart, too.

I'm just trying to help make the game a better place, I'd like to think most of us are as well. I started pretty much in Nugget's threads back when he made them more frequently, he was a man with vision and I had a great deal of respect for him too. Honestly, I don't think I would be as dedicated in the forums right now as I am if it wasn't for him.  


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To be honest, the thread was on the verge of spiraling out of control and into argument. No reason to outright lock instead of just issuing some slaps on the wrist but maybe they didn't want a breeding ground of negativity on their forums. Which wasn't always the case, seeing as many people in tha thread were willing to offer constructive criticism.


Nugget may have ticked a lot of people off, but you need those bruiser types who aren't afraid to speak their minds when it comes to change. So respect to him. May he enjoy playing better games.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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I'm just trying to help make the game a better place, I'd like to think most of us are as well. I started pretty much in Nugget's threads back when he made them more frequently, he was a man with vision and I had a great deal of respect for him too. Honestly, I don't think I would be as dedicated in the forums right now as I am if it wasn't for him.  



Yeah. I think most of the people who frequent the game a lot, then turn to the forums, do. We all do it in our own way. Refining; Balancing; Concept; Morale boost; Book-keeping. 


Nugget was a darn fine book-keeper, at that. I saw his name come up a few times back in the day. But the day I really remembered him was the day I saw his first social experiment. Crazy bugger. He did the experiments I've always wanted to try, but never got around to do. Then I saw that big-arse thread. It's been around for so long. And it was just... 



It was just.... Wow.


I had no idea what else to say. That someone who forked over more than 250$ for agame, and then spent probably thousands of hours in-game and on the forums? Unheard of. Absolutely unheard of. Until then. There are others, of course; Many other veterans who still do post, seeing the game Warframe can be. But Nugget played a special role....


He played the role of the much-needed @sshole.


And no one else can do it like he did.



To be honest, the thread was on the verge of spiraling out of control and into argument. No reason to outright lock instead of just issuing some slaps on the wrist but maybe they didn't want a breeding ground of negativity on their forums.


Nugget may have ticked a lot of people off, but you need those bruiser types who aren't afraid to speak their minds when it comes to change. May he enjoy playing better games.


I guess you may be right, regarding the thread. It's just a bit of a shame. I just feel that despite it spiralling out of control, he kept everything in perspective, when everyone else forgot. Even I forgot about most of DE's promises, swallowed by the grind and hype of new updates. But he remembered. EVERYTHING.


This guy was the Rhino of the forums: He had an Iron Skin, but deep down... He was just as soft as any of us. And unfortunately... He ran out of revives. 

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I'm running on my last few, myself. I see nothing more to do in the game. After leveling every weapon and frame, what else is left? Forma? No, they just allow you to get better weapons, which allow for mastery. Same with frames. Build experimenting was done already to keep my mind off the grind. I tried switching loadouts. I went the sword alone. I have fought every battle from the last fomorian to the new fleet. I have battles my way through every node. I have enough cells I don't even worry about the next set of primes. I have all the colors, accessories, the bells and whistles that I want.

I love this community. Maybe I should take a break, but I'm in too deep.

I want to see this game grow. I'm going to follow in the steps of nugget: I will recreate his thread, I will send PMs to the devs. I will fight for this game to live on, because I love it and DE. I can't take in the lies and the broken promises, but I'll be damned if I don't go down fighting, down to the last of my 76 revives!

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I'll paraphrase some of what I said there in this thread.


I didn't always agree with Nugget_. I still don't agree with him in regard to some of his comments and assertions.


But, I'll miss that guy's comments immensely...


His commentary could be a, "dash of cold water" from time to time... But, sometimes, that's just what you need to wake up.


Happy trails Nugget_.


Try not to let an inattentive WHM get you wiped. xD

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I'm running on my last few, myself. I see nothing more to do in the game. After leveling every weapon and frame, what else is left? Forma? No, they just allow you to get better weapons, which allow for mastery. Same with frames. Build experimenting was done already to keep my mind off the grind. I tried switching loadouts. I went the sword alone. I have fought every battle from the last fomorian to the new fleet. I have battles my way through every node. I have enough cells I don't even worry about the next set of primes. I have all the colors, accessories, the bells and whistles that I want.

I love this community. Maybe I should take a break, but I'm in too deep.

I want to see this game grow. I'm going to follow in the steps of nugget: I will recreate his thread, I will send PMs to the devs. I will fight for this game to live on, because I love it and DE. I can't take in the lies and the broken promises, but I'll be damned if I don't go down fighting, down to the last of my 76 revives!


I salute you, brother. 


Share on the forums, if you ever need support. There are many people who wish to see Warframe reach the potential it's capable of. It's actually quite touching to see. 


I still have quite a ways to go before being burnt out: I don't grind that much, don't have enough time. I still have friends playing, and the sheer fun of playing with my brother never gets old. I'm lazy, and never grind for Primes, and I just play as things come. In a way, I've never been able to feel the burnout most vets do.


