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If Mag's Crush Crippled Enemies?


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Its description would imply that the bones are broken through the magnetization of the iron in what is presumably their blood and marrow (which would also imply really really incredibly strong targeted magnetic powers that could probably crush the ship that Mag's inside, too), but let's ignore that for now. You're crushing their bones. The enemies are typically alive after suffering from Mag's tickling crush. It needs something more than just a temporary and short respite from their unrelenting onslaught.


What it should do is cripple targets (since their bodies are being broken), slowing them down, or inhibiting their ability to aim, or even manage slight recoil due to the extreme pain they should be suffering. Maybe make them suffer neural damage? Perhaps randomly select the crippling effect, such as nerve pain, paralysis, broken legs, broken arms, that kind of stuff.


What these various effects would do.

-Broken legs: cutting their run speed in half, a common after-effect of crush

-Broken arms: impairing their ability to attack, via either greater inaccuracy or weakened melee attacks, made approximately 75% weaker, a common after-effect of crush

-Nerve pain: clutching their heads for a short duration, sometimes inducing more nerve pain when trying to attack, an uncommon after-effect of crush

-Paralysis: Unable to move or attack, simply stuck on the floor, the most infrequent after-effect of crush

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Weird indeed.


I'm for it. Something to give Crush unique utility, anyway, and incentive to bring her to anything besides Void/Corpus.


Funnily enough, I've gotten that Paralysis effect before, but by using Soul Punch. The enemy just lays there on the ground until I hit them.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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People are asking for realism in a game where rocket launchers are silent and female grineer are allowed to exist...



Don't understand the quip about female grineer.


EDIT: Also, I think the point is less "realism" and more "crush is a mediocre/weak ult with one of the longest ult animations, it could use a buff"

Edited by Llyssa
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Don't understand the quip about female grineer.


EDIT: Also, I think the point is less "realism" and more "crush is a mediocre/weak ult with one of the longest ult animations, it could use a buff"

Don't know where I was going with that either.


And in DE's eyes, as long as 1 skill works, the frame is fine.


It brings me back to vanilla WoW when, as long as you pressed Sunder Armor as a tank, you were the freakin' officer in your guild.


Good times. Good times.

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I wasn't so much pressing for realism as I was for plausibility and calling for a buff.


Also: You can clone opposite gender versions from the same genetic material. The rocket launcher thing should be considered a bug, too.

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  • 2 months later...

For effects, shouldn't it just be, y'know... magnetic proc?


I mean, think about it: The squishiness, unresponsiveness, etc.... basically, that's the effect magnetic proc has on us(your UI is fubar, the screen blurs out, you lose your shields, lose your energy, and are completely disoriented for a time).


I've always found it weird that mag proc doesn't actually do anything to enemies, despite the fact it's the single most horrifying experience a player can have.


If mag proc actually, y'know... "worked"(when we use it), then it would make sense in all the ways needed.

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If it magnetizes their bones, then I imagine they'd probably be a little more worse for wear than what the actual effect of Crush does. After seeing "broken arms/legs" in the OP, I feel like they should be crawling around instead of being fully ambulatory (like a certain infested enemy we have).


Naturally, it'd follow that afflicted enemies are knocked down (maybe for a duration)? Maybe it'd be interesting if knocked down enemies attacked/shot slower as well, considering that it's probably hard to aim and shoot a gun when your bones have turned to biscotti.

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Its description would imply that the bones are broken through the magnetization of the iron in what is presumably their blood and marrow (which would also imply really really incredibly strong targeted magnetic powers that could probably crush the ship that Mag's inside, too), but let's ignore that for now. You're crushing their bones. The enemies are typically alive after suffering from Mag's tickling crush. It needs something more than just a temporary and short respite from their unrelenting onslaught.


What it should do is cripple targets (since their bodies are being broken), slowing them down, or inhibiting their ability to aim, or even manage slight recoil due to the extreme pain they should be suffering. Maybe make them suffer neural damage? Perhaps randomly select the crippling effect, such as nerve pain, paralysis, broken legs, broken arms, that kind of stuff.


