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Attica - Critique And Suggestions


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With U13, we finally got a crossbow added to the game. It looked great, but the performance has been... less than stellar, for a few reasons that many others are already aware of.


The firing mechanism isn't intuitive

Having used the bows extensively, I expected the Attica to have a charge mechanism much like they did -- except it didn't. I then figured that it was semi-automatic, so I clicked for each and every shot -- except it's actually automatic, and it fires so slowly that it feels as if it isn't at all.



-Despite being labeled as automatic, the Attica doesn't feel automatic. The fire rate is so slow that the difference between auto and semi-auto is basically nil.

-Because of the relationship between bows and crossbows, many users (wrongly) expected the Attica to use a charge mechanic.



-Increase the rate of fire, so the weapon lives up to the automatic label.

-Change the firing mechanism to charge, similar to the bows, but with some possible tweaks so the two aren't too similar. Possibly a longer charge time in exchange for faster projectile speed and more punch through than the bows -- it is a crossbow, after all.


The damage is lacking

Compared to its cousin in the puncture department, the Paris, the Attica fails miserably. It deals less damage, has less of a crit chance, and deals less crit damage than the Paris. Not only this, but the Attica requires a forma to make. The Paris, in comparison, is something players are capable of making by the time they're at Earth or Mars -- it's easier to make, and better.



-Compared to other weapons which are much easier to obtain, the Attica cannot compete

-A lack of damage, in addition to a woefully long reload time and a low fire rate, cripple the Attica



-Increase one of the damage stats on the Attica to put it on equal footing with some of the other weapons. I'd personally suggest status chance, puncture, or crit damage, but this is only so all bows and crossbows maintain their own niche.

-Reload time halved. As of now, a reload speed mod is almost mandatory on the weapon. 2.8 seconds is a lifetime.

-Fire rate increased. Fire rate mods are also nigh-mandatory on the weapon, and an increase in the fire rate for a supposed automatic weapon would be very welcome.


The Attica is outclassed by all other similar weapons

With the way the Attica handles, I personally like to think of it as a battle rifle of sorts (and you are welcome to disagree with that). It isn't as good at long range as the bows, but the increased magazine size and automatic nature of the weapon make it better suited to mid-to-long range combat, typically the realm for battle rifles... except it isn't good at this either. Those sorts of ranges are instead ruled by the likes of the Boltor, Burston, Latron, and their Prime counterparts -- despite requiring a forma to craft, the Attica cannot keep up with any of them, and the travel time on the projectile doesn't do it any favors.



-Despite being well-suited to mid-to-long range combat, several other weapons can match or outperform anything the Attica is capable of.

-The flight time of the Attica's projectiles can feel incredibly slow in comparison to hitscan weapons and even the bows.



-Flight time of the Attica's projectiles dramatically increased. With it competing against the likes of the Boltor Prime, Burston Prime, and Latron Prime in end-game combat, it can't even begin to compete against such heavy hitters. The Attica should not be turned into a hitscan weapon (it is a crossbow, after all), but some sort of buff to the projectile speed would help players hit their targets more often, and give them a fighting chance against some of the other weapons available.

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Attica takes a forma to craft? Or the research takes a forma?

It's clantech, so I'm assuming it takes a forma to craft, just like all the others. I might be wrong, though.


EDIT: Doublechecked. It does indeed require a forma to craft.

Edited by Vargras
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I tend to see the Attica as a rapid fire stealth / sniping weapon. That being said, it really should count as a Silent weapon, have 2 extra Bolts in the magazine, and have a rate of fire of at least 1.5. Trained Chinese soldiers from the 3rd Century could easily fire off 10 bolts in 15 seconds using a far more primitive weapon.


I don't have a problem with its accuracy and damage though. With a repeating crossbow, you're trading range and power for a higher rate of fire when compared with a bow or a regular crossbow.



Why not making at a semi-auto and the charge loads various arrows to shoot them at the same time.


I like the latter idea. Some Chinese repeating crossbows from the Three Kingdoms period were capable of firing 2-3 bolts at a time.

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I always thought it should be like a tenno's alternative to the grinlock, except there should be moderately higher damage because of the travel time and long reload. Also it really should be a silent weapon considering the new rescue update which was just released.

Edited by notHunky
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I actually think that the Attica should work in a similar way to a charged Ballistica. Drop two more rounds in the clip, increase the projectile speed and maybe bring the base crit up by a few points and you'll have yourself a nice charge crossbow. The multishot thing is not something I agree with, and actually I hate not being able to turn it off on my Ballistica. Both weapons should be a charge based, high impact shot.


The Attica should be brought up to: 


Attica (After the buff it so sorely needs)

Impact: 5

Puncture: 135

Slash: 20

Accuracy: 40

Fire Rate: 0.6

Critical: 30% / 1.75

Status: 10%

Magazine: 10

Reload: 2.2

Trigger: CHARGE



This would make it more worth while, especially considering the fact that it's so horribly outclassed for a clan tech weapon. It should absolutely NOT be out done by one of the most easy to get weapons in the game (The Paris).

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