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Are We All Happy? Or Do We Need T5/6/7?


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If I remember correctly. DE's design philosophy on Warframe abilities (Weapons too I assume) don't have lvl 70,80,90s etc in mind, as much as some people would like that. It's probably not on their agenda.


Instead of T3+s, the A.I. should be improved


Their balance caps at around Lv.40 enemies, in fact. Things past that rely heavily on infinite scaling which can't be balanced against.


If anything, better AI and unit cohesion (instead of spreading out, some enemies move out as a group and stick together or split only when it's beneficial to do so). Otherwise, stealth units for (perhaps) the Corpus would be a nice addition as a form of enemy that can cloak and move in close to destabilize bunkered down Tenno, mini-boss type enemies for ED's every 5th wave to make it appealing over Survival.


A few changes I'd see to the spawn and behavior logic per faction :


  • Grineer : Their tactics is usually to overwhelm thus they should spawn in as many spawn points as possible; for example, a room with 4 doors should ALWAYS have Grinneer come out in small packs of 3-5 at the same time of these 4 doors.
  • Corpus : due to their use of robotics, they should send in drones and Moas first, followed by the living Corpus behind. Also, they should limit themselves to 1 or 2 spawn points with their numbers being split between them or have drones come in from the air (if there's ample room). A specialized Corpus unit could be able to build stationary, automated defenses like turrets at blind angles.
  • Infested : Large waves, rushing always and unless otherwise threatened, trying to take down 1 of the 4 members, making him or her a prime target as it's alluded that they are controlled in a hive-mind manner. CC becomes important as the target will constantly be jumped on by dozens of Infested at once.
Edited by Wiegraf
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It's a good thing for me.

This game is too easy, really TOO MUCH easy, no challenge, no fun


I like to play a game where i can LOSE, read ME D.E, I WANT LOSE !!




Just kidding...  Actually you may have missed the rest of my point.


First being that making T4, T5, T6, T7 areas would cause some of the void gear/items to be put in inaccessible areas for some players.  Let's face it, Warframe is meant to be an accessible and somewhat casual game.


Second being that increasing enemy level may not satisfy badasses even like yourself.  lol.  XD  (my gear is powerful too and I've been around.  I'm certainly not near being among the best players, but I can hold my own.)  I mean all you have to do to compensate for higher level enemies is bring a seriously high DPS weapon and it's the same target practice that you can do at lower levels.  What about players who don't have access to the highest DPS weapons?  They don't get a chance to acquire Soma Prime?


We used to be encouraged to go into parkour rooms and wall jump our way around to find special mods.  In those rooms now all we find are affinity orbs (c'mon 100 affinity???  Really???) and common mods.  That has to change.  DE should reward players for learning how to wall launch and parkour to hard to get areas.  DE should reward players for using their brains and navigating the maps intelligently.

Edited by sushidubya
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I don't care about buffs/nerf, i can still easily survive level 80+ with my lovely Valkyr <3

Thats not the point imo. End game system is totally broken. Actually everything is broken when you're at the end. I can easily survive level 880+ with my Nyx's absorb if thats the problem. But I see it as a broken feature. It's not fun also. I soloed 50+ waves in ODD while watching a show on tv and you can go forever theoretically, The only good thing about it, the damage is scaling with the enemy you're facing. Also chaos allows you to make them fight with each other. If you cant kill them, let them kill eachother. Other than Nyx I cant see another warframe that has a fight back capablity after some point. Usually the damage is godlike for lower content and close to zero after some point. Add this to the unfair(also pointless at some point) rewarding system and thats the game we are playing.




-Enemy/Map level power scaling for both warframes and enemies. 




-Instead of lineer armor/power scaling for the enemy, a little increase in their AI and increase of specialised units could solve the problem. Like enemy accuracy increase, throwing bosslike units every waves/mins marks, increase of these boss and leader numbers with every wave. Since you know the top damage skills and weapons with the most extreme mods, you can put a fixed defence value on top tier maps. At that point, changing the wave structure and offense values may increase difficulty level. Like some heavy units may spawn and give extreme offensive or defensive buffs to lower units or they may cause nasty debuffs like in the nightmare mod. Whatever it is, that must make them primary targets and must require some level of organisation to defeat.


Forexample; think about a corpus heavy unit carrying a device that generating kind of emp wave which disables only/any oppossing forces' shields in a large area also has a shield capable of deflecting any power or projectiles. The only choice is going into melee range. But destroying it may cause him to activate a godspeed kamikaze moa army which may become very deadly. So you have two options; going in melee range without your shields and quickly destroying device and gaining your shields to fight against a deadly moa army or killing that heavy unit without shields and try to survive from his and generic enemy attacks while avoiding destruction of the device before his death. Now think about a scenerio where three totally different also random heavy units with their own unique complex abilities creating an advanced problem to solve while you're under fire. Totally random combination and totally unpredictable with enough variations at later waves/levels.


Bosses/heavy units in endgame may drop rare resources with increased chance, and rarely drop new kind of very rare resource for powerfull buffs that I'll explain below.




-Create a resource sink system.




-Put somekind of potion/elixir bluprints to the shop that lasts for a min/hour/game/day with resource requirtments. Like the corrupted mods that brings more customization to the table. Forexample "+%20 melee dmg/-%20 rifle dmg" per game/hour or shorter with bigger gains like "%50 power cost for 1 minute/30 secs" Also make them tradable for more lively economy and a continues source of currency gain for very important(imho) totally F2P players.

