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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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Ah yes, because they're (a) completely and totally impossible to acquire and (b) had absolutely no effect on gameplay since their introduction.

They will be impossible to require soon enough


Once the market settles out and most people decide they want to keep their helms


Like trying to buy malignant force or primed chamber or those top end fusion cores


Either throw plat at the seller or you wont get it

Either way it leaves many players at a huge disadvantage

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Either throw plat at the seller or you wont get it

Either way it leaves many players at a huge disadvantage


A disadvantage mathematically speaking, yes. A huge disadvantage though? Don't you think that's a bit of a stretch? The boosts that the arcane helmets provide - all of them - are minimal at best. They're a 'nice to have' item. They're not the difference between which build is viable and which isn't. Not to mention their respective reductions. Things like the Cicero and Tethra mods that do in fact make a significant gameplay difference are going to return to the game eventually, so buying them is really a function of one's patience. People can either fork over a few hundred platinum for them right now, or they can wait around for a while until they return to the game to earn them for free.

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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A disadvantage mathematically speaking, yes. A huge disadvantage though? Don't you think that's a bit of a stretch? The boosts that the arcane helmets provide - all of them - are minimal at best. They're a 'nice to have' item. They're not the difference between which build is viable and which isn't. Not to mention their respective reductions. Things like the Cicero and Tethra mods that do in fact make a significant gameplay difference are going to return to the game eventually, so buying them is really a function of one's patience. People can either fork over a few hundred platinum for them right now, or they can wait around for a while until they return to the game to earn them for free.

Coil mag helmet


25% max power range


-5% shield


Perfect for abusing her All 4 of her powers and maybe not having to sacrifice damage with overextending to get a nice range


Phoenix Ember Helm


25% energy max


-5% shield max


Perfect for spamming her powers with max power build because she really needs the extra energy for this


Chorus Banshee helm


10% power Eff


-5% stam


Keep that 4 up longer with 70% energy cost reduction and save a mod slot by dropping Streamline


Aura Trinity Helm


25% duration


-5% hp


Do i even need to explain why this is a huge advantage?


Squall and aurora frost helms


Both add def to your snowglobe


The one that adds armor is multiplied by 5 as well for snowglobe


Vespa Nyx helm


15% power efficiency


Hold that 4 up even longer


Essence loki helm


Final one for me


No need to streamline for max power efficiency on Radial so you save a mod slot and can keep up invisibility even more easily


Just saying


There are huge advantages there

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"This is about mastery rank" What, the useless mastery ranks that 3 bling items wont get you?


You missed out, stop crying, get over it, play the game. Maybe DE will let us trade the items to you one day and you will see that after all the QQ, the items will sit un-used in your armory :P

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Coil mag helmet


25% max power range


-5% shield


Perfect for abusing her All 4 of her powers and maybe not having to sacrifice damage with overextending to get a nice range


Phoenix Ember Helm


25% energy max


-5% shield max


Perfect for spamming her powers with max power build because she really needs the extra energy for this


Chorus Banshee helm


10% power Eff


-5% stam


Keep that 4 up longer with 70% energy cost reduction and save a mod slot by dropping Streamline


Aura Trinity Helm


25% duration


-5% hp


Do i even need to explain why this is a huge advantage?


Squall and aurora frost helms


Both add def to your snowglobe


The one that adds armor is multiplied by 5 as well for snowglobe


Vespa Nyx helm


15% power efficiency


Hold that 4 up even longer


Essence loki helm


Final one for me


No need to streamline for max power efficiency on Radial so you save a mod slot and can keep up invisibility even more easily


Just saying


There are huge advantages there

This, arcane helmet debacle was handled poorly, stats should have been removed completely and plat refunded, or at the very least not been made tradeable, because if they thought it was unfair to people that they would lose their stats that they paid for, it's not even close to how unfair it's gonna be when I'm selling all my alert acquired duplicate arcane helmets for 1000 plat a piece to all the people who never even had a chance at them about a year down the road.


Where the huge advantages are not however, are the founders weapons, which quite honestly are bad. Have you seen the stats on them? Compared to weapons that come out now days they are literally just plain bad. To claim you want them for the stats means you're either lying or delusional.

