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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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I think DE needs to make their stance on this pretty clear.


I know they've said "No founder items". But, as people have proven, even in that absolute, some will try to wiggle a "Reason" to add founder items to common players.


DE needs to state firmly that variants won't be released, not only to avoid threads like this in future, but, to assure founders that exclusivity actually means exclusivity.

I dont care much about Founders items also, but this kind of situations could be easily avoided. DE could make upgraded versions of Founder items ( cosmetic mostly ) and give you some extra Syandana and sentinel skin as gifts for releasing Founders to public.



There is a way to please Founders on this, but DE should come on that by themselfs. I would bet that adding different looks and giving some more cosmetics would please most of the Founders.

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The closest we came to a positive agreement was a suggestion by blatant fool to make these items available to everyone, and make the non founders versions cost twice as much, and give founders a distinctive glowing aura around them that would replace any element displayed on the weapon.


I don't think 2 people agreeing with Blatant means the idea is viable. I don't agree with it.


The fact that this thread has gone on and on like this is insane.

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The closest we came to a positive agreement was a suggestion by blatant fool to make these items available to everyone, and make the non founders versions cost twice as much, and give founders a distinctive glowing aura around them that would replace any element displayed on the weapon.


When was that an agreement? Just because it was an idea that came from a community moderator?

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I dont care much about Founders items also, but this kind of situations could be easily avoided. DE could make upgraded versions of Founder items ( cosmetic mostly ) and give you some extra Syandana and sentinel skin as gifts for releasing Founders to public.



There is a way to please Founders on this, but DE should come on that by themselfs. I would bet that adding different looks and giving some more cosmetics would please most of the Founders.


Nah, I'm good. I got what I payed for, I don't need anything extra - considering a lot of us who got free founders shirts have already gotten something extra we didn't initially buy.

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When was that an agreement? Just because it was an idea that came from a community moderator?

It was the "closest thing to a positive agreement" as in less people said no its my shiny when he said that.

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Did my post seriously get deleted?


Let me reiterate.



I made a request for DeDrew to assign a moderator to censor the thread, please do not make his job more difficult if that is what he is doing.
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We've established that:


1. Ak/Dual variants are not part of the founder's package

2. Any release, including OP's suggestion, is technically feasible

3. Certain members of the community would feel that this is a sneaky way to go about it regardless

4. DE_Drew expressed he is aware of points 1,2, and 3.


as posted earlier around page 45

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There is a way to please Founders on this, but DE should come on that by themselfs. I would bet that adding different looks and giving some more cosmetics would please most of the Founders.


Wait until somebody finds a reason to argument on why those skins should also be released to non-founders! xD

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Wait until somebody finds a reason to argument on why those skins should also be released to non-founders! xD

There will always be some people like that. Greed is too strong in some.



More i read this, more i think that making weapons exclusive in the first place was big mistake by DE. People that didnt buy Prime Access while it was still an option didnt care, but with surge of new players we got more requests for exclusives.



No weapon should be truly exclusive, but instead there should be exclusive skins.

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I think the closet thing we've had to an agreement thus far is "No, that wouldn't be fair".


Well that's also not the whole truth... Because I'm a founder and I would allow those Dual/Akimbo Primes to be released under the condition they are in a Prime package or a similar deal. But I'd respect if the official decision made by DE would be "NO!". So that technically isn't an agreement from my side.

Edited by MeduSalem
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So the argument based on the loophole returns...


Sure.. Let them add it.


With some caveats...


Any Future question or complaint regarding Excal Prime's addition receives a Permanent Ban to the person(s) asking.  Period.


The Akimbo and Duel versions get no metallic trim and do not get a Prime label but a Dex Label.


Said items can't be built but purchased for platinum only from the market place

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So the argument based on the loophole returns...


Sure.. Let them add it.


With some caveats...


Any Future question or complaint regarding Excal Prime's addition receives a Permanent Ban to the person(s) asking.  Period.


The Akimbo and Duel versions get no metallic trim and do not get a Prime label but a Dex Label.


Said items can't be built but purchased for platinum only from the market place

Wont solve anything and will bring more crying.


There should be sticky thread in GD made by DE on this issue with big bright yellow flashing sign: " Founders and Founder variation items wont be released".


Official statement is needed. But knowing DE and how they cowardly use "we dont want to be on bad terms with anyone" that is impossible.

