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Why Isn't The Kama A Scythe?


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Why is it using Machete animations?! Makes zero sense to me... should totally be changed to scythe and also let the Dual Kamas be Dual Scythes with new stances....


Speaking of which, Kama has 2 polarities while Dual Kamas has none.... what???

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Kama is a one-handed weapon. The remaining scythes, Hate, Reaper Prime etc. are two-handed. "One-handed scythe" doesn't sound too good, but could do well with some sword stances instead.

Edited by ConcretePie
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To be honest... ever since Kama released I've been wanting DE to remake it into a Chain Sickle, because currently it's just bad... but I love the look of Sickles/Scythes and it bugs me that I have both the Kama and Dual Kama but they're borderline useless even now with Melee 2.0. Make a new Stance mod for Chain Sickle type weps, the "Common" variation with Kama and "Rare" with Dual Kama... there is so much they could do animation wise with Chain Sicke too... sooo many awesome things...

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To be honest... ever since Kama released I've been wanting DE to remake it into a Chain Sickle, because currently it's just bad... but I love the look of Sickles/Scythes and it bugs me that I have both the Kama and Dual Kama but they're borderline useless even now with Melee 2.0. Make a new Stance mod for Chain Sickle type weps, the "Common" variation with Kama and "Rare" with Dual Kama... there is so much they could do animation wise with Chain Sicke too... sooo many awesome things...

umm actually now the Dual Kamas could be considerd one of the best melee weapon in the game (in my opinion). first you need the swirling tiger stance then add fury and berzerker. why? the dual kamas have the same attack speed as the dual zorens now making them stupidly fast and ive lasted 45 in gabii with just my Kamas

ok here is the build: http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/3282306773467804625/58125579A7BF884467468F4977245570D6A685B7/


I still want the chain scythes

Edited by Issun135
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They should make the Dual Kamas into something like the Blades of Chaos from GoW.

It would be cool to see some of the different weapons from the God of War series. I haven't got around to playing Ascension yet but I got platinum trophies on the other three:)

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Kama, in the real world is a scythe.  The difference between a scythe and a sickle is the size.  They are both functionally equivalent.  Scythe, sickle, practically the same thing.


That are a number of weapons in the came that are misclassified.  Ceramic dagger is mainly a puncture weapon even though it has a slashing blade.  Dark Dagger and Dark Sword are obviously stabbing weapons but are given mainly slashing damage.


It would be nice if this were corrected.

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The Kama fits where it is at, but the problem is with the stancecategory being called "Machete".

Actually, a few others needs recategorizing and renaming of their categories:


Which ones are just fine:

* Whips, Daggers, Dual Daggers, Swords, Scythes, Polearms, Staves, Nikana


Which ones could need a renaming:

* Axes - Rename into "Greatblades", since it covers both twohanded axes and twohanded swords

* Hammers - Rename into "Greathammers"

* Glaive - Rename into "Thrown"

* Sparring - Rename the two different kind of Sparring types into seperate ones. I'd call the pure fistweapons "Gauntlets" and the kick+fist into either "Sparring" or "Kickbox"

* Machete - Rename it to something that reflects: Onehanded + Brutal, so it can encompass (onehanded) Maces+Prods+Machetes+Axes+Sickles. Not too easy, but i bet there is a name. Why not just "Brutality weapons" or something like that?


Which ones need a slightly bigger rework:

* Dual Swords - Split this group up into two different categories:

1) Dual Swords (Dual Ether, Dual Heat Swords, Dual Skana, Nami Skyla)

2) Dual Axes (Ichors, Cleavers, Kamas, Zorens)

Why do this then? Well, a lot of the animations in the different stances utilizes STABS / THRUSTS, which is highly unfitting for the Axe-like weapons. They should be focusing on chops and slashes, due to how their blades are formed and positioned. The new stances that would be necessary to make for the Dual Axes category doesn't even have to be all too different (like Axes and Hammers are kinda similar), as long as they don't utilize stabs!

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Kama, in the real world is a scythe.  The difference between a scythe and a sickle is the size.  They are both functionally equivalent.  Scythe, sickle, practically the same thing.


The Kama are sickles.  They were doubled as both farming tools and weapons throughout Asia, and in the Japanese stage, were used as stealth weapons during the Muromachi Period as an assassin could as easily hold these and pose as a farmer.  



Scythes were and always remained farming implements.  Variations of scythes used for combat were either improvised weapons or redesigned specialized weapons like the Chinese Guan Dao as the scythe itself made for clumsy operation both with a small cutting edge for the weapon's size and the blade's angle perpendicular to the handle.  Most accounts of scythes being used in combat have resembled large spears, with the blades sticking out along the handle.



As for the kama itself, whether it is a kama or a scythe, hatchet, or machete is up to the developers.  By the looks it may fit the description of a small scythe, but the two are different weapons.  If DE can handle these weapons differently, they may well make a new niche for them as something other than preexisting scythes.

Edited by DalaiLlama
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Can you imagine swinging a single kama with two hands?


umm actually now the Dual Kamas could be considerd one of the best melee weapon in the game (in my opinion). first you need the swirling tiger stance then add fury and berzerker. why? the dual kamas have the same attack speed as the dual zorens now making them stupidly fast and ive lasted 45 in gabii with just my Kamas

ok here is the build: http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/3282306773467804625/58125579A7BF884467468F4977245570D6A685B7/


I still want the chain scythes


Berserker works fine for you? Dual Kama have such a low crit chance. Then again I'd need to try it myself.

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Can you imagine swinging a single kama with two hands?



Berserker works fine for you? Dual Kama have such a low crit chance. Then again I'd need to try it myself.

yes they do, I think the thing with berzerker is that once you get one crit the rest needed for the 3 stacks follow shortly after.

p.s. Typed on a phone excuse any mistakes.

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The Kama isn't a scythe because it's not a scythe, it's a kama. That's like creating a weapon called "Sickle" that takes the form of a sickle and asking why it isn't a scythe.


Kamas in real life are one-handed farming tools that, as several pointed out, are very similar to sickles in use (weapon mode aside). Scythes are much bigger, and generally two-handed.

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Kama, in the real world is a scythe.  The difference between a scythe and a sickle is the size.  They are both functionally equivalent.  Scythe, sickle, practically the same thing.


That are a number of weapons in the came that are misclassified.  Ceramic dagger is mainly a puncture weapon even though it has a slashing blade.  Dark Dagger and Dark Sword are obviously stabbing weapons but are given mainly slashing damage.


It would be nice if this were corrected.

Frankly, I wish they'd switch off the ether reaper to look like a massive, two-handed kama made of materials that look like those of the ether swords - the Grim Reaper, y'know?

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Meh, I would argue that the "scythes" in the game aren't really scythes. They should be closer in scale to polearms (ie. Orthos), rather than a pickaxe.













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Why is it using Machete animations?! Makes zero sense to me... should totally be changed to scythe and also let the Dual Kamas be Dual Scythes with new stances....


Speaking of which, Kama has 2 polarities while Dual Kamas has none.... what???


fastest answer should had been because you can't thrust with it, machete uses wide circular movements which from my point of view are fitting for the Kama



P.D.: i too want a Kusarigama how can you feel ninja without one

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