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If You Hate The Sybaris



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Why would it be boring? Have you ever played other MMOs before that one? There are always the best broken spells and gear the devs fear to outclass or nerf and you keep like forever. That's not new or specific to this game. You don't have to play with bad weapons to have fun. I could very well play with the same 2-3 frames and the same weapons for a very long time because I have fun achieving goals which aren't related at all to "new animations and skins to shoot at things". Like staying as long as I can in various survivals, doing as many defense rounds as I can, getting a better mastery rank, farming to buy my weapons and warframe slots via trade only, and so on.

Didn't mention any bad weapons.


My post only refered to using no other primary. So you'd perhaps get burnt out faster than one that uses different weapons.


This game isn't really seen as an MMO despite being on MMO websites.


Most MMOs have you use only one type of weapon per character.


So have you played any other persistent online shooter? Online Shooters are different from traditional MMOs.

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I like the Sybaris.  I was on the fence about putting a potato and forma in it, but it feels comfortably powerful to me.


I don't play 3 hour survival/defense, so I probably won't give it the 5-6 forma treatment.  Probably 3-4 would keep me happy for most of this game's content.


It's a nice looking weapon and I like to use guns like these to improve my aiming and movement some times.  (I feel we get spoiled some times by using full auto rifles too much.)

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Didn't mention any bad weapons.


My post only refered to using no other primary. So you'd perhaps get burnt out faster than one that uses different weapons.


This game isn't really seen as an MMO despite being on MMO websites.


Most MMOs have you use only one type of weapon per character.


So have you played any other persistent online shooter? Online Shooters are different from traditional MMOs.

This guy has a point about the burn out.

Thats why i always use different warframes and each one of them has its loadout, i don't go rhino-boltor rhino-boltor rhino-boltor all the time


1000+ hours played...yup, no burn out yet :)

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Ew Penta.



Because if you use one weapon it is going to be a weapon you personally enjoy using a lot and most likely won't get boring due to weapon choice.

There are some that complain that there is no point in using any other weapon. Sounds like they'll get bored fast.

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The Sybaris is fun all that jazz. I enjoy the extra skill and payoff for pulling off crits. as with most people I find the magazine size a bit of a downer. In the end i'll be happy to bring this weapon to most areas on the starchart. But when it comes to endgame content like (mostly) everyone else i'll bring one of the usual suspects for me I bring either a Soma for defense or a Synapse. 

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I was so wrong.. either warframe  build is broken or at 5 Forma THe burson prime not only out dps a 6 forma Sybris but also a 5 formaed Boltor Prime.. Thats crazy...







http://goo.gl/w43pG0  for boltor

If thats the case the Burston Prime is one of the top weapons in the game? how come I dont hear this ever?

Seems like warframe builder has a strange way of calculating burst weapon dps.


If my observations are correct, the site calculates you shooting the whole burst in the time it takes to shoot one bullet and then calculating it with the weapons fire rate, instead of calculating it by shooting one bullet at a time and using the fire rate as average speed between bursts and pauses like it is.


Meaning it thinks that Burston Prime has 15 clip size (3 round bursts) and Sybaris has 5 clip size (2 round bursts) and the total damage of the burst is calculated into one bullet.

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Ive forma'd it 3 times(all V polarities) and maxed it crit and crit damage, does about 4.5k on a head crit on an ancient at most but the the real drawback of the weapon is its ammo capacity, 5 shots is too little and if your going to get the most out of its damage you cant waste slots on increasing ammo capacity, even although the rifle ammo increase mods are really small amounts, I was left with 3 points and put that into faster realoads


max serration (V slot)

max split chamber(V slot)

max point strike

max shred(V slot)

max vital sense

max hammer shot

max critical delay

3 point fast hands


3 V polarities


works ok, but can get hairy on an infested mission where you don't have enough ammo

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or right guys i will explain why you can't shoot correctly past 20 meters. 2 reasons:


1: when you shoot, the two bullet will not go at the same time, but one after the other, so if you want to take advantage of it's accuracy from afar you will have to keep aiming on the moving target during all that process (aprox 0.2 sec), which is extremly hard, so you will often loose 1 bullet of the burst


2: you have a very small recoil, so when you shoot your second bullet will not be accurate, so you will often miss with it.


and of course the reload is long, and the clip is short, the weapon need 6 forma to be viable, and is hard to level up.



in conclusion, all those together make this weapon a true niche, a pain in the &#! to level and select which mod you will sacrifice, needs good position to snipe but can't snipe well, and needs extreme skills to master (and extreme reflex/speed/accuracy)


PS: forgot to mention that if you miss even 1 time you are f****ed, very unforgiving

Edited by Starender
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Because that weapon is :


Not powerfull (Thanks to random hit that does 2 k or more damage)

Reloading more than shooting....

slow (if you miss welcome to reload land)

Does not come with polarity so which make it even more boring

Not worth the slot is it taking right now once he reach next rank (29 -> 30 ) he will be sold

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I think it can be a best in conclave or boss runs. But anything with groups of enemies and you will run out of ammo and kill things far slower even with Shred on.


I like it, but is not latron prime or burston prime. For it to be a rank 5 weapon, it is lacking verily. Reload needs to be lowered or clip size upped for it to be something amazing. It's a weird sniper-shotgun that does neither job great.

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I'm implying that i have 100% accuracy and no one else does har har!



*facepalm* You like putting words in peoples mouths don't you?

I mean if I saw and enemy very fair away, and I didn't F*** up my aiming (which obviously infers my own accuracy is often off) then I've gotten the kill or hit every time so far from my current experience.



Reticule over head. Press mouse 1. Shot hits.

Rather than:

Reticule over head. Press mouse 1. Shots miss due to weapon spread.


I'm talking about the weapon's accuracy.

Get it straight before you want to be a prick.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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