What these various effects would do.

-Broken legs: cutting their run speed in half, a common after-effect of crush

-Broken arms: impairing their ability to attack, via either greater inaccuracy or weakened melee attacks, made approximately 75% weaker, a common after-effect of crush

-Nerve pain: clutching their heads for a short duration, sometimes inducing more nerve pain when trying to attack, an uncommon after-effect of crush

-Paralysis: Unable to move or attack, simply stuck on the floor, the most infrequent after-effect of crush


Not a bad idea -at all-.


It'll give Mag an extra boost in CC, which is always handy in higher level missions.


With a bit of fine tuning and balancing, yeah. This is a great idea.

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Its description would imply that the bones are broken through the magnetization of the iron in what is presumably their blood and marrow (which would also imply really really incredibly strong targeted magnetic powers that could probably crush the ship that Mag's inside, too), but let's ignore that for now. You're crushing their bones. The enemies are typically alive after suffering from Mag's tickling crush. It needs something more than just a temporary and short respite from their unrelenting onslaught.


What it should do is cripple targets (since their bodies are being broken), slowing them down, or inhibiting their ability to aim, or even manage slight recoil due to the extreme pain they should be suffering. Maybe make them suffer neural damage? Perhaps randomly select the crippling effect, such as nerve pain, paralysis, broken legs, broken arms, that kind of stuff.


What these various effects would do.

-Broken legs: cutting their run speed in half, a common after-effect of crush

-Broken arms: impairing their ability to attack, via either greater inaccuracy or weakened melee attacks, made approximately 75% weaker, a common after-effect of crush

-Nerve pain: clutching their heads for a short duration, sometimes inducing more nerve pain when trying to attack, an uncommon after-effect of crush

-Paralysis: Unable to move or attack, simply stuck on the floor, the most infrequent after-effect of crush


You are reading too much into it. By this logic, Grineer are half machines, possibly full of pain reducers, and are carrying specialized "anti-crush my bones coils" to stop exactly what you are trying to do, someone just forgot to write it down. Perhaps you would like to explain why everyone in your team including your dog does not get pulverized when you use it. Space Magic? Well, the enemy gets not to get folded like a deck of cards by Space Magic as well.


Your argument is invalid.


It's a game mechanic. Put in place for reasons beyond your understanding. Just play the damn game, and not ask for more code that will make the enemies last 0.1 more seconds at best.

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instead of ragdolling them after crush as de said it was too good before and big reason why they removed it,since crush "crushes" their bones i'm thinking it gives all surviving enemies a aim debuff akin too turbulence(maybe a little worse) so mag does not instantly dies after casting crush and on top of that give all enemies a bleed proc(since there bones are now cutting there flesh with every move).

both not only stay well within the theme of mag's current ult but also gives mag a more solid option for the other factions besides corpus with the aim reduction for grineer and bleed for infested,and since mags ult has such a long animation it functions like a built in trade off for this.

i feel this not only fixes mags ult but gives her a ability that can effect other factions outside of corpus that mag players have been asking for,all in one swoop.

Edited by LostCody
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instead of ragdolling them after crush as de said it was too good before and big reason why they removed it,since crush "crushes" their bones i'm thinking it gives all surviving enemies a aim debuff akin too turbulence(maybe a little worse) so mag does not instantly dies after casting crush and on top of that give all enemies a bleed proc(since there bones are now cutting there flesh with every move).

both not only stay well within the theme of mag's current ult but also gives mag a more solid option for the other factions besides corpus with the aim reduction for grineer and bleed for infested,and since mags ult has such a long animation it functions like a built in trade off for this.

i feel this not only fixes mags ult but gives her a ability that can effect other factions outside of corpus that mag players have been asking for,all in one swoop.


But why would it be too strong?

Atm Pull heavily outperforms Crush due to similar Damage per Energy, higher range and ragdoll :/

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