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A Very Simple Idea.

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yeah she good in lower levels but in high levels her Mprime is a debuff not OP

while Trinity never dies in any mode that OP

nova can be affected by strength modes, I seen builds whith fully blind rage and intensifying so mp and anti matter can kill enemies into high levels,give her a strong weapon to power antimatter and set off mp chain reaction. Trin on the outher hand yhea no matter what she is still op Edited by (PS4)SinOfDreaMz
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 Nova is a glass cannon and, surprise, she works like a glass cannon. All damage and no survivability.


 Trinity was an ultratank + support frame due to her invuln. That's changing now though.

agreed , people need to stop with this crap.. nova while still nerfed is still A-Ok , trinity will become well lets say not viable in the long run for lets say high wave defense / survival

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Simply putting a frame at a higher mastery rank does little to balance it.


It would only reaffirm that said frame is top tier and that is what you need to play to be good.


I'd rather see a better balanced spread of all frames.

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That's a terrible idea.


And discriminating against nova players


Imagine those who want to forma their frame and would take rwice as long to XP.  


No !  would you do the same to rhino ? Loki?  Even trinity? No

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That's a terrible idea.


And discriminating against nova players


Imagine those who want to forma their frame and would take rwice as long to XP.  


No !  would you do the same to rhino ? Loki?  Even trinity? No

if they had the time than yes and will be more rewarding when they finish, Loki doesn't need it since he has no direct damage, rino is mastery rank 2 and kinda long to level and very slow at the start, while Loki is weak for blanching purpose so he won't seem that over powerd.
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nova can be affected by strength modes, I seen builds whith fully blind rage and intensifying so mp and anti matter can kill enemies into high levels,give her a strong weapon to power antimatter and set off mp chain reaction. Trin on the outher hand yhea no matter what she is still op



The strength mods only affect the base damage of AM not the multiplier and it affects the explosion damage done by MP so in conclusion strength mods are useless on Nova .XD


Also AM is so slow and the radius can not be increased so its balanced

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