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Swarming With Ignorance


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It's always bothered me, a lot of people post to things, "I didn't read the whole post, but I love the idea, DE should do this NOW!"


It never made any sense to me why someone would give(often quite strong) support for an idea they might totally hate, just because the title mentions a topic they dislike.


I mean, firstly, why even bother posting? It's not worth reading, but it has your upvote and undying support? How does that make sense?


Worse, it's then used by others to convey "well, see, this is a popular idea", when it isn't popular at all, it just has a lot of bandwagon junkies.


In so many cases, that's the secret to getting widespread community support--make your post too long and too poorly formatted to read, and make the title provocative.


I see it so often here, I have to wonder what the actual reasoning is behind it. If it was just one or two clueless people, I could go, "Okay, they're just not too bright", but it's many. So what is it? Herd mentality? Knee-jerk reaction? Desire for post count?


They don't help the conversation at all, but they insist on saying they throw their full fledge support behind the idea, no matter what.

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^^^ This makes so much sense it should be a PSA ad on Youtube or something, granted I think it's people who don't have time or would rather be part of the "IT" crowd who do that.


Edit: Dammit Snake beat me to be the first Post

Edited by Zero.No.Hikari
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A lot of people in these forums comment things like "I WANT ALL GOOD I DONT WANT ANY BAD! PERIOD!" its so frustrating... and its even more frustrating when they try to be "deep" "people will always fight each other... it is in their very nature..."

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It's not an uncommon thing. Sad as it is to say that the majority rules clause is still a major factor here. Bandwagon is a powerful tool and it is not always a tool for good. People don't read the threadfully because they don't desire to do so. You said it yourself, people glace and then upvote because hey, it has to do with Rhino and I like Rhino so therefor it is cool. That is my two cents on the subject. 

You take the good with the bad, as with most things. You take the RNG with the sweet sweet rarity of actually landing a wall attack. Things in this game are always being worked on, adding suggestions isn't bad...but when the same suggestion just comes down to "This doesn't do enough damage, I can't sweep everything! This sucks, make it better." Then it is not a valid complaint.

Edited by Recovery8
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Herd mentality definitely plays a part in it. I think that part of it is that people also look to see whether others are agreeing or disagreeing, and that people often look to the immediate replies before they finish reading the long opening post.


It's not only here that this phenomenon occurs. It happens in everyday life with things like the media and politics (but please for the love of all that's good and ninja-y, let's keep real world politics off the forums).

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Herd mentality definitely plays a part in it. I think that part of it is that people also look to see whether others are agreeing or disagreeing, and that people often look to the immediate replies before they finish reading the long opening post.

I admit I am like this, but not in the way you'd usually think. If I see a thread that interests me and find an endless stream of posts bashing and saying it is a bad idea, I won't post anything good in an attempt to liven it up, and vice versa. This is because my comment would either get buried, flamed, or both, so it wouldn't be any use.


This is also why the majority of my comments are thinly-veiled contempt and sarcasm. If this makes any sense.

Edited by PsychedelicSnake
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Herd mentality definitely plays a part in it. I think that part of it is that people also look to see whether others are agreeing or disagreeing, and that people often look to the immediate replies before they finish reading the long opening post.


It's not only here that this phenomenon occurs. It happens in everyday life with things like the media and politics (but please for the love of all that's good and ninja-y, let's keep real world politics off the forums).

It happens in the real world too?!?!?!? YOU DONT SAY : D

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I didn't read the whole post, but I love the idea, DE should do this NOW!


Edit: Just kidding, I think it is just as you've said. As for why it is so common... Not sure. Maybe the playerbase is a lot younger (and/or lazier) than we think.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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Didn't read the whole first post, but generally I agree.



(Really though, a lot of times I think this is just people agreeing with a concept without comitting to agreeing with examples. I think we should nerf Trinity and Vauban, that doesn't mean I agree with someone's idea that we should turn Trinity into a tank and Vauban should have missile launchers for eyebrows.)

Edited by VKhaun
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