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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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Wrong. Find me ONE instance of where any founder in this thread has stated that they feel entitled to an aklato prime and a dual skana prime. If you're right, that should be easy as pie. What has ACTUALLY been said by most founders is that they shouldn't be released at all. To any one. See the difference?


exactly, they think they have the power to control whether or not a new item should be released in the game for all the other players

they think they are entitled to ''the rights of the weapon'' because its similar to there exclusive weapon


also @ sparrohawk  lets not forget the ENTIRE ps4 community and now the xbox 1 community who never even had a chance at these exclusives in the first place, would be a great potential pool for profit to add on top of the allready big pool of people who would buy them

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I think he may be referring to the posts where some founders said that they had no right to have their exclusive items because they believed that they in dual versions are still considered their exclusive weapons just x2 ed.  (when they were earlier on debating on the fact that its like having 2 of the singular versions in their hands IE getting 2 of their exclusive weapons)


Though thats only my guess

That actually was when some were discussing Prime exclusives as 'exclusive cosmetic skins', not for the sake of mastery ranks like at the moment. 

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If your argument is about achieving maximum Mastery rank, then you cannot simply attack Founder weapons. You must also criticise DE for not releasing Excalibur Prime, the Braton and Lato Vandals, the Snipetron, as well as any other retired/event weapons that you happened to miss.

id like that as well, but 1 thing at a time , also alot of those exclusives are ''said to be re-released'', founders stuff? nope


i also remember someone in here saying they should release dual versions to founders only, whether he was a founder or not, i dont know, I dont feel like going through every comment in here to find that exact post though, but thats unrelated to the point, the point is founders are saying the other players shouldnt have an item just because its similar to theres

at the same time founders always say that the Items in question really really suck


hence the screwdriver analogy posted before...

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exactly, they think they have the power to control whether or not a new item should be released in the game for all the other players

they think they are entitled to ''the rights of the weapon'' because its similar to there exclusive weapon


So basically since you can't prove your earlier point you're now trying to use the inverse of it to prove a different point.



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So basically since you can't prove your earlier point you're now trying to use the inverse of it to prove a different point.



what i should have said, they think they should have control of whether dual skana and aklato p get released...since what i said  was interpreted wrong

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also @ sparrohawk  lets not forget the ENTIRE ps4 community and now the xbox 1 community who never even had a chance at these exclusives in the first place, would be a great potential pool for profit to add on top of the allready big pool of people who would buy them


Considering that you have been quite happy to lie your way through your argument, I really don't have any credence in the idea that you think DE should do this for profit's sake. That's quite altruistic for someone who casts around utterly fictitious nonsense willy-nilly. I don't buy it.



id like that as well, but 1 thing at a time , also alot of those exclusives are ''said to be re-released'', founders stuff? nope


Find the post where they said that any of the older retired weapons are due to be released, like the Snipetron or the Machete. Otherwise I'm going to treat this like any other statement of 'fact' you've come out with. Which is to say, a lie.



what i should have said, they think they should have control of whether dual skana and aklato p get released...since what i said  was interpreted wrong


Funny thing, this. You feel like you should have control of these (entirely hypothetical) items as well. In exactly the same way. Both you and the mystery posters you speak of want the exact same kind of control, just used for different purposes. You are, in fact, no better.

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Considering that you have been quite happy to lie your way through your argument, I really don't have any credence in the idea that you think DE should do this for profit's sake. That's quite altruistic for someone who casts around utterly fictitious nonsense willy-nilly. I don't buy it.


Find the post where they said that any of the older retired weapons are due to be released, like the Snipetron or the Machete. Otherwise I'm going to treat this like any other statement of 'fact' you've come out with. Which is to say, a lie.


Funny thing, this. You feel like you should have control of these (entirely hypothetical) items as well. In exactly the same way. Both you and the mystery posters you speak of want the exact same kind of control, just used for different purposes. You are, in fact, no better.

maybe i mixing it up with event items, anyway im all for those you mentioned being rereleased or mastery fixed as well, how am i lieing exactly? PS4 players, xbox 1 players, mastery wanting players, excalibur prime wanting players, its a very large amount of people who would pay good money, and lets not forget all the players who have made these same threads months and months ago, they would pay big bucks, I dont feel like i control the release of the dual primes, but im tired of seeing all the people who do....i listed 5 solutions to the problem at hand (and the one thats actually being done and how its ''working so well'')

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maybe i mixing it up with event items, anyway im all for those you mentioned being rereleased or mastery fixed as well, how am i lieing exactly? PS4 players, xbox 1 players, mastery wanting players, excalibur prime wanting players, its a very large amount of people who would pay good money, and lets not forget all the players who have made these same threads months and months ago, they would pay big bucks, I dont feel like i control the release of the dual primes, but im tired of seeing all the people who do....i listed 5 solutions to the problem at hand (and the one thats actually being done and how its ''working so well'')


I need to go over how you lied again? By suggesting that DE not releasing these weapons is causing them to lose customers and money because they're not releasing these weapons. You cannot prove that. Hence, lying. 


