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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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No Warframe or Weapon takes the equivalent amount of XP to how many Cores Mods like Serration and Redirection require to be maxed. And that alone is enough reason for a "Legendary XP" to not have nearly the same value.

I don't really understand what you're trying to say.

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As for the thread itself I dont see much of a problem with it, ive looked at the arguments and honestly im surprised.


For those who said that they should be tradable, your barking up the wrong tree. As its exclusive to the group that bought it. Thus if it were tradable it would no longer be exclusive to those who have paid for it. And would fall in the same ranks as a highly valued item that can be sold over and over. (besides that the idea is well dumb (IMO) as most who probably have the stuff have forma'd it and lvled it which has no selling point. In which then the cry goes to being able to sell already made weaps)


As for the idea of making dual versions I do not see how it would even break the original deal. As founders would still have the original prime versions and they would still be exclusively theirs. Groaning for prime versions that are dual is just being petty because they haven't been released and thus are not part of the founders package that is exclusive. (because you cannot claim ownership over the names lato/skana prime, only the weapon that was given to you (as in the actual weapon itself not the name) are you allowed to lay that claim)


Now moving on to refunding to founders then re releasing them would just insult the fact that they were exclusive to begin with. IE founders who would support that are actually killing the meaning that has been handed to them. Which to me sounds like getting a slap in the face/losing everything founders stand for just for some plat. (which would seem a bit greedy if your really willing to ruin the meaning of your title for a refund)


As for the issue of removing the mastery points given to the people who have the exclusive/limited equips. I find that idea horrible as it devalues the items and could hurt the people who spent time lvling them. Giving the mastery points would have the same issue as it would devalue the time of making and using the weapons. (albeit a tiny bit better as the people effected from this would be bigger then the people it would hurt (aka founders))


In the end the OP has some valid point with dual versions. As after all founders would be able to get this too giving them better versions of what they already have exclusively. Which still keeps the value of the promise given to keep said things exclusive. And still would allow them to treasure the memories and the original weapons. If you want to take the argument that they should not be allowed to have more powerful versions because that makes the originals obsolete. That argument is lost due to the fact that there are many many more powerful weapons than the founders set. If people want to make that argument they have to include it to every other weapon more powerful then founders ones. As founders would still have the original stuff that was promised, as they do not have ownership over the names but the singular version weapons given to them

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All I care for on this topic is equalisation of maximum potential Mastery between all players, because of the potential impact of the Focus system on future PvP content--such as the Solar Rail MOBA-style fighting. If Focus is a game-changer, then I want to know the playing field is level at all times and not that there will be months where sections of the community will have access to power levels other players simply can't access.


I don't care for the items themselves. I myself have the Gorgon Wraith and Dex Furis; I would like for all removed, retired and exclusive items to have their Mastery stripped from them--or if it'd be too much hassle to take it from each account, I'd like for all players to have means of acquiring the Mastery credit for said items (such as clantech research or a Market blueprint to simulate levelling those items from 1 to 30 without needing the items themselves).

Is there any evidence that the mastery system will have any effect on other systems in the future? Maximum mastery potential doesn't currently mean anything. Again, decisions about removing mastery from weapons should probably come after mastery reform.

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While I can see the reason people may want the founder's item, But when you have closer look it shouldn't be causing so much fuss.


Lets break down the grand master pack first off we got a lot of platinum, next a set of emblems and what has everyone is such a fuss a shinier starting frame, pistol and a sword which only have ever so slightly better stats than their basic versions.


So aside from the 1 frame and 2 weapons worth of mastery was is really that bad they are no longer attainable?

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Is there any evidence that the mastery system will have any effect on other systems in the future? Maximum mastery potential doesn't currently mean anything. Again, decisions about removing mastery from weapons should probably come after mastery reform.


Just Focus so far. And honestly, it only has to affect ONE system that directly contributes to player power for it to be a problem.


 I find that idea horrible as it devalues the items and could hurt the people who spent time lvling them.


How so? It doesn't touch the items themselves at all.

Edited by Yezzik
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We have to think of everyone here... Founders, Players, DE, interest... we need a solution... Founders Program is a way to HELP DE... have the founders and players forgotten this…?


So it comes to these what founder are you?


Choose which founder are you:


To flounder is to struggle, but to founder is to sink like a stone and fail. Both are fun as nouns, not so fun as verbs.  


As a noun, founder means "the beginner or originator of something." You might talk about the founder of a nation, the founder of club, or the founder of a website.


