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Excalibur 2.0 - We Are Almost There!


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well i guess im joining the rhino/nova/loki club since you cant beat them join them, but in protest :(


We can allways join Limbo club... and use banish and cataclysm one everyone and everything.

More of a trolltest than a protest though.

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You would think considering Excal is the first Tenno, the leader, the mascot of the game, and clearly DE's favorite, that he would be the most OP Warframe.


Like they clearly love him.


How many skins does he have now? 3? 4? 5 maybe?


They use him in ALL the promotional material and ads.

He's the face of Warframe.


Why are they so reluctant to make him a real threat?

It's bizarre.

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You would think considering Excal is the first Tenno, the leader, the mascot of the game, and clearly DE's favorite, that he would be the most OP Warframe.


Like they clearly love him.


How many skins does he have now? 3? 4? 5 maybe?


They use him in ALL the promotional material and ads.

He's the face of Warframe.


Why are they so reluctant to make him a real threat?

It's bizarre.


And why to they make it more and more less fun to play and more and more weaker, especially compared to other frames?

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You would think considering Excal is the first Tenno, the leader, the mascot of the game, and clearly DE's favorite, that he would be the most OP Warframe.


Like they clearly love him.


How many skins does he have now? 3? 4? 5 maybe?


They use him in ALL the promotional material and ads.

He's the face of Warframe.


Why are they so reluctant to make him a real threat?

It's bizarre.

I was just thinking, maybe it´s because he´s one of the starter frames! If you think about it, none of the starter frames is that great, especially now since Loki has been removed from the bunch. It could be a company way of thinking, make the inital stuff less desireable then the stuff you have to work for or pay for...

If this would be true, it would be the sadest thing though! With all the stuff that i like about this game, the biggest critizism i have about it, is how incredibly unbalanced the warframes are. And it´s not that i just prefer some over others, it´s painfully obvious that when you look at the skillset of a Mag, that it does nothing compared to what a Mirage or Nyx can do. 


It is absolutely necessary, no matter how you aproach the argument that each Frame feels unique and strong in it´s on right and it´s role, if this is not achieved, something went wrong. 


After 1 1/2 years of playing Warframe i can state with some certainty that it´s not achieved, not at all. So clearly something went wrong! 

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*Not this again*

*sigh* No, being a starter frame does not justify anything. All the frames are supposed to have a relevant use across all levels, starters are simply easier to use.

Volt and Mag both have scaling factors well spread across their all of their abilities whereas Excal has been staying painfully behind them, even when he was an effective one-trick pony. He was one of the first warframes and for a time he was indeed fine, but recent changes have made many of his abilities obsolete, whereas Mag and Volt still retain unique utility and play.

Being a starter does not justify him staying behind, he simply has not been looked at properly for god-knows-what reason.

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*sigh* No, being a starter frame does not justify anything. All the frames are supposed to have a relevant use across all levels, starters are simply easier to use.

Volt and Mag both have scaling factors well spread across their all of their abilities whereas Excal has been staying painfully behind them, even when he was an effective one-trick pony. He was one of the first warframes and for a time he was indeed fine, but recent changes have made many of his abilities obsolete, whereas Mag and Volt still retain unique utility and play.

Being a starter does not justify him staying behind, he simply has not been looked at properly for god-knows-what reason.


I agree, Excalibur is not a starter frame. It is the oldest frame lore wise, but that is NO reason to make them weak.

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*sigh* No, being a starter frame does not justify anything. All the frames are supposed to have a relevant use across all levels, starters are simply easier to use.

Volt and Mag both have scaling factors well spread across their all of their abilities whereas Excal has been staying painfully behind them, even when he was an effective one-trick pony. He was one of the first warframes and for a time he was indeed fine, but recent changes have made many of his abilities obsolete, whereas Mag and Volt still retain unique utility and play.

Being a starter does not justify him staying behind, he simply has not been looked at properly for god-knows-what reason.

ehhm, don´t wanna be rude, but it appears you haven´t read properly what i was saying. You exactly quoted my point! I was saying that Excalibur being a starter frame might be the reason for DE to not make him as powerfull as others for the simple reason, to be able to sell the others better, since they are more desireable.

If that would be true (my actuall opinion now follows), that would be a horrible choice for various reasons, the most obvious being, that all Frames should feel unique and powerfull and have their own role within a squad!

Edited by r0ckwolf
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ehhm, don´t wanna be rude, but it appears you haven´t read properly what i was saying. You exactly quoted my point! I was saying that Excalibur being a starter frame might be the reason for DE to not make him as powerfull as others for the simple reason, to be able to sell the others better, since they are more desireable.

If that would be true (my actuall opinion now follows), that would be a horrible choice for various reasons, the most obvious being, that all Frames should feel unique and powerfull and have their own role within a squad!

Sorry, but it ticks me off when people keep conspsiring that, and the way your post was written made it seem that was the only thing you were saying.

That being said, I highly doubt that. That'd be a stupid move, even for the standards of DE's mistakes, and besides we've got the other starter frames which are balanced much better than Excal, who is the poster boy of the game. But then again, this is not the first time DE has done some insatisfactory balancing (ie Frost, whose 'buffs' quite negiligible).

