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Excalibur Prime Changes

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First off, Channeling pattern:


I don't know who messed with it, but in the words of a fellow Design Council Member, "It looks like somebody edited it on MS paint"


Q_Q bring back the old pattern, this one looks horrible. I, and not I alone, miss the nobility of the old pattern.




I, for one, actually liked the glow from the bright white color. That is why i would specifically use it instead of a more dull white. Now, he is always dull, and doesn't feel like Jesus. I don't understand why DE would limit the customization like this... It doesn't make any sense to me, except that you'd just want to irk some founders.



Finally, the coloring changes...

why not add these skin color changes back as "Alabaster"? If i remember correctly, (and it has been a long time because i didn't have it equipped when it was removed) Alabaster Prime skin was similar to the changes in this minor update.


My most played frame is Excalibur Prime, and I for one was disappointed with the changes. I feel limited by them, and I am not the only one.


Original Pattern (Tint1):



"plz DE" Pattern (Tint1 MS paint trace):



New Pattern (Tint3):



Edit: Its looking much better, but please, it feels awfully top heavy and his legs get no pattern at all. Personally, i am a fan of the new helmet pattern, though i think it would look even better with the stripes re-added. honestly, the change was just to Tint3 pattern instead of Tint1, and Tint1 was better in adding the glow throughout the frame, where the Tint3 pattern is, like i said, top-heavy...

Edited by Miracl3
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*edited into the OP*

Old Pattern:



New Pattern:



the first image is a little hard to make out, but you can clearly see the defined striped on the helmet from the channeling pattern versus the blotch job of the second.


and yes, i recolored the gray onto the warframe because it was part of my design.

Edited by Miracl3
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Yeah they should change everything back, I'm not liking the darker tint and also the channeling pattern. Don't know why this needed to be changed.

 i dont mind that they gave tint 4 all of that ability to customize more, but im upset about how much they are limiting customization with the changes.

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Ew, it looks like he's wearing some sort of 80's gym suit.


Who on earth thought that look was even minutely aesthetically pleasing? A&A never cease to amaze me sometimes.


Hope the image below isn't considered 'inappropriate'. Not sure why it would be though.


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I've just spoken with the artists, and have asked them to do another pass on the Immortal Skins for Rhino, Ash, Nova, Ember and Nekros. The pattern and design should remain the same, but you should have more control over the uncolourable areas once they have completed their pass.

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Don't change the tint back to the brighter one. The current one is better and goes better with all other tints. Just fix the channeling. But make ALL the gray parts colorable. As has been said, that gray part on his back needs to be colorable like the other gray parts. But still, glad you guys finally got around to removing those white outlines. Now do the same for his Immortal skin.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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the channeling pattern on both of valkyrs skins are rather sad and could use some love as well.


I've just spoken with the artists, and have asked them to do another pass on the Immortal Skins for Rhino, Ash, Nova, Ember and Nekros. The pattern and design should remain the same, but you should have more control over the uncolourable areas once they have completed their pass.

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I've just spoken with the artists, and have asked them to do another pass on the Immortal Skins for Rhino, Ash, Nova, Ember and Nekros. The pattern and design should remain the same, but you should have more control over the uncolourable areas once they have completed their pass.


Thank you! I was really wondering about that.


You've done it with Saryn, who has a lot more complex decals (more than Rhino); you've fixed Banshee and Loki; you've confirmed for Valkyr as well. You've shown you can, and will show it again with Valkyr, so I was wondering why couldn''t Rhino and Ash be fixed back when you said you guys were lacking color channels.


Glad to read that then!... Except I just realized Draice's post is in the wrong topic.

Edited by Casardis
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Derailment cleansed, please don't make this into yet another Founders exclusivity argument thread.


This is valid feedback - carry on.

Much love ^_^


I've just spoken with the artists, and have asked them to do another pass on the Immortal Skins for Rhino, Ash, Nova, Ember and Nekros. The pattern and design should remain the same, but you should have more control over the uncolourable areas once they have completed their pass.

Thank you, but you included the excal prime pattern in that mention right? please?

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I've just spoken with the artists, and have asked them to do another pass on the Immortal Skins for Rhino, Ash, Nova, Ember and Nekros. The pattern and design should remain the same, but you should have more control over the uncolourable areas once they have completed their pass.

 Wait, does that mean Excalibur primes channeling pattern is gonna get looked at as well?

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Sorry, that reply was meant for another thread. I had too many windows open, and posted in the wrong one. One of our character artists revised the normal maps on Excal Prime, but this had the side-effect of disrupting the channel effect. An FX artist has shifted the Channelling FX into one of the other material channels. It still won't look like it did originally, but it should be an improvement over the current FX.

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Sorry, that reply was meant for another thread. I had too many windows open, and posted in the wrong one. One of our character artists revised the normal maps on Excal Prime, but this had the side-effect of disrupting the channel effect. An FX artist has shifted the Channelling FX into one of the other material channels. It still won't look like it did originally, but it should be an improvement over the current FX.

Improvements would be received with open arms!


also, wouldnt it be rather simple to recreate the original pattern? after all, it basically mirrored the tint1.

unless the artists are going to make it more...amazing. then do that!

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Edited OP to include the new C Pattern. the new pattern just accents Tint3, similarly to how the original accented Tint1. while this is a major improvement, it feels top-heavy and the legs get no pattern at all. the original (Tint1 accent) worked much better. hopefully this is just an intermediary step and it will come out looking stunning.


personally, i would go to tint1 for the most part, maybe with the tint3 helmet bit. it looks really nice imo, having the front lit.

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Sorry, that reply was meant for another thread. I had too many windows open, and posted in the wrong one. One of our character artists revised the normal maps on Excal Prime, but this had the side-effect of disrupting the channel effect. An FX artist has shifted the Channelling FX into one of the other material channels. It still won't look like it did originally, but it should be an improvement over the current FX.

re-read this and yeah, i felt cool figuring out that it just moved over to the tint3 and realized you had stated it ahead of time XD will it be reverting to the original?

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While the new pattern is better, the old pattern was special, and spread throughout the entire frame.  It also felt more natural, as opposed to random patches on the shoulders and chest.  I'd greatly appreciate the return of the original pattern.  While it does look better, having the glow on tint 1 made it look amazing, and made excal prime that much more special

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Why not using the same pattern for channeling than the one used when casting power, those circuits looks bad @$$... Just a suggestion that came whille using the unloved Protoskin... Some one with me one that ? ^^

Edited by kebra
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