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Everyone Hates Arc Traps. Remove Them.


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I would like to see an actually dangerous trap that DISCOURAGES people from being stupid about rushing through areas.


I mean, it's not like a land mine stops people from going through an area. (Seriously) it makes them more cautious about doing it. The whole IDEA of traps, land mines, etc is area denial. To constrict an enemy's movement. They cannot STOP movement. They CAN slow it.


The arc traps as they are do not do this.


Now if they did damage based on the speed of the player moving through their area of influence... Maybe snared them in place for a bit? Or even better... dispelled any abilities that were active when the player enters the zone... *evil grin*


When I go through a mine field, I run as fast as I can so I can outrun all the explosions while someone is filming me from the front so there's awesome shots of me looking like  a badass with a ton of explosions going off behind me.

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You could, I don't know.. shoot them maybe?

If you spend the time to stop and shoot them, you just take more damage. Rushing past them is far more effective.


I think they should either stun or dispel any abilities a player has going.

That is a very bad idea. They spawn behind blind corners, inside crates and inside parts of the level geometry. Having a random stun or dispel that you can't see or prevent is extremely poor game design (see also: magnetic leaders and their instant, unblockable, non-LoS autodisrupt).

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Though I agree Arc traps still need some tweaking (Where they spawn, how they're damaged, etc), I disagree that they should be removed.



Arc traps (and any other traps for that matter) are SUPPOSED to be there to hamper and annoy the player. If you don't like them, then they're doing their job. All they need is more tweaking, as stated above.

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problem with arc traps is that they're impactless to those who run adequately fast or are even slightly tanky, they can't really slow determined tenno down, all the while squishy warframes are left in the dust to search down that 'ONE arc trap'


---- Sorry for the wall of text!


Current situation:

warframe walks into a tile, gets immediately zapped for some of his shield/health, leaves the AoE. either moves around or destroys said mine.



1 - Positions random, sometimes nonsensical.

Often a mine is placed in a position a player wouldn't be able to see it. He's punished (albeit minorly) and told where the mine is


2 - Uninspiring, unavoidable damage mechanics

on the most basic level, it's a big, invisible electric poison cloud that tells you where it is once you hit it.


Damage is rarely an issue for some frames, while it can be game-breaking for others (much like energy drain). Some frames ignore it, some hate it.



It's unlikely a static entity will ever prevent a player rushing through a map, you'd need something much bigger. They do, however, slow a normal run down a little.


Possible new behaviour?

Utilise different elemental mechanics. Electrical does little to a tough 'frame. Cold damage, however, slows all warframes and is an adequate incentive to not ignore it.


Player walks into the mine's radius, the mine beeps audibly and creates a tracer (Like a laser sight) that reveals it's position to the player. The player now knows where the mine is and has a chance to react appropriately.


After a set time, the mine detonates, dealing minor damage and applying the 'Cold' elemental effect to nearby players for a few seconds, reducing their combat efficiency and speed. The mine then disappears, leaving nothing behind.


If a player decides to shoot the mine before it detonates, it performs the usual behaviour of having a good chance to drop resources.

Edited by TDHooligan
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Look, it's an invisible arc trap that cannot be shot.




Just wanted to add. I don't like the things too much either. Not the way they are now. Not with the lack of thought put into them. Not with all the bugs. I've got some ideas about how I would want them to be but that's not going to happen, so I second the removal.

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Possible new behaviour?

Utilise different elemental mechanics. Electrical does little to a tough 'frame. Cold damage, however, slows all warframes and is an adequate incentive to not ignore it.


Player walks into the mine's radius, the mine beeps audibly and creates a tracer (Like a laser sight) that reveals it's position to the player. The player now knows where the mine is and has a chance to react appropriately.


After a set time, the mine detonates, dealing minor damage and applying the 'Cold' elemental effect to nearby players for a few seconds, reducing their combat efficiency and speed. The mine then disappears, leaving nothing behind.


If a player decides to shoot the mine before it detonates, it performs the usual behaviour of having a good chance to drop resources.

Or... you can just speed past them before they explode instead of wasting time trying to hunt them down.


Remember Broken Lights?


Arc Traps are nothing.

They still suck, though.

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Or... you can just speed past them before they explode instead of wasting time trying to hunt them down.


Good point, I guess it's the same situation. Making a solidly static entity to counter mobile people still seems to not quite work.


Personally, I would have thought the grineer re-tooling one of their propaganda drones with a scorpion tether to slow space ninjas as a pseudo-medicine ball would be more 'them'.

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Look, it's an invisible arc trap that cannot be shot.




Just wanted to add. I don't like the things too much either. Not the way they are now. Not with the lack of thought put into them. Not with all the bugs. I've got some ideas about how I would want them to be but that's not going to happen, so I second the removal.


As a man who had this happen to him, YES.


I've also had traps in the extraction zone when I was out of air on survival. The first one downed me. The second one downed the rest of the squad when they tried to revive me.



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As a man who had this happen to him, YES.


They are actually spawning just on the other side of that layer. You can use punch through to get them, but its a pain.


I would be a lot cooler with them if they worked more like cameras, or there was a camera type thing to turn them off like in corpus tile-sets.


I've also had traps in the extraction zone when I was out of air on survival. The first one downed me. The second one downed the rest of the squad when they tried to revive me.



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If the idea's to make people slow down, I'd have to consider Arc Traps as an abject failure. Hell, even in real life traps and minefields don't necessarily slow movement.


"If we come to a minefield, we proceed exactly as if it wasn't there" - Gen. Zhukov. Reason being that just remaining in the area and trying to either clear it or go around likely means taking even more punishment from things like artillery fire. Same principal here.


Particularly since the spawn routine means it's a crapshoot on whether or not you can even disarm the trap if you wanted to. 


If you want people to slow down, positive incentives usually work best. As-is, outside of the hidden loot rooms that drop mods in the void, there's no real reason to slow down, explore, or take your time.

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Then run into a band of shield lancers and napalms then die why I laugh at your stupid rushing.

Rushers will have Iron Skin or Zorencopters. Shield lancers won't be able to knock a good rusher down if he's in mid-air or skinned.

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Arc traps are cool as they add more depth and caution to grineer ships but they are over powering especially when they tend to spawn in groups or in places difficult to eliminate them.

Edited by Lolth
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Considering that everyone also complained as much about broken lights, which were considerably less worse then arc traps, I honestly want them to stay as a reminder of why we don't immediately shut down an idea when its not fully done yet. They are bad, but if your smart, you can overcome them. If anything, they should work on the spawn areas a Arc trap can spawn so it doesn't spawn in areas you cant hit or have to focus on a boss and such. They are worse then broken lights, but I think at least one of those hazards should remain in game. (Plus they come in handy when going against non-Grineer in invasions)

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I think that arc traps would be a bit more neat if the enemies themselves threw them out during combat. Lol does anybody remember back a long long time ago when they had the little stun grenades that would home in on you and lock you in place? oh man that was bad ._.

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