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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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I read til like page 21 and saw nothing but founders saying "It's exclusive, get over it.". I'd like to hear from the founders how PS4 players not even getting a chance at Excal Prime and such is something they should just get over.


Seriously, explain that to me. Maybe they want to help DE too since it's still in the BETA. I repeat, it's still in the BETA. My friend is pissed he missed out on prime Excalibur. I can pass on him since my Excal looks more awesome imo with the alternate helmet and immortal skin.

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No. You can't tell me what DE will do, you aren't DE. Can you say 100% DE will do this? No.  You can guess and assume but then you have no valid proof or anything. There is no guarantee that in the future there will be no advantage to higher MR

DE has been dragging their feet on mastery rewards for the entirety of the game's history.  The focus system was the closest thing we were going to get to that and it's gone back to the drawing board and we haven't heard any plans or specifics about it in quite a while.  It's pretty reasonable to assume that it will be a while before mastery really means anything.



I read til like page 21 and saw nothing but founders saying "It's exclusive, get over it.". I'd like to hear from the founders how PS4 players not even getting a chance at Excal Prime and such is something they should just get over.


Seriously, explain that to me. Maybe they want to help DE too since it's still in the BETA. I repeat, it's still in the BETA. My friend is &!$$ed he missed out on prime Excalibur. I can pass on him since my Excal looks more awesome imo with the alternate helmet and immortal skin.

Because DE has repeatedly said that founder's exclusives are not coming back.  So you do need to actually get over it since they really aren't coming back.

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DE has been dragging their feet on mastery rewards for the entirety of the game's history.  The focus system was the closest thing we were going to get to that and it's gone back to the drawing board and we haven't heard any plans or specifics about it in quite a while.  It's pretty reasonable to assume that it will be a while before mastery really means anything.



Because DE has repeatedly said that founder's exclusives are not coming back.  So you do need to actually get over it since they really aren't coming back.

o.o they could technically release ps4 exclusive founders packs. would have to be a different set of items or some variant of the founders pack for PC. Same could be said for xbone. (could go the route for a special mag/loki prime exclusive to ps4/xbone founders) And by those founders I mean those whose accs originated on those systems. Though would be more of a special variant or special skin that gives it a different look for mag/loki. (mentioning this due to the fact that its gonna be hard since mag prime is already available/loki prime possibly available soon, just to make sure its unique enough to stand out)


Though that is only is for that they cant technically release exact PC founders exclusives. Though technically they could make another exclusive program that shares similarities. Which would be some more revenue for DE

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o.o they could technically release ps4 exclusive founders packs. would have to be a different set of items or some variant of the founders pack for PC. Same could be said for xbone. (could go the route for a special mag/loki prime exclusive to ps4/xbone founders) And by those founders I mean those whose accs originated on those systems. Though would be more of a special variant or special skin that gives it a different look for mag/loki. (mentioning this due to the fact that its gonna be hard since mag prime is already available/loki prime possibly available soon, just to make sure its unique enough to stand out)


Though that is only is for that they cant technically release exact PC founders exclusives. Though technically they could make another exclusive program that shares similarities. Which would be some more revenue for DE

This much time into release on Ps4 and the game's history they aren't going to make another founders pack.  They could  release console exclusives, but whatever it is, it won't be a founders pack and it won't be the PC founder's items.  I still wouldn't be sure they'd do that any time soon.  As you've said, it would generate more revenue for DE, but new content generates a lot more revenue over multiple platforms.  Look at how long it even took to get a ps4 color pack for instance.

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Why is this even a topic?


in fact as the single hand versions of the weapons are founder only, then the dual version should be the same, as it usually takes single versions to build the dual ones. 


if this was given free then wraith´s and the proto skin is next.


you cannot have it all. 


close this topic already....

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Why is this even a topic?


in fact as the single hand versions of the weapons are founder only, then the dual version should be the same, as it usually takes single versions to build the dual ones. 


if this was given free then wraith´s and the proto skin is next.


you cannot have it all. 


close this topic already....

It can't be closed. The topic has grown to the point it has it's own momentum. It's like a boulder, or a meteor, or an opened can of pringles.

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Why is this even a topic?


in fact as the single hand versions of the weapons are founder only, then the dual version should be the same, as it usually takes single versions to build the dual ones. 


if this was given free then wraith´s and the proto skin is next.


you cannot have it all. 


close this topic already....

Aklato is credit only.  Dual skana doesn't require weapons in the crafting cost.  There is no rule set in stone that says that dual variants need to have a weapon in the crafting cost.


