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Finally Trinity's Blessing Is Being Looked At!


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there's a problem with healing in warframe because when you'll eventually reach some point you begin to be one shotted,and adversary begin to have 100 k hps when you keep your usual 500/1000 hps shields.

with these conditions you can't have a healer, and when you reach this one shot time only invulnerability could permit you to stay on your feet...


Maybe they can try a 99% (maxed with all mods etc...) damage reduction on blessing, with this, other healing powers could be really usefull as you'll begin to take damages constantly...


healing only, whatever the way to use it will never be usable when you oppose it to actual scaling speed of mobs in Warframe, only a enormous damage reduction could find an usefulness for trying to test a real healing system.

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I just want Oberon to become a viable healer, man :(

Actually Oberon's 3rd ability is quite useful if you use Fleeting Expertise, because it actually makes it last longer. It slows down health regeneration, yes, but I find the auto-revive thing more useful... Well, when it works...



there's a problem with healing in warframe because when you'll eventually reach some point you begin to be one shotted,and adversary begin to have 100 k hps when you keep your usual 500/1000 hps shields.

with these conditions you can't have a healer, and when you reach this one shot time only invulnerability could permit you to stay on your feet...


Maybe they can try a 99% (maxed with all mods etc...) damage reduction on blessing, with this, other healing powers could be really usefull as you'll begin to take damages constantly...


healing only, whatever the way to use it will never be usable when you oppose it to actual scaling speed of mobs in Warframe, only a enormous damage reduction could find an usefulness for trying to test a real healing system.

Give a Nobel to this man.
For what i see, they should make Blessing a power that only reduces damage and doesn't regenerate your health. Then they should make Well Of Life a power that regenerates A LOT of health, and starts from Trinity herself and not from an enemy. 
Edited by Gabry_96
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Note to self


Avoid social interaction and forget abut PvE balance because apparently it doesnt exist


Wheres the steamroll train


im gonna go spam my instant kill lvl 300 button till we get the thing

really, no coherent reply, exaggeration, and yet more QQ.


if you can't address any of the points, why even bother replying? just to up your post count? this whole nerf train isn't about anything but some players who absolutely hate what trinity can do because they don't get the uber numbers they want with other frames when she's in a party. it's pathetic, so much for teamwork, you all want to post higher numbers, so lets nerf trinity, then any other frame we don't use to make sure no one can match us.


DE already has a huge problem with almost NO abilities scaling well with content, one of the few frames capable of that scaling...you 'heroes' don't want.


you don't have to use trinity

you don't have to have her in your party

so...what's the problem?


as i asked several pages back, why are you screaming for nerf? i answered it for you, your own personal epeen. that's it, that's the only reason. since you COULD do the above, yet would rather QQ for a nerf.


oh, btw, i don't play trin, leveled her to 30...and that was it. i hate the way she looks.

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I love the reasoning of 'dont like... dont play'   Don't like imbalance, dont play Wraframe, right. Unfortunately I cant find a similar game that would be any good.

We should have 2 game modes to make everyone happy: 'let me win' with all the op powers and invincibility for casual players and 'bring it on' where all the exploits are removed and OP stuff toned down for those who want some challenge. But I guess that's too much to ask from the devs.

Edited by Monolake
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really, no coherent reply, exaggeration, and yet more QQ.


if you can't address any of the points, why even bother replying? just to up your post count? this whole nerf train isn't about anything but some players who absolutely hate what trinity can do because they don't get the uber numbers they want with other frames when she's in a party. it's pathetic, so much for teamwork, you all want to post higher numbers, so lets nerf trinity, then any other frame we don't use to make sure no one can match us.


DE already has a huge problem with almost NO abilities scaling well with content, one of the few frames capable of that scaling...you 'heroes' don't want.


you don't have to use trinity

you don't have to have her in your party

so...what's the problem?


as i asked several pages back, why are you screaming for nerf? i answered it for you, your own personal epeen. that's it, that's the only reason. since you COULD do the above, yet would rather QQ for a nerf.


oh, btw, i don't play trin, leveled her to 30...and that was it. i hate the way she looks.

Its a valid point and you know it


If PvE balance doesnt matter then we can all have that weapon right?


If you disagree then PvE balance does matter

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Yes, I've done high waves of defense (100+) with those numbers. I don't think you know the mechanics of AMD and how it actually works lol. Have you ever even used Nova in your life? Like properly use her and not just spam M Prime.

lol lol lol read first my text before u answer i dont talk just about lvl 100+ i talk abou a lvl 1000 enemy because u said u kill one with nearly the same dmg... 


...and now please make a new answer and maybe a screenshoot^^

Edited by Psycho1848
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If they nerf Blessing players will stop using Trinity......like me.

