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Let's Discuss Loki.


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So much Hype for his Prime. So many claims of him being this "Master Race" (as in the best Frame in the game). Well, i'm about to potentially upset Loki fans by breaking down his abilitites, so leave now if you don't want that.


Loki is fragile as can be, with and without redirection/vitality. That's already a major downside compared to other frames.


Let's look at decoy. It "distracts" enemies into shooting a decoy, but does not mean they won't attack real Tenno who get near them. That's as mediocre as crowd controlling gets. Excalibur, Vauban, Nekros, Nyx, Rhino's post-stomp effect and quite a few other frames do a much better job at crowd controlling than Loki could ever hope to do.


Let's look at invisibility. So, you can one-shot enemies with your melee? Cute. So can I with my Paris Prime, Dead, Brakk, Boar Prime, etc, etc. The difference being that I don't have to waste time getting within melee range to land my one-hit kill. Running around invisible doesn't help anyone. You're better off using your weapon instead of trying to melee every mob of enemies in the room.


Switch Teleport. The good old trolling ability. I see nothing good in this ability. You want to get behind that group of enemies? Thanks for teleporting that Napalm behind me to move over there. Need to catch up? Thanks for swapping places with me all the way back to the bottom of the room. There's also that infamous teleport people through elevators and break their mission. For example, this is what happened when a troll playing Loki used switch teleport on me in an elevator during a Corpus alert.



Radial Disarm. Not much to say about this. You disarmed that group of heavies? Thanks, Now I just got instantly downed from a melee gang bang from every direction. The only time this is even slightly good is when you manage to pair it with a decoy, but that almost always ends up being short-lived, and ultimately a waste of time and energy. 


tl;dr Loki is a fragile frame with mediocre abilitites that is inferior to most other Warframes with similar abilitites, in my opinion.


This is my opinion, you can say what you want. I won't debate it with you if you're just going to be uncivilized, make assumptions or otherwise derail in any fashion. 

Edited by Tymerc
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Decoy - Even if it's for a few moments, it's nice to have things shooting at something other than me.


Invisibility - See response for "Decoy"


Switch Tele - Ehhn... Yeah, I got nothin except for trolling, so I'll give you that one.


Radial Disarm - I'd rather have a heavy gunner/napalm charging at me with a stick than a MG/OP as Hell Death Ray Napalm launcher

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I don't play Loki that often anymore, but I do think I need to say you opinion is biased and from my perspective quite flawed. Loki is a great frame, his abilities can be used in ways that you have, from what I am guessing not seen. Going invisible then running across a room full of foes, and then switching to get an ally across a dangerous bit if a level.this is a simple example, there are many other ways of using a Loki. I know you said you will not debate my take on the matter but I still think this had to be said.

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Showing that there's nothing "Master" about him at all.

The "Loki Masstuurr Race" is pretty much a meme. Or rather I'm pretty sure it is.

Not sure if you're trolling or just taking what people are saying too literally.

Sure, he's a good frame, but pretty much every knows that most of the frames are good.

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#1 - No, no, the good thing about this skill is that it's extremely cheap and has no side effects to draw aggro. Any enemy in the range of the Decoy will not attack Tenno, as the Decoy's threat level is considered higher. It's your fault for staying away from the Decoy.. and besides, you can just turn invisible.

#2 - Did you forget that this ability completely removes aggro from Loki? If enemies are not attacking you, you are effectively invincible, unless you get in the away of an attack on someone/something else. The melee damage boost is more of a wonderful side-effect.

#3 - I agree with you. A Loki who trolls will use this to troll, and one who doesn't will probably keep this ability off. It's only good point is for relocating a dude in a crowd to a sniper position.

#4 - No, no, melee gangbangs only happen if you're stupid. Ranged weapons trump melee enemies in all circumstances. Now feel relieved that the nearby Loki just nullified all the damn Napalms and Parasitic Eximus'.


That's what I think. I like Lokis, as long as they aren't trolling.

Edited by AlchemistMute
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I agree with OP on everything except few things.

1) Go invis complete capture/deception/datamsss collection missions in 2-4 minutes without any problems

2) Cmon mate it is a prime to grind and will look better than current horribly textured Loki

3) Haven't seen Switch teleport trollers for a very long time now.

4) Radial disarm indeed does what you say. But enemies clump upin that case making other abilities like  MP, Rhino stomp Miasma Vortex to work out better sometimes or you can just go and sword alone them because they clump up again. 

I am not Loki fan but I changed my mind on him. He is usefull sometimes but not great team frame, he is solo frame.

Edited by Zarlockk
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So much Hype for his Prime. So many claims of him being this "Master Race". Well, i'm about to upset a lot of fanboys by breaking down his abilitites, so leave now if you don't want that.


