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[Allregion&casual] The Cutie Mark Crusaders!


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hello, I would like to join a clan because I find Warframe is so much more enjoyable with familiar people to have a pleasant conversation with and a nicely decorated dojo to run around


I have read the rules and would like to join this clan specifically because I've seen the entrance room of the dojo (from trading with a member), the rules(edit: and the chatterbox crest) suggest that if I were a member I'd get that pleasant conversation, and the name of the clan sparked a bit of nostalgia from when I was a fan of MLP.


just for clarification the 0 in my name is a zero

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hello, I would like to join a clan because I find Warframe is so much more enjoyable with familiar people to have a pleasant conversation with and a nicely decorated dojo to run around


I have read the rules and would like to join this clan specifically because I've seen the entrance room of the dojo (from trading with a member), the rules(edit: and the chatterbox crest) suggest that if I were a member I'd get that pleasant conversation, and the name of the clan sparked a bit of nostalgia from when I was a fan of MLP.


just for clarification the 0 in my name is a zero

Greetings, Temp0ralfool.


Nothing wrong with wanting to get involved in friendly chatter and have some fun along the way. Here's hoping we live up to your expectations.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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After reading the thread a bit I have grown a bit of an interest in joining. Despite my more than slightly introverted nature I had felt like I am missing out a bit in not being in a clan myself. After reading the OP I had felt that this clan can very well be a good home to park my frames in and enjoy some company. I read through the creeds and can follow them with very little issue whatsoever


IGN: LordNevin

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After reading the thread a bit I have grown a bit of an interest in joining. Despite my more than slightly introverted nature I had felt like I am missing out a bit in not being in a clan myself. After reading the OP I had felt that this clan can very well be a good home to park my frames in and enjoy some company. I read through the creeds and can follow them with very little issue whatsoever


IGN: LordNevin

Hey there, LordNevin.


You've delivered what we ask, and I don't see why the CMC would not work for you.


Nothing wrong with being introverted, but here's hoping you find some good company.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Good evening Crusaders


Ever since I've joined the Crusaders in May 2013, I've had a lot of fun chatting with clanmates and doing missions. Unfortunately nowadays I find it hard to connect with the clan. It may be the influx of new members or the departure of old ones, the clan is not what it was when I first joined.


It is with great sorrow that I announce my departure from the Cutie Mark Crusaders. 15 minutes from this post I will no longer be a member of this clan. I don't regret joining you guys; you people were my first real friends when I started playing Warframe, and I cherish all our time together as clanmates. I will still be playing Warframe under a different banner, that of Technical Derpiculties, so if you want to talk to me, you know where I am.


Ave atque vale,


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Hello there!


I've recently joined the warframe sensation, and although I'm really enjoying playing alone or along with a friend, it seems joining a clan would be an excellent addition to the game. The clan seems to be exactly what I'm looking for, casual, yet large enough to supply me with a place where I can receive advice from veteran players and also help those below me as I climb the ranks. I look forward to hopefully becoming a part of the family!


I have read the rules/creed and will fulfill them to the letter!


IGN: davek0

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Good evening Crusaders


Ever since I've joined the Crusaders in May 2013, I've had a lot of fun chatting with clanmates and doing missions. Unfortunately nowadays I find it hard to connect with the clan. It may be the influx of new members or the departure of old ones, the clan is not what it was when I first joined.


It is with great sorrow that I announce my departure from the Cutie Mark Crusaders. 15 minutes from this post I will no longer be a member of this clan. I don't regret joining you guys; you people were my first real friends when I started playing Warframe, and I cherish all our time together as clanmates. I will still be playing Warframe under a different banner, that of Technical Derpiculties, so if you want to talk to me, you know where I am.


Ave atque vale,


Nuuuuuuuu...They're all going!

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Good evening Crusaders


Ever since I've joined the Crusaders in May 2013, I've had a lot of fun chatting with clanmates and doing missions. Unfortunately nowadays I find it hard to connect with the clan. It may be the influx of new members or the departure of old ones, the clan is not what it was when I first joined.


It is with great sorrow that I announce my departure from the Cutie Mark Crusaders. 15 minutes from this post I will no longer be a member of this clan. I don't regret joining you guys; you people were my first real friends when I started playing Warframe, and I cherish all our time together as clanmates. I will still be playing Warframe under a different banner, that of Technical Derpiculties, so if you want to talk to me, you know where I am.


Ave atque vale,


Take care, Smith.

Best of luck to you in your future endeavors.


Hello there!


I've recently joined the warframe sensation, and although I'm really enjoying playing alone or along with a friend, it seems joining a clan would be an excellent addition to the game. The clan seems to be exactly what I'm looking for, casual, yet large enough to supply me with a place where I can receive advice from veteran players and also help those below me as I climb the ranks. I look forward to hopefully becoming a part of the family!


I have read the rules/creed and will fulfill them to the letter!


IGN: davek0

Hey there, Davek0.


Sounds like everything is in order and the CMC would be a good fit for you. Good to have you aboard.

Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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sigh... one less friendly clannie to talk with.

