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Turn The Clan Dojo Trading Post Into An Auction House.


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The auction houses of every single clan are connected. Think of it like a giant trading post. 


You put items you want to sell up on a list and for how much you want to sell them for/what you want to trade it for.


Anyone that has access to a trading post, be they in your clan or any other in the world, can purchase your item if they have the required funds.


What they bought goes to their mailbox, what they paid goes to yours.


Boom. Now I don't need to Ctrl + V my huge-&#! list into the Trading channel every 120 seconds all day every day until I sell my stuff. 

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no god damn auction houses in warframe


the trading channel is something that is missing in ALOT of games lately - human interaction between sellers - ability to negotiate a different deal , conversation about other items , how other ppl got them or what do they feel they are worth

the trading in warframe is a great experience and any auction house would break that interaction

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People always say "An auction house would ruin trading!!!1!1" But I have never seen an actual reason as to why. Meanwhile, the OP's point seems like something that would be extremely beneficial to trading, and would help immensely for those who suffer from a strict NAT. Until someone can actually show how this idea would be detrimental, I am 100% for this idea.

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I'm not a fan of auction houses.  Too many issues where the item has been lost in transfer and all I got was an error email, or double charged or the list price was really high.


Yeah, our current trading system is a little borked and needs some work, but I don't think an auction house is the answer. 

Edited by Noamuth
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no god damn auction houses in warframe


the trading channel is something that is missing in ALOT of games lately - human interaction between sellers - ability to negotiate a different deal , conversation about other items , how other ppl got them or what do they feel they are worth

the trading in warframe is a great experience and any auction house would break that interaction

Exactly this.

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I'd rather have an auction house, search for the things I want, and not sit there staring at walls of text to sort through sellers of things. Then you have to compete with said walls of text if you do intend to sell something. I'd rather have little to no human interaction whatsoever with that. Either an auction house, or a trading post works for me. Note, an auction house in the sense that:


Player A puts mod/prime part up. Player B immediately buys item. No wait time, no long bidding sessions. Just immediate purchasing without wanting to gouge out your eyeballs sorting through text. For normal trading, I.E trading mod for mod, part for part etc, then you can use the channel for that.

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no god damn auction houses in warframe


the trading channel is something that is missing in ALOT of games lately - human interaction between sellers - ability to negotiate a different deal , conversation about other items , how other ppl got them or what do they feel they are worth

the trading in warframe is a great experience and any auction house would break that interaction


"the trading in warframe is a great experience"



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no god damn auction houses in warframe


the trading channel is something that is missing in ALOT of games lately - human interaction between sellers - ability to negotiate a different deal , conversation about other items , how other ppl got them or what do they feel they are worth

the trading in warframe is a great experience and any auction house would break that interaction



You're absolutely correct. Because the current way of trading is completely flawless and not obnoxious to the highest degree.


Said no one, ever.

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I think the problem with auction houses is that they end up only benefiting buyers. If you want to sell anything you have to list it at a lower price then what's in the AH. Eventually the best mods and weapons would be almost worthless.

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I think the problem with auction houses is that they end up only benefiting buyers. If you want to sell anything you have to list it at a lower price then what's in the AH. Eventually the best mods and weapons would be almost worthless.

On the other hand, I sold a bunch of gear at inventory prices recently. I could not be bothered sitting in the trading tab and posting all the stuff no one wants to buy every 2 minutes, while enduring offers of things I neither need nor want.


If I'm not mistaken, they've already said they have no intention on bringing in an auction house.  So, in light of that.

In light of DE's stance on popular topics and situations in which they are willing to change their stance; No.



this is exactly why no. 

 go play some other offline game if you want that. 

Play the game for human interaction. Start or join a clan for human interaction. Use the region chat tab for human interaction.


Don't force everyone to superficially interact with random people for brief periods in ways that impede *playing the game*.

