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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name: Infested Nester

Behavior: A large moving infested, which is host to smaller versions of itself, which are much faster and more violent. It walks on two legs, but when deploying nestlings, it goes on all fours and pops one out at a time. Nestlings attack in packs, and will never attack alone, but in a group of 5 or more then will become violent, and the bigger the pack, the more violent they get.

Attack: The Nester can slam the ground in front of him to clear room to release nestlings. Nestlings, on the other hand, run off or jump off of walls and higher up surfaces, or they hide low to the ground to strike.

Environmental Restrictions: Will not be in cold climates, but will flourish in wastelands or empty ships, like the grineer ship yards.

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The Nitrical,is an small sized flying supporter.Usually it flys behind other Infested and waits for his chance to attack,

sometimes it hangs on ceiling or walls awaken or asleep.


The Nitrical spits an ball of pure Acid, that will create an small puddle on the ground, which corrodes every one who

stands on it.If an Enemy comes near it, it will start flying around the Enemy and hurt him with its claws. The Acid will give you Corrosive damage and the status effect, The claws will giving you slash damage.

Enviromental Restrictions:

None, the Nitrical can fight and fly everywere,except the Space of course :D.

Edited by Hazy-Moonshine
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Name: Infested Brute

Behaviour: A slow, lumbering brute that is capable of great speeds. Hits weakly but quickly, and has a chance of stunning the Tenno. Its two arms end in what look like thick balls of bone, with two smaller, useless vestigial arms underneath.

Attacks: Brings both arms above head, then throws them down onto a fallen Tenno. One arm swings foward, bringing the other arm back for a stronger attack that more than likely will stun the Tenno. 

Enviromental restrictions: Found only late game and late Derelict missions, have a chance to spawn with Lephantis and Phorid.


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Name: Infested Tenno (or something more imaginative)
Behavior: Can jump and do ground slams as a normal tenno would, can do a super jump like leap, occasional wall-runs.

Attacks:Fast melee swipes, able to use the first ability depending on what frame was infested, example: Excalibur's slash dash.

Environment: Mid level to high level infested, derelict only maybe?

Ideas for design, The tenno's sword (presumably a skana) has fused with their hand resulting in a long bladed arm, with the arm becoming quite large (possibly pulsing?) with perhaps occasional flickering of the frames lights when it attacks (possible channeling option attack)

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Name Suggestion: Nightmare Caller

Behaviour: Upon noticing an enemy, it will release a shock-wave inducing cry, alerting more enemies to it's location, increasing the amount of enemies spawned. Any enemies within the show-wave range will be knocked down. Every so often, it will call again to summon more of it's allies. It is a heavily armoured infested with spikes sticking out to impale anyone who got too close. Sometimes, when low on health, it will reach out to another infested (never Ancients or other Nightmare Callers) and pull them in, sacrificing it for it's own health. It moves very slowly and prefers to grab far away enemies, or let the enemies come to them.

Attacks: Like the Ancient Infested companions, it has arms that can stretch to attack, but instead of pushing them away, it grabs hold and pulls them into the heart of the chaos these Nightmare Callers have conjured. While in melee range, they will use the spikes on their body to pierce their enemies. Their cries for their allies can send shock-waves that knock down enemies.

Environment restrictions: Where ever other Ancients or other infested can go, they can too.


Optional Art: (Description) A tall and bulky bipedal with three stretchable appendages for catching its prey. It has mixed shards of bones and metal pieces that spikes out all over it's body.

Edited by Seij
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Name Suggestion: Infested Roller

Behaviour:  Has a permanent 8m radius Bullet Attraction effect on self.  This roller congregates with large groups of infected to act as a bullet shield for them and allow them to get in melee range.  The infested roller has developed a thick cancerous hide in addition to its normal metal, giving it considerably more armor and HP than the uninfected counterpart.

Attacks: The infested roller does not try to attack right out, but will attempt to "bump" players, giving players a temporary bullet attraction sphere on themselves (of normal size) disabling their ability to use their guns and magnetizing them simultaneously.

Environment restrictions:  Defense, Mobile Defense, and Survival missions

This is the best enemy I can think of that would provide tenno with a strong need to engage infested in melee.

Edited by Hypevosa
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Name Suggestion: Leecher

Behaviour:  A small agile creature that can attach itself to the Tenno in such a way that the Tenno is unable to kill it but instead teammates must shoot them off thus making Tenno stick together.