Unfortunately, but one can only move forward. More unfortunate is they did not bring these concerns up prior to it. The door has always been open for feedback, but no one takes the time it seems.

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id like to join, i have read the rules, and generally i'm too quiet to get in fight or arguments, and i agree to follow the rules. l heard of the clan frew a friend and from what ive heard its a good group, and a sound one, i'm not exactly a veteran of the game, in fact i have nigh no time under my belt but i'm learning and if i can help i will, be it trading or support. i hope you accept me in but i will understand if you decline me for whatever reason, i look forward to hearing your ruling.

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id like to join, i have read the rules, and generally i'm too quiet to get in fight or arguments, and i agree to follow the rules. l heard of the clan frew a friend and from what ive heard its a good group, and a sound one, i'm not exactly a veteran of the game, in fact i have nigh no time under my belt but i'm learning and if i can help i will, be it trading or support. i hope you accept me in but i will understand if you decline me for whatever reason, i look forward to hearing your ruling.


Howdy 672836348362922926789056.


Sorry for the delay. Life always seems to find a way, doesn't it?


Sounds like the CMC would be a good fit for you, and I see no reason why I would deny you.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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I'm very interested in joining this clan, if that's okay.~


I've read all of the initial post, and I strongly agree with the creeds and general idea of the clan (the pony relation is just a bonus :3). I'm always looking for people who are more easy-going and understanding, and that's the vibe I get from you guys for sure.


The main reason I want to be part of the clan is because I enjoy helping people, and I want to help more if I can (and of course - being helped on occasion is nice too~). I'm mostly a solo player (who plays with a friend fairly often as well), but I consider myself pretty experienced in the game's mechanics. I'm also a rather active player, even now more than a year later after I first started.


I have been in a clan once before, but it kinda ended with the clan becoming inactive and me being forced to return to my backup personal clan for equipment research purposes.


Much like LordNevin above, I'm a bit introverted, and possibly a liiittle shy - but that's part of the reason I want to do this. I think it might help me get a little better at working with people, y'know? I'm very patient with others, and am practically incapable of intentionally offending anyone, so you wouldn't have to worry about me causing any trouble at least. :P


Apologies for the long-winded post, I hope you'll consider me despite the wall of text I've assaulted you with haha.

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I'm very interested in joining this clan, if that's okay.~


I've read all of the initial post, and I strongly agree with the creeds and general idea of the clan (the pony relation is just a bonus :3). I'm always looking for people who are more easy-going and understanding, and that's the vibe I get from you guys for sure.


The main reason I want to be part of the clan is because I enjoy helping people, and I want to help more if I can (and of course - being helped on occasion is nice too~). I'm mostly a solo player (who plays with a friend fairly often as well), but I consider myself pretty experienced in the game's mechanics. I'm also a rather active player, even now more than a year later after I first started.


I have been in a clan once before, but it kinda ended with the clan becoming inactive and me being forced to return to my backup personal clan for equipment research purposes.


Much like LordNevin above, I'm a bit introverted, and possibly a liiittle shy - but that's part of the reason I want to do this. I think it might help me get a little better at working with people, y'know? I'm very patient with others, and am practically incapable of intentionally offending anyone, so you wouldn't have to worry about me causing any trouble at least. :P


Apologies for the long-winded post, I hope you'll consider me despite the wall of text I've assaulted you with haha.


Howdy smokednin.


No worries on the length of your post. Personally, I like to read a lot about our applicants. Just so I get to know the kinds of people we have coming in.


I see no reason why I would deny you. I will have to let you know though, that even though we have a lot of members, around thirty or so are online at any given time. On a good day. Just thought I would mention that. Still, if you would like to join, we'd be happy to have you. I hope you make many new friends with us.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.



Howdy Blackhammer40k.


I'm going to have to turn you away.


Stay safe.

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So, after over 3 years I'll leave the CMC now to join Technical Derpiculties. Farewell everyone.

Take care.


If I wasn't so close with my clan I would join in a heartbeat. Brohoof regardless /)

No worries at all. So long as you're having fun, that's what matters.



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Hi, I'm Kavros, I have been bouncing from clan to clan trying to find a good fit, and after two other clans who treated me like crap, I felt like I should research MLP Clans in Warframe. and after careful consideration and a chance meeting with Haldos in one of the relays, I felt like this clan would be good for me. I am an avid pony fan, although I'm a more of a well, maturer fan than others, I am an easygoing guy who enjoys helping people out. If there is anything else you require of me, please, don't be afraid to PM me.

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Hi, I'm Kavros, I have been bouncing from clan to clan trying to find a good fit, and after two other clans who treated me like crap, I felt like I should research MLP Clans in Warframe. and after careful consideration and a chance meeting with Haldos in one of the relays, I felt like this clan would be good for me. I am an avid pony fan, although I'm a more of a well, maturer fan than others, I am an easygoing guy who enjoys helping people out. If there is anything else you require of me, please, don't be afraid to PM me.

Hey there, Kavros.


Sorry to hear that you've had bad experiences in the past, but happy to know that you're looking to give the CMC a chance to turn that around.


Quite a good reason, and I agree that the CMC would be a good fit for you. I've confirmed the second requirement in game.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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