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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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As i noticed, most of people that want Founder or Founder related items joined the game in 2014.



People that were in game when Founders were available and didnt buy it for any reason, simply dont care. We were playing without Lato or Skana Prime, and we simply dont have the NEED or WANT for these weapons.



Aklato Prime would be nice to have, but i dont care in general. Whats the point about that weapon except to piss off majority of Founders?

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obviously they shouldnt rerelease Skana and Lato Prime but nowhere in the Founders page does it say they cant release dual versions later on

the main thing why people are getting upset is because Skana and Lato Prime are founders exclusive, not just the stats but the IMAGE!!! so it dose not matter if its a dual version the fact that it looks like the FOUNDERS skana or lato prime make it not right because DE made those DESIGNS for founders.


And why are people wanting these weapons? I want DE to put out there the blueprint for an Aklex prime or a Dual Zoren prime.

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the main thing why people are getting upset is because Skana and Lato Prime are founders exclusive, not just the stats but the IMAGE!!! so it dose not matter if its a dual version the fact that it looks like the FOUNDERS skana or lato prime make it not right because DE made those DESIGNS for founders.


And why are people wanting these weapons? I want DE to put out there the blueprint for an Aklex prime or a Dual Zoren prime.

Why? Simple answer:


DE shoot down their claims for Founders items by constantly repeating that they will never come back. And now they are looking for any workaround to get anything that is near them.



Giving Aklato or Dual Skana Prime wont satisfy them, as they would just use that to validate their claims for Lato and Skana Prime. They will never stop even if they are constantly met with NO by DE. Simple comprehension of that statement is beyond their mental ability as they only see "I WANT" in their mind. Without any viable or trustworthy reason they just ask for them. Mastery, collectors, not being in game when Founders were on and etc. Not even one viable reason why DE should slap Founders across the face.



Simply greed. Hidden behind the reasons that they think are viable enough to hide that greed.

Edited by RoboDoge
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Because there's no reason for them not to be released.  More weapons is always a good thing.




Prove it.  Explain why you have a right to dictate whether or not a weapon you never paid for should be released or not.

well you still haven't given a valid argument yourself, even after 50+pages you.

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I think the best is people who call founders "Greedy".



How dare you get the product you paid money for and helped fund and thus allow me to play! How dare you expect DE to live up to promises they made whilst selling you stuff! QQ

you're calling us greedy too, when some of us would be willing to pay for the same weapons


the main thing why people are getting upset is because Skana and Lato Prime are founders exclusive, not just the stats but the IMAGE!!! so it dose not matter if its a dual version the fact that it looks like the FOUNDERS skana or lato prime make it not right because DE made those DESIGNS for founders.


And why are people wanting these weapons? I want DE to put out there the blueprint for an Aklex prime or a Dual Zoren prime.

simply dont use the same damn image and that problem is resolved.. and honestly no one can control what theyre going to prime next so idc if its zoren or saryn or furax


i have no greed or extreme want for skana or lato prime I REALLY DONT @(*()$ CARE


this is the side choose to side with and its that simple

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As i noticed, most of people that want Founder or Founder related items joined the game in 2014.



People that were in game when Founders were available and didnt buy it for any reason, simply dont care. We were playing without Lato or Skana Prime, and we simply dont have the NEED or WANT for these weapons.



Aklato Prime would be nice to have, but i dont care in general. Whats the point about that weapon except to &!$$ off majority of Founders?

this speaks the most truth i have seen in this thread

as a compromise if it is that bad for people then have DE give the founders stuff for a week so they can lvl it up for the useless mastery points then revoke the items adn take them back. and if that is too damn harsh in order to shut everyone up just give mastery points for those 3 items to all players in an event for points and be done with it!

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Are you going to do this every time the people begging for Founder items start getting beaten by the sheer number of people disagreeing with them?

sheer number? only people disagreeing with me are founders.. hell DE_Drew even let this topic reopen and they said in a another post that they have no active plan to solve this problem...


im really just citing evidence and logic to try and balance the debate, if you think im being "uncivilized" then ill go to another topic and we'll see how far this goes... i strongly supported that community mod's proposal (forgot his name) to release AkLato and Dual Skana Prime at double the building cost to non-founders AND NOT USE THE SAME IMAGE... with that I depart

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First of all, the deal was you help funding the game as a founder you get exclusive items (Lato Prime, Skana Prime)