As a verb, founder can mean “stumble,” like when you trip and fall, but more generally it means "collapse or fall apart." A sports team might founder by slumping on a ten-game losing streak; a ship that sinks in a bad storm can be said to have foundered at sea.


The person who creates an organization or a company is known as the founder. Founder is also a verb meaning "fail miserably," which is something a company's founder hopes the company will never do.


I been a founder of other games and some don’t ever close that program because they don’t want this to happen… the number’s never lie… if they open up founders program again… I’m sure DE will benefit from it… if they don’t it won’t affect that much either because we still have PRIME access (I have buyed 2 already if you’re interested to know) and eventually when all the Warframes are Prime, it will come to a circle in which we may not get the Founders things, but we may get other (maybe different looking) Excalibur Prime stuff…


Founders are happy to keep their…status…or umm exclusive items… and Players are happy because they get their Prime stuff…

Sure I love to be a founder, I invest in it…like I have in the past, but POINT IS, I’m looking to the future not the past… I’m more hype of what’s happening now that what happened in those days…


Think really hard of what a founder is supposed to do and be for a company…are you the noun or the verb of the word? Let us try for a solution guys...

Edited by 0zryel
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This community has always been pissy about exclusives. Bringing out dual versions is just an insulting loophole. 'oh well like... You get to keep the single version', who really gives a freakin' crap about single versions? Melee, possibly, but pistols? Yeah, suuuure. Focus system? Again big deal, people reach a higher mastery level just a bit quicker than others, so what? I don't entirely see how what other people do significantly affects you. All you're going to need to do is just wait a little longer. We already do waiting in this game so it shouldn't be a massive shock to the system.

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How so? It doesn't touch the items themselves at all.


The items themselves wouldn't be touched however some of the items are sub par and aren't used for much more than collectors items. Those who would bother dealing with the weapon just for the mastery alone would kinda be slapped a bit for wasting that time in which they could use a better item/another item. As those weapons cannot be thrown away afterwards as you would lose the slot/lose the collectors value of it.


For example twin wraith vipers/dex furis. I hate these items and would never use them under any circumstance unless I was forced to by not having any other weapon. The only reason I would put up using them would be for those mastery points. (at those times I was still under MR 10 and wanted that 3rd extractor deployment) Taking away those mastery points would be saying I wasted time bothering to lvl them despite how I hate them. (even though if I were to lose the points it wouldn't effect me at all) Its just a shiny 1 time weapon that its nice having but a waste of time using (again IMO) If you remove the mastery you devalue the time that was spent dealing with a weapon you would not use.  The time spent on them gives them a bit more value IMO thus devaluing the item itself. Due to the fact that you gave it some more value for dealing with it despite personal preference for the mastery points it gives you. (again this is my opinion but it may be applied to others as well who just want the weap as a collectors item and as nothing more aka a trophy)


Also there were some hints that mastery lvl may be viable in the future with a new system. That would allow you to customize weaps/warframess more with the experience thats gained from maxed lvl weaps.

Edited by dragonkingdx
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people reach a higher mastery level just a bit quicker than others, so what? I don't entirely see how what other people do significantly affects you. All you're going to need to do is just wait a little longer. We already do waiting in this game so it shouldn't be a massive shock to the system.


It wouldn't be a problem if a system like Focus wasn't going to exist AND if there wasn't going to be direct PvP content.

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Why must people drool and climax at the sight and/or sound of the word "exclusive"... Hell, Skana and Lato Prime aren't all that... unless you guys are like...



I never unequip my Lato Prime because of this


Everytime someone asks me how I got it, my eboner rises

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It wouldn't be a problem if a system like Focus wasn't going to exist AND if there wasn't going to be direct PvP content.[/quote

It still isn't a problem with the focus system and no one is pricing you to do PVP. Again I doubt it's that much of a significant difference.

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It wouldn't be a problem if a system like Focus wasn't going to exist AND if there wasn't going to be direct PvP content.[/quote

It still isn't a problem with the focus system and no one is pricing you to do PVP. Again I doubt it's that much of a significant difference.


Game systems are meant to be balanced.

Otherwise I might as well go back to playing WoW, walk straight back into those unranked battlegrounds and get decimated by yet another Conquest-capping Arena player while wearing only crafted and Arena gear.

"Nobody's making you play that content! ...hey, why is nobody playing that content? What a waste of time and money spent developing it!"

Edited by Yezzik
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All I care for on this topic is equalisation of maximum potential Mastery between all players, because of the potential impact of the Focus system on future PvP content--such as the Solar Rail MOBA-style fighting. If Focus is a game-changer, then I want to know the playing field is level at all times and not that there will be months where sections of the community will have access to power levels other players simply can't access.