Attacks: Attaches itself to the Tenno lowering speed(0.1%) and constantly damaging shields and health(0.5 points per second) maximum 10 Leechers attached at the same time

Environment restrictions: Team Missions only(NO SOLO! they must be killed by teammates)

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Name:  infested hydra


Behaviour:  stuck to a single position,  this infested is rooted to the floor and can not move and acts like a turret. It has 4 heads. each head has a different roll making this infested deadly against any type of enemy.  all 4 heads should be able to attack different targets but if only one target is available they will all attack it



Attacks: Each head has a different attack 1st head fires a ball of poison towards a tenno making them slow and weak to damage.2nd head Uses a close range flame attack. much like the ignis it shoots a stream of fire up to 15 metres.3rd head fires bolts of electricity that when they hit a target will bounce to other enemy's  4th head. can revive any dead enemy  in a 10m area this has a "cool down" of 30 seconds and each revive weakens the 4th head and makes the others fire slower but the units it revives gain damage but become weak and are forced to act as a "meat shield" for the hydra. it can only revive 10 things each 30 seconds to protect it's self , the units it  revives cant use any special powers and are all capped at 200 shield with 400 HP (depending on the level of the area) these units would "mould" into the hydra to become the shield.



Environment restrictions:  stuck to a single position and unable to move

Edited by Teophic
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Name: Alpha Ancient

Behavior: This enemy will act as a leader to large hordes, marking tenno with pheremones when it's attacks connect. These pheremones will drive all surrounding infested organisms into a berzerked state (increased movement speed and attack speed) and focus their attacks on the marked tenno while ignoring the others in the cell. It would have the overall mobility of a normal ancient.

Attacks: It will attack as any normal ancient would, but in addition to the pheremones it attatches to tenno, it's long range tendril attack would pull instead of knockback, like grineer scorpions with a faster travel time. It would also have increased damage and range of tendril attack.

Environment restrictions: There can only be one at any given moment and would only spawn when a significant number of infested are in the area (more than 20-30)

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Behaviour and Attack:


Colgados boca abajo en el techo, camuflados ligeramente con el entorno, cuando el jugador pasa por debajo le cae encima causándole un gran daño (Se le engancharía a la cabeza y el Tenno, realizaría una pequeña animación), dejándole con apenas unos pocos HP (Este enemigo implica una atención extra en los mapas donde aparece). En el caso de que se les ataque, los enemigos caerán al suelo y se abalanzarán rápidamente a por el jugador.


Environment restrictions:


Zonas infectados, en espacios no muy amplios.


Images References:






Gigginox, from Monster Hunter. (Apariencia centrada en la boca y textura del enemigo)

Edited by Skalled
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Spore Carrier


Spore Carriers randomly invade non-infested missions, crashing through the walls/windows of a ship/base from outer space like a biological meteor. Once landed, Spore Carriers walk around spewing infestation "spores" which convert any Corpus or Grineer soldier they hit into an infested enemy type. Spore Carriers are massive, slow walking hulks that are are extremely difficult to kill, and will often convert many enemies before a Tenno can destroy them.


Impact - Spore Carrier smashes into the ground from orbit, breaking into the mission. Anyone within range of the impact takes damage. Grineer or Corpus within range of the impact become converted to Infested enemy types.

Spore Shower - Spore Carrier sprays spores in every direction. Any Grineer or Corpus enemy caught in the spray becomes converted to Infested enemy type.

Environment Restrictions:

Can only appear on missions that have non-infested enemy types in them (Corpus or Grineer).

Picture Reference:


Edited by soapLTD
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hello  fellow tenno my idea is a snail like infested creature that you get if a crawler's technocyte virus evolves




looks:the creature has no limbs and you can see it come's from a crawler couse the crawler's head is in the center of the shell


behaviour: it was a verry slow movement speed but leave's a trail of toxic liquid/goo it will slowly near your frame and staying near ather infested  it has no limbs


attacks: the toxic goo  slows your warframe down and poisons it, i also had the idea that the longer your frame stands still in the toxic goo the stickyer it gets so if you stand still in the goo for to long your sprint boosted loki will feel like a sprint boosted loki with a hobbled key equiped. Also if a infested mob enters the goo it gets some boosts: more speed and a toxic damage buff on melee attacks,  but if you do slash damage to a goo boosted mob it gets a 100% chance poison elemental dmg couse the poison in the goo is harmeless for the infested when its on there skin but once in there bloodstream it just a potent poison for them as it is for you. i was also thinking that these snails have fume's comming out of them that dont harm you but also boost other infested mobs that get in the fumes it give's them an  attack speed boost and a movement boost <- some lore over the boost fume's they contain feromone's wich are sertain scents that insects smell an react to. but if you shoot the gastropod and you do elemental dmg the element goes in the fume so if you do say electric dmg on the snail all the mobs in the fume will be electecuted incluiding other tenno its attacks are fairly weak it only has a verry low damage but still treathning  headbut that kicks you down so the other attack and movement speed boosted mobs can finish slaughtering you


codex entry: the gastropod(us) is a large infested creature that first came when the cell structure of teghnocythe virus in certain toxic crawlers changed cousing them to evolve in large snail like creature's that boost there pack members wile debuffing all treaths that come to close, this is a new type of beast we yet have to study, watch out tenno...


