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Too Many Orokin Reactors, Too Little Catalysts


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Not every single things are meant for you. New players always need those reactors as incentive to play. And when you don't need those reactor anymore then you should already able to sustain yourself in the game without being spoon feed each time you want a new weapons.

jezz what is with people now-a-days now reading a single thing and not understand anything that a certain individual is trying to get across to them


please tell me where i was like ERMAGAID GIMME DEM CATS ALL FROM MY SELF blah blah blah . cause last  i recoil ive replied with my person thought on the matter and spent most the time trying to correct people that cant understand a single thing that people are trying to say to them


"When i dont need thos reactors anymore" Pfft lol i have 11 , and have every warframe in game including primes


you honestly believe il run out considering they mostly give them away during livestreams and there is always 1-3 reactors per month on alerts / meanwhile stuck here with half a dozen weapons that some could use a cat in..


for the 3rd time now WE ARE NOT BEGGING / we are simply asking if it would be possible if more cat alerts would come into play - considering everyone obtains 3x as more weapons than they do warframes


this hole give reactors alerts and hardly any cats is a totally backwards system considering cats are by far the most demanding thing in game


if the reactors where replaced with cats during this entire mini alert event , but toned down slightly there would be a much happier outcome

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Do you see new players able to do these missions? I don't so yea.. argument invalid.


Invalid because of what? my statement still holds true even if current event doesn't exist. If you don't need anymore free reactors then it means you are far into the game and are expected to sustain your in game needs be it by plat purchase or any other way. 

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Invalid because of what? my statement still holds true even if current event doesn't exist. If you don't need anymore free reactors then it means you are far into the game and are expected to sustain your in game needs be it by plat purchase or any other way. 

considering cats and reactors are not a by any means worth sustaining considering DE give them away every month , then yeah your argument is slightly invalid


DE know where most of their profit come from is Warframe/weapon slots and cosmetics


everyone used to go by reactors and cats but now the people i know hardly do that now considering they just wait for an alert , either that or they purchase the item / prime pack

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considering cats and reactors are not a by any means worth sustaining considering DE give them away every month , then yeah your argument is slightly invalid


DE know where most of their profit come from is Warframe/weapon slots and cosmetics


everyone used to go by reactors and cats but now the people i know hardly do that now considering they just wait for an alert , either that or they purchase the item / prime pack



Let it go. Just play the game, have fun, enjoy the community. Because a game and its possibly buggy/biased mechanics is not worth being angry over for. 

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for the 3rd time now WE ARE NOT BEGGING / we are simply asking if it would be possible if more cat alerts would come into play - considering everyone obtains 3x as more weapons than they do warframes


You want more free stuff, that means begging.


Both free reactors and catalyst are just small incentive but those are still lost profits. DE lost 1.3 dollars each time a free reactor and catalyst are used. And you want that number to increase 3x?

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Let it go. Just play the game, have fun, enjoy the community. Because a game and its possibly buggy/biased mechanics is not worth being angry over for. 

lets see ive enjoyed the game all this time ,enjoy the community (Hmm half and half on that)


warframe is buggy ? not alot but more like slight problems most of the times

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You want more free stuff, that means begging.


Both free reactors and catalyst are just small incentive but those are still lost profits. DE lost 1.3 dollars each time a free reactor and catalyst are used. And you want that number to increase 3x?


im giving up on this , you clearly are not understanding anything on where this is going , and clearly misinterpreting alot of what people are trying to get across to you


and right considering 78p / 0.96€ is totally the doom destruction to DE making a loss


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I don't know why people are complaining about stuff that should be bought off plat.

I for one is missing all the yummy rewards :(

(Oversees Atm)

I love it when people like you forget the free to play part of the game and then yell at those that call it pay to win when they are unable to obtain something as important as a catalyst though other means than waiting for LEL RNG ALERT.

You were sleeping m8?TOO BAD perhaps next month!

Edited by Cabadath5
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im giving up on this , you clearly are not understanding anything on where this is going , and clearly misinterpreting alot of what people are trying to get across to you


and right considering 78p / 0.96€ is totally the doom destruction to DE making a loss


Uhh yeah...


Try giving 1 euros to tons of people. Multiple times in two days.

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Really? There already were 2 Catalystalerts and you are still whining?

He isn't whining he is stating a good point

I really need more catalysts the reactors are nice and all but there are more weps than warframes so it would make sense

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I totally agree with the OP here. The ratio of catalysts to reactors should be more as clearly there are more weapons in the game than frames. I know that all this is free stuff but seriously this argument coming from the white knights of DE is getting old now.


I am sitting on 12 reactors & 5 catalysts. Even if i potato every frame & sentinel that comes out i will never run out of reactors now as the spares will just keep on building in the future. Blue potatoes on the other hand will be used up more frequently as weapons are released every now & then. Also in a major update there are 3 or more weapons released at one go (research+prime).

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I'm sitting on 30+ Cat and Rea BP, so *various selfish reasons* give me more money.


DE, do you hear me? We need only money alets, bcs we are greedy, ungrateful b**t**ds.


That's all, thanks.

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