Wraith weapons were never said to be exclusive and could be coming back in future events.  Unless you can come up with a dual variant of the proto skin that is a pretty poor comparison.

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This much time into release on Ps4 and the game's history they aren't going to make another founders pack.  They could  release console exclusives, but whatever it is, it won't be a founders pack and it won't be the PC founder's items.  I still wouldn't be sure they'd do that any time soon.  As you've said, it would generate more revenue for DE, but new content generates a lot more revenue over multiple platforms.  Look at how long it even took to get a ps4 color pack for instance.

meh it could still be called a founders pack, or a pioneer pack or something like that . And true over all platforms it would generate bigger revenue. Though if we wanna play the exclusive game I think it would be fair grounds to give console systems their exclusives for the respective platforms. Might kill the complaining for PC exclusives just a bit (though inevitably it will come back to what it is now) Though would probably have to be worked on side by side.

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meh it could still be called a founders pack, or a pioneer pack or something like that . And true over all platforms it would generate bigger revenue. Though if we wanna play the exclusive game I think it would be fair grounds to give console systems their exclusives for the respective platforms. Might kill the complaining for PC exclusives just a bit (though inevitably it will come back to what it is now) Though would probably have to be worked on side by side.

Simple skins for some weapons that are port exclusive could work. Dex variations of 4 weapons ( equivalent of 12 k mastery from Founders ) being sold for 100 $.



That would be just fine for ports. PC players wont get anything because most of complainers had their chance to buy Founder packages. As for the rest, though luck.

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you know what?

 I freaking hope they are exclusives.




Because I am sick of the "GIB US STUFF PEOPLE PAID 300$ FOR FREE" posts...

Except noone with half a mind would say for free


Either 50-250$ like the old one or heavy RNgrind for dual skana and aklato prime


Its not even about the old weapons really and even if it were it wouldnt matter because both the regular primes and dual primes would be outdone entirely by something else


The issue is a matter of pettiness

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I've said this before, but I don't give a crap about the Lato and Skana Primes. Would I use and love them if I had them? Yes, definitely. The only Founders item I've ever really cared about was Excal Prime since he, Frost, and Loki are my favorites. It just ticks me off that he was only available in a pack that wasn't available on my system.

Dual Skana Prime and AkLato Prime wouldn't really solve much.

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 In my likely unpopular opinion, yeah. I think they should release a Dual Skana Prime and a Dual Lato Prime.


 I believe that the two weapons should require some seriously high mastery rank to craft and be rather expensive material-wise.


 I also believe that Founders who posses the Lato and Skana Primes should be able to craft the Dual Skana and Dual Lato Prime at half the material and credit cost AND should be exempt from the Mastery rank requirement. I think it'd be an appropriately cool nod to Founders.


 I don't think that it is worth arguing whether or not Skana and Lato Prime being Founders weapons should mean that Dual versions of either weapon shouldn't exist at all or should exist only for Founders. It's pretty nonsensical to want less weapons in the game. I feel like it is even worse to imply that DE should be saving certain weapons for Founders this long after the Founder packs ceased to exist.


 They should add the two Dual Primes eventually. Not now. Not even soon. Just eventually. Somewhere along the line. When they do they should just remember to package it with some special bonus that kicks in if you already happen to own the normal Lato or Skana Prime. Make the game say "OH! You've already got one of those old weapons! Great! So when you do craft the Dual versions you'll get something slightly different!"


 Perhaps add a glowing, gold aura to the dual primes if you own the singular Primes first as well. Just to be sexy. That way a Founder holding the Dual Prime is visibly unique to someone who just crafted the Dual Primes through a mountain of raw mats.



 There is my 2 cents. It is mostly rambling on the spot about what I think. I've been checking this thread on an off for a few days trying to really make up my mind what I thought would be 'the right thing' in my opinion.

looks like the community moderators are the only ones around here who have any sense...


this is BY FAR the coolest and most effective way I've seen so far to end the dispute. personally, i wouldve like either the ability to buy excal prime (not really the weps, although they are standouts) or make it through high-end prices and materials so founders wouldnt rage about it being easy to get.


But yes this guy's suggestion (Dual Skana Prime and Aklato Prime available to all; half priced to founders) is the most viable option.

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looks like the community moderators are the only ones around here who have any sense...


this is BY FAR the coolest and most effective way I've seen so far to end the dispute. personally, i wouldve like either the ability to buy excal prime (not really the weps, although they are standouts) or make it through high-end prices and materials so founders wouldnt rage about it being easy to get.


