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Seriously Im Not The Only One Here Right ? (Orokin Cells)


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Acquiring a necessary resource should be a targettable objective, not something abandoned to serendipity.  Let me go raid a supply line or something.


Given that Orokin Cells were... uh.. made by the Orokin, that is not exactly possible.


However, you'd think that the OROKIN Void might have, well you know, OROKIN Cells within it (all of those laser traps, etc!).


But no, it doesn't. No Orokin Cells in the Orokin Void. You can go rummaging around in the void, open every locker, smash every crate, demolish every laser/thumper trap in the place, and not find a single battery.




You can go to a DERELICT Orokin Ship, and find Cells laying around that the infested monsters are carrying around on them for some odd reason, AND they will come out of lockers and containers.


I guess someone went into the Derelict, and placed Orokin Cells randomly in the lockers and crates after it went Derelict or something. lol.


That's the part that really confuses me.


EDIT: And the fact you find OXIUM..... freaking OXIUM..... in the Void (Lockers/Containers only seemingly) is laughable. You can find Oxium........but not Cells? wut?

Edited by Xylia
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Given that Orokin Cells were... uh.. made by the Orokin, that is not exactly possible.



Well no, but it ought to be possible with neural sensors (or whichever of those two "n" resources are actually Grinneer made).  Something equivalent but contextually appropriate can exist for each resource.  I imagine the Neural Sentry is either still making cells, or has a sizable stockpile somewhere, for one.

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I think the OP is overblowing the problem. Rare drops are supposed to be, well, rare drops. But it's way, waaaaay ewasier to get ANY kind of resource than to drop Master Thief, or some frigging Nikana Stance. 


Some stuff just does not make sense, like Orokin cells dropping almost never in Void Tower missions. But if you just play the right levels, you will not get cell-starved, ever. If you want to get 10 cells to build a Prime weapon, you may take a few days depending on how hard you try. 


Just go at the bosses on planets with the resource you want. You will get your neurodes/sensors/cells fast enough. 


Drope tables can be improved, YES. But it's not that OMFG think of the children! kind of issue. 

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Sure buff orokin cell drop rate because you have no idea where to farm it. Making stuff easier is really what's going to fix this game - Hell you should already login to a fully equipped character.


Nice slippery slope fallacy you got going there. *rolls eyes*


God Forbid people have a reason to play Warframe other than "Farm ______".


Is this game named Warframe, or is it actually supposed to be "Warfarm" and they typo'd? Sometimes I wonder.

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Nice slippery slope fallacy you got going there. *rolls eyes*


God Forbid people have a reason to play Warframe other than "Farm ______".


Is this game named Warframe, or is it actually supposed to be "Warfarm" and they typo'd? Sometimes I wonder.

You obviously have no idea or understand why a "Time Sink" is neccessary in these types of games, Buffing drop rates just increases the rate people get to "end game" quicker and then when everyones running around with all maxed out frames people scream and cry and then jump to a new game. This is exactly why the game industry has been in decline these days as it seems developers just decide to appease the masses and give everything away for absolutely zero work defeating the whole purpose of the game making everything meaningless just so they can make a quick buck from the "gamer" of today.


However I do agree with you. Instead of relying just on a Time Sink there should be other content as opposed to being forced into endless farming.

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You obviously have no idea or understand why a "Time Sink" is neccessary in these types of games,


Oh, I fully know that.


However, as I also said, the more time you require players to sink into something, the more likely the player will say "Screw it" and just not bother doing it (or worse -- they might quit the game entirely). Then you lose out entirely. It is like pulling on a Rubber Band -- you pull and pull and pull and the Rubber Band stretches further and further, until...




No more rubber band. Whenever players "snap", the game loses out far more than they would if they had allowed the player to get what they were after before that happened. You want to stretch the rubber band so you can release its kinetic energy, not snap it in half! Same goes with players -- you want to give them time sinks, but you don't want to snap their will to play the game, either.




This is exactly why the game industry has been in decline these days as it seems developers just decide to appease the masses and give everything away for absolutely zero work defeating the whole purpose of the game making everything meaningless just so they can make a quick buck from the "gamer" of today.