Edited by Novocrane
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Play the game for human interaction. Start or join a clan for human interaction. Use the region chat tab for human interaction.


Don't force everyone to superficially interact with random people for brief periods in ways that impede *playing the game*.

i am in a clan... but if trading were going to a box and buying all the cheap stuff to sell for expensive or selling things cheaper than other people with no interaction... instead we get to ask people if they want to make a deal...  or would trade for alternatives. 

I've gotten some pretty sweet trades and also made some sweet deals outward for something basic (rare mods for 1p each etc.)

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Is it about human interaction, Dan, or are you worried over the possibility of losing sweet deals from willing and/or unaware players?


We need something that's less effort intensive than the current trading "system". (or lack thereof)

I'd upvote any suggestion to limit auctions and automated trades to within your current alliance, though.

We need something.

I haven't said it need be a complete overhaul and replacement of invitation trading, nor that automated trading needs access to the entire player base. The reason to continue talking on this isn't to have "Uhuh!" "Yehuh!" arguments, but to prompt further ideas on ways it would be acceptable for you. If there's no way it would be acceptable for you (or you simply aren't willing to come up with one) ... then what?

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I already said that i'd be happy with the ability to trade via the chat interface... going to the Dojo causes issues with connecting and also people both being in the dojo. means invitation issues... trading in the dojo in general is pointless in my opinion... it should be accessible anytime, even in missions.

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They absolutely should! I don't understand why some people seem to be so against it. Opponents of the idea simply yell "human interaction!" without really justifying their view. What is the value of interaction when it boils down to cries of "WTB WTS"? As people have already said in this thread, if you're going to claim that an auction house would ruin the game, then at least provide actual reasons if not alternative solutions.


EDIT: My post said nothing that hadn't already been said. To avoid re-iterating, let me put forward some suggestions as to why an auction house would actually be good for warframe:


1. Convenience


It should be clear that the main reason to implement an auction house would be for ease of use. As it stands, and I don't care what you say, warframe's trading system is clumsy and tedious. Having a means to easily buy, sell, and access listings would greatly reduce the amount of effort players would need to put in to trade items.



2. Supporting fairer trades


This may be conjecture on my part, but from the experience I've had with auction houses in the past, I feel safe in saying that an auction house would empower the average player of warframe in their trading endeavours. With the present trading system, it can be difficult for players to get a good idea of what the market is like at any given time. With the access to information that an auction house brings, it would be easier for players to get fair deals, and harder for opportunists to rob inexperienced traders.



3. An auction house does not preclude trade chat


Sometimes, we like to assert that there can be only one solution to any given problem. This assertion does not hold water here. The suggestion of an auction house is meant to streamline trading, not force a particular system down people's throats. If you want to use trade chat, by all means go ahead! I'm not saying that it doesn't have its uses. But it's clear that right now, warframe needs to improve its trading system, and an auction house is just one of the more obvious and painless solutions.


Hope this post has helped your understanding of the issue.

Edited by OK9ZERA
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They absolutely should! I don't understand why some people seem to be so against it. Opponents of the idea simply yell "human interaction!" without really justifying their view. What is the value of interaction when it boils down to cries of "WTB WTS"? As people have already said in this thread, if you're going to claim that an auction house would ruin the game, then at least provide actual reasons if not alternative solutions.


Pretty much this. 


Right now there is no human interaction with trading. Right now trading works in one of two ways:

"WTS: _____ 2p"

"I would like to buy that."




"WTS: _____ 2p"

"I would not like to buy that."


In BOTH cases, the two players say three words to each other, only to never speak to each other ever again, nor care about anything relating to the person they're buying/selling from. You're basically soul-less automatons when you trade anyway, because you've been spamming the trade chat once every two minutes for the last 12 hours. 


I mean, for real. Let's not act like that the trade chat is a place for social butterflies to meet and greet and make friends. You sell your S#&$, you get out. That's all there is to it. 

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