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Glorious Battle And Victory In The Name Of Your Clan [Dark Sector Megathread]


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No more freeloaders on Sechura!


Freeload is exactly what Eclipse wants to do.  Sit on a high paying node with a more than "moderate" tax rate and freeload the credits in an effort to help further establish their own growing "business."


Edit (nearly forgot):


Greetings Tenno,


I respect your sentiments on this, but when we took and held the Pluto rails we promised the community that we would keep them tax free as long as we were in control of them. If we lose the rail, we do so with our character intact, our promises kept, and our integrity unquestioned.


Victory to you always, Tenno.



- Salishaz, Warlord of the Shadows of Vengeance.


Hats off to you on your uncompromising stance towards your word.  Rare now days, especially when empowered by the anonymity of the Internet.

Edited by Verazix
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It was bound to happen. If it wasn't Eclipse, someone else was going to attack it. If the attackers keep 0% taxes, they won't stay long if they take over. If they do >0% taxes, then threads will be created about them, calling them "greedy and egotistical" too. The 0% tax rate is just an utopia people want to believe, but unfortunately it will not work in reality thanks to the numbers i posted in my previous post. 

I must say, the clans keeping 0% taxes are noble and honorable. I bow to you, and i admire you guys for your bravery and honesty. I know every 0% clan just wants the best for the Tenno. I'm not being sarcastic, it's for real. I really admire you guys. But no clan like that will last long. Armies of russian and hispanic clans will march and knock on the Dark Sector doors - they may not win, but they will damage the rail. And without taxes, it will be impossible to fully repair the rail every time... it will be eventually too damaged and then destroyed. There are simply too many clans willing to attack - the assault will never stop. It will be an honorable death to the solar rail - keeping their promised no-taxes true to the last second. Admirable. But they will still be destroyed. 

In the end, only clans like Eclipse or others that keep a tight grip on taxes will remain. It's just how it is. The other 0% nodes will be taken over eventually, either in a perpetual war between 0% clans destroying each other mutually with no cash to pay Tenno mercenaries or to repair their rails, or by one of the taxed alliances. That's my prediction. 

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It was bound to happen. If it wasn't Eclipse, someone else was going to attack it. If the attackers keep 0% taxes, they won't stay long if they take over. If they do >0% taxes, then threads will be created about them, calling them "greedy and egotistical" too. The 0% tax rate is just an utopia people want to believe, but unfortunately it will not work in reality thanks to the numbers i posted in my previous post. 

I must say, the clans keeping 0% taxes are noble and honorable. I bow to you, and i admire you guys for your bravery and honesty. I know every 0% clan just wants the best for the Tenno. I'm not being sarcastic, it's for real. I really admire you guys. But no clan like that will last long. Armies of russian and hispanic clans will march and knock on the Dark Sector doors - they may not win, but they will damage the rail. And without taxes, it will be impossible to fully repair the rail every time... it will be eventually too damaged and then destroyed. There are simply too many clans willing to attack - the assault will never stop. It will be an honorable death to the solar rail - keeping their promised no-taxes true to the last second. Admirable. But they will still be destroyed. 

In the end, only clans like Eclipse or others that keep a tight grip on taxes will remain. It's just how it is. The other 0% nodes will be taken over eventually, either in a perpetual war between 0% clans destroying each other mutually with no cash to pay Tenno mercenaries or to repair their rails, or by one of the taxed alliances. That's my prediction. 


Eclipse are called greedy and egotistical because they're a 25% tax alliance attacking a zero tax node when they already have nearly 1/3 of all dark sectors. There's not much more greedy than that.

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Greedy? They can't even get the money from the Vault. If they could, then it would be understandable - to deduct all those delicious millions of credits and burn it all on Transmutation, then diving into their pool of recently-acquired stance mods. But that's not gonna happen since you can't withdraw money from the vault, only put more in. At least as far as i know. 


Since they get nothing from it, i wouldn't call them greedy. I'd call them... ambitious.

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It's BAFFLING how people want Eclipse to invest a lot of resources and credits to build a solar rail, then deploy it, then pay 16,000,000 credits or more to repair it every few days or so and when they ask for a bit of creds to keep their business going (through taxes), people call them greedy.


