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Top Weapon In The Game Atm?


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Seriously, the Boltor Prime? What you put on it i did farm for it and got all the parts thought it was just hype train FOTM.

The Boltor Prime poops out 54 damage rounds at 10 rounds per second, and that's without mods. Now imagine that with damage mods and multishot: about 90% of all shots will deal 464 damage. That's just the damage of a single shot, and this gun fires at above-average speed.


Now put on elements.

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Why does everyone keep insisting the Brakk is the best? Sure it was fantastic when it was in its prime before its few nerfs and Damage 2.0 and we had less options, but since the advent of the Dual Cestra, Sicarus Prime, Marelok, AkMagnus, and even old timers like the AkBolto... 


Not only do those weapons have better range, but when given the same level of Forma and all the maxed bells and whistles that make up the top damaging pistol mods, not only do these options provide better offense up close, they do something the Brakk simply can't, and that's consistent ranged output, ie, getting headshots of Napalms and Void Heavies from across the friggin map in the case of the Marelok, AkMagnus (sometimes) and Sicarus Prime. 


Seriously people, step off the hype train. The Soma and Brakk are pretty much old news. Yes they're reliable, yes they do the trick, but there's better alternatives if you'd just step outta what everyone else predefines for you and give some of these other weapons a try. 


A cool guy on here who goes by Gott_Faust took the time and effort to compile a weapons DPS/TTK chart (pre Melee 2.0, pre Marelok) with the optimal mod layouts for what could kill something the fastest and ever since he showed it to me it's made me more willing to step out of my comfort zone and try different things beyond everyone's favorite Soma. 


Rant aside, I'd have to say the top damaging weapon right now is still the Boltor Prime, hands down. 


For pistols, look above.


For melee, it's the Dragon Nikana, Dakra Prime, Orthos Prime, Dual Ichors, and the Nami Skyla are quite good as well. For those of you who were smart and held onto yours, give your Machete Wraith another try! 

you're joking on the machete wraith lol.. 

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It all depends on weapon tastes. For the rifle category, it's quite obvious that Boltor Prime would be there. No recoil, nice damage overall, good accuracy, also allows for a (somewhat) full build.


Bows are either Paris Prime or Dread. I use Paris Prime for Voids and Dread for normal Origin system missions. 


Secondaries are Brakk (short range, intense damage combat) Detron (good damage, no damage falloff weapon) or Despair (solid damage throwing knives). 


Melee is hard because there are multiple categories. Dual Swords is pretty obvious; Ichors. It already comes with Poison Damage (you can make Corrosive or Viral), and you can establish a second element on their (Radiation or Magnetic). Pretty nice dual swords. Dual Daggers are obviously Fang Prime; good damage and critical hit chance. Orthos Prime for polearms. Jat Kittag for hammers. 


TL;DR It all depends on weapon taste.

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Remember: The best weapon may not be the best for you. I would say, use whatever bring most joy to you. Just don't stick to one weapon too long. You get bored, fast. I frequently use unfamiliar and unpopular wpns just for the lol.

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When asking for what is the best weapon in the game, you have to take into account several factors:


-Top and Effective Damage per Second: The two differ when you have to take into account factors like accuracy, projectile speed and other things that may result in a missed damage tick.


-Effective Range: A weapon is only capable of imparting its damage over a certain range, after which potential DPS is lost due to difficulty of aiming, damage falloff etc.


-Ammunition Economy: A weapon is only good if it doesn't run out of bullets, right?


-Utility: Things like innate punch-through, variable spread, remote detonation or status chance help improve a weapon's versatility that is harder to compare, unlike pure DPS.


As such, I normally rank weapons according to their range and utility being the more important factors, and then take damage into account after: when facing sufficiently high-level enemies, CC and utility play a more important role than damage alone.