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There is no agreement and there never ever will be. This situation only ends one way: with a lot of people unhappy. 3 people agree with this, 5 people agree with that, it's just not enough to reach consensus. The same 10 people are posting in the thread over and over again, which indicates that the community at large doesn't give a damn one way or the other.


All I want is what I paid for: The plat, Design Council and my frame and weapons, along with the fact that they are exclusive to those that bought them. This is the deal DE offered, I am not selfish because I bought it and I am defending my purchase. All I want is the status quo and all people want to do is take it away from me, by hook or by crook.


Do you know what it's like to be attacked on the forums every day for over a year because you bought something to support a game you love? It doesn't feel good, I'll tell you that. Goddamn sick of it.

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I think the closet thing we've had to an agreement thus far is "No, that wouldn't be fair".

In every proposition we must find all the bad before we can implement the good. Of course we can not satisfy everyone with the proposition but we can compensate and come close to it. So far we have found the bad and then gone in circles due to peoples inability to bend and the same topics being brought up from other people.

Edited by Postal_pat
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There will always be some people like that. Greed is too strong in some.



More i read this, more i think that making weapons exclusive in the first place was big mistake by DE. People that didnt buy Prime Access while it was still an option didnt care, but with surge of new players we got more requests for exclusives.



No weapon should be truly exclusive, but instead there should be exclusive skins.


Yepp, I share the same feeling. Having exclusive ingame items opened nothing but a can of fast breeding worms.


Also ever since the game is very greed driven ever since Gradivus Dilemma it's the worst kind of greed I've ever seen in my entire life. All about some stupid virtual ingame items nobody can touch anyways. I can't remember the community being this greedy or split up about something before that glorious event.

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There is no agreement and there never ever will be. This situation only ends one way: with a lot of people unhappy. 3 people agree with this, 5 people agree with that, it's just not enough to reach consensus. The same 10 people are posting in the thread over and over again, which indicates that the community at large doesn't give a damn one way or the other.


All I want is what I paid for: The plat, Design Council and my frame and weapons, along with the fact that they are exclusive to those that bought them. This is the deal DE offered, I am not selfish because I bought it and I am defending my purchase. All I want is the status quo and all people want to do is take it away from me, by hook or by crook.


Do you know what it's like to be attacked on the forums every day for over a year because you bought something to support a game you love? It doesn't feel good, I'll tell you that. Goddamn sick of it.


I'm sick of it as well. It's like we've done something wrong by buying into the Founders program. We're "selfish" because we want DE to honor their word, and we're "dumbasses" when we don't agree to a suggestion that is only aimed at circumventing DE's stance on no re-releases.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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There is no agreement and there never ever will be. This situation only ends one way: with a lot of people unhappy. 3 people agree with this, 5 people agree with that, it's just not enough to reach consensus. The same 10 people are posting in the thread over and over again, which indicates that the community at large doesn't give a damn one way or the other.


All I want is what I paid for: The plat, Design Council and my frame and weapons, along with the fact that they are exclusive to those that bought them. This is the deal DE offered, I am not selfish because I bought it and I am defending my purchase. All I want is the status quo and all people want to do is take it away from me, by hook or by crook.


Do you know what it's like to be attacked on the forums every day for over a year because you bought something to support a game you love? It doesn't feel good, I'll tell you that. Goddamn sick of it.

Well, you do have big shiny target on your avatar. :P


This thread is past salvation, escalation of non feedback in here is beyond any repair.

Edited by RoboDoge
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Turn them into Skins to those who have them, give us back all our Forma and Catalysts + Legendary Cores.


You mean take away the frame and weapons and just make them skins? Why should we lose what we paid for?

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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In every proposition we must find all the bad before we can implement the good. Of course we can not satisfy everyone with the proposition but we can compensate and come close to it. So far we have found the bad and then gone in circles due to peoples inability to bend and the same topics being brought up from other people.


Because there's no agreement to be had. Founders do not want to lose exclusive items.


We do not want to be given stuff we were never offered and didn't pay for on the assumption we'll like it more than what we actually wanted and paid for.


We do not see any reason why these weapons need to be in the game beyond "They look cool".


What more is there to discuss? There does not need to be a middle ground, this isn't KFC, you don't "Have it your way".


There are things you don't get, and one of those is items which were given exclusively to founders.


Sorry, I know they're cool skins, and I'm not trying to be rude, but, it's our reward for helping the game get off the ground.

Edited by Cingal
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