But yes this guy's suggestion (Dual Skana Prime and Aklato Prime available to all; half priced to founders) is the most viable option.

Even if Aklato Prime and Dual Skana Prime were to be released, there will still be people making threads, and wanting the single versions that the Founders own. 

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Even if Aklato Prime and Dual Skana Prime were to be released, there will still be people making threads, and wanting the single versions that the Founders own. 

that's what you think, but if DE says they're releasing these to compensate for the lack of original Founders available to everyone, then yea a few would complain, but personally id be satisfied.


dude, stop trying to find loopholes in our solutions and think about it for a change


like literally every solution proposed has been fired at by some founder

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that's what you think, but if DE says they're releasing these to compensate for the lack of original Founders available to everyone, then yea a few would complain, but personally id be satisfied.


dude, stop trying to find loopholes in our solutions and think about it for a change


like literally every solution proposed has been fired at by some founder

I'm just stating the obvious, and what group would you belong in? I don't think you should associate another persons ideas as your own.

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"our" as in the people who want some kind of compensation for not being here early enough (or missed out on) to buy Founders Gear


now yes, i wasnt here in early 2013, i shouldnt get the stuff, right? thats the argument some founders are making. but i have the money, and if i figured out about WF earlier, then id be a Grand Master. releasing dual prime versions of the Founders Equipment doesnt infringe on the agreement made between founders and DE AND they're separate weapons AND we arent getting them for free so I dont see what the problem is implementing this idea...

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"our" as in the people who want some kind of compensation for not being here early enough (or missed out on) to buy Founders Gear


now yes, i wasnt here in early 2013, i shouldnt get the stuff, right? thats the argument some founders are making. but i have the money, and if i figured out about WF earlier, then id be a Grand Master. releasing dual prime versions of the Founders Equipment doesnt infringe on the agreement made between founders and DE AND they're separate weapons AND we arent getting them for free so I dont see what the problem is implementing this idea...

I never mentioned you shouldn't get Aklato Prime or Dual Skana Prime. I'm gonna simplify this for you incase you didn't read it properly. There would be people who want the singular versions even after acquiring Aklato Prime and Dual Skana Prime. That much is obvious.

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I never mentioned you shouldn't get Aklato Prime or Dual Skana Prime. I'm gonna simplify this for you incase you didn't read it properly. There would be people who want the singular versions even after acquiring Aklato Prime and Dual Skana Prime. That much is obvious.

But itd be singificantly less and bonus you get a bunch of people who used to complain on your side defending the  "no" campaign

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that's what you think, but if DE says they're releasing these to compensate for the lack of original Founders available to everyone, then yea a few would complain, but personally id be satisfied.


dude, stop trying to find loopholes in our solutions and think about it for a change


like literally every solution proposed has been fired at by some founder

I'm with this guy and blatantfool, if DE say it's "compensation" that will quite a lot of people. Then if DE implements some sort of moderation bot in the forums where all threads with the word "founder" are hold/deleted until a dev or human moderator can read/infer that it's not about the founders pack. This would be more work for the community moderators and admins but with the recent increase in community moderators (new mods have arrived already for the xbox launch) I think this could work. We may even be able to avoid the xbox onslaught about founders.

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I'm with this guy and blatantfool, if DE say it's "compensation" that will quite a lot of people. Then if DE implements some sort of moderation bot in the forums where all threads with the word "founder" are hold/deleted until a dev or human moderator can read/infer that it's not about the founders pack. This would be more work for the community moderators and admins but with the recent increase in community moderators (new mods have arrived already for the xbox launch) I think this could work. We may even be able to avoid the xbox onslaught about founders.

So they need to heavily police people who are being perfectly civil?


Sounds like more "no its mine" talk

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So they need to heavily police people who are being perfectly civil?


Sounds like more "no its mine" talk

Yes I know how founders do burn the threads straight away due "no it's mine" it was mentioned in one of my earlier posts. Though what would you rather? Another year of a different console complaining or to contiue with civil discussions. I admit such drastic measures are not needed when the OP is trying to start civil discussion but we already know the founders are just going to be the usual fire starters. Look at this thread founders at the start were flaming, OP made it through that so civil discussion began. Why did OP have to go through that just to begin civil discussion? who knows the ones who flamed posted and left like, "it was nothing but I'm going to burn it any way".


Yet we still have random founders coming in and just flaming in one post and leaving. Mean while we are still trying to have a civil discussion.


We'll see if more moderators makes a difference so that threads can be cleared up faster and civil discussion can begin about that thread.

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