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Sorry, but it ticks me off when people keep conspsiring that, and the way your post was written made it seem that was the only thing you were saying.

That being said, I highly doubt that. That'd be a stupid move, even for the standards of DE's mistakes, and besides we've got the other starter frames which are balanced much better than Excal, who is the poster boy of the game. But then again, this is not the first time DE has done some insatisfactory balancing (ie Frost, whose 'buffs' quite negiligible).

tbh, i also doubt that this is the case, but i can´t get it into my head what the reason for these useless buffs could be. This seemed at least like a logical explanation!

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Wow... 10 pages, that's a lot to digest in one sitting.  It's going to take some time to slog through all of this...  Excalibro is my favorite frame, and my first frame.  Partly I like him because of all his detractors, and partly because I love his utility.


However, I'll say that Radial Blind perhaps needed a nerf.  Blinding enemies through walls could be viewed as excessive, and perhaps it was.  Let's face it, Javelin is cool, but it's a direct damage power, and as with all direct damage powers, it loses steam in Wave 30+ of a defense.  It's a fine low to mid-tier power, like Oberon's Reckoning, and Volt's Ultimate.


But, while everyone else has their powers, Radial Blind was Excalibur's one "awesome" ability.  Mirage's light powers get to blind people too, and Oberon gets a stun like RB on his ultimate.  That was okay though, after all, Excalibur's power was better than those imitators and copycats.  But now that it's nerfed, is it really better than Rhino Stomp's stun effect, or the other blind/stuns in the game?  Is it now equal to theirs?


If everyone get's to blind enemies, what makes Excalibur's so special?  Excalibur is also hard to mod for.  I'd gleefully mod to make Blind and Jump his only useful powers, so it makes sense to max range to the largest extent possible, that way you get more range for the blind, and more range for the jump.  Oh, except Jump's range isn't affected by range, it's affected by "Strength" which is... damage.


So... Why isn't range the same as range?


Just 2 cents.

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Let's face it, Javelin is cool, but it's a direct damage power, and as with all direct damage powers, it loses steam in Wave 30+ of a defense.  It's a fine low to mid-tier power, like Oberon's Reckoning, and Volt's Ultimate.

I'm just going to comment in this tidbit here.

These 'low to mid-tier' powers as you call them can dish out decent damage even by the later planets, and even then they have some redeeming effect that keeps them useful when damage becomes negligible.

Not only does Javelin lose it's damage effectiveness much earlier than those other powers you mentioned it has pretty much no redeeming factors for it's poor damage dealing, the current stun is ridiculously short and the very own casting animation lasts longer than it.

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*sigh* No, being a starter frame does not justify anything. All the frames are supposed to have a relevant use across all levels, starters are simply easier to use.

Volt and Mag both have scaling factors well spread across their all of their abilities whereas Excal has been staying painfully behind them, even when he was an effective one-trick pony. He was one of the first warframes and for a time he was indeed fine, but recent changes have made many of his abilities obsolete, whereas Mag and Volt still retain unique utility and play.

Being a starter does not justify him staying behind, he simply has not been looked at properly for god-knows-what reason.


i dunno...mags ult could use a buff xD

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I'd gleefully mod to make Blind and Jump his only useful powers, so it makes sense to max range to the largest extent possible, that way you get more range for the blind, and more range for the jump.  Oh, except Jump's range isn't affected by range, it's affected by "Strength" which is... damage.


So... Why isn't range the same as range?



Their definition of "strength" changes depending on the programming and not the skill.  They need to stop doing that.  Range should be anything measured in distance, Strength should be anything measured in damage, and Duration should be anything measured in time.


Ex: Range mods should increase Slash Dash's radius as well as distance traveled.  None of this duration=distance garbage.


I know why they do it.  Slash Dash's distance traveled is based on a period of time he's traveled at 'x' speed.  You don't increase the speed, you increase the time he travels at that speed; hence, Duration mods effecting distance.  How come Strength mods don't effect speed?  That's just something they decided arbitrarily.


Honestly though, that should all be programming in the background.  All players need to know is, "I want my Slash Dash to increase from 5 meters to 10 meters, that's a 'Range' difference."


Complicate it a little more 'under the hood' to simplify it for the end-user.

Edited by Thaumatos
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He is a solid and very versatile frame, and now it's best to drop overextended in most cases.


Slash dash is acceptable mobility and low level clearing tool

Super jump is perfect for invisibility, one of the fastest way to stop taking damage and can do your casting in the air while invisible

Radial javelin is one of the best ways to clear the masses in a big aoe

Radial Blind takes him into late game alone, and also allows for a melee style of play


His slash dash should be faster, also would be cool if you could use super jump least once in air.

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I'm digging the super charged - that'd be a rad skill as a toggle-able

Personally - I think that Excal's 1 should be similar; have it as a weapon buff

Tranquil vision

3/2/1 e/second

> increase blunt and puncture damage by 10%?

> increase slash damage by 20%

He's already one of the 'melee' based frames and this would strengthen it further as well a synergies very well with the super charge

I am hoping/ praying that super change goes in!

It'd be radtastic!


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