Is that the only reason you used her?


Ask for a buff or rework of her other skills


It doesnt have to end here


If the blessing nerf is going to throw her too far down then just ask for tweaks on other things to rebalanced her

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lol lol lol read first my text before u answer i dont talk just about lvl 100+ i talk abou a lvl 1000 enemy because u said u kill one with nearly the same dmg... 


...and now please make a new answer and maybe a screenshoot^^

Do you even know how enemy scaling works? At waves 150 + the enemies are level 1000. At waves 200 + the enemies are reaching about level 2000.


I haven't had the time to do a long wave defence recently but seriously look up leaderboards. There was a recent squad who did 231 waves of grineer defence where the enemies were level 2000+ 

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I haven't had the time to do a long wave defence recently but seriously look up leaderboards. There was a recent squad who did 231 waves of grineer defence where the enemies were level 2000+ 

prema invulnerable doesn't count.

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prema invulnerable doesn't count.

he was referring to pulling out large damage numbers on enemies at that level and I said it's possible clearly if there are people who can go that high and still kill enemies. You can be invincible all you want at that level but that's not going to protect your pod from not getting killed since blessing doesn't affect the pod.

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he was referring to pulling out large damage numbers on enemies at that level and I said it's possible clearly if there are people who can go that high and still kill enemies. You can be invincible all you want at that level but that's not going to protect your pod from not getting killed since blessing doesn't affect the pod.


exactly. And there's also a window when you cast Blessing where you can be knocked down, insta killed or energy drained etc... Blessing make the impossible possible, but is in no way a guaranted success...

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exactly. And there's also a window when you cast Blessing where you can be knocked down, insta killed or energy drained etc... Blessing make the impossible possible, but is in no way a guaranted success...


Unless there is more than one trinity on the team, in which case there is no window for the team to become vulnerable if they coordinate themselves correctly. Let me make clear that I am still opposed to a major Trinity nerf - but the ability for multiple Trinitys to keep a team invincible indefinitely IS something I want DE to address.

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Unless there is more than one trinity on the team, in which case there is no window for the team to become vulnerable if they coordinate themselves correctly. Let me make clear that I am still opposed to a major Trinity nerf - but the ability for multiple Trinitys to keep a team invincible indefinitely IS something I want DE to address.

Yes, that's absolutely possible but like I said, in a defence it doesn't matter how invincible you are if your pod isn't nor does it matter how invincible you are in survival if there are no life support drops.


Trinity alone isn't that great tbh in terms of late game content but her blessing synergises really well with other frames so if used with the right party then you can achieve amazing things but by herself even with invincibilty, she's still just meh. Fun to use with link + blessing but still meh.

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If people dont want a nerf to blessing (whitch is something i wanted since i started this game) then i want Brakk to be unnerfed, i want iron skin back to just cooldown (without HP that it currently has), i want Snow Globe back unnerfed as well. I also want Loki and Ash be given MORE HP/SH and more armor plus no energy for invis.


I want Nekros... Hell lets just buff every frame to the point where all have a chuck norris in our back pocket and are able to kill mobs just by looking at them. This game is too hard for and things like mobs dealing damage has to go as well. We are gods! Also when i think about lets also remove HP/SH from our frames. Gods like us dont need such trivialites. I also want a BFG in my game so i can oneshot everything in the level now and forever, hell i want mobs to be dead AT THE DAMN SPAWN POINT!



... *cools down*


Seriously now, i just dont understand WHY are people making such a fuss over ONE ability? Here is a small angedote.


A few days ago i was in a survival with a few rather new players. I had my trinity just for the kicks, also i didnt feel like acctualy doing anything (im acctualy a good player but some days you just dont give a goat).

Anyway past 10mins they all started dieing (we were on earth and bombards started showing up) so i started spamming blessing ( i want the damn crimson dervish -_-)then it hit me: if i spam blessing those new players will never learn how to deal with different mechanics (since you dont have to even dodge anything when blessed). So i stopped using blessing for 5 mins and the next thing i knew i was running all over the place trying to keep the team ressed nearly dieing several times myselfs.


TL;DR blessing was supposed to be nerfed ages ago. If you think otherwise i suggest you stick to single players games where you can trype in god mode cheats at your leasure.

Edited by Alinna
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you don't understand that some players have so much stuff and mods that they begin to have fun when mobs get madly OP ?

problem is that this imply that these mobs are too much dangerous for our hps/shield that absolutely don't evolute at all, it s where blessing enter the game, where a lot of players can't even kill anymore a simple butcher.


So if they nerf blessing, they have to change the way the mobs scales, it's not ONE ability, it's the ability that permit you to reach these point.