0-25m Close-range class: Phage

I put this as the king of close-range encounters not only because of the weapon's high damage, but the Phage also has punch through (although almost negligible), variable spread for engaging groups of enemies at different ranges, and no damage falloff over the entire 25m range, unlike other shotguns. Good ammunition economy and the fact that it doesn't take an accuracy penalty when Vicious Spread is equipped at max focus make it a good weapon for engaging Grineer Lancers and Corpus Crewmen alike.


I personally build mine for high punch through and combination elements for the enemy I am facing; this is my main DPS weapon in my high-level loadout.



0-40m Mid-range class: Boltor Prime

The fact that this is not limited to 25 meters makes this weapon undisputed in its versatility. Not only does the Boltor Prime have the highest DPS of any primary weapon, the bolt's characteristic of pinning dead enemies to walls eliminates the need to equip punch through mods. Bolt travel times may limit its effectiveness at the farther end of the spectrum, but a skilled shot can lead their bolts to increase the effective range of this weapon.


I haven't gotten my hands on this one yet, but I would probably build for max DPS, except for an ammo mutation to aid in its SMG-like ammo consumption.



10-60m long-range class: Latron Prime


Although outshone by other weapons in close quarters, the Latron Prime really begins to show its potential when other weapons start to have difficulty hitting targets at range. High zoom for a non-sniper rifle and a large magazine capacity allow you to consistently aim for the head and volley an entire magazine at ranges that most other rifles can only hope to hit the torso at. Also has decent DPS and excellent ammunition economy.


My Latron is built for high punch through and corrosive procs, making it a hybrid DPS/CC weapon capable of hitting many targets in a line, perfect for the long corridor in T3 defence or any other well-funneled paths.


Secondary weapon: AkMagnus


Not by any means the highest DPS weapon available, but that's what primary weapons are for; they tend to have better ammo efficiency than secondary weapons, and can't be used when you're downed. In order to help keep the pressure off whoever is reviving you, I prefer to build my secondary weapons for CC purposes. To that end, the AkMagnus' high fire rate combined with status chance make it better than the Tysis at proccing radiation on multiple enemies, and does decent damage against mid-level mobs to boot.


My AkMagnus are built for punch though, radiation and poison status inflicting, and with a close to 90% proc chance, you are able to debuff crowds of mobs with relative ease.



Melee weapon: Dual Ichor


Normally only used to engage enemies that are too close, you would want something that can either push crowds of enemies away, or stun-lock a dangerous enemy indefinitely. For that purpose, not only do Ichors have high damage potential, but their high critical rate make it a prime candidate for mods like Fury and Berserker. Also does decent as helicopter blades.


My Dual Ichors are built exclusively for maximum attack speed (although I don't have quickening yet), to both stun-lock enemies if necessary, or to copter away from a tough situation. Life steal also helps regenerate lost hp from poison ancients, especially if you equip Rage at the same time.


Of course, these are just my opinions: I don't necessarily build for the most damage I can squeeze out of a weapon, because I find ease of use and versatility equally important.


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the Boltor prime is not the highest damaging rifle by a long shot -


not counting the obvious Ogris (which sits in a class of it's own) - the Soma (when properly built), The Amprex/Synapse will both out damage a boltor prime as well - especially the Amprex - which hits multiple targets.


That list up there is deceptive -  The Synapse/Amprex for example, are built with a 100% crit chance (3pt point strike will do it) - and that jumps the DPS up a lot - a proper soma build actually does not have 100% crit, it has 75% crit, but that is still miles above what the Boltor gets - add elemental crits into the mix, and you start to see why the Boltor starts to drop off.  Sure, in pure static DPS the boltor looks like the highest - but it does not take into account the relativly low status and quite low crit damage - which is why the Boltor is not a top tier weapon like the Synapse, Amprex and Soma are.  The Only reason the Flux does not make the cut is because while the status is better - the crit is too low, and the Flux is on par with the Boltor.


Don't get me wrong, I love my boltor prime, it is a very good weapon, but it is just a tad shy of being "the" top weapon.  It is amazing straight out of the box with little or no forma, but once you start to think it terms of research weapons that take 5/6 forma to fit, then the boltor starts to drop off.