Greetings, Tenno,


Your numbers here are horribly wrong. Each rail takes roughly 2,500 credits per % point to repair, making the maximum repair cost just shy of 250K. The rails themselves take only 500,000 credits to build, among other resources. I know, because I have paid for the repair of about 6 rails now out of pocket, and I personally paid to construct 9 rails for our clan. It is pocket change, and if you can't afford that you have no business controlling a rail.


I have mentioned this no fewer than three times on the forums. It is impossible to read all the previous posts on the rails without making it a full time job. Clearly you did not read my posts, and I totally get that. You should not be berating others for not reading yours.


Victory to you, Tenno.



- Salishaz, Warlord of the Shadows of Vengeance

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Greetings, Tenno,


Your numbers here are horribly wrong. Each rail takes roughly 2,500 credits per % point to repair, making the maximum repair cost just shy of 250K. The rails themselves take only 500,000 credits to build, among other resources. I know, because I have paid for the repair of about 6 rails now out of pocket, and I personally paid to construct 9 rails for our clan. It is pocket change, and if you can't afford that you have no business controlling a rail.


I have mentioned this no fewer than three times on the forums. It is impossible to read all the previous posts on the rails without making it a full time job. Clearly you did not read my posts, and I totally get that. You should not be berating others for not reading yours.


Victory to you, Tenno.



- Salishaz, Warlord of the Shadows of Vengeance


There's no use explaining that. Eclipse sympathizers will keep saying that all day. In fact, they've been saying that lie from the moment they upped their tax. It's another reason not to trust or support them.

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Greetings Tenno,


I respect your sentiments on this, but when we took and held the Pluto rails we promised the community that we would keep them tax free as long as we were in control of them. If we lose the rail, we do so with our character intact, our promises kept, and our integrity unquestioned.


Victory to you always, Tenno.



- Salishaz, Warlord of the Shadows of Vengeance.

I fight on Sechura for levelling and money and I'm fighting for you when the invasion comes. Your consistent 0% tax is all the battle pay I want. If I could donate money to fixing the rails after the fight ends, I would.

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If only people could voice their opinions like this for the injustices or wrong doings of their respective governments, but no our priorities are raging against an in game Alliance that taxes themselves WAY more than they tax outsiders and pay these same outsiders handsomely for their services. But yes lets continue bleeding on and whining with the use of the keywords "greedy, egotistical, monopoly, and empire" instead of just doing something to prevent things you don't like.

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Greetings Tenno,


I respect your sentiments on this, but when we took and held the Pluto rails we promised the community that we would keep them tax free as long as we were in control of them. If we lose the rail, we do so with our character intact, our promises kept, and our integrity unquestioned.


Victory to you always, Tenno.



- Salishaz, Warlord of the Shadows of Vengeance.

You have my sword.

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Greedy? They can't even get the money from the Vault. If they could, then it would be understandable - to deduct all those delicious millions of credits and burn it all on Transmutation, then diving into their pool of recently-acquired stance mods. But that's not gonna happen since you can't withdraw money from the vault, only put more in. At least as far as i know. 


Since they get nothing from it, i wouldn't call them greedy. I'd call them... ambitious.


First, let's look at greed.


"Greed, also known as avarice, cupidity or covetousness, is the inordinate desire to possess wealth, goods, or objects of abstract value with the intention to keep it for one's self, far beyond the dictates of basic survival and comfort."


Stolen straight from some random web dictionary (wikipedia I believe).


Now with this in mind, many people often accumulate mass amounts of wealth they can never spend, even in real life.  This is little or no different.  It's a way to feel important, necessary, and often times used to feed one's own egotistical nature.  With that in mind, that's exactly how this is playing out, and calling them greedy AND ambitious (ambition towards greed/arrogance for certain) is probably the best way to look at them.  I realize you're simply trying to defend them, but they gain nothing from this outside of more control, which is all they really want.  It's definitely added some spice back to this game, and someone has to play the "bad guy" in events like this, but let's not try to make them heroes or "good guys" as they're far from it.  I enjoy all this drama though, it makes Warframe feel epic for the first time in ages.  Kudos to both Eclipse and those who truly fight for what they believe is right.

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Let me get this straight?  When Eclipse had 0% tax for about a week or so I saw a thread saying that 0% tax is breaking the game etc etc.  Now that they have taxes set for a time period, people are again complaining?  WTF.