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I would like higher tier void towers.


Challenge is always welcome.


I know that increasing the level of the enemies is not the best solution to increase challenge, but is all we got.


This solution would also help with the reward table dilution, as we would have a bigger pool to dilute the drops.

Edited by RexSol
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you know what T4, T5 and T6 would mean?

more enemies with more damage/health/armor/shields.


no thanks, i would rather have real challenge, not enemies instantly killing me with one shot and me taking forever to kill them without a weapon with 8 formas.

even though i hate the word, that is artifical difficulty.


if a boss in a videogame is too easy to kill, you don´t just add him 100% more health. if a section in a videogame is too easy, you don´t add triple the enemies, you position them in advantage points, add new spawn points for them, give them a few powerfull units that complement each other.


having hordes of enemies attacking you all the time? thats boring.

if i wanted that, i would go play "generic manshooter warfare 2" horde/zombie mode

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I think this whole Void Key system itself is kinda inherently flawed.  It's definitely boring.


I like the stages, just not this whole Key mechanic and absolutely needing to recruit or be recruited into missions.


I'd like to see there be Void Alerts or a daily Void Bounty or something that had its own specific loot pool and was otherwise the same kind of Void action, just with Keyless entry and anyone could queue into it whenever.


They shouldn't go past T4 Keys, in my opinion.  They should make new modes, maybe a timed Rush mode, maybe an Obstacle Course-oriented mode, maybe incorporate Void Rescue, and avoid even considering T5.


New tile sets would also be nice, or at least some new rooms.

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I'd emphatically say no.


We don't need to keep adding another 0 to the frame abilities/weapon damage/mod numbers.


All that does is make the old stuff irrelevant compared to the new. Happens in a lot of online games where old content is rarely ever touched because it cannot compare to the latest and greatest.


Instead I would much rather see more depth, variety and complexity added to the game which is a lot harder to deliver well.


You'd still have to refresh old stuff occasionally to make use of newer features if appropriate but I feel its a better path to take.

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if they make a t4, it needs bombards and it needs miniature sargas ruks (as in a mob that u have to aim specifically at certain spots to kill)


imagine a boss survival mode?


I been asking for this since forever! Bosses should be able to randomly spawn in any mission on their planet and at any point, In a Sur/Def (This could be over the top insane for lower geared players so never going to happen) but would be fun I guess.

Also I once again emphaasize no matter how strategic or advanced our enemies are made UNLESS they have really amped up Health/Shields/Armor it still wont make a difference. Why? because any well modded weapon or certain warframe skills, will still kill them in seconds so you wont even notice whatever adjusments were made to their tactics. Lets take Stalker for example, not the most adept AI but its a bit above base, he uses skills and is unaffected by skills, still dies in a fraction of a section after falling under someones crosshairs (This is something we are all familiar with) do you see any way to make The Stalker an ideal challenge without somewhat making him tougher and a "Bigger bullet sponge"? 

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do you see any way to make The Stalker an ideal challenge without somewhat making him tougher and a "Bigger bullet sponge"? 

Change how he spawns I'd say.


The appearing, climbing up from his start position and then finally attacking makes him easy.


If he spawns somewhere reasonably nearby on the map and then comes after the player he'd be somewhat harder.

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I get that AI improvements and all of that would be good...


...but for now, yes, I'd like a T4/5 because when I do want a bit of challenge I really hate having to play for 40 minutes just to get there.  It burns me out very quickly.  Be nice to just jump into a session with higher level enemies from the get.

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Be careful with what you wish for...  T5/T6/T7 would mean that many void items would be placed in levels which may be "unreachable" for some.


Moreover, simply increasing the "level" of the enemies, isn't what the community is looking for.  Usually when the level of the enemy increases it's just more shields, health, armor and perhaps some speed.  Which is somewhat empty feeling, because you bring a higher DPS weapon or empty more clips, to kill the same enemy.


We don't need more "bullet-sponges" in this game.  We need different mission types and enemies with better tactics.


EDIT: The same effect (as the OP is trying to get) can be achieved by adding a "difficulty" slider to the missions.  (again "difficulty" in Warframe is just more armor, sheilds, health, etc.)

I second that!

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Trinity god mode is not gone... as many have posted, also Nova got a buff not a nerf.... So not sure where u getting with this.  Game needs Balance, needs new energy system that can not be abused and spammed. Needs enemies with high hp, or simply nerf mods so we dont kill them when we sneeze and not give enemies instant kill dmg.

Edited by MindlessWar
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Am I happy? No. I don't think T5 would fix it, either, we need missions which require dexterity to complete, not just the best gear, missions where thinking too slowly or making the wrong choice kills you. Consequences for not being able to dodge or wallrun with the correct timing. Stuff that makes Ninja Gaiden or Dark Souls hard.



Why even go on the forums if you don't want to read what people are saying? The tl;dr is the title of the thread and the first two sentences of the post.


I think it's more to do with the lack of paragraphs than how long it is.  People shouldn't expect serious responses if they can't be bothered to write properly.

Edited by Aggh
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No im not happy and no i dont need anything above T4.

What i DO want however is an enemy where i dont have to simply point in their general direction and press a button. I want to dodge, weave, wallrun to avoid getting shot and stick my melee weapon in their head.

Honestly, im starting to think i need my Vindictus back, you c Touldnt feel like a god and yet you could still kick &amp;#&#33; properly.

Right on, man! Think I'll take a look at Vindictus myself and see what's up there.

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