The Boltor is good, but not top and clearly FOTM (which is understandable).


Shame too, since most Soma users are not hitting the sweet spot with the combos, while the Boltor is really easy to figure out how to mod.


-- As  note - Don't actually like the Soma much, the Synapse is my toy of choice, but I know a proper Soma will do more deeper into defense and survival missions before all weapons start to do nothing and Nyx/Nova take over :)

Edited by existentialvoid
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 I hear from others that its phage. is that true?


From what I've seen, the DPS on the Boltor Prime is crazy, along with being mildly more Versatile than Phage.

So, if I had to say it, Phage comes in a close second to Boltor prime.

Particularly since good shotty mods are harder to come by for people new to the game.

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From what I've seen, the DPS on the Boltor Prime is crazy, along with being mildly more Versatile than Phage.

So, if I had to say it, Phage comes in a close second to Boltor prime.

Particularly since good shotty mods are harder to come by for people new to the game.


the problem with the phage is that it's damage is 'per second', and it suffers from that.

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Keep in mind that the Boltor Prime is not hitscan.


Users of projectile weapons need to perform ballistics deflection to hit moving enemies at a distance.

Additionally, projectiles like to misbehave with punch through.

(The angle goes off a bit. It's hard to describe, but it's pretty annoying, especially at closer ranges.)

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So, as many have said:


Primary: Boltor Prime (my fav, mostly because of looks) and second on my list comes either Latron/Soma. (penta is third) I like most weapons. But since there are so many that do good damage I tend to go for looks... Recently/finally picked up Braton Prime and I love how it looks!


Secondary: I actually barely use secondaries but Lex Prime is a nice one, marelok is really good at sniping and akstilleto I actually like because of looks.


Melee: Depending on what you want. Want to copter and deal fast, high, damage? Go Ichors. Want to mow down a lot of enemies in groups/slide and cut em all in half really easy? Go Orthos Prime. D nikana and Dakra Prime are really good as well but I don't use them as often (they are good for 1v1)


My preference is 


Prim: Boltor P

Sec: Lex (mostly random but lex looks nice:P )

Melee: Orthos P (looks and my description that I just gave)


So.... there ya go!


Properly build though, Soma is still the best. I think i iether forma'd it 5 or 6 times to get the best. it's a beast. but Boltor is more fun with it's bolt function :P

Edited by DLGrave
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Some of these reviews are really good, and there are some really great weapons out there, but sometimes I feel like I'm reading total fan-boy regurgitate. 


Satirical Example:


Primary: Snipetron because 360 no-scope butter-sauce and it looks cool. Its super rare and things, so I feel special while using it despite better weapons being readily available. 


Secondary: Spectra or Kraken because they look cool and shoot stuff. I hardly use them, but sure. 


Melee: Pangolin Sword because its really pointy, and sometimes cuts things. Its stance polarity matches Crimson Dervish which automatically makes in amazing, by default. I can't imagine anything better than the narrow melee selection I've implemented since I got it. Crimson Dervish! 



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the Boltor prime is not the highest damaging rifle by a long shot -


not counting the obvious Ogris (which sits in a class of it's own) - the Soma (when properly built), The Amprex/Synapse will both out damage a boltor prime as well - especially the Amprex - which hits multiple targets.


That list up there is deceptive -  The Synapse/Amprex for example, are built with a 100% crit chance (3pt point strike will do it) - and that jumps the DPS up a lot - a proper soma build actually does not have 100% crit, it has 75% crit, but that is still miles above what the Boltor gets - add elemental crits into the mix, and you start to see why the Boltor starts to drop off.  Sure, in pure static DPS the boltor looks like the highest - but it does not take into account the relativly low status and quite low crit damage - which is why the Boltor is not a top tier weapon like the Synapse, Amprex and Soma are.  The Only reason the Flux does not make the cut is because while the status is better - the crit is too low, and the Flux is on par with the Boltor.