enviroment: the gastropod mostly live's in area's where allot of infested live so i was thinking higher lvl infested defence and wave 15+ ODD and DSD, 20min+ ODS and DSS. and very rarely in corpus/grineer cell blocks<- sometime's in the event missions there was an infested enemy inside one of the cells and i figuered that the corpus/grineer will be curious what these new treaths are so they captured them for scientific study    


notes of writer: thanks for reading if you want trough all and sorry for my bad english feel free to give your opinion on this and the skills of the beast and you can make art aboud this if you want p.s. i tried but im not talented  

Edited by yiusa
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Name Suggestion: Bat

Behaviour: Agile enemies that jump at Tenno from long distances. Can break ahead of the pack to go in for the kill.

Attacks: Leap attack; glide over long distances at Tenno. Basic claw attack. Can latch onto Tenno and do persisting damage. 

Environment restrictions: Grineer ships and outposts. 

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Name Suggestion: [stage] Hivemind


Behaviour: Spawns as a crawler, but starts to assimilate allies and continues to grow into the shape of an Ancient. (Stages should be marked as Crawler Hivemind, Runner/Leaper Hivemind and Ancient Hivemind)

When it has taken on the form of an ancient, it will start to glow a purple-ish hue. (This is to identify them)


Attacks: The Crawler Hivemind will be able to hurl toxic pods, much like the Torid. The Runner Version will explode into a neurotoxic cloud, limiting Tenno's sight and knocking them down. The Ancient version well charge towards Tenno, grabbing them and not releasing them. The Tenno's shield, health and energy will be drained whilst the Hivemind remains clamped to them. If a Tenno falls to the Hivemind, they will be consumed and the Hivemind will be able to use the first ability of whatever Frame the Tenno was wearing, regardless of whether it is unlocked or not.


Environment restrictions: Yes, higher level missions only (40+) and only in big crowds. (One per wave / minute in Defense/Survival)

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Name Suggestion: Ancient Progenitor


Behaviour: rarely spawns in large groups of common infested and uses them like a living shield. It always tries to stand close to other infested, especially Ancients. Prefer retreat to nearby living allies than directly attack players. Looks like large tri-headed Ancient with mouth with tentacles on its belly and large blob of deformed biomass on back. Progenitor body counts as Sinew armor type, blob as Infested Flesh. Damage to blob reduce Progenitor's biomass count for each 10% of it's health, common biomass reduced first.


Attacks: melee attacks with tentacles from  belly, damage and stagger simillar to regular Ancients attacks.


Consume: if any infested killed nearby Progenitor, it shoots tentacles from its belly and instantly consume dead body. Consuming heals Progenitor for 25% of maximum hp and adding biomass to blob in its back.Each common infested body counts as 1 point of biomass, each Ancient is stored independetly, only one for each type (Healer, Toxic, Disruptor).


Biomass Reborn (on 5 points of consumed biomass): spend all common biomass to spawn 5 infested runners, which have random mixed genes from consumed bodies. Always appllies Ancient's abilities if one of them was consumed.


-Regular Runner (if only runners was consumed)

-Charging Runner (if have consumed Charger) - runners with increased speed and damage.

-Leaping Runners (if have consumed Leapers) -  runners with abilty to leap to the target from distance.

Each consumed Ancient will randomlly apply its ability to spawned runner's  (charging and leaping too) explosions, but only one per runner (can't be toxic+disrupt explosion).


Biomass Division (on 5 points of consumed biomass and all three types of Ancients consumed) - spend all biomass  and 50% of current hp  to spawn another Progenitor with 50% hp.


Enviroment Restrictions: only Dark Sectors and Orokin Derelict ships.

Edited by Vovetc
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Any similarity to anyone else's entry is coincidence, since I am not reading 25 pages of other people's submissions, but here we go.


Name: Infested Spore Pod

Behavior: The Infested Spore Pod is a strictly stationary growth of Infested tissue that clings to walls or ceilings and can easily blend in with the biomass found in Infested areas.

Attacks: The Infested Spore Pod has three attacks.  The first is spitting out a medium- to long-ranged ball of acid with an arcing ballistic trajectory that deals Corrosive damage.  The second is releasing a close range (and lingering) cloud of Infested spores into its immediate vicinity that deals Viral damage.  The third is a poisoned tentacle whip that does some physical damage but deals primarily Toxin damage.