Edited by RancidTurnip1603
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Founder Gear:

(excalibur prime, lato prime, skana prime,grandmaster badge, solar mark)?.Definitely, No.

In my view, DE would lose their authenticity, if they re-release the founder gear.


Design Council:

There are newer players with cool fan art and great ideas. Maybe a few of them should "earn" a design council membership.

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I don't understand where all this vitriol towards founders came from in the first place.

We're not the decision makers here - we're customers and players just like everyone else on these boards. 

How DE handles founder's gear really isn't up to us. 

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I've only seen an Excalibur Prime once. Why don't founders play him more often?

I play him quite commonly. He's one of the best frames in the game, even his non-prime counterpart. Radial Blind saves the day in almost every situation. 

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I don't understand where all this vitriol towards founders came from in the first place.


A lot of it comes from the attitude of many of the Founders who come storming en masse into topics like this one, deploy a blanket "no" and then pat themselves on the back for doing such a good job and defending their shinies against the scrubs like myself.


I've tried to engage them in dialogue many times before, tried to ask them questions such as "What/how many cosmetics and Quality of Life changes would you consider a fair trade for the Founder Mastery-giving items?", in an attempt to get a feel for what hypothetical compromises they'd be willing to consider.


Unfortunately few ever bothered to reply, and even fewer gave me anything more than "still no, deal with it, never ever ever."


Which is unfortunate, because I've had some great ideas for QoL things they could get in exchange. I've suggested everything from equalising the Mastery directly (The same people who shot me down for suggesting their exclusives have their Mastery taken away from them also shot me down for suggesting the rest of us be able to catch up with research instead) to possible Derelict/Void/Dex gear that shares Mastery with the Prime variants.


At the time I thought it was a fantastic idea, especially for Excal--it gave Excal players an upgraded version to look forward to, the Founders didn't need to level it if they didn't want to, and it was effectively the reworked skin Excal Prime needed eventually. But no, that wasn't good enough for some people. I asked if they'd agree with it if EP got the reworked skin and the Dex variant got EP's old skin, and again I got shot down because I was taking something from them.


I even had some people argue that since they paid for the Founder items, that meant they also paid for the Mastery from those items and that meant I should keep my mitts off their points because it was like I was stealing from them. Trouble is, they bought those items before Focus was a thing, before the game had truly embraced PvP.


And you can't have power levels some players can reach and others can't in a game that even thinks about implementing PvP. Sure, it won't happen all the time, but if Focus is a game-changer in any way then it's something that needs to be addressed beyond "deal with it; we won't be stronger than you for more than a few months tops."


And then there's the issue that every additional retired item, every new event-only weapon, will only exacerbate the problem.


One guy suggested disabling Focus in PvP. It works for me, but then that would require any other future Mastery-related systems that might affect PvP to also need to be disabled.

Edited by Yezzik
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A lot of it comes from the attitude of many of the Founders who come storming en masse into topics like this one, deploy a blanket "no" and then pat themselves on the back for doing such a good job and defending their shinies against the scrubs like myself.


I've tried to engage them in dialogue many times before, tried to ask them questions such as "What/how many cosmetics and Quality of Life changes would you consider a fair trade for the Founder Mastery-giving items?", in an attempt to get a feel for what hypothetical compromises they'd be willing to consider.


Unfortunately few ever bothered to reply, and even fewer gave me anything more than "still no, deal with it, never ever ever."


Which is unfortunate, because I've had some great ideas for QoL things they could get in exchange. I've suggested everything from equalising the Mastery directly (The same people who shot me down for suggesting their exclusives have their Mastery taken away from them also shot me down for suggesting the rest of us be able to catch up with research instead) to possible Derelict/Void/Dex gear that shares Mastery with the Prime variants.



This sounds... delusional. You realize that founders don't have the ability to give you what you want, right? That ultimately, the decision comes from DE? If there is a compromise, it's not being negotiated between the founders and you. It's going to come from DE. We can't give you the items you want just as you can't give us the quality of life suggestions you made. You should speak to DE about that.


Open up a ticket or email customer support directly. Whatever founders tell you on these forums is complete bullS#&$, because founds have as much power at influencing DE decisions as everybody else.

Edited by mithie2
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You realize that founders don't have the ability to give you what you want, right?


