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[Revised Op] Would You Be Okay With Exclusive Items Retroactively Not Giving Mastery

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It would be fine with me if they took the XP away from exclusive items. I like getting exclusive items just because when I am playing a year from now and I put on an exclusive weapon people will freak out over it, and it shows my experience in the game. 

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Wait? You just suggested that people who are low mastery rank get MORE focus benefits then those with high mastery rank. So what because 16 is the highest I would get... ONE benefit, and someone at mastery rank 1 would get 15 benefits? That's unfair, and belittling. Do you just outright hate people who have been around Warframe longer than you or what?


Do you know how to read? here I'll bullet point it

-Max mastery rank without exclusives is 15

-Max mastery rank with exclusives is 16

-OP is suggesting Focus unlocks go to mastery 15 until everyone can achieve 16, then those already 16 instantly get the unlock

-Repeat this for any higher numbers as they become the case

Edited by reltats
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funny how the majority of people saying yes are all non-Founders... You can't just say YES if you didn't spend money in the first place for the founder exclusives. The decision to remove mastery exp should be to the Design council, and Design council only. Like literally a poll for this IN THE DESIGN COUNCIL. I hope DE never considers all these yes answers in this thread, or any thread NOT in the design council. Everyone in the design council not only spent money, but also was around in the beginning. Giving feedback on all sorts of silly things. I have been here, and so have many others for a long time. To suddenly pull mastery off without discussing this on the Design council, and having a full poll built on it IN THE DESIGN COUNCIL is unfair to those who spent time, and money on the game. That's like if DE decided to reset the game an not refund you any of your platinum. You wouldn't like that now would you?


Founder's stuff could always be the exception, sort of a bonus gift for your monetary contribution; I was only thinking about event rewards (I completely forgot about founders stuff). Also there are non-founders in the DC.

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It would be fine with me if they took the XP away from exclusive items. I like getting exclusive items just because when I am playing a year from now and I put on an exclusive weapon people will freak out over it, and it shows my experience in the game. 

actually having a weapon that murders does... Having exclusives that are weaker than the overpowered weapons that TAKE FOREVER to build like Dijinn, Ogris, Dual Ichor, anything else we can't get with money, but is REALLY hard to obtain as a whole shows skill. Infact it would be better to just lock exclusives behind absurdly hard missions. Like instead of primes being obtained through extreme RNG of 100 plus missions we get them via extremely challenging missions like... You can't get so-so item unless you can kill very strong runners with a totally pumped melee weapon BEFORE they explode, and if even one explodes once its instant gameover, an you have to wait a certain period of time to try again. Now THAT would make challenges viable instead of just being a thing for mastery rank. Something for the endgame player that really racked up forma, and exp into making a super set up to GET the exclusives.


I could honor someone working hard to obtain exclusives... I can't honor the idea of disrespecting the community however...

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actually having a weapon that murders does... Having exclusives that are weaker than the overpowered weapons that TAKE FOREVER to build like Dijinn, Ogris, Dual Ichor, anything else we can't get with money, but is REALLY hard to obtain as a whole shows skill. Infact it would be better to just lock exclusives behind absurdly hard missions. Like instead of primes being obtained through extreme RNG of 100 plus missions we get them via extremely challenging missions like... You can't get so-so item unless you can kill very strong runners with a totally pumped melee weapon BEFORE they explode, and if even one explodes once its instant gameover, an you have to wait a certain period of time to try again. Now THAT would make challenges viable instead of just being a thing for mastery rank. Something for the endgame player that really racked up forma, and exp into making a super set up to GET the exclusives.


While I dont care for your examples, and a challenge should be more involved then Infested-whack-a-mole; I do agree that the non-founder exclusives would be better behind extremely and insanely hard missions, and that event rewards would be better off on the cosmetics side or an easier way to the items. It would also make the rest of this conversation a moot point

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While I dont care for your examples, and a challenge should be more involved then Infested-whack-a-mole; I do agree that the non-founder exclusives would be better behind extremely and insanely hard missions, and that event rewards would be better off on the cosmetics side or an easier way to the items. It would also make the rest of this conversation a moot point

Well Founder gear I wouldn't mind being behind a VERY hard challenge. Infact all the exclusives vandals, wraiths, even some of the prime gear would be better off behind a "Challenge wall" instead of a time period wall, pay wall, or farm wall.