That's wholly YOUR opinion. You have to look at Economy too -- more and more players are having to work more hours to make ends meet with today's economy. This means they have less time farming that item that has a 1-in-1000 drop rate like we could 10+ years ago. 10+ years ago, we had time for that kinda crap. Nowadays, not so much. Many gamers can't spend 40+ hours a week in a video game to get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time. We just can't do it anymore.


And don't kid yourself -- RNG and repeatable actions are never, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER a substitute for challenge. Ever.


If you do it 3-5 times, you've proven you can do it. Doing it 5,000 times more is not proving anything, other than possibly the fact you have no life and/or you have ridiculous patience.

Edited by Xylia
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He wants a item drop rate to be buffed because where he farms does not produce enough Orokin Cells, Collecting materials for items has not ever been a challenge or designed to be one it is simply there to say if you really want this item put in this amount of work for it and you will recieve it. You say we should buff these rates and basically let the game play itself, Hell. Why stop there why not just remove the crafting system and let people just unlock the items as if this is some Call of Duty game where you get instant gratification. There are two types of players that a low (I wouldn't even call it that) drop rate would affect and that is A) People that genuinely don't have enough time B) Players that are bad and refuse to educate themselves and then imply that buffing the drop rates wouldn't have negative impact on players and cause them to quit either? Do you honestly believe if everyone could gain everything easily Warframe would be able to retain it's userbase when everyone is sitting bored out of their minds with maxed everything?


Letme put it in simple terms; Everything right now is achievable through crafting just because you can't get it right now like the "on demand" attitude of Society today. Does not mean that the resource rate should be buffed nor could Warframe ever hope to retain its userbase should that occur without gameplay drastically changing.

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God I hate the $&*&*#(%& quoting system on these boards. *sigh* Time to yet again manually copy and paste everything so I can make multiple quote blocks...


He wants a item drop rate to be buffed because where he farms does not produce enough Orokin Cells, Collecting materials for items has not ever been a challenge or designed to be one it is simply there to say if you really want this item put in this amount of work for it and you will recieve it.


Depends hugely on luck. Right after u13 came out, Friend and I spent a whole night in Ceres, spamming Survival and Sabotage (staying around and farming as long as mobs continued to spawn), and we got Zero Orokin Cells. None. Nada. Zilch. Two days later, we killed Lephantis -- the first run dropped 4, second run dropped 1 and then 4 times in a row he only dropped Neurodes and Mutagen Samples.


We spent combined probably 6-7 hours playing missions that can drop Orokin Cells and only have 4 Cells to show for it and 3 of the 4 of those were out of the same mission.


You say we should buff these rates and basically let the game play itself, Hell. Why stop there why not just remove the crafting system and let people just unlock the items as if this is some Call of Duty game where you get instant gratification.


Again with the slippery slope fallacy.


Hint: Just because we buff the drop rates on Orokin Cells a little, doesn't mean the game is going to "play itself". That is such a ludicrous exaggeration, that isn't even funny whatsoever.


There are two types of players that a low (I wouldn't even call it that) drop rate would affect and that is A) People that genuinely don't have enough time B) Players that are bad and refuse to educate themselves and then imply that buffing the drop rates wouldn't have negative impact on players and cause them to quit either?


There's more than two types:


1). People who don't have enough time.

2). People who are tired of farming these things after doing it for so long.

3). People who've been playing Warframe a very long time and are tired of farmfarmfarmfarmfarmfarmfarmfarmfarm and would like to just get something for once without spending dozens of hours slaving away,

4). People who don't enjoy farming for resources,

5). People who have trouble soloing bosses (newbies and the like)


Buffing the drop rates from normal enemies to something reasonable would hurt none of the above whatsoever, and would help a lot of people out. The hardcore vets who are going "NOOO don't buff it!" probably already have 500 from that "Rare Resource Weekend" exploit and it wouldn't affect them whatsoever either way.


Do you honestly believe if everyone could gain everything easily Warframe would be able to retain it's userbase when everyone is sitting bored out of their minds with maxed everything?


Yet AGAIN with the Slippery Slope Fallacy. Dude, do you worship the Slippery Slope Fallacy or something? Because that's all that comes out of your keyboard!


