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Better Loot In Containers Might Help Group Rushing


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I was curious if there was any way to possibly slow down the rush to complete the objective while grouping. I know in most games when you play PUGs everything is sort of rushed, but in this game if you take 5 seconds to open a few containers you'll be left behind. I'm not the type of person to just forget the rest of the group and take my sweet time if everyone else is wanting to hurry. So, I was curious if anyone thought it might be a good idea if there was a chance of a mod, blueprint, or other decent drop from containers; I'm pretty sure they currently do not drop from containers.


I prefer to group with others, and since I don't really know anyone who plays the game, I'm stuck rushing through every level. I don't necessarily want to stop people from rushing if that's their play style or preference, but it would be nice  if there was an incentive for slowing down a bit. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions that could help with this? 



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I was curious if there was any way to possibly slow down the rush to complete the objective while grouping. I know in most games when you play PUGs everything is sort of rushed, but in this game if you take 5 seconds to open a few containers you'll be left behind. I'm not the type of person to just forget the rest of the group and take my sweet time if everyone else is wanting to hurry. So, I was curious if anyone thought it might be a good idea if there was a chance of a mod, blueprint, or other decent drop from containers; I'm pretty sure they currently do not drop from containers.


I prefer to group with others, and since I don't really know anyone who plays the game, I'm stuck rushing through every level. I don't necessarily want to stop people from rushing if that's their play style or preference, but it would be nice  if there was an incentive for slowing down a bit. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions that could help with this? 

I feel the exact same way.  It's hard to learn the maps when you are trying to keep up.  I some times stop and open containers so I can get energy but it's tough because you will be left in the dust.  Some frames are really reliant on energy and without it, you can barely contribute. Having rare mods or container only resources would greatly help.  It would also increase the value of Thief's Wit. 

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1. Make the money you get from containers ALLOT more, 100 extra cash is peasent money.

2. Make them have a better chance to drop materials.

3. Make them have a chance to drop common mods that can only be gotten from them.

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Step 1) Get all the weapons that were removed from the game, with now improved stats/appearance. And the mods that cannot be acquired anymore.


Step 2) Add new weapons to that list, too. 


Step 3) Assign a "weapon" to every planet. Say, Mars drops the new Snipetron. 


Step 4) Lockers and containers in Mars have a chance at dropping Snipetron parts, as well as large amounts of credits, rare resources and mods that do not drop anymore. 


Step 5) All lockers lock permanently as soon as the alarms ring, making Stealth a good idea for thief runs. 

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Yeah, loot containers seem to be absolutely useless. Even if they occasionally have a semi rare material it is far more effective to just run a defense, survival, or mobile defense and get several of them in quick succession without taking 45 minutes to wander the entire map to do so. The loot containers should include exclusive items (likely an entirely new type just for them or something) and make it more fun to wander around to find them. As it is...boring.

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We should put the Legend of Zelda OT cutscene in when opening containers or lockers. That will slow them down.


Only if Lotus is the one that sings the chest opening tune, acapella. "Da-da-Da-DAA! Good work Tenno."

Edited by Neon_Angel
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I am a rusher, but in other games that I play I am a compulsive looter. If locker rooms were guaranteed to contain some resources, I will continue to rush my missions- so I can find the rooms and waypoint Cells and Sensors to my teammates.

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More short term powerups. Rarity on how good the utility is.

A blank green orb pops out: +100 stamina

+ sign green orb: Increase to max stamina for x seconds

battery icon green orb: faster stamina recharge for x seconds

lightning bolt green orb: Sprint speed increase for x seconds

The blank red orb +25 health.

Could use the same basic extra signs.

+ sign red orb. Max health increase

battery red orb. health regen.

Lightning red orb. temporary immunity to things like bleed maybe?

And continue on with energy orbs.

Now if they step on the toes of possible team equipment. maybe these equipment bps should drop out of the containers. They of course couldn't be infinite bps as they are more specialized. And in that regard might actually be powerful enough to be useful.

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