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This Is It!, The Quick Shot


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This great idea came from SJunior, I was amazed by it's potential but I was afraid it will be forgotten so I'm here to give the complete details about quick shot but 1st here's the original post :

I dunno about you all, But the concept of using a Gun and a Sword at the same time sounds amazing to me. And would really help solidify the whole, "Tenno are masters of Blade and Gun" Not, "Blade, or gun."

Perhaps, At the very least a 'Quick Ranged' Button? Similar to how there's a Quick Melee button in Gun mode. In Melee mode there'd be a button to shoot.

The quick shot allows us to use our guns quickly on melee mode without it taking too long to swap. Quick shot has to have different animation and triggers based on weapon types. For example when you quick shot Vipers, Afuris, Akstiletto you fire it in 5-6 bullets burst or for Lex, Marelok, Kraken a single shot for the throwing weapons like Despair and Hikou a 2x throw.

It can add great flow in melee combat since you can strike an enemy and then fire on an enemy you can't reach then continue striking. Here are more details.

> Has to have very fast and different animations per weapon type (Marelok, Vasto, Magnus etc.: Revolving animation after firing then holster / Automatic pistols Afuris, Vipers etc. Retains it for a few seconds before holstering so it adds great looks while you're striking with Dakra Prime while the gun is ready 1-2 seconds for you to quick shot again.)

> R will be a great button for quick shot since you're it's beside E.

> Quick Shot costs 20% of your stamina, and you will not be able to quick shot if you have below 20% stamina left.

> Quick Shot has accuracy penalty and damage penalty maybe like 20-30% loss (wider pellet spread for broncos,brakk etc.) meaning it's not gonna be for sniping.

> Has a 1 second delay before you can quick shot again

> An aura for quick shot that can negate the accuracy and damage loss of quick shot. It could fit the new polarity like the ones being used on gnashing payara and iron phoenix.

> Can have the option to auto aim nearest target like the option we have for melee right now.

> Different mods for weapons using the new polarity to have effects on quick shot like : Increase number of bullets and burst fire rate on automatic pistols, Decreases the delay to use quick shot on semi auto pistols, Decrease stamina cost of quick shot using throwing weapons and a lot more.

I would really like for people to see this, I hope DE gets a look on this and hopefully consider it in the future. I understand it can take time but this could be in a medium or a big update.

Special thanks to SJunior for this and for the people that help me about ideas/suggestions clarification :



Let me know if you have questions or thoughts about this :D

Edited by XaelathRavenstorm
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Prefer if they included stances that allowed us to wield one handed weapons with a pistol in the off hand.


Else, not entirely against the notion of having a quickshot for melee, but I do feel it should be restricted to throwing secondary's like the kunai or shuriken. Primarily because i can't imagine the entire process of drawing, and firing your weapon to be simple.


As an example:

1. unholstering a weapon

2. disengaging the safety

3. leveling the weapon at target

4. firing

5. re-engaging safety

6. Holstering weapon


Nothing quick about it.


Throwing weapons seem more appropriate for a quick shot mechanic. Draw the kunai or shuriken, @#&$ arm, throw.

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Prefer if they included stances that allowed us to wield one handed weapons with a pistol in the off hand.


Else, not entirely against the notion of having a quickshot for melee, but I do feel it should be restricted to throwing secondary's like the kunai or shuriken. Primarily because i can't imagine the entire process of drawing, and firing your weapon to be simple.


As an example:

1. unholstering a weapon

2. disengaging the safety

3. leveling the weapon at target

4. firing

5. re-engaging safety

6. Holstering weapon


Nothing quick about it.


Throwing weapons seem more appropriate for a quick shot mechanic. Draw the kunai or shuriken, @#&$ arm, throw.

There are several problems with your post. The biggest one is that you're trying to bring logic into a videogame. Also, that logic is flawed: drawing and firing a pistol can easily be done with a single hand. There are even real competitions in real life where real people gather with real guns to shoot as fast as possible. You can find these videos all over YouTube. Mythbusters even had a whole episode dedicated to the art of the quick-draw.

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So, At first when I saw the title I was like: "Man, Someone had the idea I had in their own thread before I did... Welp."


Then I was like, "Whoa, I made an Impact on someone and they liked my Idea!" And proceeded to grin like an idiot.


Thanks for making the thread. I think you really did a good job expanding on the idea with the drawbacks and mechanics. And the lil' details. This is exactly what I was talking about.



drawing and firing a pistol can easily be done with a single hand. There are even real competitions in real life where real people gather with real guns to shoot as fast as possible. You can find these videos all over YouTube. Mythbusters even had a whole episode dedicated to the art of the quick-draw.


Also this.

Edited by SJunior
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I'd rather see more responsive blocking first.


No point having blocking in the game if I can't engage it in time to stop attacks.


Faster engage and the ability for block to override other animations would have me using it much more.

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My personal solution to the problem of requiring the occasional ranged attack was to throw your melee weapon(s). Unlike the Glaive, it would not return to you and you'd actually have to go pick it up. It also wouldn't travel all that far, but you'd be able to hit all of those annoying drones and cameras. This also solves the problem without requiring you to have a gun, which is nice because I'm sure some people enjoy not needing one and want to be able to play the entire game without one equip.

It could also be fairly cool if done correctly. For example, if you wanted to open up on a large group of enemies that were firing on you and you had a heavy weapon, you could throw it into the crowd, staggering them with the impact and jump in to reclaim your weapon and go to town on them. Or say you were stealthing a mission and a enemy saw you; you throw your longsword at him/her, pinning them to a wall while you cover the distance to reclaim your weapon and finishing them off.

I do like the idea of also having the option to fire your weapon quickly if circumstances changed and you needed to, but I'm not sure I like the idea of fixing the problem of flying units only by using a gun in melee mode. I'd rather being able to choose to solve it with a melee only solution or a quick shot.

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1. unholstering a weapon

2. disengaging the safety

3. leveling the weapon at target

4. firing

5. re-engaging safety

6. Holstering weapon



Problem is, there's no safeties on the weapons of Warframe. Grineers are too trigger happy to bother with a safety, the Corpus have robots that does the whole friend or foe recognition automatically so it's safe to assume they wouldn't be too worried about an energy weapon discharging, especially if crewmen are brainwashed drones; the council probably doesn't give a damn about a crewman shooting a finger off.


And the Tenno are masters of war and weaponry; for them, a safety is likely an obstacle to their efficiency.


... And anyone who shot themselves by accident in the Warframe-verse probably deserved it in one way or another.

Edited by Wiegraf
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Equip Ether Reaper: slash , slash, slash-- then a finishing aim to the head with Brakk?




I can already imagine dragon nikana rushing on grineers : block block block slash slashes one while running then stops to slash a lancer in half then throws hikous/despairs on further targets.

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