Don't get me wrong, I love my boltor prime, it is a very good weapon, but it is just a tad shy of being "the" top weapon.  It is amazing straight out of the box with little or no forma, but once you start to think it terms of research weapons that take 5/6 forma to fit, then the boltor starts to drop off.


The Boltor is good, but not top and clearly FOTM (which is understandable).


Shame too, since most Soma users are not hitting the sweet spot with the combos, while the Boltor is really easy to figure out how to mod.


-- As  note - Don't actually like the Soma much, the Synapse is my toy of choice, but I know a proper Soma will do more deeper into defense and survival missions before all weapons start to do nothing and Nyx/Nova take over :)


Flux would've been a proc god with the status mods if we still had the old continuous fire damage display. .

Edited by Rhiasu
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the Boltor prime is not the highest damaging rifle by a long shot -


not counting the obvious Ogris (which sits in a class of it's own) - the Soma (when properly built), The Amprex/Synapse will both out damage a boltor prime as well - especially the Amprex - which hits multiple targets.


That list up there is deceptive -  The Synapse/Amprex for example, are built with a 100% crit chance (3pt point strike will do it) - and that jumps the DPS up a lot - a proper soma build actually does not have 100% crit, it has 75% crit, but that is still miles above what the Boltor gets - add elemental crits into the mix, and you start to see why the Boltor starts to drop off.  Sure, in pure static DPS the boltor looks like the highest - but it does not take into account the relativly low status and quite low crit damage - which is why the Boltor is not a top tier weapon like the Synapse, Amprex and Soma are.  The Only reason the Flux does not make the cut is because while the status is better - the crit is too low, and the Flux is on par with the Boltor.


Don't get me wrong, I love my boltor prime, it is a very good weapon, but it is just a tad shy of being "the" top weapon.  It is amazing straight out of the box with little or no forma, but once you start to think it terms of research weapons that take 5/6 forma to fit, then the boltor starts to drop off.


The Boltor is good, but not top and clearly FOTM (which is understandable).


Shame too, since most Soma users are not hitting the sweet spot with the combos, while the Boltor is really easy to figure out how to mod.


-- As  note - Don't actually like the Soma much, the Synapse is my toy of choice, but I know a proper Soma will do more deeper into defense and survival missions before all weapons start to do nothing and Nyx/Nova take over :)


Sorry but I have a formaed soma, a 6 time formaed synapse and and 5 formaed Boltor prime : ingame the boltor give better result. Why ? because you aren't looking at the ragdolling/pushing effect and it's really devastating when mobs are packed or in a narrow place.


when I say better result, I have to say that it's when I play the trinity without any AoE I have better killboard than (well modded/formaed, no pick up and good friends/good players) AoE frames that use soma/synapse/penta, in long extensive survival/defense run.

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I still support potato'ed and forma'd Soma and Penta, yet i see a lot of people mentioning boltor prime. I haven't got a boltor prime yet, is it really that good?



Also, important: dread is amazingly strong if you mod it right. I always thought dread is just for mastery, but somehow i put a potato on it and some decent modding and it turned into a slashy penta-like weapon.

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you're joking on the machete wraith lol.. 


I'm not actually. Sure it's damage isn't on par with something like the Dakra, it does pretty well since Melee 2.0 came out. Better than many of the other swords in my opinion. 

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Brakk is top DPS, Boltor Prime is top Primary, but the Phage is so close it doesn't matter much. Phage has a lot lower ammo consumption to get that sort of damage, so frankly someone saying that it's the best gun in the game probably isn't too far off the mark, if you ignore the Penta.


All require quite a bit of Forma to get them to that state.  Latron Prime and Paris Prime are pretty damn good too.  Stug is pretty awesome.  Penta is probably the best weapon in the game because not only can it's damage be high, but it does that over an Area so it can do it to multiple targets at a wide range (firestorm).


