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The Only Time I Was Happy To See A Trinity

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use blessing only for themselfs

That is not how blessing works.

REDACTED Why you people keep marking the Little details instead of the actual point of the post.... im using a computer in my workplace and all i can use is Internet Explorer since Firefox is blocked and for some reason the stupid explorer doesnt register the Quote button...

And yeah English is not my main language get over it.

The quote button shows up just fine in Internet Explorer.

As to the point of your post, you seem to be upset that people are playing the game in a way you do not approve of. If people playing games the way they want bothers you, perhaps coop games are not for you.

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REDACTED Perhaps im worried that people prefer to go "easy mode" rather tan learing from their mistakes and adapt themself to the misión at hand.


Spamming permablessing turns the game into a comeplete borefest whit the enemies unable to do anything against you, Same goes to Valkyr's Hysteria and how Mprime has no downsides and packs so much power and so on, those are skills that dump down the experience wich is something i dont want for warframe.


As i always say Warframe is already struggling to give player any kind of difficulty and skills like these just make things worst, thats why i like that DE will acually nerf Mprime and Blessing, HOWEVER i do want them to make it a funtiona power that requires skill to use and its rewarding when using properly. Im not on the "Nerf to the ground" train.


And no in THIS computer is not registering the quote funtion, i would love to quote but i cant cause this computer is notexactly the most advanced piece of hardware ever. And its a computer at work so im lucky i can connect to the fórums.

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Maybe I misread this post but y'all are complaining about Trin being OP then being glad she's OP when you got your booty whipped into shape by Hyenas? Also those Hyenas are like, the only real boss in the game, they really give you a run for your money even with good gear.


Edited by VegetableBasket
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VegetableBasket I know they are my fav bosses in the game, them and maybe Vor & Krill at some extend.


My point was that yes Trin is op and most people jusr run permablessing and kill everything by themselfs while this Trinity actually helped me by dividing the Hyena team (Taking on the $&*^head Ice Hyena wich is already a brave move) and then using blessing when i was about to die. And the invinsibility didnt lasted that long anyways so she was actually focusing in supporting me not just "press 4 to win"

Edited by The_Sharp_Demonologist
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I do the whole 6 second Blessing and it's not like she's that bad because of it. I've kept people alive for quite a while with that(around an hour in survival). Having low duration lets you be an actual support instead of someone who presses a button every once because you actually have to watch out for people's health and keep track of them and it's not like it's totally impossible for you to fail to heal before someone goes down so people have fun too because they know they'll be healed, but they also know that they aren't invincible and they should actually try to avoid damage. It also lets EVamp and WoL work much, much better together. Cast WoL on a creep, wait around 3 seconds and then cast EVamp on them. You'll get around 130 energy and when WoL ends, the EVamp will tear through their health (10% of 10x their health in slash damage is a lot of damage :P).

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Again, I do not understand why you think Blessing is a broken mechanic.

Also, I don't understand what you mean by 'cheap difficulty'. Enemies get harder as their level increases. The cryopod getting destroyed because you were distracted by another enemy is not cheap.

You don't think an instant full shield/health restore with a spammable 20+ second duration invincibility with no range limitations is a broken mechanic?

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WARLOCKE Not really. Rank depends on you getting new weapons to lv them up and that experience goes to your Rank as well, and i have been using my Grataka and Cestra for almost a year now. I tent to stick to a certain weapon even if its already lv 30, the only tings i have lvled recently are new warframes and melee weapons and is not that i got many anyways.


I just find what is interresting for me and stick with it. Like Ember, Penta or Tysis.

