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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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Please don't speak for other founders. Replace we with I in your posts. If /I/ could I'd craft every prime and vandal and whatnot I have and give them away for free to any player I saw that wanted them. I bought founders to support a game with a concept I liked, nothing more nothing less.

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You mean take away the frame and just make it a skin? Why should we lose what we paid for?

I meant the Lato and Skana Prime. (Only looked at thread title) Excalibur Prime is essentially a better version of Excalibur. We only "use" these weapons" for show.

Only problem is, what can it be a skin for? All the lato variants are pretty much inferior.


*Looks at thread title again


Oh, Lato and Skana dual prime?


My mistake.

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There is no agreement and there never ever will be. This situation only ends one way: with a lot of people unhappy. 3 people agree with this, 5 people agree with that, it's just not enough to reach consensus. The same 10 people are posting in the thread over and over again, which indicates that the community at large doesn't give a damn one way or the other.


All I want is what I paid for: The plat, Design Council and my frame and weapons, along with the fact that they are exclusive to those that bought them. This is the deal DE offered, I am not selfish because I bought it and I am defending my purchase. All I want is the status quo and all people want to do is take it away from me, by hook or by crook.


Do you know what it's like to be attacked on the forums every day for over a year because you bought something to support a game you love? It doesn't feel good, I'll tell you that. Goddamn sick of it.



Honestly... this....



Before, it was all, "Your opinion doesn't matter because you just bought founders"... "You are just some spoiled brat who wasted money on a F2P game".... blah blah blah


now it's all, "I want the founder's weapons!" ... "Bring back founder's package!" ... "Find some loophole to bring back Excalibur Prime!"


I wish DE would just put a stop to these threads because it more often than not just turns into founders saying they don't want to give up their exclusive items and others saying its not fair, and then it eventually turns into an argument.


Even if this thread stays civil, next month another thread about the same stuff will pop up... its tiresome...

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Please don't speak for other founders. Replace we with I in your posts. If /I/ could I'd craft every prime and vandal and whatnot I have and give them away for free to any player I saw that wanted them. I bought founders to support a game with a concept I liked, nothing more nothing less.


You're way too nice, cool and understanding for this thread. I suggest you evacuate immediately.

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Wont solve anything and will bring more crying.


There should be sticky thread in GD made by DE on this issue with big bright yellow flashing sign: " Founders and Founder variation items wont be released".


Official statement is needed. But knowing DE and how they cowardly use "we dont want to be on bad terms with anyone" that is impossible.


You and I both know that the bulk of the posts on this forum is of the plaintive variety...

Forum posters here don't need a decent excuse to complain about things.... DE gave them a great one with that Xbox Promo.


They have no options now... That pic threw Pandora's Box wide open.


They don't have an option that keeps them from looking bad in the process.


Doing nothing makes their promo footage appear insensitive in regard to a long standing and sensitive issue regarding Exclusivity.

Releasing said items (Akimbos and Duals) to players makes them look alternately weak and/or dishonest to the Founders.


Making it Dex and Market-Only resolves it with a minimum of complaints.


Making complaints about Founders items Ban/Warning worthy stops the incessant noise making some of the players continue to do.

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Please don't speak for other founders. Replace we with I in your posts. If /I/ could I'd craft every prime and vandal and whatnot I have and give them away for free to any player I saw that wanted them. I bought founders to support a game with a concept I liked, nothing more nothing less.


But surely you must realise you represent a small minority.


The majority of people actually like getting what they paid for and having developers that live up to their promises.

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But surely you must realise you represent a small minority.


The majority of people actually like getting what they paid for and having developers that live up to their promises.


But you can't speak for all or even most founders any more than TitNinja can for all or most non-Founders.

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Honestly forum posters are always a small minority. For the larger at hand? Probably I think it's more of a non-issue than anything else with most people. That's part of why I said they should probably wait a year or two or whatever so founders all together are a small minority and they can deal with the backlash of releasing dual versions of the lato and skana prime. 

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Honestly... this....



Before, it was all, "Your opinion doesn't matter because you just bought founders"... "You are just some spoiled brat who wasted money on a F2P game".... blah blah blah


now it's all, "I want the founder's weapons!" ... "Bring back founder's package!" ... "Find some loophole to bring back Excalibur Prime!"


