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If You Were A Tenno...

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Tempted to say Rhino Prime - Many useful skills for everyday life:


A dash to quickly just get away from things...


Iron Skin to not give a damn about anything...


Stomp for when you just want everyone to stop...


As a Tenno, also have the innate ability to use small weapons to get insane momentum for fast travelling...


Volt would also be a contender -


Shock would mean I'd no longer have to pay electricity bills.


Speed would make travelling much easier (I already try to walk/run everywhere I can)


If I had the powers of Zephyr (Whilst still being male >.> )


Being able to fly would be pretty awesome.

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If I were a Tenno, I'd use my amazing power to pick up women.


That's it.


so you'd literally pick women up?


As a side note... If i were a Tenno, I'd probably try to help end all wars... but both of those would never happen lol.

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I would be Rhino, fighting in first lines and beat enemies to death with bare hands.


Trim my magnificent beard and make advances on Lotus.


Also taunting grineer scorpions/balistas/heavy gunners with my codpiece.

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Invisibility = go into the girls locker room.







on a more serious note , Start a cult  which follows these few creeds:


* you don't talk about the cult


* always be awesome to others and yourself.

* be metal.


Then i will take over the world and plunge it into a new age of darkness with my Undead ghost army and various Soul devouring abilities. 

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I would be Ash and I'd get an apartment with a decent view of the surrounding city so I can teleport wherever I need to (invisible if need be).

If totally bored I'd grab a cape and go superhero on my neighborhood but other than that maybe start a career as a mocap-guy for the movie-industry or professional athlete, join a circus as a knife thrower or work as a courier.

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Interesting idea. 

Seriously. I guess I'd probably follow the Lotus's orders for a little while before becoming super paranoid about who she/it/they is/are. Sending me on into a long downward spiraling hunt for truth and meaning in which I would inevitable reflect on the thousands of lives I've taken mercilessly in the name of an anonymous entity who is by no objective means the reflection of a greater good. In this state of distrust I'd feel pressured to hide any and all doubts I help from the Lotus and my fellow Tenno, exponentially amplifying my misery, letting it fester and tear me apart from the inside. The meager amount of solace I would find in my training which would act as a mental outlet for my chaotic philosophizing would be completely obliterated by the over whelming amount of carnage an death I was responsible for on a daily basis, leaving me shattered and hopelessly disturbed. Dead inside I would serve as nothing more than a killing tool. 


Eventually, during a massive infestation out break or similar situation of urgency I'd probably I'd take advantage of the panic to flee, estranging myself from other Tenno I would go far, far away, somewhere the Lotus couldn't find me. In my self appointed exile I'd spend days upon days in a painful, chaotic anti-mediation, lifeless and traumatized I'd be scared with imminent paranoia and crippling thanatophobia. I'd keep myself barely alive, wishing only to dye but not able to let myself due to the aforementioned fear. To provide sustenance I'd take mercenary work, working in conditions extremely less demanding that what I was expected off working for the Lotus thus my now reduced physical state and complete lack of mental stability was insufficient to hinder my success rates.


It would be during one of these mercenary jobs that I would meet a grineer woman, self aware and individualistic she suffered similar philosophical and existential conundrums as I did but never turned to a sociopath, rather, worked hard to achieve a calm and positive out look on life and her own problems. Approaching a state of mind more similar to a Tenno that a grineer the woman was able to follow her own desires, establishing a place of leaning for grineer where war was viewed as an option and not simply a way of life. Her success, while minor, was, as an idea, a major threat to the sisters, avoiding to end her growing educative establishment with diplomacy which could have jeopardized there image as leaders, they tailored the war, directing Corpus invasions to her settlement while revoking most major defensive measures. The settlement vulnerable the fight was quickly won and the resulting casualties where unparalleled in the past few dozen years. Discovering my friends untimely death I would snap, reverting immediately to a state of massive hatred and despair. Even pushing me beyond to the point of being a full fledged psychopath. Vengeful and once again at full legality I'd take to corpus capitals, and unaware of the sisters role in the death of my friend slaughter millions of corpus military units. Leaving any aspiration of peace and joy behind I'd once again been reverted to a soulless killing machine though now without a guide, marginally more dangerous.


It would only be after several blurry years and rivers of blood that I would discover, by chance, military logs of the corpus, showing the lotus's tenno, responsible for the protection of many young grineer who where brought up in my friends war-alternative system. That act of good faith and kindness would act as a catalyst, restoring much of the trust I'd lost in the lotus and allowing me to regain a calm, centered mindset. Eventually regaining full focus I would return to the Lotus, a stronger, experienced tenno, tempered and tested by strife and sadness, ready to carry on, and live a simple, happy life, dedicating myself to the protection of all the values I held dearest.




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I would be Nyx, and after a chaos release, I would watch the entire world burn.


Or, Oberon, for the heal fact and for the ult. ( make people flyin' and just after, slap them into the ground like a little b**ch! :D )

Edited by Deydreus
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If I were a Tenno, I'd use my impressive martial arts skills to beat up the Grineer scum harassing Lotus at Darvo's bar and impress her into marrying me and then we'd live happily ever after...The End.....OR IS IT?!? NO. THIS IS A REAL THING, THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED.

Edited by BecomeLikeWater
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If I were a Tenno in modern times, I'd pick Ash and work as an assassin. Never caught, never found. The only trace would be the victim's body.


Were I a Tenno in the time Warframe takes place, I'd pick Loki and use my beloved Dragon Nikana to end the Grineer regime, destroy the Corpus corrption and put down the Infested.

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If I were a Tenno, I would first get all warframes, and from that point I would switch my warframe everyday.

Kill stuff, troll people, go to space a lot, chilling in my dojo, conquer the all the dark sectors.


Wait this is what I'm working on... :/

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