Environment Restrictions: Infested tiles only.


No art reference, but I think it should look vaguely conical in shape, with a flexible opening at the point from which the acid balls and tentacle whip emerge, and visible pores around it where the Infested spores emerge.  I also think that, like most infested, it should be pretty fragile, but encountered in groups, requiring wide area effects like the Ignis or Ogris to exterminate efficiently.

Edited by CycloneKnight
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Name: Infested Morph Mimic


Behavior: Mimics the outer appearance of you and your squad mates. Real appearance is a bald white humanoid with no facial features. It snucks up on you during a mission and tries to kill you from behind.


Attack: Attack you like an assassin, from behind, dealing damage like silent kill. It will try to kill the target, take his weapons and use it on the victim's squad mates. On Tenno victims there is a 10-30 second timer delay where he will assume your role while you spectate. When the timer is finished, you can revive (if you have points) and try to kill him back. 


Environmental Restrictions: It's totally allergic to heat and bright sunlight. No arid conditions. Earth conditions are perfect. 

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Name Suggestion: 

Two evolution stages: First one is a tentacular and plated egg/spore, extremely sturdy and armored, clinging to ceilings or on/inside other Infested; it's hard to take out. when a non-infested life form passes nearby it quickly moults to a lethal assassin, extremely dangerous, evasive (stealthable), but squishy. (50/200)

In the starting idea it would be a fast evolving unit, with another stage between the actual first and second, but I cut it because maybe it would create more issues.
The objective was to develope an increasing dangerous assassin wich would involve some active counterplay while still adapting to the swarm-like attitude of Infested or to a stationary strategy (111/200).

In the spore form it releases a noxious gas.
In the evolved form it can stealth (just like Chroma from Dark Sector) to evade harmful blows and attacks the target from melee - mid/long range with his scythe shaped tail swinging and flailing it around (this should be a really harmful attack). Eventually it can use his low joint's claws and thorns or spray corrosive substances from distance.

Environment Restriction:
The egg can stay grabbed to ceilings inside hidden spots or on/inside another Infested which brings it near whatever hostile target so it can sprout and take care of.

Art of Reference:
Artwork by myself.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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Digital Extremes People,


When are we going to LEAVE the Solar System to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, and to boldly go where no one has gone before?



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Name Suggestion: Drakonno

Behaviour: This enemy spits fire or burning black smoke around (AoE) players. He could also spit fire for close range attacks and release smoke fogs for AoE attacks. 

Attacks: Drakonno can also spin and hit players with his tail, possible burning effect when hit. 

Environment restrictions: No restrictions, since they can move on two and four legs.


Visual: Think of a Draco-Humanoid. (Dragon clan). Or you can go completely off and make Chinese dragon-style, snake like.  Dragons are well known in the ninja world. Would be awesome!

Edited by DrachenPrime
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Name Suggestion: Carnivorous Carpet

Behaviour:   A dangerous variant on the infested fungus found in infestations,  this opponent has no mind (hence immune to chaos etc) and attacks everything that comes into contact with it, including other infested. It otherwise behaves identically to normal infested fungus. It will visibly leak toxin (not gas) clouds when damaged by any source, however.

Attacks: 1) Passive life drain on contact 2) Small toxin AoE when receiving damage from any source 3) large toxin AoE when destroyed. 

Environment restrictions:  Valid anywhere infested passive elements can appear now, barring initial rooms or rooms with cutscenes

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I want some beneficial companions too.


Name: Infested Ability/Power/Weapon Enhancer
Behavior: Like stem cells, when merged with the Warframe, boosts any ability/power/weapon for a limited time, after which the WF suffers a 50% drop in the stat that was boosted for an equal amount of time while the WF/Item/Weapon recovers its equilibrium. You can make it look like you HAVE NO IDEA what it's going to boost until you use it. And then the draw is that there is a 2% chance, due to compatibility, that the boost will be permanent. :) Using it leaves a distinct "mark" on the WF/Item/Weapon.
Attack: No attack, it just exists in Infested brood pits for Infested to use. Like a resource pickup. Very rare. Even infested can use it if DE wants it.
Environmental Restrictions: Void or long held Infested territories only. Any heat attacks may damage/kill the enhancer thus negating its benefit.
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Name : Hybrid 

Behavior :  lying on floor or hung from ceiling body of other faction mob . upon tenno getting close leaps at tenno and before transforming into a charger or leaper . May be found in squads or sole member .Doesn’t get attacked by infested they know he will turn.
Attacks : blind fires and goes berserk on all entities nearby including infested uses the factions gun based on what mob is half infested . Throws grenades and melees other mobs .
Environmental restrictions : What mobs body is based on tile set .  Found in infection clusters .
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