Lato Prime=/=Aklato Prime

Skana Prime =/=Dual Skana Prime

Deal with the Dev team still is on

Third: there is no need for such weapons to be released other than mastery points

Fourth: The idea of adding this in to the game would be for DE to make a another funding program and by taking the current game state it doesn't make sense, the only way to implement this is by making: A) another event B)RNG for towers or derelict

Fifth: As much as I love getting every weapon in Warframe as a non-founder I don't see the urge of releasing both of those duals, the stats would be probably bad, lore-wise it would make sense to wield them ...but you really need to ask yourself OP is it just you and few (or more) other people who wants those weapons to be in game because you have that urge to use them or just to piss off founders 

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Go for it, dual version =I single version, yeah I guess some founders would get mad, but honestly that just means for them to wait a year or so before getting to it. At some point the people that have been around long enough will thin out and they can easily deal with that sort of backlash when founders are a minority. 

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sheer number? only people disagreeing with me are founders.. hell DE_Drew even let this topic reopen and they said in a another post that they have no active plan to solve this problem...


Well, if anyone knows what's good for the game.


It's probably the people who helped found it.

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Doesnt necessary need to be locked. Thread needs serious moderating and cleaning, because most of the thread is just pointless arguing.



I am sure that with proper cleaning there wouldnt be even 5 pages of proper feedback left.


What else needs to be discussed? DE will come to their own conclusion. It will continue to lead back to this. Every Founders-related topic is like this. That's why the best thing is to lock them before they get this long. Because they will always end up this way. DE knows the varying opinions by now. It's the same thing said over and over and over. The main idea of this thread isn't even new. It's been said before. DE will make their decision. Really, they already have concerning Founders stuff. There really is nothing more to be said.


Mods can lock the thread and then clean it up. If DE wants to still look at it, they still can.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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What else needs to be discussed? DE will come to their own conclusion. It will continue to lead back to this. Every Founders-related topic is like this. That's why the best thing is to lock them before they get this long. Because they will always end up this way. DE knows the varying opinions by now. It's the same thing said over and over and over. The main idea of this thread isn't even new. It's been said before. DE will make their decision. Really, they already have concerning Founders stuff. There really is nothing more to be said.

This kind of thread should be made by DE and as sticky. Heavy moderation is a must as every of them will end like this.

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What if these items were released under a prime access type pack along with other goodies that anyone could grab?


I'm sorry, but there isn't even any agreement here on whether these items should be released at all.

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The closest we came to a positive agreement was a suggestion by blatant fool to make these items available to everyone, and make the non founders versions cost twice as much, and give founders a distinctive glowing aura around them that would replace any element displayed on the weapon.

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I think DE needs to make their stance on this pretty clear.


I know they've said "No founder items". But, as people have proven, even in that absolute, some will try to wiggle a "Reason" to add founder items to common players.


DE needs to state firmly that variants won't be released, not only to avoid threads like this in future, but, to assure founders that exclusivity actually means exclusivity.

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The closest we came to a positive agreement was a suggestion by blatant fool to make these items available to everyone, and make the non founders versions cost twice as much, and give founders a distinctive glowing aura around them that would replace any element displayed on the weapon.


Why are you so concerned with "Agreement".


People have said no again and again. People don't want it. You're trying to find middle ground in a situation where the overwhelming opinion is "No".


You're taking an army of "No"s against a couple of "Yes"s and saying "Let's settle for "Yes, but..."


That's not how it works.

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I think DE needs to make their stance on this pretty clear.


I know they've said "No founder items". But, as people have proven, even in that absolute, some will try to wiggle a "Reason" to add founder items to common players.


DE needs to state firmly that variants won't be released, not only to avoid threads like this in future, but, to assure founders that exclusivity actually means exclusivity.


In that concern it would be nice if they had a sticky thread where they list ALL items that are either exlusive and will never make a return, f.e. Lato Prime/Skana Prime, Excalibur Prime or will never have an introduction because of conflicts, like f.e. Dual Skana Prime/Ak Lato Prime, as well as ones that are only temporary exclusive and will make a return later on for example event weapons/mods.


DE should make that clear, otherwise this will keep on poisoning future generations.

Edited by MeduSalem
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I'm sorry, but there isn't even any agreement here on whether these items should be released at all.

The way to split the argument would be to introduce a hypothetical situation. That is why blatantfool has proposed two situations in which the founders are compensated for the release and a penalty on non-founders to make it harder for them to obtain the weapons.

Edited by Postal_pat
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