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[Ooc] Of Ash And Fire V2.0 - Faq And Discussion


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MandoKarla's Characters:


--may add pictures at a later point in time--

Morlan: Uses a white and blood red Immortal Frost Prime with blue trim and an Aurora helmet. He is no longer obsessively bent on getting revenge against the Grineer, but his hatred remains strong and takes every opportunity to damage them in any way possible. He is suspicious, cynical, but respects the bonds he makes with people and never lets them go. He uses a Braton Prime, Twin Wraith Vipers, and a Dragon Nikana. He prefers melee and hand to hand combat, but is good at medium to close quarters combat. In combat situations, he becomes very predatory, tending to focus on one target at a time, and he has unnaturally superb situational awareness.


Adrazi: Morlan's first friend, and one of his squadmates. She uses the Trinity frame, uses a fallen comrade's Strun wraith, a Lex, and Dual heat Swords. She has a fluctuating personality, but is generally friendly and open-minded. She is exceptional at CQC, and her combat revolves around ranged support or close quarters devastation.


Argi: A blood red Immortal Loki with blue trim the Swindle helmet. He uses the Gorgon Wraith, Brakk, and Orthos Prime. He is generally considered mentally disturbed with possible socioopathic tendencies . He serves the Lotus directly, and specializes in finding Rogue Tenno that need to be dealt with, and hunting anti-Tenno specialists, such as the Stalker. He keeps to himself, and doesn't really have any friends, and most people know nothing about him. His fighting style suggests bloodlust and brutality.

Edited by MandoKarla
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Reserve-... You know the deal by know.



--To be filled when I feel like it. ---- ok, I feel like it ----


My cute character list

Azmodiel - nicknamed Az.

She's a green Mag that usually uses a Boltor assault rifle, a Seer pistol and an Ether Blade.

She's a member of the Aequitas clan.

She's also the owner of one of the sentient sentinels, Dakkacube.

Dakkacube is a red and yellow Dethcube and will never accept another colour scheme, because in his words: "RED MAKES GO FASTA' AN YELLA' MAKES SHOOTA HARDA'!"


Yuriel - nicknamed Yuri

He is a deceased Rhino. Only chances of my ever writing more about him or referencing is in pre-fall memories or mental invasions into Az's mind.


Mikael - nicknamed Mike

He's a red-based Oberon.


Daniel - nicknamed Dan

He's a black-and-purple Ash. His weaponry is undecided so far apart from his purple Dual Kamas. 



She's a Grineer Ballista that seems to have a higher-than-usual IQ and a much higher sense of self, somehow not being as brainwashed as the rest of the armies she has been in.


Samael - nicknamed Sam

She is a white-and-blue Nyx.



He's a former Grineer Trooper, but these days he wears a white-and-blue armour and serves as Sam's thought slave.

Edited by Pyjamalama
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Reserved for bejuizb's characters. Not completed yet.


Updated: May 31, 2014


Rakth is my newest and last character on the thread. She is essentially is the character I play in Warframe. 


Rakth is a Valkyr. Now, according to Warframe lore, Valkyrs are survivors of Corpus experimentation on Tenno and Warframes. Rakth is a similar victim of Alad V's experiments, and she was experimented on for several months for aspects such as pain tolerance and temperature tests. Basically, KGB and Guantanamo Bay on steroids.


She has several caretakers, who are tasked with keeping her alive, which means cleaning and feeding her. Rakth develops an attraction to one such caretaker, despite him being one of the torturers. This is a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome. She feels desperate to keep him in her company, and feels happy when she sees him, even if he's there to torture her.


One day, a Tenno squad attacks the facility where she is being kept. On freeing her, she goes into a blood rage and starts killing any Corpus she sees. She ends up also killing the caretaker she was very attached to, and she goes into a state of madness. She killed the person she was most attached to, which made her feel extremely guilty, but at the same time, she killed the person who hurt her a lot. She is sedated and taken to another clan's dojo, where she is treated for her injuries and assigned to a squad of Tenno.


They treat her like crap, calling her a monster and a berserker. Her hatred for everything only intensifies, and the feeling of guilt that plagued her from the start grows stronger as she has no outlet for it. So during an assault at a Grineer outpost, she goes absolutely berserk, and her squad abandon her. Aiden goes in and rescues her. He feels a connection to her (not romantic, more like a kindred spirit) and decides to take care of her.


Read the stories from here on to learn more! :D

Edited by bejuizb
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I liked it man!


Yay! Thank you!


It was my first real attempt at writting something to invoke emotion. I wasnt too sure if i could pull it off at all. But the final revision had me tearing up a bit, so I figured I at least got some of it down.


I might as well ask, what did you guys think of Sophia's exit?

 It was a fitting end to your Nyx, I enjoyed the read. She reminded me a lot of the Grey Wardens from DragonAge in her final moments. Each one gets a vision before they will be completely consumed by madness, so each one goes down to fight a battle against impossible odds as a final farewell. This is how I see Tenno go... I cant imagine any that would go quietly into the night.


