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About The New Enemy Concepts Shown In The Devstream


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For the Juggernaut, I hope they change his ranged attack from a straight-shot to more of an arcing shot, like a mortar.


Obviously it was a work in progress, but nonetheless.

Why? He's specifically supposed to do mortar fire. It works exactly as advertised, and it's just as horrible as I thought it'd be(ate a rhino through iron skin at long range. yay.)

Next time vote for stuff that should be made as-is, not things that need reworks to be even remotely viable.

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The Slow Bomb Moa looks suspiciously like my submission to the infested enemy contest:




Posted 03 May 2014 - 02:30 PM

Name: Gunk Spewer


What makes the Gunk Spewer unique is that it is able to create a sticky corrosive bile that it can spit from its scorpion-like tail, which sticks to the ground, and any Tenno caught by it, and hinders movement while causing minor damage. The cooldown for this ability could be similar to the infested healer’s health pulse to ensure the ground doesn’t become too littered with the mess.  Additionally, the Gunk spewer would remain at medium range and attack just outside of Tenno melee range using its Scoliac like appendages. This unit would fill a support and crowd control unit for the infested class. This unit would make the melee threat of the infested a much more serious threat. Being caught in this gunk would give the infested extra time to close into melee range. Additionally, spamming melee when swarmed would be less effective since players would be moving and attacking at slower speed. Because of this unit players would be forced to become more aware of enemy placement and tactical positioning, which is currently lacking in infested missions.


The Gunk Spewer lobs a ball of this gunk in front of its enemies that lingers on the ground in a 2m area for several seconds. This gunk hinders the movement of any Tenno in its effected area and slows all movement speed considerably, much like the frozen pathways in the void. Additionally, while caught in the gunk all Tenno will take constant but light corrosive damage. [The gunk could also be flammable, ignited by any fire weapons a Tenno possesses, which would cause all units (Tenno and infested alike) to take constant fire damage while in the affected area.] Additionally, the Gunk spewer would remain at medium range and attack just outside of Tenno melee range using its Scoliac like appendages.

Environmental Restrictions:


Concept Art: Coming Soon!

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Why? He's specifically supposed to do mortar fire. It works exactly as advertised, and it's just as horrible as I thought it'd be(ate a rhino through iron skin at long range. yay.)

Next time vote for stuff that should be made as-is, not things that need reworks to be even remotely viable.

You misread what I typed.


I said I hoped they change the non-arcing shot to an arcing shot. A mortar arcs, in the traditional sense anyway. Also, don't assume that I voted for the Juggernaut. Assumptions don't lead to anything good.

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Seeing as I have my own thread in Fan Concepts for new Infested, I'm particularly elated by those little infestlings that the Diseased Ancients generate, as they're nearly identical to the ones I suggested (I guess they have been reading that thread after all).


The other concepts look equally as awesome, it's nice to see some units that give our enemies CC without having to knock us over constantly and take cheap shots at us. Although I do hope they tone down the cloud size and amount of poison the Infested Ospreys can generate at once, as well as make sure that Juggernaut's bombard attack is well telegraphed and gives you plenty of time to avoid it. Presently those attacks cover quite a bit of area rather quickly and on top of ignoring shields it seems like they'll be a nightmare for any frame that isn't Rhino.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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The enemy ideas they came up with were pretty amazing. Now we just need Infested Kubrows and we'll be set. We'll be ALL kinds of set my friends. Just wait and see! AHAHAHAHA!

Nope We need WIldlife that predates the Kurbows first :3

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For the Juggernaut, I hope they change his ranged attack from a straight-shot to more of an arcing shot, like a mortar.


Obviously it was a work in progress, but nonetheless.


They should. What we saw during the devstream was just a prototype/WIP or Tom's DreamBOX. 

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Who knows, the designer may have gotten the idea of it.

Or he could have come up with it himself.

It has been stated that, when the designers looked at enemy submissions, they were surprised to see some of them similar to what they planned.

Edited by YashiroSora
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