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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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Honestly, I'm more concerned about DE's ingenuity on the matter.

They've gone...7 months firmly saying that they will not return. If they cave now...I'm truly scared of the future development of this game. People will realize that if they ask enough times they can do anything to this game.

I don't want DE to lose one of their greatest qualities as developers: consistency.

And the subject of this huge outcry is one of the worst pistols in the game and a sword that has some stats inferior to the Cronus.

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The problem with that is that there are too many who will go "this shiny thing is mine so screw everyone else MINE" Many will not even try to weigh the actual situation and reasons behind both sides at all. (though no one really is asking for founders stuff to be re released. More from the thread of a variant that founders can enjoy along with other people)


When you have such polls like that ignorance and petty childishness come into play. Thats why decisions like that are better left to DE who would weigh the arguments and the opinions then make a choice (like being the judge and jury) As they are a business and do have some understanding of both sides (hence this thread was allowed because they can see a point in one side over the other founders who may cry no without really trying to think)

It is simple "washing the hands" for DE. If Founders decide for re-releasing, then its their decision. And DE could always use "You decided that" if any issues arise.

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It is simple "washing the hands" for DE. If Founders decide for re-releasing, then its their decision. And DE could always use "You decided that" if any issues arise.

Yeah thats IF they agree to yes. However judging by the thread (and I know thats not all the founders but I see a common opinion so basing what im saying off of that) its gonna be biased to no never gonna happen because many do not try to think of both sides and reasoning beyond their own. Understanding both sides makes a proper decision for a vote but so far based on this thread an understanding of both sides cannot be reached. (since that requires the community to be very mature and less stubborn, which is rarer in todays world)


I personally would find it better for DE to make the decision because you can expect them to look at the situation themselves in its entirety and not just one sided. Though yes if the founders were to all agree then it would give DE chances to say you decided not us. However I believe any group that decides something for the larger community would have to be a well informed and open to different views set of people. That way a fair decision can be made

Edited by dragonkingdx
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I want compromise, but I've already said my personal opinion on what DE should do. Bring the items back the Prime Access/Void Droptable way, reimburse Founders a portion of their original payment, and then once those items are available to the public, then bring in a Lato Prime and Dual Skana Prime if people still want it (not worth it imo since those weapons SUCK).

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I want compromise, but I've already said my personal opinion on what DE should do. Bring the items back the Prime Access/Void Droptable way, reimburse Founders a portion of their original payment, and then once those items are available to the public, then bring in a Lato Prime and Dual Skana Prime if people still want it (not worth it imo since those weapons SUCK).

Or simply give something of value to you guys. Something that doesnt give mastery and is purely cosmetic. Metallic color pack, new frame and sentinel skins, badges, weapon skins etc.



But in the end, people would cry about cosmetics even. Because they want everything and cannot live without them.

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Or simply give something of value to you guys. Something that doesnt give mastery and is purely cosmetic. Metallic color pack, new frame and sentinel skins, badges, weapon skins etc.



But in the end, people would cry about cosmetics even. Because they want everything and cannot live without them.


We already have something of value. We get something else that's purely cosmetic, someone's going to want it. Not everyone wants founder stuff because of the mastery. That's why I've suggested what I suggested. And for that refund, that's real money, not platinum. Founders didn't acquire their stuff with platinum so they shouldn't be refunded that. And I've already explained my reasons for a refund.

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Or simply give something of value to you guys. Something that doesnt give mastery and is purely cosmetic. Metallic color pack, new frame and sentinel skins, badges, weapon skins etc.



But in the end, people would cry about cosmetics even. Because they want everything and cannot live without them.

Ofc people will always find something to complain about XD Thats just how the world is


BTW for anyone who has actually read up to this point I could care less either way. I don't think the OPs idea is bad (its not a solution to anything really but not really against any agreement at least legally), I can also understand that the founders want what they want because they did pay for it. Just seems stupid sometimes when peoples reasoning is based off of their own stubbornness and unwillingness to look at a seperate view and re eval their own view. (aka the hell no gtfo people)

Edited by dragonkingdx
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Now here's an idea, why not make a new weapon / skin, but it's exclusive to Non-Founders. Then everyone can rub each others exclusiveness in everyone's faces and be happy.

Then you are essentially punishing the people who funded the game. Not a solution.

Up to this point I've read pretty much every one of these "founders lewt plz" threads since November. Everything in this topic I've read before, and all of the threads they were in were locked and a Dev or Mod explained that they will not return.

Don't try to explain to me that releasing dual versions of founders weapons is a solution. It is nothing but a loophole. All this will do is make people angry. And people are already angry. So DE trying to work around their promise will only make things worse.

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Thats enough for me.

After DE's "official declaration" on the latest Hot Topics, I'm not even sure they'll have the guts to not give in to the QQers anymore.

God save y'all Founders on this, I'm out.


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Or simply give something of value to you guys. Something that doesnt give mastery and is purely cosmetic. Metallic color pack, new frame and sentinel skins, badges, weapon skins etc.




I am fine with this. 

Founders would get more use out of cosmetics than subpar weapons anyway.

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What are you people not getting, we are not touching the founders pack. Some founders appear just to be trying to lay claim to the dual versions but they are so stubborn to see that the pack (which ever version they bought) does not lay claim to the dual versions. There is no need for refunds or compramises since what you bought you already have.