Welcome to the world, where nobody knows what they want...

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Let me get this straight?  When Eclipse had 0% tax for about a week or so I saw a thread saying that 0% tax is breaking the game etc etc.  Now that they have taxes set for a time period, people are again complaining?  WTF.


I saw no complaints against Eclipse for having 0% tax, only praise for them. On the other hand I've seen complaints against 0% tax only from those who say it's unviable without large public support (this is true).

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I find this whole thing quite humorous actually. These people will  sit and complain incessantly about this alliance, as though they are some how committing some infraction towards the game. They are playing the game...yes, PLAYING, THE, GAME. They aren't breaking any rules, or violating any aspect of it,they are participating in the content as the content was written. 


There is even some person here who claims to be combating eclipse by posting on this very thread. THAT is hilarious. if you ask any of the people complaining here,  they all have some excuse, some justification for why they are here, instead of in game playing, participating, being involved in taking down this alliance they swear they don't like. 


As I've said before, its  easier to come here and make up some dialogue about it, than to be directly involved. I hope Eclipse takes every node on the star map. Why? Because they want it, and apparently the people here do not. They want to make excuses. They want  to get all the rewards, with none of the effort. 

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Why do you guys hat Eclipse so much? Who cares who controls which node? Higher taxes will result in higher battle pays!


I don't hate anyone, to be quite honest.  Read my other post, I enjoy this kind of dramatic atmosphere that Eclipse has created.


Despite that, you're offering 50k for a battle or two, to take away 5k~ per battle I do for eternity.  If I run even a mere ten times, you'll make up what you handed me, assuming I even manage to get into the 50k "bracket" of payouts.  If I use a credit booster, you're taking 10k, and this amount will quickly scale up to much higher than a measly 50-100k credits that you offer me.  So do I take out a loan of 100k for a payment of 1-2m back over time?  Or do I accept no pay and keep my regular pay check?

Edited by Verazix
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Why do you guys hat Eclipse so much? Who cares who controls which node? Higher taxes will result in higher battle pays!

You do know that Sechura gives 22k - 23k credits per run by default, right?

You do know that Eclipse has 25% tax on all of their nodes which they have too many of already, right?


What do you think happens if Eclipse gets Sechura on pluto as well? Do you think they will put a rusted halo over their heads and put a 0% tax on it, only to change it back to 25% if not higher the next day?

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I'm genuinely laughing. The level of butt hurt it's just to much for me. Stop complaining and do something about it. They only have about 3 planets, is that really a big deal? Why is it such a big deal to continuously make these forum posts. If you are SOO annoyed then build up and challenge them! Stop complaining on the forums and letting everyone see just how sad and ANNOYED you are! If you have a problem deal with it complaining never solved anything.

Edited by Slaughter300
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I just can't get myself to trust you eclipse


as I see it the only D.S. nodes worth haveing are the ones on Jupiter, and the defences on ceres, pluto, Eris and Neptune. Who owns half of those, eclipse. whos going to add another to their list, eclipse.


Monopoly isn't a bad word for it, others just didn't say it right. YOUR GETTING A MONOPOLY ON THE BEST SECTORS.


shouldn't of put taxes so high especially without telling people in game. its not that hard say on the node thanks for your support, we need to tax you for now to reestablish are defense budget, thank you.


im not surprised that people are mad at you, this makes you look like lairs and look greedy.

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I don't hate anyone, to be quite honest.  Read my other post, I enjoy this kind of dramatic atmosphere that Eclipse has created.


Despite that, you're offering 50k for a battle or two, to take away 5k~ per battle I do for eternity.  If I run even a mere ten times, you'll make up what you handed me, assuming I even manage to get into the 50k "bracket" of payouts.  If I use a credit booster, you're taking 10k, and this amount will quickly scale up to much higher than a measly 50-100k credits that you offer me.  So do I take out a loan of 100k for a payment of 1-2m back over time?  Or do I accept no pay and keep my regular pay check?

You still keep the rest of the credits. Those 5k are gone, but it's not everything. Plus you can get your money back from fighting for Eclipse.


Whoever runs DS for credits should do Void. Checked. Pluto DS wave 5 gives 23k credits (what).



Let's all wait and see how it develops.

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