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"suspicious Shipments" Mission Unplayable


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I've been playing some of subj missions. And recently it became literally unplayable.

As far as I understand this particular mission is suppose to be hard to beat, but the reward is quite significant.


I understand that and I like that. I'm a gamer for years. Also I'm a game developer for years. And what I see in the latest subj missions - is definitely some sort of a bug.


The point is - after alerting the very first mob on a level it's like hell breaks through and around 20-30 mobs (with 2-3 flying shield regenerators). Each of those mobs are quite able to take me down, although I play Rhino with the very big shield, health and armor - 580/930/285. Some of those mobs can take me down in 2-3 seconds.


I know what "challenge" in the game means and what I see is not a challenge - it's an unplayable error, where nothing will help you win - neither your reaction, tactics or pure luck.


But that's not all. While sometimes I can avoid triggering the whole insane crowd (no idea what actually makes them come in small packs - "challenging, but doable"), when I proceed through the level the elevator-rooms "happen" on the way, which is literally is the dead-end - the door opens and you face a huge crowd unable to kill them all and unable to escape or avoid them. The thing of the warframe - is to be able to use movement and obstacles to avoid damage, but it literally impossible when you are facing your enemy nose-to-nose and there are 20 of them.


I only managed to finish this mission 2 or 3 time (when it didn't trigger the whole level to come to say hi in the first 10 seconds and when it didn't have any elevators on the way to the victory) - the rest of attempts are a pure disaster. And this disaster is not because I play bad ('m 2 golden stars nova in CS:GO and hell, yes I know how to aim), but because game puts me into unwinnable situation.


UPD: Moderators, I'd like to keep this topic clean, please. Could you please remove all those stupid rant like "Noob, l2p" and "I did it, nothing special". These aren't help at all. The game has issues and those issues aren't related to a gameplay - I DESCRIBED A BUG IN THE GAME.

Edited by vladroot
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Well. if it's unplayable, how did i manage to beat around 2 credit ones, 3 reactor/catalys, 2 formas and 1 oxyum?


With different warframe, Ash, not in a "stealth" spec, and Oberon.


It's just "harder", but nowhere near impossible and unplayable.


Tested solo with Ash once, died near 180th kill, forgot to take Rejuvenation ^^


PS: You play Rhino right? Just Stomp when in danger. Put Continuity on it, and you're free to go

Edited by Endrance
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Huh? I solo'd that mission with Volt.


How could a Rhino have trouble where Volt doesnt?


Does Not Compute.


...could it be you didnt press 4 when you saw the massive crowd in front of you? And dont say you get killed before you got to Stomp, my Volt can throw out Overload before getting completely shot up.

Edited by Dualstar
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Huh? I solo'd that mission with Volt.


How could a Rhino have trouble where Volt doesnt?


Does Not Compute.


...could it be you didnt press 4 when you saw the massive crowd in front of you?

Iron Skin dies FAST when you are under fire, what people doesnt understand is that in this mission you have to do THIS:


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I beat my first few solo with Hydroid with dragon nikana, twin grimlins and karak. Died first time because I was not expecting that much damage.


Learned my lesson by adjusting to the damage and playing with a brain. I don't reload in front of enemies, I don't cast abilities within or infront of enemies - I do walk up and melee through crowds and run for quick cover to pull out my long range weapons.


The last catalyst mission, I joined a group - watched them die and left them to die as I tore through corpus scum with karak and happy-time tentacles.

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typical noob that runs in the middle of the room and doesn't want to die i did all the alerts solo with different frames and only died with nova cause it takes 2 bullets from a tech to die its easy with rhino zephyr loki ash valkyr and even frost 

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Because you're not supposed to faceroll it, shrugging damage "cos ima rhino", like you could do in about every Warframe mission. You actually have to recall why do you need to use cover and evasion.

Long awaited refreshment, I must say.


Also this:

Some of those mobs can take me down in 2-3 seconds.

Even better, Corpus Techs are able to two-shoot most of the frames. And this is wonderful, because this enemy is one of the very few, with whom your movement and flanking skills can really help you. Non-hitscan weapons in enemies hand are god-send for balancing and enhancing gameplay. 

Edited by Khranitel
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You are probaly just throwing yourself in the middle of the enemies thinking that rhino will tank the **** out of all the damage, that is a very common mistake mostly rhino users do, they think rhino is a awesome undying warframe and that if he dies there is some sort of bug or enemies are too OP.