And second of all, the solution that DE is using? The one that is 'going so well?' The only thing you can prove that's happening as a result of them not releasing these weapons is that these forum posts keep coming up. You cannot prove any other negative outcomes as a result of their decision. So that's lying too. If you truly view repeated forum posts as being sign of the end of Warframe, then you perhaps should take a slightly longer view.


Third, simply re-stating the argument that I called out as being nonsense doesn't help you. Specifically, when I said that I didn't believe you that you want DE to release these items so that they can make money, it doesn't really help your credibility to re-state the same opinion.


Now, I'm actually pretty damn tired of this. You've started using the same rhetoric that you fired off with in the first place, which is the same rhetoric that you were initially shot down for. I'm not interested in leading you in another logical circle. If you cannot accept that you are probably not going to get what you want, then that is your problem. It is not DE's problem, nor is it anyone elses'. 

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Has anyone considered that there's a whole higher rung to the ladder that is this argument?

There's a whole cohort of players (and founders) that didn't get the Lato and Braton Vandals because we came to this game after they were released. The same argument was made when a few people asked for a re-release of those: No. They have no plans to. That may change in the future, but for the moment. . . no plans. I was sad that I missed out, but them's the breaks.


I'm not saying that this is the right or wrong response, but it's the response you're getting with Founder items. For myself, I don't especially care; if they decide to release them later on, fine. It's no skin off my back and I don't value my place in the game based on exclusive items.


But I do wonder why it seems so important to people to have access to something even similar (like dual versions) of these items? What's in it for you? And second, even if you were to release dual versions of the Lato and Skana, what makes you think that'd stop people complaining about not having the single versions?

That's  not really true.  DE has specifically said that founders exclusives will never come back.  Dual variants aren't founders items though so that's a moot point.


The important thing about dual variants is that they aren't bound by exclusivity.  We shouldn't even have to have a discussion about this and it's ridiculous that we are.  People shouldn't be able to shoot down a perfectly legitimate idea just because they feel it is a slight to some percieved entitlement. 


It's not just the founders that do this. Look at the nerf to rhino, frost, the brakk, etc. etc.  DE is like a new parent, they need to learn to say no when people start throwing a tantraum.



I need to go over how you lied again? By suggesting that DE not releasing these weapons is causing them to lose customers and money because they're not releasing these weapons. You cannot prove that. Hence, lying. 


And second of all, the solution that DE is using? The one that is 'going so well?' The only thing you can prove that's happening as a result of them not releasing these weapons is that these forum posts keep coming up. You cannot prove any other negative outcomes as a result of their decision. So that's lying too. If you truly view repeated forum posts as being sign of the end of Warframe, then you perhaps should take a slightly longer view.


Third, simply re-stating the argument that I called out as being nonsense doesn't help you. Specifically, when I said that I didn't believe you that you want DE to release these items so that they can make money, it doesn't really help your credibility to re-state the same opinion.


Now, I'm actually pretty damn tired of this. You've started using the same rhetoric that you fired off with in the first place, which is the same rhetoric that you were initially shot down for. I'm not interested in leading you in another logical circle. If you cannot accept that you are probably not going to get what you want, then that is your problem. It is not DE's problem, nor is it anyone elses'. 

There's no denying DE could make some serious money on these weapons.

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well.....the people who have already quit the game, all could have spent money on a re-release? lol


and the solution DE is using is solution 5 on my list of solutions I posted which started this conversation between you and me. that is the one im talking about

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I can't believe there are so many ppl interested in a Skana and a Lato...you guys are crying about starter weapons. Let's say they do release these variants. It won't be enough, will it? Let's just cut the crap. You guys won't be satisfied because there will ALWAYS be something else that you covet.

Move on already. If you had all put this same effort the first time around you wouldn't be in this nonexistent situation now. You are the player, accept responsibility and fix it moving forward

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Wrong. Find me ONE instance of where any founder in this thread has stated that they feel entitled to an aklato prime and a dual skana prime. If you're right, that should be easy as pie. What has ACTUALLY been said by most founders is that they shouldn't be released at all. To any one. See the difference?

On the basis of exclusivity that doesn't exist.  They feel their opinion on the matter is important enough to warrant that these weapons not be released.  It's entirely reasonable to infer that they believe that their opinion is special due to a sense of entitlment they have due to the exclusive nature of founders items.