You're writting has improved alot, Spikey, keep working on improving it!

Edited by ensignvidiot
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For those of you wondering, my characters are currently....


Saichra, a grey and blue Mag. last seen flying to the main aequitas dojo.


Entari, a white and black Ash. Traveling with Saichra.


Saur, a black and blue Excalibur, deceased, former friend of Saichra.

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I enjoyed it, and it was a bit of a shock to read something from you that made me giggle .


You need to continue to write and capture the full spectrum of emotions, i look forward to see what you want to play with next!

please make it soon-ish, its not like im using your writting as a guide to invoke reactions or anything





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Spikey...rules...i'm going to burn you.


Just...no. As writing goes? It's nice that you're improving and all but just...no. I will outright say this here on OOC. I hate to put out drama on the brand new thread but you are BREAKING THE DAMN RULES.




Just Stop.


Enough. Even as rule-breaking as Wrath's posts were are least they were small enough to ignore and far away enough from the main parts of the thread we could 'flow around' the rule breaking considering what he did is minor compared. You have someone OUTSIDE A WARFRAME CHANNELING POWERS BEYOND THAT OF ANY WARFRAME-WIELDING TENNO FIGHTING OFF INFESTED. NOT COOL.


Get your post the F*** out of the IC thread. I hate to be the angry person that has to be the bad guy and say this but as of posting this i'm tired and angry just from Skimming over your post.


If you want to do something this outrageous make your own storyline thread and put your stuff there. Do not taint the new IC thread on the first page. That's disrespectful and disgusting.

Edited by khimera
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You're not the bad guy Khi. Spikey has already received a PM with my ...unhappy... response to his story and behavior, and I know I am not alone *growls softly*


The last thing I want is this thread being baptized in drama, but it seems unavoidable. I am only sorry that this occurred at all and that any new people will have to bear witness to it during our re-introduction and new beginning. I only hope everything else speaks more loudly than this problem, and that this will not overshadow the other great people here and tarnish the reputations of my friends and fellow writers. There is mostly good here, and I hope that that speaks loudest. I'm truly sorry to everyone else who has to see this when it isn't a true representation of who we are.



*edit: At this point, Spikey has elected to voluntarily remove the offending post, so with any luck this little bit of drama is over.

Edited by Jeahanne
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While the read itself was very high quality as usual, I have to agree that you strayed too far from canon. While one of the previous posts was literally the largest overreaction I have ever seen, its point remains true, and I would suggest that you spoiler it or otherwise indicate its non-canon-ness so as to avoid further confrontations.

Edited by fishworshipper
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Time to write up short things about my characters I suppose.


Khimera's Characters

Khimera: Khimera is one of my original three Tenno, and technically 'me' if you want to go that route. Upon awakening Khimera remembered mainly hatred and rage (directed for the most part at infested) which he unleashed upon the unfortunate Grineer squad that had been investigating his resting place. His Warframe back then was a Volt, one possessed of a particular limiter-release on his powers called Protocol Indra. As events progressed and he met up with his old Cell consisting of me two other original Tenno, he came to be with Aequitas via guidance from the Lotus. During the Berserker event, much of the rage Khi had been bottling up in order to maintain his sanity turned him full circle to the point of near-madness. In an attempt to deal with Berserker by himself he used his computer expertise to cage Berserker into a single pathway to avoid initiate casualties. Upon fighting Berserker he ended up unleashing Protocol Indra and using his electrical powers to the point it damaged his Warframe irreparably. After the Berserker event Khimera had to have his Warframe removed, leaving him without one for a time. His husband ended up sending him the parts for an Oberon Warframe, one which Khimera currently wields though with nowhere near the same skill as with his Volt.

Sidenotes about Khimera: He is both #$$ and married and as of current standing in the timeline separated from his Husband due to the collapse, though both are alive and know that they can find each other soon. At the risk of Spoilers, they will meet up again quite happily. Khimera is adept with computers and at using his powers in unorthodox manners. In old stories he was more than capable of charging his ranged weapons with electricity to effectively make them railguns or charge his hands with energy to make devastating hand-to-hand strikes. Currently he does not possess the skill for such things or the kind of powers for the same effects, but he might regain some sort of semblance of his old abilities with time.

Nova-Quinn/Scarlet: Another of my original three, Nova-Quinn is perhaps the most well-known of any of my characters regardless of number of story appearances. After awakening, Nova-Quinn also had fragmented memories, though hers are far more damaged even now than most other Tenno's. Due to several traumatic events close to her own awakening Nova-Quinn is...well...Nova-Quinn. Her Original and 'True' personality is Scarlet who now serves as the Nova-Quinn personality's protector and a dangerous foe during 'lucid' states. Like Khimera, she was also a part of the Protocol Program, her unique augmentation called the Fortuna Program which magnified her power several times. Though it is not available to Nova-Quinn or Scarlet, they are dangerous enough on their own when pressed. In most cases, she is a fairly harmless semi-insane prankster.


