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[Revised Op] Would You Be Okay With Exclusive Items Retroactively Not Giving Mastery

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I got ninja'd



Plus who cares if veterans have a higher number on their profile? The reason I hate this so much is that I do hate the current mastery system, and the idea of having to re-earn any exp is just dreadful


Which is why you found my suggestion of lowering the time it takes to grind through the current mastery system thereby removing the need to remove said mastery points from exclusive weapons completely unpalatable. My suggestion benefits you in the long run, and you shoot it down because of a perceived disagreement.

*slow clap*

It may not be important for veteran players to have a higher number on their profile now, but it may be important later. Which means that it's something that deserves consideration. Not necessarily immediate implementation when there's still no need for it, but it's something that deserves consideration nonetheless.

Please control your knee-jerk reactions and take the time to think a little bit about what other people have to say.

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if there was a real reason to have higher mastery then I would agree. Till then answer is no.


All they said is it will be affected by mastery rank, They never said how much or how far


Yes they did.




(1) A permanent power gap, in a game which already demonstrably has power creep.  Do you really desperately need a Snipetron Vandal when you can get a Lanka or Vectis?  Do you really think that not having a Strun Wraith is going to matter to people who can freely acquire the Drakgoon or Boar Prime? Again: DE knows what their audience likes, and something that veterans like is having upgrades and new options.  People want new and shiny things to acquire, and the developers happily provide such things.




a. You are complaining about a system which we know NOTHING about.


b. The current hypothetical difference between exclusive item level cap and non-exclusive level cap is 1 mastery rank.  Or, 1/16th of the total potential of the Focus system if we assume (baselessly and recklessly) that Focus will scale linearly.  In the future when even more non-exclusive items become available, the difference will become fractional i.e. inconsequential.


1. Snipetron vandal is really strong in conclave. So is primed chamber. but LOL conclave, right? The wraith vipers are also very strong and at the time the strun wraith and brakk were the best options in the game. Fortunately that's not the case now, but it's not like the exclusives are all peashooters. Yes, certain event items are objectively useless. However I don't care about the stats on the guns, I'm talking about the 45,000 mastery that a new account cannot get, presumably 48,000 when the prova vandal comes out.

2a. See above response.


2b. That is a valid opinion, but it is 1/16th extra power on top of arcane helmets, event mods, and exclusive weapons which have the potential to be buffed or are already good.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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Which is why you found my suggestion of lowering the time it takes to grind through the current mastery system thereby removing the need to remove said mastery points from exclusive weapons completely unpalatable. My suggestion benefits you in the long run, and you shoot it down because of a perceived disagreement.

*slow clap*

It may not be important for veteran players to have a higher number on their profile now, but it may be important later. Which means that it's something that deserves consideration. Not necessarily immediate implementation when there's still no need for it, but it's something that deserves consideration nonetheless.

Please control your knee-jerk reactions and take the time to think a little bit about what other people have to say.

Please control your knee-jerk reactions and take the time to think a little bit about what other people have to say.


right back at ya

I am disagreeing with the OP's suggestion and the agreement to it, not every single thing you said. Also


It may not be important for veteran players to have a higher number on their profile now, but it may be important later.


Hence why they should not remove the mastery experience, it'll be a problem when its a problem

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Update 14 is the latest word out of Steve's mouth.

They just brought the new melee system and going straight for the focus system for U14? Wow, poor guys at DE seem to be very busy these days then :D

But that would be really great. I dont think that that the dark sectors give me personally a replay value once it comes to ps4 so i really have high hopes for focus.

Back to topic. I think many founders would rage on the forum once focus is out and they loose their advantage with their few extra mastery points.

So i would say it wont happen, since i can smell the sh**storm that would come to the forum already, if they did.

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The part where your taking away a minor reward from long term players. that mastery experience not even 1/10th of mastery rank 13 to 14. Oh noz so OP, must nerf



Please control your knee-jerk reactions and take the time to think a little bit about what other people have to say.


right back at ya

I am disagreeing with the OP's suggestion and the agreement to it, not every single thing you said. Also


It may not be important for veteran players to have a higher number on their profile now, but it may be important later.