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It's jealousy. They're jealous they don't have these exclusives so they keep trying to bring it up. DE has stated it's not happening and honestly I don't buy the mastery excuse because it's only three items. If you're going to complain about these exclusives then why not complain about all of them? Not just founders stuff that we had to pay for. I missed out on Strun Wraith, Machete Wraith, and all the Vandals but you don't see me complaining now do you?

Edited by Ov3rd0se
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With permission from [DE]Drew to re open this thread, I'm making the simple request of keep this discussion civil, constructive, and polite.


Lato and skana prime are both founder weapons that will not be release again as DE pretty much signed an agreement with the founders that they would stay exclusive and never be released again, this did not include the akimbo and dual variants of the weapons, Aklato and Dual skana, therefore, these could be released and no one would be able to decline such a thing as these are not part of the founder exclusive items, these could have similar build requirements to the basic dual skana, and the materials to build two standard latos, mixed in with prime parts generic requirements of 10 orokin cells or argon crystals. this would be entirely acceptable as a way to fix people's issues with the exclusive weapons from so long ago. 


I myself do not care for either of these weapons, nor the akimbo/dual variants, the discussion is general and is to spark a debate, please accept the apology I offer for the state of the last thread, now lets have a clean, constructive discussion about these items.


*I will request censorship for rude behaviour and insults.*


edit: typo


No, still.


DE could simply say that they're not going to do this, either. It would be completely unfair that we spent $250 for a Lato Prime and then this just comes out for free, or for a lot, lot less.

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It's jealousy. They're jealous they don't have these exclusives so they keep trying to bring it up. DE has stated it's not happening and honestly I don't buy the mastery excuse because it's only three items. If you're going to complain about these exclusives then why not complain about all of them? Not just founders stuff that we had to pay for. I missed out on Strun Wraith, Machete Wraith, and all the Vandals but you don't see me complaining now do you?


Not that I disagree with your initial point, because Founders in any way, shape, or modified form is not coming back is true, but the reason nobody is complaining about the Wraiths and Vandals is that they are in fact returning at some point. 

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This will never stop



they want gold shiny weapons



just give up....they're not coming back ever again



why can't people understand?



Even if they did Dual Type, i think it will be founder only( or maybe prime access)

Edited by AngelGuardcc
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I don't care about the items, founders are founders. What annoys me is that my dedication to the game wont be be rewarded cos im a late comer, cos I didn't know about it. Now that im dedicated to it, I have no option of having input. You got people being recognised for being there at the start, but what about the people that came later and dedicate time and adoration to the game, convincing friends to play, spending a lot of money. Should we not be noticed too? Are we not also crucial? To a game where players come and go. Shouldn't the players who are just as dedicated as founders get something to say, hey, thanks for liking our game enough to play every day and buy stuff. Isn't that really what these exclusive items are about. A thank you. And I think founders stuff should stay exclusive to the founders. Just not sure excal prime was the best choice for such a done dusted deal.


But a system for design council to be possible for dedicated late comers seems logical to me.

Edited by Vaeloth
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I don't care about the items, founders are founders. What annoys me is that my dedication to the game wont be be rewarded cos im a late comer, cos I didn't know about it. Now that im dedicated to it, I have no option of having input. You got people being recognised for being there at the start, but what about the people that came later and dedicate time and adoration to the game, convincing friends to play, spending a lot of money. Should we not be noticed too? Are we not also crucial? To a game where players come and go. Shouldn't the players who are just as dedicated as founders get something to say, hey, thanks for liking our game enough to play every day and buy stuff. Isn't that really what these exclusive items are about. A thank you. And I think founders stuff should stay exclusive to the founders. Just not sure excal prime was the best choice for such a done dusted deal.


But a system for design council to be possible for dedicated late comers seems logical to me.


That actually happen in all kind of games not just WF, join late, misses stuffs as always. Even so later players also miss Prime Access exclusive items, but don't see anyone care for it.

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Even so later players also miss Prime Access exclusive items, but don't see anyone care for it.


That's because exclusive cosmetics don't--and hopefully won't--ever affect gameplay.

Edited by Yezzik
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This will never stop



they want gold shiny weapons



just give up....they're not coming back ever again



why can't people understand?



Even if they did Dual Type, i think it will be founder only( or maybe prime access)

They don't want your shiny stuff they just want these two different weapons that don't impact on the founders.

Edited by Postal_pat
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I don't care about the items, founders are founders. What annoys me is that my dedication to the game wont be be rewarded cos im a late comer, cos I didn't know about it. Now that im dedicated to it, I have no option of having input. You got people being recognised for being there at the start, but what about the people that came later and dedicate time and adoration to the game, convincing friends to play, spending a lot of money. Should we not be noticed too? Are we not also crucial? To a game where players come and go. Shouldn't the players who are just as dedicated as founders get something to say, hey, thanks for liking our game enough to play every day and buy stuff. Isn't that really what these exclusive items are about. A thank you. And I think founders stuff should stay exclusive to the founders. Just not sure excal prime was the best choice for such a done dusted deal.


But a system for design council to be possible for dedicated late comers seems logical to me.

There is a lot of misunderstanding about the design council. DE in reality takes your opinion just as seriously as mine. Our input is only limited to polls they take on occasion, the most recent being the new enemies.

They don't want your shiny stuff they just want these two different weapons that don't impact on the founders. (Sorry for spelling mistakes, tablet process is slow)

Yeah, "different."

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