(if you don't like this infinite scaling, please don't argue for nerfing an ability that anyway, is not usefull for your usual gameplay)

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Why don't they make blessing give the player temporary invinsibility and either make the team get something similar to iron skin and make resurrection time quicker....


Either way trinity is a support frame and you should expect to have to resurrect people just like rhino at times.


you don't understand that some players have so much stuff and mods that they begin to have fun when mobs get madly OP ?

problem is that this imply that these mobs are too much dangerous for our hps/shield that absolutely don't evolute at all, it s where blessing enter the game, where a lot of players can't even kill anymore a simple butcher.


So if they nerf blessing, they have to change the way the mobs scales, it's not ONE ability, it's the ability that permit you to reach these point.


(if you don't like this infinite scaling, please don't argue for nerfing an ability that anyway, is not usefull for your usual gameplay)



Possibly make Trinity's blessing have a cool down period?

Edited by Captwinchester
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People actually play with 4 trinity squads? Seems like a waste. I can see how that ruins game play but only for non trinity users.

Oh crap imagine a 4 man loki squad with radial disarm/invisiblity op, 4man vauban bastile vortex op, excalibur radial blind op so many warframes that need nerfing. 

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please explain how anything in the game can kill a 4 trinity/ogris/penta team



you're right, they can't kill you but if you're doing a really high wave defence, they can kill the pod because you have nothing to protect it lololololol.

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First some general house keeping:


-snip- ... and the only Trinity out there that don't have Blessing in my build, please someone prove me wrong...

While I do use Blessing, I use Fleeting Expertise and do not use continuity because that makes playing her fun. Instead of ulting to mitigate damage, I ult to save people and heal and I can do it a whole lot which makes her actually function as a healer. Low duration also makes evamp really really good(can get something like 120 energy in 6 seconds).

In reply to everyone saying that if you don't like her, you don't have to use her: By the same logic if DE released a weapon that when fired killed every enemy you could see, that would be fine because you don't have to use it.

In reply to anyone claiming that instead of nerfing her, they should just buff other frames to her level: while this logic can be used to great effect in terms of statistics that all player characters share, this doesn't work with unique features. For example, if it was decided that the AOE on the penta was just a little too big, by the logic of buffing everything else, all weapons would receive a small AOE to compensate for the difference. Sometimes a change needs to be made.

My main point: Trinity is a healer, Blessing doesn't particularly fit that.

I'm not going to talk about why I think Trinity should be nerfed in great detail, only enough to make my proposed solution make sense. Trinity is supposed to be a healer. I think we can all agree that that's the case. Right now, she isn't used for that purpose. While her ult heals, it also prevents damage and that is the main focus of why people use that ability. As it stands that isn't in line with the paradigm of her role. What would make more sense is a power that when used gets the entire cell out of sticky situations.

With that in mind, this is my version of that idea; a proposed change to blessing:

-Blessing is still global and still full heals. Her ultimate is used to heal and a good trinity should be able to help people anywhere on the map.
-It grants CC invincibility for ~2 seconds. We want to get the Tenno in trouble out of where he/she is. If they get knocked down, that defeats the point. This may seem short, but when combined with a later point, it will make more sense.
-Blessing only grants ~2 seconds of invulnerability. If the player was taking enough fire before the ult was cast, that will almost certainly continue, but our goal is to give them the chance to bail, not to hang around in the fire.
-Blessing grants a massive speed boost(100%-150%) for ~2 seconds. This greatly changes how the ability works. Now a tenno in danger has the speed to get out quickly. This is improved by CC invincibility as well as damage invincibility.

While a Tenno has that boost, they can escape a situation that would normally kill them. Oberon's heal works well with this because now he provides a much more tanky heal when compared to the blessing Trinity can bestow on her team. I think this is a much more team focused power that properly makes her feel like a healer.

Edited by Ourobor
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Oh crap imagine a 4 man loki squad with radial disarm/invisiblity op, 4man vauban bastile vortex op, excalibur radial blind op so many warframes that need nerfing. 


you have nearly found what will replace trinity when she'll get her nerf, DE don't support and don't understand their actual endgame so I'm convinced that they will ruin the frame and give her some healing ability instead that will not be of any usefulness when you have 740 hps/740 shields and mobs strike you for 12274 hps...


AS a healer you can't heal if your target is insta killed by anything !! It's not that hard to understand ?!!! Every nerfer come here with something around healing, but healing is not possible because when it became really needed in Warframe it's already too late...


1 RD Loki (overextended/stretch/swindler), 2 RB excal, 1 desecrate/fear Nekros, that's the future Trinity replacement...

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