I wish DE would just put a stop to these threads because it more often than not just turns into founders saying they don't want to give up their exclusive items and others saying its not fair, and then it eventually turns into an argument.


Even if this thread stays civil, next month another thread about the same stuff will pop up... its tiresome...

Thats why DE needs to do what RoboDoge replied earlier that was



There should be sticky thread in GD made by DE on this issue with big bright yellow flashing sign: " Founders and Founder variation items wont be released".


 This would put and end to all this so come on DEDrew or any DE out there make a sticky and finish this!

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Because there's no reason for them not to be released.  More weapons is always a good thing.




Prove it.  Explain why you have a right to dictate whether or not a weapon you never paid for should be released or not.

DE said so.  And I'm not sure how you missed the big platinum and glod star in my Pic, but I did indeed pay for it. 

Edited by Plasmaface
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End this thread is the only way to make civil.

Or we could go back to what I said on page twelve and leave our narcissism, jealousy, and immaturity at the door and sit at our table and discuss this, pretty much everyone here needs a beer or a glass of wine and relax. This is still only a discussion, there has not been an official posting on this thread about it, and I'm sure there is good reason for it.

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DE said so.  


DE said that exclusivity doesn't extend to variants. So DE didn't say so. But they recognize that people view such a move as sneaking around the exclusivity issue, which it does, and which VYR3 has admitted it is.

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DE said so.  

DE said you have the right to dictate whether or not a weapon you never paid for should be released or not?


Be a little more constructive at least put some reasoning into it.


Edit: Antoine fixed it.

Edited by Postal_pat
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Please don't speak for other founders. Replace we with I in your posts. If /I/ could I'd craft every prime and vandal and whatnot I have and give them away for free to any player I saw that wanted them. I bought founders to support a game with a concept I liked, nothing more nothing less.

if only the other founders were like you, able to see that releasing dual versions isnt taking away the exclusiveness or the exclusivity or the exclusive weapons from the founders


and founders bought the founders to support the game AND its players, so , like this fine gentleman im quoting, they should have no problem letting smething completely unrelated be released for the good of the public

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if only the other founders were like you, able to see that releasing dual versions isnt taking away the exclusiveness or the exclusivity or the exclusive weapons from the founders


and founders bought the founders to support the game AND its players, so , like this fine gentleman im quoting, they should have no problem letting smething completely unrelated be released for the good of the public


Is your argument now "You agree with me, therefore you're better than the others"?


Have you ever considered you might be wrong?

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Is your argument now "You agree with me, therefore you're better than the others"?


Have you ever considered you might be wrong?

Praising people is not a reason to start an off topic argument.

Edited by Postal_pat
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Praising people is not a reason to start an off topic argument.

except hes not just praising him... he is raising him on a pedestal and telling everyone to be like him just because he agrees with him...



that's what Cingal is commenting on

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Honestly it's simple pragmatism on my end, I have nothing to gain by thinking or declaring that there are things that should never be added, such as the dual versions of the primes that this thread talks about. Just as I have nothing to gain from those whole "exclusive" non-sense in general. Other people getting it wouldn't remove it from my inventory after all. Any weapon or design or what have you that can bring more people in to play this game, add money, and market visibility to it is a good thing in my book because that gives DE more resources to release more and higher quality content. 

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if only the other founders were like you, able to see that releasing dual versions isnt taking away the exclusiveness or the exclusivity or the exclusive weapons from the founders


and founders bought the founders to support the game AND its players, so , like this fine gentleman im quoting, they should have no problem letting smething completely unrelated be released for the good of the public

"If only other founders were more like you"

These kind of posts make me vomit.

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except hes not just praising him... he is raising him on a pedestal and telling everyone to be like him just because he agrees with him...



that's what Cingal is commenting on

why wouldnt they want to be more like him? im not putting him on a pedestal, im saying founders should have the best interest of the game in mind when talking about improvements or solutions... he even said that in his post and i agree with that


he has the moral standard that people who bought the founders gear should have, not being selfhish about this topic even when the proposed idea doesnt interefere with their purchases


and if u vomitted just by reading those two sentences, then you must have a weak stomach or something

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