Edited by The_Sharp_Demonologist
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I don't understand people that say trinity is OP, trinity uses 100 power to activate her blessing. blessing at rank 1 is 3.8 seconds and at rank 3 it is 10 seconds, with the aura helmet and a good set of mods trinity's blessing can reach just over 30 seconds, but the mods that are needed to make this power max effective are fairly rare, a key mod in this build is Narrow minded which is a rare mod to come by and an even grater difficulty to upgrade. over 1.000.000 credits and about 600 mods that i a damn lot of stuff. The best way to balance trinity is to give Blessing a range this would make the Narrow minded needed for this fit affect the range of blessing and would not give the team that weren't in very close proximity the the trinity the invincibility. and the hole she can survive an end game map solo is totally rubbish.

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All they really need to do is put a cool down on her blessing ability, maybe 3 seconds tops and it kinda solves the issue. If you're in a high enough level place then 3 seconds is enough time to instantly die when you have around 400 health and shield. 

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I don't understand people that say trinity is OP, trinity uses 100 power to activate her blessing. blessing at rank 1 is 3.8 seconds and at rank 3 it is 10 seconds, with the aura helmet and a good set of mods trinity's blessing can reach just over 30 seconds, but the mods that are needed to make this power max effective are fairly rare, a key mod in this build is Narrow minded which is a rare mod to come by and an even grater difficulty to upgrade. over 1.000.000 credits and about 600 mods that i a damn lot of stuff. The best way to balance trinity is to give Blessing a range this would make the Narrow minded needed for this fit affect the range of blessing and would not give the team that weren't in very close proximity the the trinity the invincibility. and the hole she can survive an end game map solo is totally rubbish.

^Thank you, also even if they added a cool down for blessing, the damage necessary to kill this build can be taken while link is on and while casting a bless. 

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I like how the forums complain about how frames make them feel useless and feel that they are too good, because they can't be superstars or don't want to conform to the meta, I like how people don't complain about underpowered warframes like oberon and banshee because they are so S#&$ty when they are playing with them they feel like superstars. I god damn love it how no one talks about the growing number of primary weapons and the vast majority of secondary weapons falling out of viability because of new weapon releases.


God damn i love the hypocrisy that continues on a daily bases on the forums,

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I like how the forums complain about how frames make them feel useless and feel that they are too good, because they can't be superstars or don't want to conform to the meta, I like how people don't complain about underpowered warframes like oberon and banshee because they are so S#&$ty when they are playing with them they feel like superstars. I god damn love it how no one talks about the growing number of primary weapons and the vast majority of secondary weapons falling out of viability because of new weapon releases.


God damn i love the hypocrisy that continues on a daily bases on the forums,

I see a fair amount of complaints about stuff that doesn't work anymore. There were quite a few threads about Ash last week(I think? Maybe this week? I can't remember anymore) needing buffs. I think the big reason why the Trinity and Nova issues keep coming up is that they're so freaking old and nothing has been done either way on them(either a nerf/change or a decision to not change them) and people really want it to be resolved.

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Mageroeth Look whos the Hypocrit. I am not complaining that Trin blessing is OP cause i cant be a superstart, im complaining cause when a Trinity spams her 20+ seconds of Invulnerability it turns the game into easy mode, as it wasnt easy already.


I have discussed how the Grakata was weak (before the Crit and Stat buff that really helped), I have complained how Excalibur is pretty much a one trick pony cause his blind is the only ability that is worth a dam and i spend alot of time commenting on threads that talk about underpowered frames like Oberón and Ash . But hey if i want to talk about Trinity NOW its odbiousthat thats all i do right? sure stay in that Little world of ours and let the players whit funtional brain talk.

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Also only uses blessing when people are hurt.  I suppose an interesting way to cure this problem is for the invincibility to be an Aura effect around Trinity.  Not near Trinity, you aren't Invincible. Either that and/or something like it is only invincibility on heath, no shields.  Recasts allowed while on timer.

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So people want a harder game so they QQ about op frames and at the same time QQ about frames that are not good enough to carry a team on high end runs ?

Make up your  *^&%$@  minds .

 If its to easy just say no to a frame in your run  or solo that run..To hard ask for help .

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