Sidenotes about Nova-Quinn/Scarlet: Infested actually FEAR her due to her 'chaos probability'. Essentially she has easily avoided any dangerous contact with the monsters and managed to do significant damage to even Ancients without trying. Most notably is an old story where she was testing a game of her creation called 'Wormhole-a-pult' wherein she rocketed a potato through several wormholes and ricocheting off several surfaces ending up beaning an Ancient in the head and downing it as if she had predicted it would be there. In all fairness the next victim was a Tenno but she's done enough damage to the Infested in general they avoid her presence if possible. Scarlet still longs to be 'whole' again, but she realizes that Nova-Quinn has become important to the people of Aequitas, and so relegates her presence mainly to the shadows of conversation with a select few.



Crowley: Of my characters, Crowley is -by age in story- the oldest of them. He is the last of my original three and a pale blue Nekros. Originally part of the order that trained Nekros in the ways of funerary rights and preparing the dead, Crowley eventually became Grand-Master of the Dead, a title beholden to only one Nekros at a time. Crowley, upon awakening, did not remember anything important, merely the basics. After events on Vis Crowley reclaimed the artifact Lunasos; a lunar scythe that allows Crowley to call upon the powers of past Tenno. After meeting up with his old Cell Crowley came to be a part of Aequitas, serving mainly as a master of ceremonies of sorts. While he was away for the Berserker Incident, Crowley has always been very informed of happening around the Dojo. 

Sidenotes about Crowley: He is permanently bonded to his Warframe (Ash and Fire Tenno seem quite able to remove warframes depending on who you ask.) though is capable of changing his helmet for occasions as well as using Syandanas. Another trait Crowley has is that the chromatophores of his Warframe can be changed according to his will, though in most cases the colors remain the same unless you &!$$ him off...then he looks terrifying. On another note, Crowley is close to the Lotus, though currently there is no indication that he has met Lotus in person aside from holograms. Crowley also happens to be extremely ancient by Tenno age standards, mostly kept alive by his bonding to his Warframe.


Sandalphon: A bumbling Excalibur Prime who hits on...well...anyone. Originally had a thing for Khimera until he got shot down in a most...er...'violent' manner. Currently he works Registration for Aequitas. As a side note, he's capable of wielding a Galatine with one hand, though only in a most rudimentary manner which leaves him quite open in a lot of cases.


Faust: Crowley's apprentice, one of two and the one belonging to me. Generally bone-colored and wearing a Shroud helmet he has self-confidence issues particularly about his skill as a Tenno and worthiness as Crowley's apprentice. Currently both he and Kittyshark's Character Fenrik are candidates for the title of Grand-Master of the Dead once Crowley has perished.


Searc: A Valkyr that was muted due to her voicebox being taken out by the Corpus. She uses a Portal 2 Soundboard to vocalize her general dislike of most people and things. While not crazy, people tend to think she is because her Soundboardedness prevents her from saying everything she'd like to say. She also totes a barrel-hating Helios with her. (Not a very serious character, used mainly for comic relief stories)

Emerald/Mirage: Emerald is her real name, Mirage is the given alias she has used to bypass Aequitas security. The story ark with her failed spectacularly so the general consensus is when she failed to completely break Nova-Quinn's mind she used her power to wipe all memory of her presence from Aequitas in order to escape. Emerald currently holds a set of twin-artifacts bearing sentience known as Bone and Marrow which hold her very life over her head 'forcing' her to continue killing without end.

Various Sentinels: I have throughout several stories used Sentinels that are capable of speech or are sentient. Notably Crowley's Djinn and Searc's Helios. I personally believe all Sentinels could be made capable of speech, but not necessarily be sentient unless you count any form of AI sentient.


Einherjar: Crowley, knowing his time is coming up soon, wanted to make something that would last as his legacy, something beyond the transience of an apprentice. In the end, what became of this idea and the Foundry Master's (Quinnswing's Vauban) assistance was Einherjar, best described as an 'artificial Tenno'. While he has not flesh or blood, he is sentient and thanks to Crowley sacrificing a fragment of his own soul, Ein has one too. Recently Ein's body was redesigned to better focus his abilities. Since the abilities Ein could possess, not technically being infected with Technocyte, were limited his powers were set to be, in theme, Hard Light and the projection thereof. In addition to his ability to project and manipulate Hard Light constructs Ein has drones at his disposal with which to channel his power through. Originally these drones could be sent to help protect allies, but in their current configuration they are meant to stay close to Ein.

Sidenotes about Einherjar: He is technically canon-breaking, but I'm working off of several facts (even if I can't remember them all at once) such as evolving AI and the idea that Nekros can actually communicate and affect souls of those departed. Thinking logically it is possible for Ein to exist, but I do welcome ideas that oppose his existence as well since I do know he's not entirely canon. Ein is also very curious, for those who'd like to know, since he's very much like a child learning about the world.

Zen: Zen is a fluffy little critter that Ein found on a trip to Earth that basically serves as Ein's pet. Zen is, much like Ein, very curious and playful and quite the unintentional troublemaker.

Edited by khimera
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