I don't care for the items themselves. I myself have the Gorgon Wraith and Dex Furis; I would like for all removed, retired and exclusive items to have their Mastery stripped from them--or if it'd be too much hassle to take it from each account, I'd like for all players to have means of acquiring the Mastery credit for said items (such as clantech research or a Market blueprint to simulate levelling those items from 1 to 30 without needing the items themselves).

So what is your plan to level the playing field for people who started the week after the pvp style dark sectors come online? What about the people who constantly ran on and on about how mastery doesn't matter. Shouldn't we level the playing field for them too, I mean mastery didnt matter and now it does how is that fair?

There is usually about a month at max that anyone can have a level only obtainable by founders if even that long. That amount of time is not worth the ill will that stripping me and others of our hard earned mastery will certainly cause. If you've been here a while your going to have the advantage over someone just starting a month ago exclusive items or not. Ripping mastery will not change that and you have the same problem they will, you just haven't been here long enough.

Fortunately I doubt DE is dumb enough to carry out a plan like this.

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So what is your plan to level the playing field for people who started the week after the pvp style dark sectors come online?


Balance the maximum.

Don't have the Brakk yet? Tough luck, son--go and farm it.


Not hitting Rank 16 while others can because you don't have something obtainable is acceptable.

Not hitting Rank 16 while others can because there's literally nothing more you can get is not.

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To fix the problem, you have to understand why these people want the weapons? Does anyone know?


Aside from this, the void table dilution isn't worth it for a few terrible weapons.


Again, I do not speak for him nor is this what I think, but it likely gives him/her something to do.

I've read this argument many (manymanymany) times, and IMHO, what it always boils down to is that some folk just want what they can't have. (Typically the follow-up argument is 'then they should be removed from the game', which is essentially 'if I can't have them, then nobody should have them'.)


As others have said, the Mastery-points argument doesn't hold water unless a player has already bought & leveled every other weapon in the game - a very small group, no doubt.  But even then this group of players can't make the argument, as all they have to do to get more Mastery points is wait.  DE is very generous, and more stuff comes out all the time.


There is no "fix" for this problem, because there is no "problem", and there's no way to address that situation any further without running the risk of inadvertently being insulting, and I don't want to do that.  Suffice it to say, this isn't an issue for DE/Warframe to deal with.


I do agree with PSnake when he says that the game could use 'more to do'.  Right now I'm finding it difficult to put together teams to grind for RP and Hydro parts, and I have observed that much of the recent content requires 4-man teams to even attempt.  I'd like to see more stuff to work towards on an individual basis.


That's my piece.  I've said it; I'm done.

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I would like to point out that these are not bound to the founders package at all, these are a different weapon, remember that when saying that it's still founders exclusive, because it's not, which is why it is a fix, it's a loop hole.

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Balance the maximum.

Don't have the Brakk yet? Tough luck, son--go and farm it.


Not hitting Rank 16 while others can because you don't have something obtainable is acceptable.

Not hitting Rank 16 while others can because there's literally nothing more you can get is not.

Your still forgetting the most important part warframe is not and has been stated to never be pvp focused. It may include it but your trying to take, oh let's be generous here 15% (very generous) of the game and make it more important that the 85%. I am not a pvp player and I am miffed that the dark sectors are taking the direction they are. If the hard earned mastery I worked to get specifically for focus is pulled from me to balance a part of the game I have no intention of participating in I will be more than outraged.

I do wonder why you are so intent on removing mastery from people who earned it while ignoring the even easier solution: turn focus off for pvp content

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Game systems are meant to be balanced.

Otherwise I might as well go back to playing WoW, walk straight back into those unranked battlegrounds and get decimated by yet another Conquest-capping Arena player while wearing only crafted and Arena gear.

"Nobody's making you play that content! ...hey, why is nobody playing that content? What a waste of time and money spent developing it!"

Again, it's unlikely to have as big as impact as you're making it out to be. All that is required is a little waiting.

It's DE's choice to make that content. They've always said PvE is the driving point so again, no one is forcing you to play 'unbalanced' (which exists in countless games) content. You're also acting as if founders/grand masters are everywhere. They aren't a constant problem and it's likely they're mainly PvE players. That little boost isn't going to have that much of an impact. If anything it may just be useful in a minor way.

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I do wonder why you are so intent on removing mastery from people who earned it while ignoring the even easier solution: turn focus off for pvp content


...I have a bad habit of overcomplicating things.

That's a great idea; if Focus got turned off for PvP content, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

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