Like Dualstar said, I also did it solo with my volt(i am a volt user), and it went perfectly fine, yeah sometimes I almost died cause of the massive shots from Moa, but still i think it is a ok since the rewards are awesome.

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When you reach the end of an elevator use Stomp in case anything is out there.  Same applies to any locked doors.  Don't rely on Iron Skin and shields to protect you, use the corners.   The only issues I've had are a grenade blasting me out of cover to be shot before I can stand up and Stalker spawning right behind me a one-hitting me with Hate.  Then again they are Corpus and I was using Mag.

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If I had to hazard a guess, it sounds like the op might be new to the game, probably with low level gear, or at the very least it's not got a forma in it. Everyone listing that they could solo it with X frame doesn't exactly help if they have far superior gear than the op. I don't think he's playing poorly. He's just playing under-equipped. These missions are supposed to challenge people with decked out gear.

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If I had to hazard a guess, it sounds like the op might be new to the game, probably with low level gear, or at the very least it's not got a forma in it. Everyone listing that they could solo it with X frame doesn't exactly help if they have far superior gear than the op. I don't think he's playing poorly. He's just playing under-equipped. These missions are supposed to challenge people with decked out gear.

I can assure you that this mission is solo-able with potatoed non-forma Excal/Braton/Lato/Skana. Well, scratch Skana, you don't need it.

These missions are supposed to challenge people's skills, not their gear.

Edited by Khranitel
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A. Don't try to tank even if you're Rhino. Use cover.

B. Despite the fact that alert enemies hit really hard, their HP is normal..

C. Use other powers that you have. Buff your damage with roar, or use typical stomp tactic that I have seen Rhino using a lot in many of these missions. Annoying but effective, until you run out of power.

D. As far as I know, all frames can do it without much problem if you play smart and don't rush. Clear the room, make chokehold, and hold your ground.

- Volt can stun them with shock and make his own cover with Eshield.

- Rhino can roar to boost damage and stomp everything.

- Excalibur can blind them.

- Loki and Ash can use invisible to escape or rush/melee. Radial disarm is gold.

- Frost can use Icewave to deal damage and slow them down. Want some cover? Snowglobe is serviceable.


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I've been playing some of subj missions. And recently it became literally unplayable.


As far as I understand this particular mission is suppose to be hard to beat, but the reward is quite significant.


I understand that and I like that. I'm a gamer for years. Also I'm a game developer for years. And what I see in the latest subj missions - is definitely some sort of a bug.


The point is - after alerting the very first mob on a level it's like hell breaks through and around 20-30 mobs (with 2-3 flying shield regenerators). Each of those mobs are quite able to take me down, although I play Rhino with the very big shield, health and armor - 580/930/285. Some of those mobs can take me down in 2-3 seconds.


I know what "challenge" in the game means and what I see is not a challenge - it's an unplayable error, where nothing will help you win - neither your reaction, tactics or pure luck.


But that's not all. While sometimes I can avoid triggering the whole insane crowd (no idea what actually makes them come in small packs - "challenging, but doable"), when I proceed through the level the elevator-rooms "happen" on the way, which is literally is the dead-end - the door opens and you face a huge crowd unable to kill them all and unable to escape or avoid them. The thing of the warframe - is to be able to use movement and obstacles to avoid damage, but it literally impossible when you are facing your enemy nose-to-nose and there are 20 of them.


I only managed to finish this mission 2 or 3 time (when it didn't trigger the whole level to come to say hi in the first 10 seconds and when it didn't have any elevators on the way to the victory) - the rest of attempts are a pure disaster. And this disaster is not because I play bad ('m 2 golden stars nova in CS:GO and hell, yes I know how to aim), but because game puts me into unwinnable situation.

I could do all on the first try, but I guess that's because I brought superior firepower and zephyr. And 2 stars nova really isn't much, I was between 3-4 stars and I never even liked the game. Too high random factor for a competitive PvP game :I.
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Rhino is no tank.... your movement is your tank! When do people start to understand that?

Keep on moving and dont stay still.... run in circles if you have to or use the environement as cover. I'm running these missions with a loki wich only got a redirection on him as "tank" and no invisibility. Yes I go down once per mission, but thats mostly because I am the first to enter a room and radial disarm does take a bit to cast and I don't care, there are 3 other people to pick me up in this case....

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