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Glorious Battle And Victory In The Name Of Your Clan [Dark Sector Megathread]


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I don't play for eclipse or use eclipse rails.


Keep this posting up and eclipse will go the way of the last clan who decided to brag a lot on the forums.


You do realize that besides a few posts by 2ply Eclipse hasn't been bragging and most of the posts about Eclipse are hate threads that have no meaning since Eclipse doesn't even care about what is said in those threads, we do get a great laugh from them though.

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They always had their rail at 5%, then raised it for the reason of having their Taxes locked during conflicts. After further research they found out that the tax does NOT take away the end game credit reward but instead takes the ones you earn in the missions, let's say you get 100 credits from enemies eclipse would take 5% of that.


False, tested and edited my original post.  Both Ceres and Pluto display a base of 10000 credits gained, Ceres gave me 15000 (exactly 25% less than Pluto does at 20k), and since they both have the same displayed gain of 10000 a 25% reduction on a 25% taxed node is just too convenient to believe.  More baseless assumptions and lies to fabricate the truth.  You sneaky people you!

Edited by Verazix
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Nobody gives a flying F*** who actually owns the rails.


If they push the tax over 50%, someone will challenge them with a lower tax, hoping their promise will overcome the offered battle pay.


If they don't, who cares?


I fight for the battle pay until the taxes exceed what's reasonable.  That's business.

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Nobody gives a flying F*** who actually owns the rails.


If they push the tax over 50%, someone will challenge them with a lower tax, hoping their promise will overcome the offered battle pay.


If they don't, who cares?


I fight for the battle pay until the taxes exceed what's reasonable.  That's business.


So now 50% is reasonable?

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That's enough conspiracy theories for one day.

:D it's not conspiracy, I don't think that CM rule the Eclipse Alliance, I just see that the CM clan, and particulary his leaders are highly implied in the dark sectors

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Funny thing is this is how it is suppose to be.


One Alliance tries and takes over the rails and holds what they have.


The funny part comes when people don't know how to band together and fight together to take back what they took over.


I guess Eve Online doesn't ring a bell here. Eve Online has alliances taking huge sectors of space and holding it for at least 6 months or more or even years because they have the power and resources to do so. It seems nobody has the muscle or power to take on Eclipse.

I see them ruling for several months from now with no problem because nobody wants to work against them and they, as in the comunity, think it is unfair. What is suppose to happen is just this Eclipse takes over and someone with power and credits will come in and fight them. Nobody seems to want to band together as an alliance and do this.


I see nothing wrong with what Eclipse is doing.

Edited by VMTR-Striker
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:D it's not conspiracy, I don't think that CM rule the Eclipse Alliance, I just see that the CM clan, and particulary his leaders are highly implied in the dark sectors



Yeah, almost everyone in Eclipse is goal oriented and we always try to meet our daily goals/objectives. United front.

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Why do you guys hat Eclipse so much? Who cares who controls which node? Higher taxes will result in higher battle pays!

And where do you think that battle pay comes from? That's right. Out of your normal pay. At the absolute best, you break even. But, since some of that money is going on repairs, you're getting less than you "put in".


It's just like the lottery or a casino. It's not called the idiot tax for nothing.

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There is nothing wrong with that Maikeli31 , Don't like it build an alliance and fight them.


This is how Dark Sectors are suppose to be played.


Yup, move your 3 letters and try to give me some fun not only hate :D

Edited by Tograk
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Personally I recommend starving the beast. Never play any of their missions so they don't get your money, and be sure to rapidly support them when they aren't trying to take a free rail to drain their coffers as quickly as possible.

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