But still, I do know Warframe has a long way to go before they reach the perfection we all dream of. It's our Promised Land. Warframe has the potential for substance, and it's steadily growing in that. I just don't understand why most of that has to be ground for. Are we barristers or are we mass-murdering humanoids in space? 

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Gone, but not forgotten.


You guys <3

Read through that entire thread with a smile on my face.


Even though I'm gone, I've even made friends on these forums. Wading through the ocean of...less than admirable people, there are a few gems out there. (ie. you guys)


The bitterness is at its peak right now in regards to Warframe.

From today, I am absolutely, positively done. Both with the Forums and the games.

Numerous issues with Forum staff and game mechanics has led me to just say 'enough'.


I might login every now and then, but (assuming this actually gets approved) this will be my last post.


Thanks for the good times, everyone. It's been one interesting year.

(Feel free to hit me up on Steam, link is in my profile)

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Good luck, nugget_. I'll do my best to keep up your legacy, an OP is in the works. I may not have as many qualms with warframe but they are still numerous and still important. You have influenced my play as I grew more and more jaded, and I hope that you'll return one day to a game we'll enjoy a lot more.

Edited by UpgradeInProgress
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Sad to see you go Nugget_. I know that the forums have always been pretty FUBAR, but with both you gone and the vast majority of Warbros moving onward to better places, there really isn't going to be any bit of cynicism left here at all.

Unfortunately that seems to be just the way DE likes it. 

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When I had just some scattered thoughts about Warframe, that something is wrong here, I found his thread. And he actually had exactly my thoughts organized. He nailed it. Like nobody could. You, Nugget_ have my deepest respect. For your amazing ideas. For your constant tries to make Warframe become better. Let's all hope that the game still has better future.

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Nugget_ may be gone from this game, but his ideals live on in the community and in his clan.  I have read most, though not all, of his many topics and posts, and I've found that I agree on many aspects of them.  The few times I actually got the chance to play with him in-game, I thoroughly enjoyed it, but at least I can still game with my friend on other games.


We'll try to do you proud with your clan, Nugget_, though I don't believe it'll become a well known one like Warbros or Cresent Moon.

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Gone, but not forgotten.


You guys <3

Read through that entire thread with a smile on my face.


Even though I'm gone, I've even made friends on these forums. Wading through the ocean of...less than admirable people, there are a few gems out there. (ie. you guys)


The bitterness is at its peak right now in regards to Warframe.

From today, I am absolutely, positively done. Both with the Forums and the games.

Numerous issues with Forum staff and game mechanics has led me to just say 'enough'.


I might login every now and then, but (assuming this actually gets approved) this will be my last post.


Thanks for the good times, everyone. It's been one interesting year.

(Feel free to hit me up on Steam, link is in my profile)


I can understand. Many of the problems you mentioned are still around, chief being RNG and grind. The Stances being one on top of that, as well as Vay Hek being beacon-ground while there's still an empty node, really takes the cake. 


At any rate, fare you well, my friend. 


I do still hope that the game gets better as time goes on, though. 


Good luck, nugget_. I'll do my best to keep up your legacy, an OP is in the works. I may not have as many qualms with warframe but they are still numerous and still important. You have influenced my play as I grew more and more jaded, and I hope that you'll return one day to a game we'll enjoy a lot more.


LoL, well, I'm endlessly agitated by their insistence to put the stances as part of loot, and not remove ability mods from the drop tables. Ability mods are just plain bad, and if someone had sold all of his unranked powers by accident, buying it should be simple. Then we wouldn't need to worry about selling those by accident, where you have to find some grunt and grind for your unranked power.


Anyways, that's a whole other discussion. 


We'll miss ya, Nugget. The people here, at least, will never forget you. 


By the way, the results of your experiments were re-verified recently. It still holds true. And about 80% who post don't read before they do. Which is ironic, since I'm in the forums posting topics myself.

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Nugget_'s work has influenced my fervor towards keeping this game on track. He was ostracized by the lazy and power hungry, he was ignored by DE, he probably had enough of it. Feeling like "doing the right thing" is an uphill battle can unnerve any one of us. 


Nugget and I may have had a couple disagreements here but they were largely on what we individually viewed Warframe's theme to be. He will always be one of those forumers that I will always respect. 

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I always liked Nugget's threads, and I'm rather sad to see him go. Oddly enough, because of him and Notionphil, I've come to associate the Nyx profile picture with, "Threads I should probably be reading because they'll have some good ideas in them."


Honestly, I've always held onto the hope that somewhere, in room 101 of the DE offices under the cover of night, a small team quietly works on Nugget_ and Notionphil's ideas on the game, and that one day, in a hotfix far into the future, Warframe will live up to the potential we all saw in it.



Also... sometimes, cynicism from certain people is absolute dry comic genius. Half of Nugget_'s posts were examples of this.


Happy trails, Nugget. Thanks for posting. 

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