The one thing I can respect is a player that can overcome any challenge for the reward of their desires. I mean balls to the wall challenges. Like things that require a player to have the ultimate gear load out, or a load out that works for the situation. Missions with absurd requirements. Obstacles courses out he wazoo. Killing enemies with strict conditions. Like being forced to move slow mo while fighting rollers that do a high amount of damage and could kill you in 8 hits for maybe some fancy melee weapon like Bo Prime or something, and then do a series of missions to kill runners in a group of four, in a 4 waves with 4 groups, and then a swarm of them coming in multiple waves to get all the parts, and build Skana prime with the rules as stated above about them blowing up and ending the mission, and you have to beat all three in order to get all the parts, and the BP to build it, or get nothing and all, and have to wait a period of time to try again.


Do a sniping fight where the targets move fast, you can't hit certain targets which overlap with other targets, your timed, and you can't miss once, and you will get Vectis prime. Doing a special mission as Excalibur where you have to fight nearly impossible odds with all abilities available, but no special mods added. Meaning naked Excalibur with only abilities, and a pre-set of weapons going against waves of enemies, and a blitz of bosses such as Vor, Kril, and Stalker to push you to your limits and earn the Excalibur Prime, and finally end it with a duel with Excalibur Prime with a crazy epic AI that allows it to use a pre-set environment for the final duel to earn your right to wear Excalibur Prime.


Seriously though I am against debasing the Exclusive gear, and I am against making Focus system all wonky over this. I think it would just be easier to put them in the game, and make them VERY VERY VERY hard to obtain. Like don't even DON'T EVEN release these challenges into the game till DE, or make the founders test them out over, and over till they can all agree they are HARD enough for anyone who beats them to deserve the Founder Exclusives.

Edited by Arlayn
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The fact that the reasons people keep trying to come up with just kinda tics me off. The point is we paid for the items...not the exp. Exclusive Items, the exp was a bonus. quit asking about the stuff, just stop....it ain't happening unless DE wants to loose a bunch of people to make whiners happy.

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Arlayn I'm not going to read all your posts because you totally took what I said the wrong way.

15 is the highest rank you can get without exclusives. I'm saying focus should only have a max of 15 points down the skill tree so that you, me or anyone doesn't get their 16th point if they are at mastery 16 until everyone can. I'm not saying getting to rank 16 turns off the focus system and locks you out of it, what do you think I am, stupid?

Edited by VegetableBasket
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Slightly irrelevant OP:

Please watch this video if you believe there is no point to mastery XP: http://youtu.be/CNtzE7BTUV8?t=16m25sQuick question to the community, please answer it assuming changes are made to the game in this way:1. Anything you can't get by playing the game right now would not give mastery XP2. Any mastery XP you've earned would not be taken away from you, but you would have to earn an equal amount of mastery before your XP bar would increase again(example)

You level 3 exclusive items, earning 9,000 mastery XP and leaving you at 27,000 master XP. A change is made removing mastery from exclusives, so you will have to earn 9,000 mastery XP before you gain mastery XP again, although you will stay at 27,000 mastery the entire time. Once you've earned 9,100 mastery you would be at 27,100 mastery, as if the item never gave mastery in the first place.

 The reason I am asking:

There is no doubt that veteran players have an advantage over newer players. We have weapons, mods, and now helmets they can't have. The new focus system will be based on mastery level which means without a certain amount of exclusives, you will not be able to reach a certain tier of your focus tree. Someone starting today would not have acess to 45,000 mastery XP that is available to other players. The power gap between new and old players will only increase as long as the amount of exclusives does given the planned implementation of focus. I think it's a balance issue worth considering, and I don't know if the rest of the community would be willing to give up its exclusive mastery points for the sake of a level playing field. I also think the feeling of never being able to reach the level cap is very discouraging to newer players.

My personal answer is yes. Even though I am only missing one weapon and the power disparity would not affect me negatively.

 While the issues I'm trying to discuss and reasoning I am using is still relevant, I think this would actually be a better solution, after pondering it: Make focus only benefit players to the X mastery rank, where X is the highest mastery you can earn without any exclusives.

No founders n vets deserve to lord over newer lads in mastery :)

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