Sorry, but I want some money back if they release the Founders stuff. And, like MerelyARumor said, they'd make that money back, probably even more.

Tell me how believing you deserve a refund isn't you feeling entitled to something.  You have no enttlement to even a single cent from the sales of these weapons.




I can't believe there are so many ppl interested in a Skana and a Lato...you guys are crying about starter weapons. Let's say they do release these variants. It won't be enough, will it? Let's just cut the crap. You guys won't be satisfied because there will ALWAYS be something else that you covet.

Move on already. If you had all put this same effort the first time around you wouldn't be in this nonexistent situation now. You are the player, accept responsibility and fix it moving forward

So why shouldn't DE be able to release these weapons and earn buckets of money from their inclusion in prime access packs?


Say something other than exclusivity since even DE has said that's not necessarily applicable here.

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On the basis of exclusivity that doesn't exist.  They feel their opinion on the matter is important enough to warrant that these weapons not be released.  It's entirely reasonable to infer that they believe that their opinion is special due to a sense of entitlment they have due to the exclusive nature of founders items.




So why shouldn't DE be able to release these weapons and earn buckets of money from their inclusion in prime access packs?


Say something other than exclusivity since even DE has said that's not necessarily applicable here.

This may come across as hard to believe... but sometimes, it isn't about the money

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I can't believe there are so many ppl interested in a Skana and a Lato...you guys are crying about starter weapons. Let's say they do release these variants. It won't be enough, will it? Let's just cut the crap. You guys won't be satisfied because there will ALWAYS be something else that you covet.

Move on already. If you had all put this same effort the first time around you wouldn't be in this nonexistent situation now. You are the player, accept responsibility and fix it moving forward

They have moved on most of us found compromises in the middle of this thread. Now it's mostly to stop people who didn't accept any sort of compensation from denying that these weapons can be implemented without a fuss. Those that have the single varients are compensated in the compromise.

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This may come across as hard to believe... but sometimes, it isn't about the money

You really might want to go back and read the post you're responding to :|


I'm expounded on at least one concept that isn't just about money.  Making money is icing compared to being able to run your business as you see fit.  DE shouldn't have to worry about players getting mad over something they were never promised.

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You really might want to go back and read the post you're responding to :|


I'm expounded on at least one concept that isn't just about money.  Making money is merely icing compared to being able to run your business as you see fit.  DE shouldn't have to worry about players getting mad over something they were never promised.

How about the players just play the game instead of begging for things they didn't play for? DE shouldn't have to worry about players getting mad over something they missed out on

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How about the players just play the game instead of begging for things they didn't play for? DE shouldn't have to worry about players getting mad over something they missed out on

How about people just playing the game instead of demanding DE not release items they didn't pay for?

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How about the players just play the game instead of begging for things they didn't play for? DE shouldn't have to worry about players getting mad over something they missed out on

The dual varients where never included in the packs. So why should DE have to with hold things that no one paid for just because players believe that it comes in contact with their items?

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How about people just playing the game instead of demanding DE not release items they didn't pay for?

Dual version will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to address the issue of nonFounder wannabes. You can say whatever you want in whatever language you want. We have something you do not and you won't be satisfied until you have the exact same things that I have. That's the issue

You did not do what needed to be done in the alloted time frame and you want a do over. Apparently because its a game that is ok. Guess what? Its NOT ok

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Tell me how believing you deserve a refund isn't you feeling entitled to something.  You have no enttlement to even a single cent from the sales of these weapons.


You do realize that sales are a form of contract don't you.  Re-releasing those founder exclusive items: Skana Prime, Lato Prime and Excalibur Prime would be considered breech of contract, therefore as a founder and the other party to the contract he would actually be legally entitled to damages.


Please note I make mention of these dual versions the OP is talking about.  Personally I'd be stoked if they released the dual versions.

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You do realize that sales are a form of contract don't you.  Re-releasing those founder exclusive items: Skana Prime, Lato Prime and Excalibur Prime would be considered breech of contract, therefore he would actually be legally entitled to damages.


Please note I make mention of these dual versions the OP is talking about.

Tell me where in that contract it states that they have any rights regarding dual variants of those weapons which have been sold as a separate product from their single weapon counterpart for the entire history of the game.




Dual version will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to address the issue of nonFounder wannabes. You can say whatever you want in whatever language you want. We have something you do not and you won't be satisfied until you have the exact same things that I have. That's the issue

You did not do what needed to be done in the alloted time frame and you want a do over. Apparently because its a game that is ok. Guess what? Its NOT ok

But why does it even matter?  Why does it need to fix anything?  Why can't DE just make some money on some new content?

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