Loki is fragile as can be, with and without redirection/vitality. That's already a major downside compared to other frames.


Let's look at decoy. It "distracts" enemies into shooting a decoy, but does not mean they won't attack real Tenno who get near them. That's as mediocre as crowd controlling gets. Excalibur, Vauban, Nekros, Nyx, Rhino's post-stomp effect and quite a few other frames do a much better job at crowd controlling than Loki could ever hope to do.


Let's look at invisibility. So, you can one-shot enemies with your melee? Cute. So can I with my Paris Prime, Dead, Brakk, Boar Prime, etc, etc. The difference being that I don't have to waste time getting within melee range to land my one-hit kill. Running around invisible doesn't help anyone. You're better off using your weapon instead of trying to melee every mob of enemies in the room.


Switch Teleport. The good old trolling ability. I see nothing good in this ability. You want to get behind that group of enemies? Thanks for teleporting that Napalm behind me to move over there. Need to catch up? Thanks for swapping places with me all the way back to the bottom of the room. There's also that infamous teleport people through elevators and break their mission. For example, this is what happened when a troll playing Loki used switch teleport on me in an elevator during a Corpus alert.



Radial Disarm. Not much to say about this. You disarmed that group of heavies? Thanks, Now I just got instantly downed from a melee gang bang from every direction. The only time this is even slightly good is when you manage to pair it with a decoy, but that almost always ends up being short-lived, and ultimately a waste of time and energy. 


tl;dr Loki is a fragile frame with mediocre abilitites that is inferior to most other Warframes with similar abilitites.


This is my opinion, you can say what you want. I won't debate it with you. (As in argu back and forth. Act civilized, and we can dicuss.)

you're funny. Loki is one of the top 5 warframes. lol.  he makes up his low status for invisibility and CC.

too adv for you I guess.

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Decoy: I think that you forgot that it's only his first ability, and for a 25 energy ability that affects any type of enemy of any level it's awesome (even if it's for a brief moment).


Invisibility: You can join me for a 1 hour (or more) t3s with your paris prime, and we'll see who can still kill: my loki with his melee - or you with your paris (assuming you won't start crying that you're out of ammo, and can't kill anything at 30).

And doesn't help anyone? Tell that to the thousands of thanks I got from people I revived while being invisible (while everyone else was too busy not dying).


Switch teleport: Just going to quote something I replied to you already on a different thread:


There are douches playing every frame: Nova (spamming ults), Valkyr (pulling you with the whip), and even your beloved frost (spamming globes vs infested, or generally to block your line of fire), etc...

Feel free to join me for a few games when I'm playing Loki. No need to generalize an entire playerbase because of your bad experience.


Radial disarm: Your statement doesn't make an sense, which is driven from pure jealousy to the master race.


Your entire post is fueled out of pure hate and rage for the real master race, and being a "fanboy" has nothing to do with that.


Bow down to him you peasant.



Edited by DMan128
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Radial Disarm. Not much to say about this. You disarmed that group of heavies? Thanks, Now I just got instantly downed from a melee gang bang from every direction. The only time this is even slightly good is when you manage to pair it with a decoy, but that almost always ends up being short-lived, and ultimately a waste of time and energy. 


tl;dr Loki is a fragile frame with mediocre abilitites that is inferior to most other Warframes with similar abilitites.


This is my opinion, you can say what you want. I won't debate it with you. (As in argu back and forth. Act civilized, and we can dicuss.)

It's your opinion, sure. But this particular part? It's wrong. Just plain wrong. Radial disarm is one of, if not the best ability in the game. It's because of this that I can solo T3 Mobile Defense. Radial disarm with a gun with punch through? Yeah, this is totally just a waste of energy making grineer/corpus/corrupted less dangerous than the infested.


To be honest, reading your post and looking at your screenshot just makes me think you're mad that some Loki trolled you, and you're tired of hearing about how good Loki is whilst not being able to take advantage of his powers for yourself. But that's just my opinion, I won't debate it with you. (as in I totally would but there is nothing to debate)

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It's your opinion, sure. But this particular part? It's wrong. Just plain wrong. Radial disarm is one of, if not the best ability in the game. It's because of this that I can solo T3 Mobile Defense. Radial disarm with a gun with punch through? Yeah, this is totally just a waste of energy making grineer/corpus/corrupted less dangerous than the infested.


To be honest, reading your post and looking at your screenshot just makes me think you're mad that some Loki trolled you, and you're tired of hearing about how good Loki is whilst not being able to take advantage of his powers for yourself. But that's just my opinion, I won't debate it with you. (as in I totally would but there is nothing to debate)

I'm not mad in the slightest. I stated my opinion about his mediocre abilities, and provided a picture as an example to back up my opinion. I know the truth hurts, but try to adapt to it. There's no hatred. Just my honest opinion.

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