Hence why they should not remove the mastery experience, it'll be a problem when its a problem


Except your initial response to me is worded in such a way that it sounds like a response to the last line of my first post, which asked whether or not I had missed anything that would not be covered under my alternative suggestion, which circumvented removing mastery points entirely.

Thus, the logical thing to do would be to assume that you were disagreeing with what I had to say specifically. That's not a knee-jerk reaction. That's a measured response to you disagreeing with me on a pretext that made zero sense, and would require you completely ignoring what I had actually said, or otherwise failing to read it at all.

If you're disagreeing with the OP's suggestion, and not mine, why did you quote mine to voice your disagreement? Alternatively, quote my post and leave in the part where I agreed with the OP to show that you were responding to ONLY that part of my post. That's not me being unreasonable, that's you failing to communicate clearly. Hence my initial assumption that you completely ignored what I had to say, which still doesn't seem to be all that inaccurate.

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1) old info is old, but it could easily still be true which brings me to


2) From what Steve said it sounds more to me like having a higher mastery will just let you go deeper into the trees, not make your focus more powerful, getting the focus points is what makes focus more powerful

Nothing he said has been contradicted in later streams.


In what game does going deeper into a tree NOT make you more powerful? Everyone needs to grind XP into their skill tree, yes, but whether you can only get to the 8th node when I can get to the 16th node, after we grinded as much as we could, I'd be much more powerful. It's like if your weapon could only go to rank 8 and mine could go to 16. I don't know how else to explain it.

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Nothing he said has been contradicted in later streams.


In what game does going deeper into a tree NOT make you more powerful? Everyone needs to grind XP into their skill tree, yes, but whether you can only get to the 8th node when I can get to the 16th node, after we grinded as much as we could, I'd be much more powerful. It's like if your weapon could only go to rank 8 and mine could go to 16. I don't know how else to explain it.


If Focus is anything like the rest of the game, mastery worth will cap out between 8 and 10 maybe, just maybe 15. but anyone can make 15


Except your initial response to me is worded in such a way that it sounds like a response to the last line of my first post, which asked whether or not I had missed anything that would not be covered under my alternative suggestion, which circumvented removing mastery points entirely.

Thus, the logical thing to do would be to assume that you were disagreeing with what I had to say specifically. That's not a knee-jerk reaction. That's a measured response to you disagreeing with me on a pretext that made zero sense, and would require you completely ignoring what I had actually said, or otherwise failing to read it at all.

If you're disagreeing with the OP's suggestion, and not mine, why did you quote mine to voice your disagreement? Alternatively, quote my post and leave in the part where I agreed with the OP to show that you were responding to ONLY that part of my post. That's not me being unreasonable, that's you failing to communicate clearly. Hence my initial assumption that you completely ignored what I had to say, which still doesn't seem to be all that inaccurate.


Fair enough I could have done a better job on my response. My problem is having any exp debt based on the idea that I might have access to something more for a few days until the next weapon drops. Besides having an exp debt is basically the same as taking it away imo, I have to re-earn what I have already earned

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If Focus is anything like the rest of the game, mastery worth will cap out between 8 and 10 maybe, just maybe 15. but anyone can make 15

That's entirely possible, but given the system is designed to make mastery meaningful, I would facepalm.

But I have facepalmed before. If you're right, then this thread is null and it truely does not matter. But we can't really assume either way. I was just curious how people felt about it and I think I got the responses I expected.

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I think something that people are forgetting is that there's not just exclusive weapons to take into account here. There's also weapons that have been REMOVED entirely from the Market. 

From the top of my head, here is what is not available to new players.