There are quite a few great weapons in the game.  The problem isn't that they're overpowered; it's that the old weapons are underpowered for a lack of attention.  They were ALWAYS underpowered.


P.S. The Attica barely does more dps than the MK-1 Braton.  It's a totally S#&$ weapon, in terms of damage.  That thing needs SERIOUS work.

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the Boltor prime is not the highest damaging rifle by a long shot -


not counting the obvious Ogris (which sits in a class of it's own) - the Soma (when properly built), The Amprex/Synapse will both out damage a boltor prime as well - especially the Amprex - which hits multiple targets.


That list up there is deceptive -  The Synapse/Amprex for example, are built with a 100% crit chance (3pt point strike will do it) - and that jumps the DPS up a lot - a proper soma build actually does not have 100% crit, it has 75% crit, but that is still miles above what the Boltor gets - add elemental crits into the mix, and you start to see why the Boltor starts to drop off.  Sure, in pure static DPS the boltor looks like the highest - but it does not take into account the relativly low status and quite low crit damage - which is why the Boltor is not a top tier weapon like the Synapse, Amprex and Soma are.  The Only reason the Flux does not make the cut is because while the status is better - the crit is too low, and the Flux is on par with the Boltor.


Don't get me wrong, I love my boltor prime, it is a very good weapon, but it is just a tad shy of being "the" top weapon.  It is amazing straight out of the box with little or no forma, but once you start to think it terms of research weapons that take 5/6 forma to fit, then the boltor starts to drop off.


The Boltor is good, but not top and clearly FOTM (which is understandable).


Shame too, since most Soma users are not hitting the sweet spot with the combos, while the Boltor is really easy to figure out how to mod.


-- As  note - Don't actually like the Soma much, the Synapse is my toy of choice, but I know a proper Soma will do more deeper into defense and survival missions before all weapons start to do nothing and Nyx/Nova take over :)

Ignore this guy.  He has no idea what he's talking about.


If Viral still stacked he'd have a point.  It doesn't, so he doesn't.  Status effects aren't that important generally, and calculations which account for crit chance and damage put the Boltor Prime WAY above the Soma (something like 8k or 9k DPS difference in Boltor's favor).  The Boltor Prime also takes less forma to get to it's 'best damage' state.


The Soma is vastly overrated.  For rank 6, it's awesome.  Later on it's just ok.  It eats ammo too quickly, and it's only advantage over the Boltor Prime is that it's a hit-scan weapon you can buy out of the market.  If you have both, in almost every situation, the Boltor beats it soundly.

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Boltor Prime - Modded properly capable of 16964 DPS

Latron Prime - Modded properly capable of 13838 DPS

Soma - Modded properly capable of 13028 DPS

Synapse - Modded properly capable of 11583 DPS


I can't remember where I came across the chart which shows all these damage numbers.  The numbers I've posted are "general" numbers, but the complete chart breaks each weapon down by damage type and enemy type.  From what I can tell, it's pretty damn accurate.  I run a 5 Forma build on all of them except the Synapse, and I would have to concur with the original chart's author.  I don't know how to paste the link in here, but if anyone would like me to email the chart to them I would be happy to do so.

All of these numbers are too low.  

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All of these numbers are too low.  

No kidding.

Since this is an opinion thread, I shall contribute.

My primary of choice, is the soma. I swap a few different configurations around to get the desired effect depending on the mission. My favorite though, is snapping in a Shred mod. Of course, this lowers the damage, but allows me to kill a row of enemies with a single round. I find this to greatly increase my enjoyment...as well as take care of the annoying grineer shieldbearers.

The soma seems to be the obvious choice, but I don't think Boltor Prime fits in the top 3. Maybe a pre-concieved notion that because it is prime it has to be better?

Either way, I'm just waiting for the soma prime, or better, the tenno gatling gun. Which I just picture as five somas melded togethere with a shared trigger.

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