I'll just leave this here.


in an attempt to get a feel for what hypothetical compromises they'd be willing to consider.
Edited by Yezzik
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A lot of it comes from the attitude of many of the Founders who come storming en masse into topics like this one, deploy a blanket "no" and then pat themselves on the back for doing such a good job and defending their shinies against the scrubs like myself.


I've tried to engage them in dialogue many times before, tried to ask them questions such as "What/how many cosmetics and Quality of Life changes would you consider a fair trade for the Founder Mastery-giving items?", in an attempt to get a feel for what hypothetical compromises they'd be willing to consider.


Unfortunately few ever bothered to reply, and even fewer gave me anything more than "still no, deal with it, never ever ever."


Which is unfortunate, because I've had some great ideas for QoL things they could get in exchange. I've suggested everything from equalising the Mastery directly (The same people who shot me down for suggesting their exclusives have their Mastery taken away from them also shot me down for suggesting the rest of us be able to catch up with research instead) to possible Derelict/Void/Dex gear that shares Mastery with the Prime variants.


At the time I thought it was a fantastic idea, especially for Excal--it gave Excal players an upgraded version to look forward to, the Founders didn't need to level it if they didn't want to, and it was effectively the reworked skin Excal Prime needed eventually. But no, that wasn't good enough for some people. I asked if they'd agree with it if EP got the reworked skin and the Dex variant got EP's old skin, and again I got shot down because I was taking something from them.


I even had some people argue that since they paid for the Founder items, that meant they also paid for the Mastery from those items and that meant I should keep my mitts off their points because it was like I was stealing from them. Trouble is, they bought those items before Focus was a thing, before the game had truly embraced PvP.


And you can't have power levels some players can reach and others can't in a game that even thinks about implementing PvP. Sure, it won't happen all the time, but if Focus is a game-changer in any way then it's something that needs to be addressed beyond "deal with it; we won't be stronger than you for more than a few months tops."


And then there's the issue that every additional retired item, every new event-only weapon, will only exacerbate the problem.


One guy suggested disabling Focus in PvP. It works for me, but then that would require any other future Mastery-related systems that might affect PvP to also need to be disabled.

Why are you so obsessed with 12 k mastery?

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Why are you so obsessed with 12 k mastery?


Looks like I have to leave something else here:


One guy suggested disabling Focus in PvP. It works for me, but then that would require any other future Mastery-related systems that might affect PvP to also need to be disabled.
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Enlighten me on your findings about Focus. You seem to know more than everyone about that. Are you maybe Steve?


I pay attention to livestreams and the like, that's how.




Every mastery ranks earned will grant a Focus slot. e.g.: Being Mastery Rank 4 will allow you to install four Focus powers.


Even if this is no longer going to be true, I'm operating under the reasonable assumption that Mastery Rank will still affect Focus somehow.

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I pay attention to livestreams and the like, that's how.







Even if this is no longer going to be true, I'm operating under the reasonable assumption that Mastery Rank will still affect Focus somehow.

Because wiki is 100 % true. Stop making assumptions without any evidence.



Nobody knows how Focus is going to work, and you are clinging onto one idea that is just that, idea. Not confirmed as game feature and nobody knows how Focus will work and what mastery will do to same.



You simply sound like: "We need Founders weapons just because some game feature might be affected by it." You are going for months about Focus and crying about mastery, when you dont even know what Focus will be.



If you want to show me that you are right, find some info where DE confirmed that Focus will be affected by mastery rank. Like you described.

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Because wiki is 100 % true. Stop making assumptions without any evidence.



Nobody knows how Focus is going to work, and you are clinging onto one idea that is just that, idea. Not confirmed as game feature and nobody knows how Focus will work and what mastery will do to same.



You simply sound like: "We need Founders weapons just because some game feature might be affected by it." You are going for months about Focus and crying about mastery, when you dont even know what Focus will be.



If you want to show me that you are right, find some info where DE confirmed that Focus will be affected by mastery rank. Like you described.

And even if it is true, big deal... some people have 1 more focus power or something for a few weeks. Not the end of life as we know it.

(And no, I do not have closed beta exclusives, and couldn give 2 farts less about the missed mastery)

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