Snipetron Vandal
Gorgon (Logins, not in the Market)
Gorgon Wraith
Strun Wraith

Ether Daggers
Machete Wraith
Lato Vandal
Lato Prime
Skana Prime
Braton Vandal
Dex Furis
Twin Wraith Vandals

Excalibur Prime

This is a pretty significant amount of Mastery that is lost to new players, excluding the Gorgon, but due to RNG, some players may never get it. You never know. 

P.S. Please note that this is by no means a decisive, final list. This is just what I could think of off the top of my head. 

Edited by Drakontis
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excal prime

braton vandal
snipetron vandal
strun wraith
Dex furis
lato prime
lato vandal
wraith twin vipers
Ether daggers
machete wraith
prova vandal (not counted in total equation)
skana prime

45,000 mastery xp total

Then there's the gorgon which is login reward only, I didn't count that.
Edited by VegetableBasket
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excal prime

braton vandal
snipetron vandal
strun wraith
Dex furis
lato prime
lato vandal
wraith twin vipers
Ether daggers
machete wraith
prova vandal (not counted in total equation)
skana prime

45,000 mastery xp total

Then there's the gorgon which is login reward only, I didn't count that.


You might throw the Cronus in there as well. I'm uncertain if it's still bugged or not, but I could not get it from Vor when I made a new account to test how much of a chore being a new player is. 

(It can be a real pain in the rear, by the way.)

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You might throw the Cronus in there as well. I'm uncertain if it's still bugged or not, but I could not get it from Vor when I made a new account to test how much of a chore being a new player is. 

(It can be a real pain in the rear, by the way.)


Got it from either last week or the week before, so either its unbugeed or I got bug in the bug

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You do realise that in the end when mastery reaches its 30 limit DE will make those few extra weapons that reward those who do not have exclusive weapons so in the end everyone can reach mastery 30. What we have now is just that little extra boost to the people that have been with the game for some long got as a reward.

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Removing the mastery XP is absurd why not ask that you be given a million mastery points because you feel, well inferior. (Makes more sense.(While you’re at it ask for a pony *ponies are boss) ) This is your issur man, deal.

Edited by StabbyTentacles
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Considering that rankings aren't even a thing in this game, I don't really see what this would accomplish or what the problem with our current system is. Players who missed out on exclusives aren't "disadvantaged" in any way, considering that any of them who are into rank-gathering have already unlocked every weapon in the game ages ago and that there is no ranking system to compare Mastery with.


There are players who wouldn't appreciate having Mastery exp taken away from them, despite how minuscule that amount is. While the outcry will be small from removing it, there will be so little that is accomplished from the change that it still won't be worth it. 



Unless rankings are planned to be a thing sometime in the distant future where tiny boosts like this will matter, in which case, full speed ahead (squash the issue while it's insignificant).

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Removing the mastery XP is absurd why not ask that you be given a million mastery points because you feel, well inferior. (Makes more sense.(While you’re at it ask for a pony *ponies are boss) ) This is your issur man, deal.



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I believe that there should be a power disparity between new and veteran players.


Don't tell me that your level 1 Witch Doctor is on the same power level with a Level 75 (with maxed paragon levels) Witch Doctor in Diablo III.


It just doesn't make any sense.


The power level aka mastery rank of a player should reflect how much time and effort he spends collecting the exclusives in events and also his dedication to the game.


I am a PS4 player and I disagree with everything the OP proposed.


So what that PS4 players missed out on 85% of the event and founders exclusive weapons? It doesn't bother me one bit cos I know that those players who do have those items deserved them as they either worked hard for them during the events and/or supported DE early in the development cycle. The founders are why we PS4 players can play Warframe on the console. Without them, there is no PS4 fanbase.


THIS HAPPENS ON BOARDGAMES KICKSTARTER ALL THE TIME. Zombicide has kickstarter exclusives (kinda like Founders package but with a shorter time frame to commit) that WAS NEVER RELEASED EVER AGAIN.


I guess we boardgamers understand the concept of exclusives more than other gamers in general as boardgames have exclusives all the time.

Edited by (PS4)friedricetheman
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