Yet again I'm having to explain it to you that just because you give, say, a 10% buff to their drop rate, doesn't mean everybody is going to suddenly stop playing Warframe, it doesn't mean we're just going to give these things to people, it doesn't mean that you do 1 mission and get 300+ Cells. *rolls eyes* If you don't have something constructive to say, then don't say anything.


Stop with the Fallacy already.


Letme put it in simple terms; Everything right now is achievable through crafting just because you can't get it right now like the "on demand" attitude of Society today. Does not mean that the resource rate should be buffed nor could Warframe ever hope to retain its userbase should that occur without gameplay drastically changing.


Again, a mild buff on the drop rates is not "Getting it right now". You still have to go collect them, but instead of spending 5+ hours or farming a boss for the 500th time, you might actually get a few while doing Saturn/Ceres missions instead of maybe, if you're lucky, 1-2 after a whole night of Saturn/Ceres.


That isn't going to "give it to them right now", that isn't "handing it to them", that isn't "letting the game play itself".



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Letme have a go at your posting:

Depends hugely on luck. Right after u13 came out, Friend and I spent a whole night in Ceres, spamming Survival and Sabotage (staying around and farming as long as mobs continued to spawn), and we got Zero Orokin Cells. None. Nada. Zilch. Two days later, we killed Lephantis -- the first run dropped 4, second run dropped 1 and then 4 times in a row he only dropped Neurodes and Mutagen Samples.


We spent combined probably 6-7 hours playing missions that can drop Orokin Cells and only have 4 Cells to show for it and 3 of the 4 of those were out of the same mission.


SIX WHOLE?! HOURS. WOW. Buff those resource drop rates right now. Talk about an I am the world complex, No I'm sorry - Because you had one unlucky night quite obviously buff the orokin cells.


Hint: Just because we buff the drop rates on Orokin Cells a little, doesn't mean the game is going to "play itself". That is such a ludicrous exaggeration, that isn't even funny whatsoever.



There's more than two types:


1). People who don't have enough time.

2). People who are tired of farming these things after doing it for so long.

3). People who've been playing Warframe a very long time and are tired of farmfarmfarmfarmfarmfarmfarmfarmfarm and would like to just get something for once without spending dozens of hours slaving away,

4). People who don't enjoy farming for resources,

5). People who have trouble soloing bosses (newbies and the like)


All these people have one thing in common. They are playing the wrong genre.


Buffing the drop rates from normal enemies to something reasonable would hurt none of the above whatsoever, and would help a lot of people out. The hardcore vets who are going "NOOO don't buff it!" probably already have 500 from that "Rare Resource Weekend" exploit and it wouldn't affect them whatsoever either way.





Yet AGAIN with the Slippery Slope Fallacy. Dude, do you worship the Slippery Slope Fallacy or something? Because that's all that comes out of your keyboard!


Yet again I'm having to explain it to you that just because you give, say, a 10% buff to their drop rate, doesn't mean everybody is going to suddenly stop playing Warframe, it doesn't mean we're just going to give these things to people, it doesn't mean that you do 1 mission and get 300+ Cells. *rolls eyes* If you don't have something constructive to say, then don't say anything.


Stop with the Fallacy already.


Now who's making the ludicrous exaggerations? Considering it rarely takes alot of Orokin Cells to craft items and some require even none.



Again, a mild buff on the drop rates is not "Getting it right now". You still have to go collect them, but instead of spending 5+ hours or farming a boss for the 500th time, you might actually get a few while doing Saturn/Ceres missions instead of maybe, if you're lucky, 1-2 after a whole night of Saturn/Ceres.


That isn't going to "give it to them right now", that isn't "handing it to them", that isn't "letting the game play itself".




Two ludicrous exaggerations in one post.. you outdone me, Well played sir.

You mock me for providing no stastical proof to back up my claims and all you offer is your experience as your proof. I'm done arguing with you anyone that chooses to dismiss points with insults is not even worth my time.

Edited by RustleSoftly
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I agree, what i'd suggest you to do would be going to either ceres or saturan dark sector (whatever has the larger recource plus) and just farm that, im getting 1 at 5 waves without a nekros, but once again its all rng...

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